Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 423: Go find a black fish

Feeling that Yu Lan's answer was barely considerate, Mo Wen raised the corner of his mouth, smiled slightly, and there was no more words.

Zui Wuye didn't care about anything else at this moment. He even hopped up to several people in the supply department and quarreled with them about the decoration.

From Zui Wuye's point of view, of course, the decoration should be exactly the same as before, but the people in the supply department said that it is a very troublesome thing to decorate exactly the same. The materials required are relatively large, and the time is spent. More.

"What's the hurry?" Zui Wuye couldn't help but growled, like a woman who is about to undergo menopause, "Now Xiu Qi is not in Yumeng, you can cultivate slowly. I think it may be a long time before he comes back. I’m not in a hurry for any time you rush."

Are you in a hurry like this?

Feeling slobbered by the drunk emperor, a person from the supply department wiped his face silently, and finally gave in and nodded under his lust, "I see."

Zui Wuye is satisfied.

"Hey, boss, what else do you have?" Feeling that the decoration issue has now passed, Zui Wuye immediately ran back to Mo Wen and whispered, "If you have nothing to do, I will find Lu Shi first. See if you can get some desserts from him to repair the collection first."

"This is for you." He didn't comment on what Zui Wuye was going to do to make up for Xiu Qi next. He handed over the file in his hand, and put his hand back into his trouser pocket. "Qu Miaomiao brought her back here. According to the news from the next inquiries, I think that instead of letting Ark do something with no purpose, it is better for him to intercept the batch of weapons sent from the north."

"Good idea!" After reading the contents of the file at a glance and ten lines, Zui Wuye raised his eyes and said seriously, "This is more than the actual amount of things that Ark can rob and don't know if it can be robbed."

"Do you know where the transaction location is?" After a pause, Zui Wuye couldn't help but asked aloud, already starting to make plans in his heart.

"I don't know for the time being, but Qu Miaomiao said that the trading time is only these few days. You'd better find out." Mo Wen said lightly, and at the same time pushed Mo Xiaohuan to Zui Wuye's side, "You Continue to follow Drunk Wuye, eat and drink whatever you want. If something goes wrong, he wouldn't dare to do anything to you, because you are my daughter."

An angel-like smile appeared after the inscription, and he walked away with Yu Lan, leaving Zui Wuye and Mo Xiaohuan looking at each other, as if they didn't know what to say to express their feelings.

After a while, Mo Xiaohuan showed a happy smile at Zui Wuye, shocked Zui Wuye almost collapsed to the ground. In his eyes, this little ancestor is really a character that can't be scolded, he Admit counseling, can he admit counseling is not enough.

It seemed that Zui Wuye's sad expression was very funny at this time, Mo Xiaohuan continued to laugh twice like a demon, and then rushed to grab Zui Wuye's sleeve.

Zui Wuye turned his eyes to look at this follower, sighed and accepted his fate and continued to do his dad's duties.

"You are not allowed to eat sweets in the future, you know?" Zui Wuye pointed to Mo Xiaohuan's nose solemnly, "Even if you eat, you can't eat so much anymore, you're killing me."

"Hmm." Mo Xiaohuan nodded, and what he promised was refreshing.

After that, Zui Wuye naturally sent someone to investigate the trade in the dark places in the north and south, and at the same time ordered Ark to stand by temporarily.

Of course, Ark still listened to Drunk Wuye's words very much. As he took the order, he also looked back at the three new people who had joined this mission.

"The plan has changed. We can just stay on hold these days." Turning back and commanding to his subordinates, at the same time, he turned his head to look at Gong Gaoge and the three of them. "You three are not in our ministry, although I don’t know why the boss asked you to do the same task with me, but you’d better not hold us back, and take the time of these few days to hone the tacit understanding with our teammates."

"Yes!" Among the three, Gong Gaoge had the loudest voice, and the whole person was also the most active.

Looking at the active Gong Gaoge's Ark as a whole, he was still very satisfied. This teenager gave him a feeling of great potential.

Gong Gaoge and Yang Tianzong were both members of the Weapons Department, while Yang Chu was a member of the Defense Department.

Although he was subconsciously disgusted with the people in the Defense Department, he didn't know why he just didn't hate the people in the Defense Department.

At the beginning, this person felt very cold, but looking at the scene when he and Yang Tianzong were getting along with them, we can probably infer that he belongs to the type of cold outside and hot inside.

As for Yang Tianzong, who was relatively calmer than Gong Gaoge, he was generally the one who made the idea of ​​the three people. Although he was not resourceful, he was more intelligent than Gong Gaoge.

Finally, as for Gong Gaoge... Fang Zhou was too lazy to narrate.

He felt that he had learned about these three people carefully before Fang Zhou turned and left. He was going to Gu Cheng to ask when the weapon was made.

At this time, the ink text was walking outside with Yu Lan. There were a lot of zombies wandering outside, many of them were first-order zombies that had just turned into zombies, and they didn't even know that they were afraid of Yu Lan.

A few short-eyed people rushed over, but it was a pity that they had died under Mowen's ability before they rushed to them.

"It seems that many zombies will appear in the past few days." Yu Lan shook his head and said lightly.

"It doesn't matter, they can't do anything." Mo Wen carelessly leaned on Yu Lan's shoulders, smashing all the zombies trying to get close to them into powder.

Yu Lan touched the wings of the firebird and sat quietly by the lake, seemingly unaware of what Mowen was doing.

"Black fish?" She whispered to the lake surface, but there was no sound from the lake water for a long while, and the still calm stagnation lies in Lan's eyes. Sometimes when a cool breeze blows, a thin layer of the lake surface ripple.

The Firebird was also looking around curiously at this time, but it didn't see anything except the endless lake.

"Is it inaudible?" Mo Wen couldn't help but walked over and asked when Yu Lan had been calling by the lake for a long time and there were no zombies floating on the surface.

After all, it was under the lake water, no matter how Yu Lan shouted, it was unlikely to get into the water.

"They don't necessarily rely on ears to listen to us. Consciousness can convey the past." Yu Lan stood up and curled his eyebrows. "I have clearly felt the black fish's voice, but why didn't it come up so late? What is the reason?"

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