Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 208: when are you leaving

As Gu Yi walked forward, all the prisoners who watched the excitement automatically gave way. Some of them seemed to want to keep up, but at Gu Yi's faint glance, everyone was silent and no one dared to move. .

"Hey, you are a tyrant in prison right now." Following Gu Yi's pace, Zui Wuye joked with a smile, "This momentum, tusk...Would you like to take me as a kid?"

"I don't mind if you can tolerate the ascetic life like prison." Gu Yi slanted drunk Wuye and raised his eyebrows.

When they were in the south, he still remembers the temperament of the young master Zui Wuye.

"That's fine." Zui Wuye sighed, and after a few more steps, he continued the previous topic, "We are going to the third district to find Jing Jing and let him send us to the second district."

"Who is Jing Jing?" Gu Yi thought for a while. "Are you new here?"

"He joined us after you were in jail." Zui Wuye thought for a while, "That guy is paralyzed, but he has a lot of information in his hands. We went to find him this time."

"That's interesting, but... Do you still have to find someone to send you to the northern area?" Not interested in the newcomers, Gu Yi directly changed the subject and took the question back.

"Yeah." Drunk Wuye said, "Otherwise, what else can we do, the boss brought a zombie, we can only take this troublesome path."

Looking back at Yu Lan, Gu Yi pursed his lips for a long time without speaking.

Mo Wen seemed to hear their conversation, and his eyes had darkened from the brightness at the beginning.

Ye Wuchen, the most inexistent, only felt that his whole body's cold hair stood up sharply. He was two steps behind silently, and didn't dare to follow Mo Wen again.

"Don't even think about touching the boss's zombies." It seemed that he noticed something wrong with Gu Yi, and Zui Wuye grabbed his shoulders and smiled heartily, "I will die, I won't lie to you."

Gu Yi was startled, seeming to be a little disbelief. He looked down and remained silent for a few seconds before returning to Drunk Wuye with an unruly smile, "Don't worry."

rest assured?

Zui Wuye raised her eyebrows secretly in her heart.

Gu Yi's peace of mind means that he can be assured that he will not harm Lan? Or does it mean that he hurt Yu Lan Mowen and won't hurt him?

If it's the former, it's better, if it's the latter...It's estimated that no one will be able to save him by then. He has seen Mo Wen's crazy state.

"Wait a minute, we're here." Gu Yi stopped when he walked to a dead window surrounded by railings. He squatted down and stretched his hands directly under his feet. Inside the concrete floor.

Gu Yi's ability also improves his physical fitness, but unlike Qu Yaoyao, his physical changes are not invisible, but transparent.

This ability allows him to easily pass through any person and object, so that most of the attacks will not fall on him at all, it is like a bug in this world.

Of course, he couldn't avoid a small number of attacks, such as... Qu Miaomiao's thought control.

"Your ability hasn't been suppressed?" Zui Wu Ye Dun sat down and asked in surprise.

The northern part used a method that the outside world didn't know at all and developed a kind of ability restraint ring. This kind of ring can restrain their ability to the greatest extent as long as it is shrunk on the arm of the ability person.

Except for the supernatural power and speed of the supernatural being, which cannot be blocked, all peculiar abilities will be blocked.

"It's been a long time since I saw you. I didn't expect you to be a lot stupid." Gu Yi raised his eyes, showing his other hand arm and said, "The idiot guards here don't know that I am a supernatural person."

As he said, he reached into the ground, and he heard a "click" around the ground without knowing what he had done, and then a brick buried in the cement floor looked easy and was pulled by him along with the cement. come out.

A deep and narrow walkway appeared below the floor tiles that were taken out, and nothing was visible in the dark.

"This road is the tunnel that Li Xinyang dug out at the beginning?" Consciously ignoring what Gu Yi had just said, Zui Wuye poked his head and looked inside carefully, and then let go of his mind after making sure that there was nothing.

"Yes." Gu Yi looked a little nostalgic, "Xin Yang is the most outstanding earth type supernatural player I have ever seen, but unfortunately he is no longer there."

Li Xinyang was also one of the partners who were born and died with them, but now he has been asleep in the north.

Zui Wuye sneered at Gu Yi's nostalgia for Zui Wuye. When Li Xinyang died, none of them shed half a tear.

It's true that they are partners, but the relationship is just a little better than the average person. If it involves their own interests and safety... He is not sure about others, but he will definitely solve each other without hesitation.

"This road can cross the third area to the second area." Gu Yi explained, "the road is relatively long and the underground air is very thin. You have to be quicker."

"Hmm." After touching the soil wall below, Zui Wuye said a little disgustingly, "It still looks very damp...I'm so tired now, I just want to rest."

"It doesn't matter if you are in trouble now, no matter how damp it is." Shou Jin patted Drunk Wuye's shoulder with a big hand, and Gu Yi laughed loudly, "Drunk Wuye, I didn't expect your young master after so long. His temper hasn't been smoothed yet."

"Rolling." With a kick of Gu Yi, Zui Wuye rolled his eyes and jumped down first.

"Yeah, it's not enough right now?" Gu Yi chuckled slightly, and turned his head back to Mo Wen, "Boss, all the way to the wind."

"After that, Xiu Qi will come back to look for you. By then, all your tasks here will be completed." Looking at Gu Yi's familiar akimbo movement, Mo Wen said with a light smile, "Thanks for your hard work."

This sentence of "hard work" suddenly reminded Gu Yi that a year ago, Mo Wen also said to him in such a flat voice, "Thanks for you."

It was this flat voice that made him stay in this prison for a year without hesitation.

"Then my brother here can leave with me?" Gu Yi's eyes flashed, and the corners of his mouth raised high to show his excitement at this time.


Answered the same answer as usual, Mowen put down Yulan, suddenly raised his head and threw the key in his hand before jumping into the tunnel, "This is the key of this prison, you may use it, and... Before coming here, Gu Cheng asked me to ask you when you would like to go back."

Gu Yi smiled and wanted to tease the last sentence when he heard the previous words. He took the key and smiled happily. Before he could speak, he heard the words Mo Wen said in the back.

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