The first time, the second time.

One month later,

Ji Lin Province,


Jie Kune Do welcomed an uninvited guest.

That was the boy who defeated Liu Hai Wang at the age of thirteen as rumored some time ago.

Now he has been called Jing Hai Wang by the martial artists in the circle!

“You said you want to spar?”

Sun Hai Wang, who is 1.8 meters tall and has a large body, looked down at the boy in front of him.

The skin is so slender and tender that it is almost fragile.

He couldn’t help but doubt the authenticity of the rumor.

Can such a person really defeat Liu Hai Wang?

And he doesn’t exude the aura of a martial artist at all.

He looks like an ordinary child.


Jingyu looked at the gold rings on the other’s ten fingers, wondering what he thought of.

Suddenly he laughed.

“As a martial artist, do you want to refuse the challenge from others in public?”

Seeing that around the two people,

there were audiences wearing white uniforms.

Without exception, they were all disciples of Jeet Kune Do.

“Hmph, a poor way of provoking others.”

Hearing this, Sun Haiwang snorted coldly.

His tone was full of disdain.

“But you are right, as a martial artist I will not refuse any challenge from anyone!”

He also wanted to see if this rumored genius boy was really that powerful.

“Then why not start now?”

Jingyu asked for the other party’s opinion.

It happened that the two were also in the practice area.

“I can do anything.”

While talking, Sun Haiwang took off his coat.

Revealing his strong muscles.

The exaggerated back muscles made his back profile look like a bat.

This caused a burst of exclamation from the surrounding disciples.

“This muscle, this body, he is worthy of being Sun Haiwang!”

“Where did that brat come from? He dared to challenge Sun Haiwang. Is he looking for death?”

“And why did Sun Haiwang agree? The other party is obviously a child?”

It is normal that they don’t know Jingyu.

After all, they are just apprentices.

How could they have thought that the boy in front of them had defeated a sea king.

And it was Liu Haiwang, who was known as the god of fighting!


Just then,

the man closest to the two spoke.

He looked to be two meters tall, and his muscle profile was not inferior to Sun Haiwang.

He was the eldest brother of Jeet Kune Do!

“Be respectful, he is the new Jing Haiwang!”

“What, what?!”

Hearing this,

everyone in the audience was shocked.

He is also a sea king? !

Just this little brat? !

Everyone stared at Jingyu with unbelievable eyes.

They could not imagine that this boy was actually the Sea King!

You know, the Sea King is the highest honor for Chinese warriors.

Each of them has been trained for at least decades to get the title.

However, no matter how shocked the people around him were.

At this moment, the two people in the center were ready to start sparring!

“Can we start?”

After warming up, Sun Haiwang, who was bare-chested, asked.

The distance between the two was only five meters at the moment.


Jingyu nodded calmly.

Who knew that as soon as he finished speaking,

he was greeted by a big foot that was close at hand!

In just a blink of an eye,

Sun Haiwang’s attack fell on Jingyu!


The strong collision sounded in everyone’s ears!

Sun Haiwang kicked Jingyu in the chest with a side kick.

The thin body weighing only 40kg was kicked out directly!

“Good, so fast!”

He didn’t hold back at all.

This was the first time that the surrounding disciples saw Sun Haiwang use all his strength.

The speed was ridiculously fast!

They, the bystanders, didn’t even react!

“Is it over?”

After being kicked by this blow,

it was hard for them to imagine that the boy could still stand up.

But what they didn’t expect was that

the boy not only stood up from the ground again.

He even looked unharmed!

“The speed is good, but the power is a little lacking.”

Jingyu patted the dust off his chest and commented.

He had a chance to dodge just now.

But in order to experience Sun Haiwang’s power, he deliberately didn’t dodge.

The fact was just as he expected,

Sun Haiwang

‘s power is too weak!

Not even half of Liu Haiwang’s!

He used the force dissipation to dissipate all of this power effortlessly.

“You, changed the direction of the force?”

Sun Haiwang widened his eyes and showed a look of shock.

Recalling the details just now.

He clearly kicked the opponent’s head.

But the opponent took the initiative to hit him with his chest.

Not only that, a slight sideways movement caused his power to flow completely in another direction.

This is also one of the ways to use force dissipation.

“Did you see that? It seems that you still have some real skills.”

Jingyu praised while slowly walking towards the other party.

“What did you say?”

Just a little bit of skill?

Wherever he went, Sun Haiwang was admired by thousands of people?

Now a child said that he only had a little skill?

Although it was rumored that he defeated Liu Haiwang,

But this was not a reason for him to look down on himself!

The fist was clenched tightly,

The gold ring was almost deformed!

It can be seen how angry Sun Haiwang was at this moment!

The muscles of the whole body began to swell and bulge,

The blood vessels appeared under the skin like a line.

This also indicated that Sun Haiwang would use all his strength next!

“Fall down!”

Sun Haiwang pushed the ground with his left leg,

and hit Jingyu with his right fist at lightning speed.

Accompanied by bursts of breaking wind, only the afterimage of the fist could be seen in the air.

“Is this Jeet Kune Do?”

If so, it’s too ordinary!

Jingyu’s upper body leaned to one side,

without even moving his feet, he dodged Sun Haiwang’s attack!

“It’s not over yet!”

Seeing that his attack was actually dodged,

Sun Haiwang had no time to think carefully.

Because the attack missed, his body fell to the right.

But instead of stopping his falling body,

he used his legs and waist and abdomen to exert force together,

and the whole person spun in the air!

A powerful whip kick!

It kicked towards Jingyu’s head like a car!


Jingyu stretched out his hand to block the right side of his head,

and then came the scene of rapid retreat.

He was kicked away again!

The whole person bounced on the ground like a balloon.


“Sun Haiwang is really amazing!”

“Dazzling attack, come on Master!”

“Kill that arrogant kid!”

There were cheers all around.


Sun Haiwang himself was solemn.

The reason was that

the blow was too light!

It was like kicking cotton!

The child’s body was soft to begin with, and now Jingyu has learned how to dissipate force.

It’s like adding wings to a tiger!

Sun Haiwang’s attack of this degree could not cause any harm to him at all.

Although he said so,

“It still hurts a little.”

Jingyu stood up again in the surprised eyes of the people around him.

He stretched out his slightly swollen right hand.

But that was all.

Sun Haiwang’s full-strength attack could only make his body a little red and swollen.

“Is it really the force elimination?”

Sun Haiwang had heard about it some time ago.

This young genius can use force elimination.

He did not believe it.

You know, it is very difficult to use force elimination in battle.

Because in order to use the full force elimination, you must relax your muscles and body.

However, facing the attack of others, facing the threat of being hit or even dying.

The human body and muscles will have an instinctive reaction.

Tightly tied together because of fear!

This is instinct, a conditioned reflex.

For example, the knee-jerk reaction, no one can violate it!

To overcome this instinctive reaction, you need to fight and hone constantly.

It takes decades of accumulation.

That’s why he didn’t believe it!

A boy of only thirteen years old actually learned the complete power dissipation!

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