Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 312: Finally finished

Taking the words Yi An had said before hitting back, Mo Wen took the opportunity of his panic and raised his foot to press one of his wing, squatted down and directly pulled his neck with his hands.

"The size of the wings is not small, but you chose to solve me in this cave. Do you despise me too much."

Mowen's eyes were very calm when the blood was gushing out, but the smile on his lips was extremely cruel.

Trapped in Yi An's actions, he used his abilities to directly muddy Yi An's head.

Before Yi An had time to say a word during these series of movements, his body turned into powder and dissipated in the air.

His legs finally collapsed because of the overload pressure, Mo Wen lay directly on the cold ground, a wry smile appeared at the corners of his mouth.

Yi'an's abilities naturally have an impact on him, but he uses the high-intensity mental power when using supernatural powers to reluctantly get his nerves out of control.

At this moment, the muscles used because of excessive force, his muscles seemed to be exploded, and there was a piercing pain.

This time, if it were not for Yi'an to disperse his abilities to control the zombies, it would be absolutely impossible for him to take Yi'an like this.

But finally Yi An was resolved...

[Human, you can't kill me, as long as my consciousness lasts. 】

Yi'an's voice suddenly sounded from the depths of consciousness, Mo Wen was startled, stood up and looked around but saw nothing.

"Isn't this dead?" Mo Wen murmured a low eyebrow and sat back against the wall.

"If you are capable, come out and continue to kill me."

There was no sound in my mind for a while, and it took a long time for Mo Wen to hear light footsteps.

He opened his eyes prostrably, and the bitter smile on his lips immediately turned into a pleasant and gentle smile.

"Awen!" Yu Lan jumped off the rabbit's back and rushed towards Mo Wen. At a glance, he saw the blood stains on his forehead, "Are you injured?"

Seeing that Yu Lan wrinkled his face worriedly, Mo Wen couldn't help but raised his hand to pinch her nose and said, "Silly Lan, it's just a scratch, it's all right."

"Is it okay?" Yu Lan sneezed softly, flicking his tail around the ink writing, and looked around the cave vigilantly, "Where is Yi'an?"

"Running." Mowen lowered his eyes and said, "Blue, be careful with him."

"What's the matter?" Yu Lan barked his teeth fiercely, his gray eyes were cold, "I'm not afraid of him!"

"Yes, yes, you are the best." Yu Lan looks like a cat with fried hair now, and Mo Wen couldn't help laughing, "I will rely on you to protect me then."

"Of course!" Yu Lan promised that it was refreshing, and both eyes shone brightly.

He helped Mo Wen to sit up, and Yu Lan was relieved after checking his whole body to make sure there were no wounds.

The rabbit looked around with a bored look, and there was a faint water color on the hard bone spurs all over his body.

"Is this your newly collected zombie?" Mo Wen asked, looking sideways at Yu Lan.

"Well, it's called a rabbit." Yu Lan smiled and bent his eyes, beckoning the rabbit to come and rub his head.

The figure of this zombie is like a leopard. It is not too big but still looks slightly beautiful. It can't match the rabbit in any way.

"Why is it called a rabbit?" Mo Wen was puzzled.

"Because it is so good and cute." Yu Lan hugged Mo Wen's arm and said indifferently, "If its color is white, I would definitely call it a white rabbit."

When the rabbit heard this, he raised his eyes and glanced at Yu Lan, his eyes full of pity.

Why can't we do without a rabbit character? !

"Well, it's quite appropriate." Mo Wen nodded calmly without facing Yu Lan.

This time the zombie named Rabbit had no reaction at all, and he didn't want to move when he lay on the ground like a pile of mud.

"Where did Yi An escape? I didn't see it when I came." Feeling the warmth from the ink tattoos, Yu Lan closed his eyes and asked in a low voice, "I don't like it very much. I want to kill it all. That's fine."

"It's so fierce." Rubbing her blue hair, Mowen pinched her face with a smile and a smile before continuing, "Don't worry, his body has been destroyed by me, as long as there is no accident for the time being. I won't come out and jump."

"Can you live if your body is destroyed?" Yu Lan asked with eyes wide open in surprise.

"His consciousness seems to be still there." Mo Wen lowered his head around Lan's shoulders and asked her face, "Lan Lan, don't you understand Yi'an's abilities?"

Yu Lan shook his head, her eyes filled with confusion.

"Is this..." Seeing that Yu Lan really didn't know, Mo Wen turned his head and thought about it before explaining, "I think his body and consciousness should be separate. Just now his body was obviously destroyed, but Its consciousness is still talking to me."

"Are you talking now?" Yu Lan was a little curious.

Mo Wen shook his head, "There is no sound now."

At this moment, the rabbit raised his head and put his hands against the blue, his gray eyes flashed lightly.

Yu Lan looked down at its eyes, then raised his head after a low growl, "The rabbit said Yi An is dormant."

"It knows Yi'an's abilities? Can it understand us?" Mo Wen couldn't help frowning as he looked at the drooping head of the rabbit, "Blue, what level of zombie is this?"

"Level six." Yu Lan hugged Mo Wen's shoulders invitingly, "Actually, it only understands some human words."

"Well... that's one level higher than Long Snake." Looking at Yu Lan's grinning face gently, Mo Wen took a long sigh of relief, and was happy for Yu Lan, who is getting stronger and stronger from the bottom of his heart.

"Yeah." Yu Lan nodded, tilted his head and asked after thinking for a while, "By the way, Awen, Yi An has no body, why did you ask me to be careful about him? Can it still be thought-controlled? "

"I'm not sure about this either." Mo Wen shook his head, "It's just that I just found out that it is so eager to stay by your side seems to have other plans."

"Other plans?" Yu Lan blinked.

"It may be related to the figure we saw with Yi'an when we were underground." Mo Wen guessed, "I am not very clear. In short, it will never do anything to your advantage."

The only human that ran out of the Forest of Death wrote a "two" on the ground. Mowen now thinks that the two should refer to two zombies.

It is very possible that these two zombies are Yi An and the frozen person underground.

"I know." Wen Yan Yulan nodded seriously, "If it dares to appear in front of me, I will kill him directly!"

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