Xiaomo felt comfortable, so he leaned towards Belfa and leaned on Belfa’s bridge.

Xiaomo just leaned on Belfa’s bridge to rest.

Akashi was cleaning the goods in the ship with Shiranui, and Zhanyan was drinking tea on the side.

Elizabeth jumped directly into Xiaomo’s arms and asked him to hold her, preparing to take a short rest.

So Xiaomo held Elizabeth, Belfa held Xiaomo, and the three of them lay harmoniously on the sofa that Xiaomo specially took out. Belfa pressed Xiaomo’s temples to relax Xiaomo and lie comfortably.

In this way, everyone waited for Tartaglia to release the Whirlpool Demon God Osel. Before Xiaomo left, he told Ying some things to pay attention to, which accelerated the plot.

Presumably, the Final Machine has been repaired now, and it is now on the way to the Jade Pavilion. From the small map, we can see that Tartaglia’s avatar is approaching the Golden Pavilion, and Keqing is already in the Jade Pavilion.


Ningguang looked at the alchemy potion Keqing took out and examined it carefully in her hand:”Which foreign merchant brought this product?”

Keqing:”Yes, the products Xiaomo brought are very effective. If the Qianyan Army is equipped with these, it can improve security. I have also tested it, and it has a very good effect on the original gods!”

Ningguang:”Oh! Really? It seems that your friend came prepared.” Ningguang

:”And you have a special relationship with your friend. I heard that he has already lived in your house.” Keqing:”

No! We are just ordinary friends. We have only known each other for one day. It’s just that he has just arrived in Liyue and has no place to stay, so I let him stay at my place. After all, the restaurant in Liyue is already full now.”

Facing Ningguang’s teasing words, Keqing hurriedly explained.

At this time, Ying had already arrived at the bottom of the Qun Yu Pavilion.

Paimeng:”What did Xiaomo say to you before the traveler left? He actually asked you to go to the immortals’ mechanism and destroy an experimental base of the Fatui.”

Ying:”Nothing, just a commission, but it’s really the same as Xiaomo said. Ganyu came to invite us to the Jade Pavilion but didn’t tell us how to get there. But on the way back, I saw a large number of Fatui being supervised by the Qianyan Army, which was a bit strange.”

Paimeng:”That’s right! But now let’s go find Ningguang. I don’t know what Tianquanxing Ningguang invited us for?”


The two came to the foot of the Jade Pavilion and found Buyun, the guide.

Paimeng thought:”Hmm? Let me think about it. According to what Xiaomo told us, I should say this.”

Paimeng:”Are moons for sale here?”

Buyun:”Yes, how many do you want?”

Paimeng:”The number is not convenient to disclose.”

Buyun:”Good answer, please enter the pavilion from here. By the way, you two are the guests arranged by Lord Ningguang today, right?”

Paimeng:”Yeah, that’s right!”

Buyun thought: This is not Keqing’s code, but the code of [Yuheng Special Permission]. What’s going on…

Just like that, Ying and Paimon climbed up to the Jade Pavilion, and Ningguang came out with Keqing.

Ningguang:”I’ve been waiting for you for a long time, traveler.”

Paimon:”Oh! It’s Ningguang and Keqing.”

Paimon:”Nice to meet you, Ningguang, we prepared a gift for you, I hope you like it.”

Ningguang greeted with a smile:”For me? Thank you very much, I invited you two to come, but it’s a bother for you two.”

Paimon waved his hand and said:”No need to bother!”

Ying:”The Jade Pavilion is very beautiful.”

Ningguang:”Haha, I’m so glad you like it too”


Ningguang told Ying the reason for the invitation, and soon Ningguang invited Ying and Paimong to the Jade Pavilion.

Paimong:”Wow! What a big living room!”

Ningguang looked at Ying and Paimong:”You two can do whatever you want, you can treat this as your own home.”

Paimong:”Ah, really?!” Ningguang

:”Of course, I invited you to treat you as friends, and when friends come to play, of course, happiness comes first.”

Yingniu turned around and saw a wall covered with papers:”Where is it…”

Paimong was surprised:”Hey! Is this the legendary wall?”

Ningguang:”Oh? You are well-informed.”

Paimong:”Because even the storyteller is saying… Many people are asking for the papers on the wall, it is very famous!”

Paimong suddenly saw another familiar paper on the wall and flew over to take a closer look. Paimong hurriedly said:”Traveler, come and see! This seems to be the place where the Fatui were destroyed before, and it is exactly the same as the place Xiaomo gave!”

Ningguang was surprised:”Oh! Really?”

Hearing the voice, Ningguang and Keqing came over.

Paimon:”Yes, this is the commission that Xiaomo gave to the Traveler before. Where did we find the Fatui making a large number of Forbidden talismans?”

Ningguang held her chin with her hand and thought:”The Fatui are spending so much manpower on this, there must be some big move. The Forbidden talisman is a rune used in ancient times to exert divine power. If the Fatui copy it in large quantities, I wonder what the Fatui’s purpose is.”

Ying thought of the Fatui’s purpose in Mondstadt, and then thought of the Fatui’s purpose:”It should be for the Heart of God. The Fatui’s such a big move must be to attract the attention of the Thousand Rocks Army in order to plan for the Heart of God.”

Ningguang:”The Immortal Ancestor’s transformation was hidden in the Golden House by the Seven Stars.”

Paimon interrupted what Ningguang was about to say:”Golden House!? When I was discussing with Zhongli before, Tartaglia seemed to have heard it nearby and seemed to know something about the Golden House.” Keqing quickly got up:”I’ll go to the Golden House to take a look now.”

Ying:”Let’s go together.”

Paimon:”Hey! Traveler, wait for me.”

After that, he took Paimon and quickly caught up with Keqing.

Ningguang looked out the window at the dark clouds outside, and a depressing atmosphere filled her heart.


Xiao Mo stood up and looked at everyone’s movements on the small map. The plot was slightly off, but not too far off. Soon we’ll see a big scene.

“Befa, take Elizabeth back to sort out the affairs first, we have been out for a while.”

Befa:”Okay, Master.”

Elizabeth:”But I haven’t had enough fun yet!”

“Well, as Her Majesty the Queen, how can you be so lazy! It’s been almost a day since I came out, and the group has already notified you that there are a lot of files waiting for you to deal with.”

Elizabeth gave up struggling and said,”Okay! Got it!”

Just like that, after Belfa took Elizabeth back first, Xiaomo also got up and walked out with War-weariness.

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