Now he was able to distinguish the branches of the Hungry Ghost Dao and the Human Dao

“Which one to choose?”

Meluem couldn’t help but hesitate, after all, he was the first doppelgänger and needed to be carefully considered.

“The ability of the early human path can only absorb the soul of the ownerless

Hungry Ghost Road, on the other hand, can wield powerful melee combat abilities.

With the domineering ability to absorb the life energy, the Hungry Ghost Dao is enough to protect itself in the world before the Dark Continent. ”

Thinking of this, Meluem made a decision to give birth to a hungry ghost doppelganger first, which is the safest.

The thought moved.

The projection of the branch of the hungry ghost road in the depths of the soul was placed in the queen ant and began to give birth to the most central position of the guard.

The projection in the virtual state instantly covers the original embryo, completely replaced, and slowly conceived by the queen.

After projecting the entity smoothly, Meluam finds that he seems to have two perceptual perspectives:

One is ontological, and the other is projected by the branches of the Hungry Ghost Road.

The tree of reincarnation gives Meruem a dual-minded ability

It’s not just dual-purpose, with the other six branches projected

Meluem will naturally learn to do three-mindedly, April… ability.

In fact, this ability tends to be more instinctive.

Projection and ontology can be seen as working together to form a living being, which has only one mind at work.

With the gestation of the queen ant, the huge life energy accumulated in the past is constantly projecting towards the hungry ghost road.

Meluem also began to take the initiative to activate the ability of the Hungry Ghost Dao Projection, constantly accelerating the absorption of life energy.

In the blink of an eye, an embryo was formed.

The limbs continued to develop, although the queen ant was surprised that the first guard was pregnant for such a short time.

But if you feel that the development is very healthy, you don’t think about it much.

In just over 10 minutes, the queen ant felt that the egg breeding of the guards was completed.

From the outside, the queen’s abdomen is propped up high, far larger than when the soldiers were conceived.

The queen knew it was time to give birth and couldn’t help but start shrinking her belly.

Seeing this, the surrounding soldier ants responsible for delivering babies have thousands of them to help the queen give birth.

As the queen ant gave birth vigorously, a giant egg exuding a terrifying aura slowly emerged from the tail of the queen.

The soldier ants around them couldn’t help but be suppressed by this breath, and they were in the instinct of life, crawling around the queen.

Seeing this, Meluem couldn’t help but weaken the breath of life.

The soldier ant who delivered the baby felt the pressure suddenly cleared and got up to return to normal.

Following the delivery procedure, the giant egg produced by the queen is moved to a separate incubation room next to it.

In the separate hatching room, a 3-meter giant egg stands, and a powerful heartbeat sound is constantly heard from above.

The adult eggs, which originally took several days, were conceived in just over 10 minutes after being accelerated by the ability of the hungry ghost

Now Meluem-Hungry Ghost Dao continues to exert his ability, quietly accelerating the absorption of nutrients in the egg.

With the naked eye, it can be seen that as the dark green giant egg slowly becomes lighter in color, the body of Meluem-Hungry Ghost Road gradually matures.

Half a day later, the dark green giant egg was close to transparent

Suddenly, “Shh ”

A red hand stabbed out of the giant egg, and along with the rupture of the outer sac of the giant egg, a crimson humanoid creature appeared all over:

Muscular, 3 meters tall, full of oppression, with a pair of horns on his head.

The most striking thing is the pair of mysterious circle eyes, the powerful tail constantly pumping the air, and the sound of breaking sounds.

“Finally, finally, it was born, Huh! Whoosh! Whoosh! ”

Meruem-Hungry Ghost shouted excitedly, and exuded his thoughts without hesitation.

The dark thought burst out instantly.

The entire mountain where the anthill is located is shrouded in the thought of Meruem-Hungry Ghost Road.

Every creature in the mountain felt this amazing sense of oppression and all crawled to the ground.

Meluem is now dual-minded and has two perceptual worlds.

One is the king who is still in the embryonic stage, and the other is everything that the hungry ghost Dao perceives.

After all, the Hungry Ghost Road is actually Meruem.

Even if Meluem dies, Meluem will be resurrected on the other six bodies, and his soul will be transferred with it.

Meruem-Hungry Ghost senses his own body.

The muscles full of strength and the terrifying thoughts that were daunting made Meluem deeply addicted.

But he did not forget that in the world of mental ability, the huge amount of thoughts can make people occupy a huge advantage

But it is not an absolute victory factor, the ability to read is strange, and it will overturn in a moment.

The newborn king in the original book is definitely bigger than the hungry ghost road at this time, but he was still killed

“So it’s not the time to swell yet”,

Meluam knew that the birth of the Hungry Ghost Road was only the first step, the first step to protect the smooth conception of his own body.

But his ambitions are more than that

It is not only necessary to ensure the smooth conception of the ontology, but also to allow the ontology to absorb nutrients far beyond the original.

Before he was born, Meluem could absorb energy with maximum efficiency

to strengthen their physical and mental strength, and even the essence of life.

After birth, the same degree of strengthening for the ontology

The resources required will be several times greater than before birth, and some defects will be difficult to repair.

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