Chapter 304 C Du and Kong Ming’s Assistance

Ermelo II looked at Iskandar in front of him, he did not do what Weber did, because he understood that Iskandar was definitely not the kind of man who gave up casually, even if he knew how he ended.

“Iskander, I know I can’t stop you, but I will use all my strength to help you.”

After Ermero II finished speaking, he stretched out his hand and placed it on this Iskandar.

Identification eye A

The advice of the military division A+

The command of the military division A+

The three major skills fell directly on Iskander’s body, and in the next second, Iskandar felt an incomparably powerful force emerge from his body!

“Haha! Ermeiro, you are indeed my lucky star, now, let me move forward with your blessings. ”

After Iskandar said this, he focused all his attention on My King, and at this moment, he stepped on his divine power wheel, and then looked directly at My King in front of him, and at this moment, only the final decision remained in his eyes!


The Great Emperor attacked, the wheel of Shenwei began to turn wildly, and the thunder accompanied the chariot charged towards My King, and in front of Iskandar was the hero king he had always disrecognized! And behind him, the army’s momentum has dissipated!

But he still has to charge! He must prove to My King that his royal ways are absolutely not wrong?

Even if his chances of winning are slim! Even if he has only one person left, then he will fight to the end!

And in the face of the charging Iskander, my king also raised the sword of oath victory in his hand, and the golden light also shone on the sword of my king!

Behind my king, Artoria caster also silently raised the magic wand in her hand.

“Artoria, it’s not only the other side who has an assistant, he can, and I’m not weak.” Artoria caster raised the staff in her hand high!

Immediately afterwards, the same three rays of light also fell on Artoria’s body!

The charm of hope!

Grade: B!

This is Artoria Kast’s charm as a child of prophecy. Its abilities are comparable to those of Merlin, the crowned magician, who has a “dreamlike fighting spirit”.


Grade: A.

The protection of the goblins of the lake can give blessings or vows.

Sword of Choice

Grade: EX.

Artoria Kast’s final form.

Three rays of light fell on Artoria’s body, and in the next second, the momentum on Artoria’s body was not weak at all!

Two kings, one assisted by Ermelo II, the other assisted by C, at this moment, the two kings collided here!

“Conquer King, the breath of the assembled stars, the rush of the shining stars, take it, EX! calibur!!! ”

“The hegemon that ravages everything! Kamui wheels! ”

The thunder chariot rushed towards My King, and at the same time, My King also directly dropped the great sword in his hand!

In an instant, golden light gushed out from my king’s sword, and the boundless golden light engulfed Iskander’s figure, and in the face of this beautiful light, Iskander’s face also showed a smile.

“Knight King, this time… It was you who won. ”

After Iskandar said this, his figure completely disappeared into the sky. The wheels of the Mercedes stopped turning, leaving only Iskander’s last words.

Looking at the disappearing Iskander, Weber still did not hold back after all, Iskandar lost, why did he lose?

And looking at such Weber, Ermelo II also put his hand on Weber’s shoulder and said

“You don’t need to be so frustrated, Iskandar didn’t lose to the knight king, he lost to the live broadcast room.”

Listening to the words of Ermeiro II, Weber also reacted. That’s right, how could Iskandar have lost if it weren’t for the good things that my king opened from the live broadcast room?

However, Ermelo II did not know that if it were not for my king’s Avalon in Alice Phil’s body, my king could even end the Holy Grail War overnight.

On the other side, my king also silently withdrew the sword in his hand, and she did not move on Weber and them, but silently said to Weber Elmelo II and Alexander in front of her

“War … It’s over, you can go. ”

“Aren’t you going to make a move on me?” Weber looked at the king in front of him, “After I go back, I will definitely try to summon Iskandar again, do you really want to let me go?” ”

“That’s right.” My king said silently, “Even if you summon Iskander, with his pride, he will definitely not participate in this Holy Grail War again, so the Holy Grail War belonging to Iskandar is over.” ”

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