Zombie Apocalypse

Chapter 898: ulterior motive

Zhang Nana's face turned pale, she slowly backed away, blood was already flowing out of her mouth. Apex novel, x.

Qin An stepped forward, held Wang Kaitai in his hand, and then threw it at Zhang Nana. Zhang Nana quickly took Wang Kaitai in her hand, and then knelt on the ground and began to bite the flesh on his face, like a drug addict, and Wang Kaitai In other words, human flesh is her antidote.

Wang Kaitai was bitten and screamed, he wanted to struggle, but Zhang Nana was even more crazy than him, so he couldn't resist.

Seeing Zhang Nana once again becoming a beast, Qin An whispered:

"Since he was your husband once, and he was merciless to you, you will be revenge if you eat him."

Zhang Nana was eating meat crazy, while tears came from her eyes.

Seeing Zhang Nana crying bitterly and eating human flesh crazily, Qin An only felt that the emotions in her heart became more and more confused.

Close his eyes slightly, Qin An calmed his mind.

After all, he has a wealth of life experience, so although the things encountered at this time are a bit complicated and sad, in the end he only spent five minutes, and he almost calmed down.

Opening his eyes, Wang Kaitai was dead, Zhang Nana ate his entire head, and at the same time broke his chest cavity and ate the internal organs.

As if she was full, Zhang Nana curled up and leaned against the wall, her face covered with blood, she was no longer calm as before.

Her lips trembled and she made a small voice, seeming to be talking to herself, and she seemed to be talking to Qin An.

"Ghost Whisperer is a real ghost formed after the resurrection of the dead

Depending on the cause of death, there will be different abilities, strengths, and temperaments after resurrection

I'm just a ghost who died unjustly. As long as I get revenge and release my anger, I can become a person with complete self-awareness.

But there is a kind of ghost that is terrible. It is a ghost that dies and can also be called a ghost.

The ghost fetus can be born into the world with the opportunity, but before it is born, it is still dead. Its resentment stems from injustice to the heavens and the earth, so the resentment that can fight the law of heaven and earth is naturally very powerful, so every ghost fetus is an evil spirit

It’s because of the ghost that the lord **** has not allowed me to resurrect, so my resurrection didn’t actually get the permission of the lord god. I secretly used the power of the grievance to gather into my body.

Every ghost has only one chance to be resurrected. If I can’t take revenge, I will eventually die. I lose my soul and enter the darkness and chaos again. Even the Lord God of the ghost cannot wake me up again.

I know I was wrong but I just can't help but come out of the ghost realm and return to the world

It’s innocent, it died in my womb, why can’t it take revenge?


Nie Yuan

When Wang Kaitai cheated on other women to get pregnant, I died because of the fetus in the belly

As everyone knows, when I died, I was actually pregnant with the Wang brother’s child.

The resentment has accumulated for more than 20 years. This child has become a very powerful ghost, but he is a demon, with a cruel and bloodthirsty temperament.

Now in my stomach, it has to eat a lot of human flesh in order to obtain a powerful body that matches the power of its soul.

It doesn’t even let me go, it’s been eating my internal organs in my stomach

I really don’t blame him, he is my son, his intelligence is still small and he doesn’t know right and wrong, so even if he kills the mother, it’s nothing. Flesh and blood

I can die for it, but now I can’t die because we haven’t really been resurrected. If I can’t kill the enemy and release the grievances in seven days, I will die completely. Then it will not be able to be born. Let me enter the abyss together

So to live, I must take revenge and eat human flesh. These meats are all food prepared for my children. If the food is not abundant, it will swallow my internal organs and eventually eat me.

Qin An, can you understand a mother's heart?

I really can’t die, what should I do if I die. Although it is a ghost, it is also my child.

Maybe after he was just born, he would do evil and eat some people, but when he grows up a little bit, he will understand the truth, and he will not eat people indiscriminately, don’t children always sigh when they are young?

So, I beg you, Qin An, resurrect me, let me give birth to it, please, I can die, but it should live, it has never been in this world yet, it should have it originally All of this"

Watching Zhang Nana crying, watching the ghost fetus devouring human flesh in its belly.

Qin An exhaled a long breath.

After that, he lifted the burning knife in his hand.

"Zhang Nana, I am a hypocrite.

My thoughts of killing have always filled my heart, but have never been released, because there is a prison in my heart that makes me force myself not to be a bad person

So I found all kinds of wretched reasons for myself

If killing one person can save a hundred people, I will never hesitate.

