Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 347: You listen to me

"Let's go." Xiu Qi turned around and said, "There is no point in following."

Now that he saw Ye Wuchen, it must be a false desire alliance.

"Huh?" Sheng Ge was taken aback, got up and walked on his short legs and followed him, without asking anything of interest.

Before leaving, she looked back, and didn't know what the boy had said. The businessman's face was very ugly, and she left without a trace after shaking her hand.

It seems that the background of this hypocritical alliance is not small, and it is still capable of tossing under such oppression in the north.

Ye Wuchen returned to the weapon shop with the broom as he watched the merchant leave, lowered his head and continued to sweep the floor.

"What's the matter?" Huo Yuzhi ran over with a rag, lowered his head slightly and asked.

"I took our goods and was afraid of being unsafe." Ye Wuchen sneered, "You have the courage to make money but you don't have the courage to take risks."

"If it weren't for our tight hands now, who would let someone like him help us." Huo Yuzhi took the rag and started wiping the table, his voice disdainful.

"But they are people like them that are reliable. They are afraid of death but love money." Ye Wuchen swept the ground and walked to Huo Yuzhi and smiled at her. "Just now he threatened me... if we don't protect He told us to the north."

"Ah, what do you say?" Huo Yuzhi was taken aback.

"I told him that we, who can provide him with such good materials, have enough strength behind him to make him worse than death." Ye Wuchen smiled low.

"This is the truth, the gods of our desire for alliances are real." Huo Yuzhi smiled very happily, and his subordinates wiped the table more quickly, "Everything will be fine."

"Yes, God will bless us." Ye Wuchen looked at Huo Yuzhi quietly and smiled, his voice extremely calm.


Three months later.

The coldest time has passed, and the weather now has become extremely hot and unbearable, and the intense sunlight is a bit unbearable for those with supernatural powers.

Zhang Xin rode a motorcycle quickly through several mounds, and shook off the zombies behind him to reach the land area.

After driving the car to the shadow of a tall building, Zhang Xin finally breathed a sigh of relief, took off his helmet and wiped the fine sweat on his face.

"Now let's rest here for a while, and when the sun is at its strongest at noon, we will move on."

Qu Yaoyao jumped off the motorcycle directly, took off his helmet and flicked his hair. The bright black hair was scattered lightly, and a lot of hair had been glued to her forehead.

"You should tie up your hair." Zhang Xin only felt that her long hair looked hot.

"No." Qu Yaoyao shook his head awkwardly, "It's my sister's privilege to tie my hair, not mine."

"It's a privilege to tie a hair?" Zhang Xin felt that he was about to be grinned.

"Of course." Qu Yaoyao said with a smile, "This is the only way to separate my sister and me."

"Actually, I don't think your sisters are very similar." Leaning the motorcycle downstairs, Zhang Xin leaned against the entrance of the corridor and said, "Actually, your sister gave me a feeling of...different appearance."

"Different appearances?" Qu Yaoyao frowned and slapped Zhang Xin's head with a slap. "Who told you to say that to my sister?"

Zhang Xin scratched his head dullly, and heard Qu Yaoyao say something just as he was about to say, "But you are right, my sister is indeed inconsistent."

Then you still beat me? !

Zhang Xin roared in his heart.

"Hey hey, do you want to look inside?" Qu Yaoyao asked in a low voice, pounding Zhang Xin's shoulder.

"This is the first land area. We'd better not run around." Zhang Xin sat on the ground and beat his thigh, feeling uncomfortable everywhere.

He spent most of the past few days on a motorcycle, and now he has a rare opportunity to rest here for a while, but he doesn't want to die.

"But we haven't seen many zombies along the way." Qu Yaoyao curled his lips.

"After being chased all the way, there are not many zombies. Then you say that as many zombies are called." Qu Yaoyao gave Qu Yaoyao a sideways, Zhang Xin really wanted to unscrew her skull to see if there was any paste inside.

"It's just not as much as I thought." Qu Yaoyao sat beside Zhang Xin, curling his lips and said, "I heard that there are mountains of zombies in the Land of Death.

"But when you look at us, apart from being chased by some zombies, where can you see a mountain of corpses..."

Qu Yaoyao complained as he spoke, his face was boring, "I would not come if I knew it was so boring."

"The reason you agreed to Zheng Yunfei in the first place was not because you could see a dense number of zombies?" Zhang Xin doubted.

When Zheng Yunfei found them and asked them to go to the place of death, Qu Yaoyao agreed in one fell swoop before he heard what he wanted them to do. What he promised was refreshing.

"Of course!" Qu Yaoyao squinted at Zhang Xin, with an expression of "you are talking nonsense".

"..." Zhang Xin thought that Qu Yaoyao was sentimental before agreeing to him because he wanted to protect him. Does he really think too much?

After a long sigh of relief, Zhang Xin knew that he couldn't expect too much from these lunatics.

"You know the tide of corpses this time. Most zombies have gone to the human zone. There are not many left in the land of death." Zhang Xin said lightly, "I was the third one when I came to the land of death a year ago. There are a lot of zombies chasing me in the district, and now we have encountered such a thing in the fourth and fifth districts."

"This shows that the danger of the Land of Death has been greatly reduced." Qu Yaoyao stroked his chin and meditated. "I doubt that many people will enter the Land of Death to explore this time."

"For example, you?" Zhang Xin gave her a sideways look.

"Aren't you?" Qu Yaoyao stared back fiercely.

"I'm just implicated, okay?" Zhang Xin hung his face and pretended to be innocent. "If it weren't so straightforward as you promised, I might have found a reason not to come to this ghost place."

"Do you have the courage to disobey the orders of Drunken Emperor?" Qu Yaoyao glanced contemptuously at him to show his unbelief.

Zhang Xin was really silent, and it took him a long time to honestly say, "I really don't have the guts."

Talking that Zhang Xin laughed at himself, took a bottle of water from the space and took a sip, not forgetting to pass a bottle to Qu Yaoyao.

"Save a little bit, the most scarce thing in summer is water."

"I know." Qu Yaoyao hummed lightly, shaking his head and taking a sip before raising his eyes, "but Yumeng does not lack food and water."

"Yes, yes." Zhang Xin rubbed the calf muscles, "but we are not in the union now, right? You still listen to me now."

"Bah." Qu Yaoyao snorted coldly, "Let me listen to you and dream."

"..." Zhang Xin grinned, "I still have my spring and autumn dream."

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