Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 190: Follow Xiu Qi all the time


Don't worry about it!

Yu Lan squinted at Yi An, keeping a safe distance at all times.

"Really... I would like to advise you one last sentence. You are now at the extreme. As long as you don't come, you will definitely die." Yi'an's smile became a bit vicious. Back disappeared in Yu Luo's vision.

Yu Lan, who was left behind, stood alone. She looked at the dark woods around and felt that she was uncomfortable.

There is no her stuff in this place, only her...only her.

"Awen..." she called, but there was no echo around her.


She was familiar with this feeling of helplessness.


She yelled unwillingly over and over again, and when there was no hope, she sat on the ground. The ground was damp and cold, just like the day when she just became a zombie was filled with despair.

I can not live without you……

"Do you really think you can't do without that human?" Yi An's voice echoed in the forest, accompanied by the rustling wind blowing over the blue ears.

Yu Lan was stunned, staring at his already fully usable feet in a daze.

"You should leave him." Yi'an's voice rang again, "Look at you now, you have the most basic self-defense ability, why rely on a human being?"

"You...are supposed to belong here."

Yi'an's voice became deeper and deeper, as if it was forcibly distorted, full of weird aura, making this dark forest look more and more infiltrating, as if a beast and ghost would run out at any time.

"I, I don't belong here!" Yu Lan raised his head and said firmly, and the voice was coherent for the first time since she became a zombie, "I don't need to rely on him, but I will never leave him!"

Amused by Yu Lan's stubbornness, Yi An laughed loudly. From the very nice voice at the beginning, it became hoarse and even harsher at the back.

Yu Lan covered his ears and squatted down, closing his eyes just hoping that this dream would return soon.

Her power was as insignificant as an ant in front of Yi An.

She must continue to advance... She is now at level twelve, and if you work harder, you can advance to level 3.

Now is not the time for her to make a choice, she still has time to breathe.

Shengge was suddenly awakened in another place in the handover city. She sat up and panted, her face was covered with fine beads of sweat.

Raising her arms to wipe off the sweat on both sides of her eyes, she closed her eyes and tried her best to adjust her breathing.

The scar on her neck was still tingling her nerves faintly. She turned on the light and jumped out of the bed. As expected, she saw the deep purple bruise in the mirror.

The edges of the bruises have faded a bit, and they seem to be repairing themselves.

"Big Brother Xiuqi...You are really heavy." She sighed and closed her collar.

Xiu Qi now looks more fierce than Xiu Qi she saw in her previous life.

At least her older brother Xiu Qi couldn't do it without saying a word.

If it hadn't been for her spatial ability to derive the ability to put herself in, she would have died in Xiu Qi's hands at this moment.

The derivation of abilities is very magical, the higher the level, the more powerful the abilities derived.

For example, the ability of Zui Wuye will successfully advance after two years, and the ability of the healing system will also derive the most sacred power that can turn zombies into humans.

If she remembers correctly, in the last days of the last life, only Zui Wuye had this ability.

The temperature in the room was not warm at this time. Shengge felt that her arms had become cold after standing for a while. She sat back on the bed with her arms, pulled the quilt and covered her legs.

She had dreamed about the things in the previous life. You must know that this was the first time she had dreamed since she was born again.

Xiu Qi in the dream was sitting at the desk in front of her working with documents, looking a little handsome in a serious and focused manner.

She clearly remembered this scene because she had watched it every day in her previous life.

At that time, she was Xiu Qi's secretary, responsible for assisting his work.

No one knows why Xiu Qi had to choose her little girl who was less than eighteen years old as a secretary. She and Xiu Qi had been together for ten years but they didn't know anything.

However, as soon as the picture in her dream changed, it came to the scene where Mowen led humans to attack the land of death. At that time, no one of them wanted to get Mowen and actually took people into the Forest of Death and killed them all the way. The central zone.

Others didn't know but she knew about the afterlife. There is still a place in the Forest of Death, and the only human being who has been in is Mowen.

However, after the ink text came out, he became more and more violent, and even led his unconscious subordinates to slaughter humans and zombies indiscriminately.

Both Xiu Qi and she died during this period of time. At that time, Xiu Qi was getting busier and busier, but occasionally I could hear him sigh:

"It would be nice if the boss let her go."

She didn't understand who Xiu Qi was talking about, but now it seemed obvious that it was Mo Wen and the zombie next to him.

What happened in the first place to make the world...become such a miserable appearance?

When Shengge was thinking, the door of her room was knocked suddenly, and the line of thought in her mind was broken. She subconsciously raised her head and asked, "Who?"

"it's me."

The voice of Heart K rang outside the door, "I heard a sound in your room, why are you still asleep?"

Shengge jumped out of bed and ran back to open the door.

Heart Kick is standing lazily at the door, wearing a tight combat uniform.

She has no habit of taking off her combat uniform when she sleeps at night.

"A child of your age will not grow up if you don't sleep at night and wait for you." Raised his eyebrows, Heart K went into the room and looked around and saw no abnormalities before continuing to laugh, "I don't know why, I The children who come into contact don't seem to like to sleep at night."

"I was asleep, but I woke up from a nightmare." After a hasty explanation, Shengge asked to the red peach k, "Now Yutian is gone, when shall we leave for the north?"

Because of the sudden change in the plan above the White Envoy base, the original plan was to go to the north in front of the southern heart k, while the square went to the south.

That is to say, the Shengge who originally planned to follow the square now decisively chooses to follow the heart k.


"Then I'll continue to sleep." Shengge sighed and ran back to bed to continue sleeping.

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