If killing a hundred people can make my mind at ease, I will not hesitate.

Whether you accept it or not, I plan to redeem you now. Since your child has become a ghost, let it disappear forever in this world.

As for you, you can survive

Don't you want to wait for your main god? Maybe you can just switch your attention.

Maybe after you want to start, you will find that it is really a happy thing to be a human again, even if the child is gone

Human obsession is a terrible thing.

Xu Tiande who was killed by me just now became a demon because of obsession

Since you are already a ghost, let go of all your obsessions and be the best ghost."

While speaking, Qin An had already reached Zhang Nana's side.

Zhang Nana's face was full of horror, and then angrily roared: "No, I don't want it to die"

A black evil spirit rose from Zhang Nana's body and rushed directly towards Qin An.

Qin An dodged and slashed towards Zhang Nana's abdomen.

Zhang Nana's body suddenly flew away, and the knife that avoided Qin An lifted off to the ceiling.

Qin An flashed to chase the past, and at the same time turned on the time deceleration magnetic field.

However, the time magnetic field just turned on and then failed. Qin An felt dizzy, knowing that this should be a counterattack from Zhang Nana's soul.

Ghost Whisperer, Sky Whisperer, and Demon Whisperer, their abilities are all derived from the power of the nine main gods, and the nine main gods are the top nine sword gods, so the various skills of the power of the sword **** are for them Obviously it does not have a good effect.

Therefore, Qin An was not surprised, seeing Zhang Nana hiding far away again, and directly shot two light waves sweeping across the army, and then shot six sets of 360 red leaves in total.

Today, Qin An's attack methods mainly include strength, energy, space, and soul.

Among them, the attack method of soul and space violates many laws of the galaxy, so it can be easily immune.

However, the two attack methods of power and energy are based on the laws of the galaxy and are upgraded attacks, so they are not easily immune.

Therefore, in the face of the energy attack and the red leaf attack that swept across the army, Zhang Nana couldn't completely evade it, and she couldn't get past more than 100 red leaves directly.

After a scream, Zhang Nana landed, already on the verge of death.

Qin An did not relax at all, because he knew that what was terrible was not Zhang Nana, the ghost whisperer who had not really been resurrected, but the ghost baby in her womb.

At the next moment, Qin An did not expect it.

Zhang Nana's abdomen suddenly broke open, and a human monster whose whole body was slimy and fleshy came out, rushing towards Qin An with a devil cry.

Qin An directly activated the phantom ability, six clones appeared, and then the body was hidden in one of the phantoms.

Then, he summoned the power of all sentient beings, and a white light quickly wrapped Zhang Nana's body.

In any case, Qin An's heart is soft and kind, so he really couldn't bear to see Zhang Nana, a great mother who had been insulted during her lifetime, entering the region that was beyond undeniability.

What Qin An wants to kill is only the child of this evil spirit

The ghost is full of fierceness, but it hasn't formed yet, so even though it moves extremely fast, it can't find Qin An's real body from the phantom, it can only flash randomly.

Qin An found the right opportunity, and immediately behind the ghost fetus, his whole body concentrated, and his fists broke through the ground instantly.

There is a crackling sound in the air, which is the sound of blasting after the force squeezes the air

The ghost fetus was directly punched by Qin An, and his body penetrated the ground and entered the second floor.

This ground-breaking punch is not the strongest state Qin An can use, because he has not transformed into a giant.

The perspective speed caught the ghost baby on the second floor, and saw it lying on the ground and howling in pain.

not dead

It seems that the strength of the ghost baby is really strong. If it is made into a shape and descended into the world, I really don't know how many people will die in his hands.

Quickly teleported to the ghost tire on the second floor, Qin An's second story broke the ground with a heavy fist, and the powerful force matched the momentum of the ghost tire's fall, and then penetrated the ground on the second floor. Qin An and the ghost tire fell directly into the living room on the first floor Ground center

Qin An knew that the third punch was crucial.

Because the ground on the first floor is the real ground, it can provide enough reaction force to maximize the power of the ground-breaking punch.

"Go to die"

This punch directly knocked the ghost tire's body 30 centimeters underground, causing his body to burst and die.

But Qin An's entire arm almost fell into the ground before stopping.

Qin An was shocked again, the power of this punch was really exaggerated.

The sword **** Yang is known to have the power to cut through mountains and rivers, but that kind of attack can be regarded as a kind of energy attack, but Qin An's attack is truly powerful.

In other words, it is the most consistent attack method among the four attack methods, and it can issue a powerful attack effect under any circumstances.

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