Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 132: Let's play if you want

"You are blind." Xiu Qi sneered.

"Come on, I don't want to quarrel with you, Emperor Xiu." He curled his lips inwardly, and Xu Qi said lightly, "I guess the bugs that followed you should catch up in a while. If there is anything I can tell the boss. Hurry up."

His relationship with the Drunken Emperor Xiuhuang is average, and there is nothing else to say except for official business.

"We are going to leave early tomorrow morning. You can inform me." Zui Wuye Tan said, "Thanks for your hard work."

"Tomorrow morning? Okay, I get it." He promised drunk Wuye, and asked for insurance, "Anything else to say?"

After seeing Zui Wuye shook his head, Xu Qi turned around and left here quickly. At the same time, the two guards who had been following them also found him.

"Sometimes it feels really annoying to be stared at all the time." Xiu Qi sneered, turning around and preparing to walk out of the alley.

But after taking two steps, he found that Zui Wuye had been standing still, just looking at the other road, wearing a habitually disguised smile on his face.

He followed Zui Wuye's gaze and saw only a somewhat familiar figure.

"Brother Wuye?"

The figure walked over to look at Qingzui Wuye's face and couldn't help but exclaimed in surprise, "It's been a long time, where have you been these days?"

"Ling Yuan, long time no see." Zui Wuye Yangguang smiled, and stretched out his hand to pat Ling Yuan's shoulder, "Good fellow, you have grown so tall now without seeing you in half a year."

Xiu Qi looked at Ling Yuan who had been completely deceived by Drunk Wuye's appearance, and suddenly remembered that he was the guy who appeared after they killed Si Ke.

"Aren't I growing my body now?" Ling Yuan smiled, scratching his head shyly.

Seeing Ling Yuan wearing a uniform, Zui Wuye couldn't help but cast his eyes down, "Well... are you the guard of the handover city now?"

"Not a guard." Ling Yuan coughed before saying, "I am also a patrol, mainly to maintain law and order with my partner."

"That's hard for you, it's cold." Looking at the dark blue in Ling Yuan's eyes, Zui Wuye hooked his shoulder and smiled, "Pay attention to your body, you don't seem to be in good spirits."

Ling Yuan is not a supernatural person at all. As an ordinary person, he will feel cold even if he wears it thickly in the current weather.

"Don't worry, Brother Wuye, I can stand still." Ling Yuan shook his head while suppressing the cough in his throat. After exhaling two breaths into his hand, he looked around and said goodbye to Drunk Wuye with a smile, "I'm going to work first, brother, if you have time, you can go to our place and sit."

"Okay, I can go there tonight." Drunk Wuye, who was completely like a big brother, patted Ling Yuan on the shoulder, and then followed Xiu Qi to leave here.

"He has a cold." Xiu Qi raised his eyes and looked at Drunk Wuye with a smile on his face. "He may die without any cold medicine now."

In the current world, even a cold may cause ordinary people to die, but Zui Wuye's abilities can easily heal people, and it couldn't be easier to cure a cold with his current strength.

"Really? That's great." Wen Yan Zui Wu Ye Tan said with a smile, "Isn't the current food wasted for a useless person like him?"

The cruel words came out of his mouth without hesitation, and coldly peeled off the hearty and kind human skin on his appearance.


After receiving the news from Zui Wuye, Mo Wen just nodded to indicate that after he knew it, he would continue to sit back on the bed and Yu Lan Shu Jingnu.

Xu Qi nodded and glanced at Yu Lan again before exiting the door. He was honored to receive Yu Lan's big smile.

Because all the attention was on Yu Lan's body, Mo Wen didn't notice Xu Qi's gaze. He held a crystal core in front of Lan's eyes and teased her to grab it.

"Lanlan, we are leaving tomorrow morning. Are you still going shopping tonight?"

Holding Yu Lan's arm, Mo Wen took the crystal nucleus in his hand and fed it to her mouth.

"Go!" Yu Lan's attitude towards going out shopping was very firm. She spread her arms and hugged Mo Wen's head when she got up.

Rubbing against Mowen's head in a victorious posture, her fascinating and majestic appearance brought another little red flag. It's perfect on Mowen's head.

His face was tightly covered by Yu Lan's abdomen, Mo Wen could not make a sound and could only nod her head to indicate that she had agreed to her request.

At night, Yu Lan was really excited and leaned on the side of the window, staring at the ink text with two shining eyes.

Her eyes are now full of vigor, not like the lifeless turbidity of the past.

The dark night always carries no emotions, and unconditionally covers the world. Mo Wen hugged Yu Lan and jumped down from the window, hiding in the crowd in an instant.

Under the same night sky, several people lurked quietly outside the hotel where Yu Tian lived, ready to strike Yu Tian with a fatal blow.

The crowd in the night market is as noisy as ever, but there are fewer children running around. The price of cotton-padded clothes doubled compared to yesterday, which caused more people's dissatisfaction. Suddenly, several shops were arguing and cursing.

In order to avoid these disturbing sounds, Mo Wen walked farther holding Yu Lan this time, and almost stopped at the most central separation wall of the handover city.

The overall position of the transfer city is basically an ellipse. In the center of the city, there is a diamond-shaped area surrounded by Qin Feng, where Qin Feng lives, and it is tightly guarded.

With the lines extending from the four corners of this diamond-shaped area perpendicular to the edge of the city as a boundary, the entire junction city is divided into four areas. The east and west areas can be used by outsiders to enter or leave the city. The north area is mainly used by humans. Locally, the Southern District is the site of mobile merchants.

"Go back?" he asked.

As if she hadn't heard what he said, Yu Lan was reluctant to leave after seeing the central separation wall. She lay on the edge of the wall, struggling to stand on tiptoes to look inside.

But for this three-meter-high wall, Yu Lan couldn't see the inside no matter how she stretched her neck, she couldn't help but flatten her mouth, half arched and wanted to climb up.

"Lan, it's too dangerous for us to go in." Seeing that Yu Lan wanted to go in, Mo Wen couldn't help holding her up.

"Awen!" She shook her head desperately, pointed and struggled, "Food!"

"What?" Mo Wen was stunned. What Yu Lan can treat as food is only the crystal nucleus, yes... but the crystal nucleus stored in the handover city is not a special thing, "If you want the crystal nucleus, where we are There are too."

"It's delicious!" She stared at Mo Wen's eyes blankly, and pitifully nudged him twice.

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