Summon another Servant!

Zhao Ziqing expressed his thoughts, and he felt that this was the safest plan.

When the Lion King heard this plan, his expression froze for a moment, but he quickly reacted.

She was a divine Servant summoned as a [real body].

The blessing from the Holy Spear gave her infinite magic power.

She did not need the magic power provided by the Master, and could fight at her full strength as she pleased!

This also meant...

This young Master can definitely summon a second Servant!

Just like eliminating [Uzumura Ryunosuke], he can have the qualifications of another Master!

As long as he gets the other party's Command Seal, he can summon a new Servant with the second Command Seal!

There are only seven Servants participating in the Holy Grail War!

As long as his side has two Servants!

In secret, he will conclude an alliance with another Master!

He will have the fighting power of three Servants!

As long as he gets there before the others react!

The three of them work together to kill a Servant first!

Unless the remaining three Servants unite, it will not be enough evidence!...

A brief moment of distraction...

A solid battle plan has already emerged in the Lion King's mind.

"You are indeed the Master."

"You can actually think of this step."

The Lion King praised sincerely. She was becoming more and more satisfied with her master!


Zhao Ziqing showed a puzzled look, he didn't seem to say anything

"Let me do this dirty work."

""Master, do you know the whereabouts of the other participants?"

The Lion King's tone was mixed with a hint of coldness.

Even the golden-green pupils showed the king's majesty in indifference!


The tenderness of this king only belongs to the Master!

For everyone else except the Master, she is still the Lion King who is so powerful that her opponents despair!...

The Lion King's swift and decisive actions made Zhao Ziqing's eyelids twitch wildly.

Unlike the Knight King who held high the banner of [Knightly Virtues].

This Lion King obviously cares more about the final result!

She is more realistic!

If she can't save all humans, she will protect the kind people and ignore the death of other humans!

If the price of saving the world requires the destruction of a city, she will not hesitate at all!


If she kills six people, she can save a city!

For the sake of justice, she can make a choice!

She will bear this karma for her master! She will take all the sins on herself!

It can be said that...

This Lion King and that Knight King are destined to be incompatible!

As long as it is for justice, she is willing to become the butcher's knife in the hands of the Master!...

"Lion King, I think you're taking this a bit too far..."

Feeling the cold killing intent emanating from the Lion King, Zhao Ziqing smiled bitterly and advised.

Blindly killing cannot solve the fundamental problem. If the Master who participated in the [Holy Grail War] died, the Holy Grail would also choose a new candidate to become the Master....

Among the new Masters, there is some evil.

Using some cheating method, he summoned a more terrifying Servant. For example: the ancient gods in mythology, the magic king in human history....

The future that awaits them will be even worse!...


"What is the Master going to do?"

The Lion King looked at his Master and waited quietly for his answer.


Zhao Ziqing fell into deep thought, looking at the entrance of the station, thinking of a solution in his mind....

Two unexpected people appeared in his sight....

An adult man in a red suit walked out of a black car holding the hand of a black-haired girl.

The girl was only about four or five years old.

Judging from her dependence on the man, he was probably her biological father.

The depressed girl lowered her head and looked around.


She noticed Zhao Ziqing wearing a white cloak.

A hint of surprise flashed in the girl's eyes, and she blinked her big eyes curiously.

Compared with the style of this era, Zhao Ziqing's outfit at this time seemed a bit strange.


The girl called out to the man beside her, asking him to look at the older brother in strange clothes.

"Xiaoying, don't be rude!"

The man whispered to his little daughter, and then bowed gracefully.

That was an ancient European aristocratic etiquette, and some magicians still use it today.

"Master, the other party is a magician."

The Lion King sensed the fluctuation of magic power on the other party and reminded him quietly.

"I know"

"He is Toshiomi Tōsaka, the head of the famous Tosaka family."

"They are also one of the magician families that created the [Holy Grail System]"

"If nothing unexpected happens, he has already obtained the qualification of a master."

While chatting and laughing, Lu Ren explained the other party's identity to the Lion King.

"One of the six targets?"

The Lion King murmured indifferently.

The golden sacred breath turned into a sharp spiral of light between her slender index fingers.

Since there is a stupid prey that comes to the door, how can we let him go?...

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