Zombie Apocalypse

Chapter 1949: Seven-stage strange spirit moon beast

It was a humanoid monster that looked like a Hulk, with green hair all over it, and it looked terrifying.

"This... is really the Seventh Stage Wonderful Spirit! There is a record about it in the Wan Ling Manual. The Wonderful Spirit Moon Beast, the spirit that controls the space-time tunnel, can make people lose their minds, go crazy with blood, eat Human flesh, immortality, no death, what can we do?"

The little girl named Qin Yue spoke nervously.

"What is the meaning of no death?"

Ai Le frowned and asked, looked around and found that his **** servant ghost was lying under his feet in the state of a mechanical ball, and finally felt a little relieved.

"The so-called non-death sign actually means that there is no death record, that is, this thing has never been killed... I mean, it has never been killed in our world, since it is Seventh Stage Qi Ling Yue Beast, I think this place should not be the time and space where we were before, what can we do? Even my mother has never encountered Qi Ling Yue Beast... Lu Kai, you cover Qi Hao now, find a place to hide, I will deal with her first, my Frozen True Qi has been practiced to the beginning of the fifth grade, your Nine Sun True Qi is still too weak, Lu Kai only has a high grade, Qi Hao is still a first grade Right? Rewind!"

"Hey! Good!"

Lu Kai felt that he was really not spineless. It was just that he had heard of the name of this seventh-grade spirit moon beast. He had originally thought that he would never encounter it in his life, but he would encounter it if he came out to see a disease.

Hey, Qin Yue is all to blame, why did Lingyuan escape after seeing a doctor and chase him? Now it reveals that its real body is really a strange spirit beast, is it miserable?

Thinking of this, Lu Kai didn't go to greet Qi Hao, turned around and ran away.

Qi Hao stood still, but frowned slightly.

"Hey, are you a fool? Go away!"

Qin Yue was a little angry, thinking that Qi Hao was really a fool, and it was useless for him to stay.

Qi Hao didn't speak, he naturally knew he was useless, but he didn't want to leave.

Qin Yue is a warm-hearted girl. Qi Hao has traveled to this world for half a year and has been living in school. After meeting Qin Yue, she has taken a lot of care. To be honest, Qi Hao doesn't want to be a light bulb. He actually likes this girl a little, just because of the gap After Lu Kai, he didn't pursue it.

Now in distress, Lu Kai ran away directly. What is the difference between Lu Kai and Lu Kai if he also runs? So he can't run!

Although Qi Hao used to be a farmer and was very honest and not talkative, he was also very clever.

He was prescribed. Among the three patients, it is not easy to stand up now.

As a spiritual school who has studied for half a year, Qi Hao's medical skills are already good, at least it is not a problem to diagnose the condition.

This person was dying originally, but his body will slowly heal without treatment. This is a bit powerful, maybe he can help? The Seventh Stage Qi Ling Yue Beast is a very evil thing, it will not have good thoughts, nor will it be afraid of whether the enemy is strong, that is, it will treat everyone it encounters as an enemy. The previous evil spirit state was just a cloud of smoke, so it would run away. Now that it showed its true body, it was going to kill. Since this seemingly powerful person was also hit by him, it would definitely do it.

Now he can only count on him as a powerful character, if not, then Qi Hao has one last move.

He felt that Lu Kai was not worthy of Qin Yue, he could be very bad and unscrupulous, but if he didn't even dare to guard the things he liked, he would not be worthy of being a man!

With these thoughts, Qi Hao stood motionless behind Qin Yue, letting Qin Yue go and urge him to escape.

At this moment, the Seventh Stage Qi Ling Yue Beast had already come close, it suddenly let out a loud roar, and then hit it directly with its thick fist.

This guy is almost three meters tall, and his fist is as big as a small basin.

Qin Yue had no time to pay attention to Qi Hao. She clenched her fists. Seeing the opponent's fist coming over, she immediately stepped forward and punched. This fist didn't seem special, but it was blessed by the fifth-grade cold ice fighting spirit in Qin Yue's body. Down, it already has sufficient defense and attack power.

The two punches collided with each other. Of course, Qin Yue's full punch could not be the opponent of the Seventh Stage Qi Ling Yue Beast, and his body flew directly back.

Qi Hao was sitting behind Qin Yue, and he was ready to take her into his arms at once, but the powerful impact drove him to fly back together, and finally hit the wall.


Qi Hao let out a muffled hum, his face was already pale, his mouth was closed and he didn't dare to open it, he only felt pain in his chest, and he vomited a mouthful of blood.

Because of Qi Hao's protection, Qin Yue's body was not seriously injured, but the bones and muscles of her arm were a little damaged, and the hand that had just punched was no longer able to move.

"Qi Hao! You fool, why don't you leave?"

Qin Yue was going to die of anger and scolded him.

Qi Hao didn't speak, he still had a mouth like this, but at this moment there was a smile on his face, and he looked at Qin Yue like a star.

Qin Yue still wanted to train Qi Hao, but inadvertently stared at him, and then froze!

His eyes were so gentle, they were full of love, and there was no panic at all.

how come?

Does Qi Hao like himself?

With this thought Qin Yue panicked.

The feeling that Qi Hao always gave Qin Yue was just a poor person who had traveled from another world and knew no one in her own world, so she always wanted to care about him and take care of him.

After more contact, Qin Yue felt that there was an interesting soul living in Qi Hao's body, but that was all.

But if he loves himself, what should he do?

Trying to calm down, Qin Yue wanted to compare Qi Hao and Lu Kai again, and then suddenly remembered that Lu Kai had already run away, and she let him escape.

Yes, she just let Lu Kai and Qi Hao escape together, Lu Kai left, but Qi Hao stupidly stayed behind.

Qin Yue originally thought that Qi Hao wanted to be a hero, but now she thought of another possibility.

Qi Hao stayed to protect her because he liked her.

But his strength is too weak, who can he protect?

Do not! he can! He has protected himself! If he hadn't just made his own pads, she would have been hurt more severely.

This poor man just used the strength he despised to protect himself. This... shouldn't she be moved?

When Qin Yue had a lot of thoughts, the Seven-Rank Qi Ling Yue Beast did not stay honestly, but went forward to pursue it.

Aile stood on the side, his eyes suddenly widened when the monster came, and the ghost on the ground quickly flew up, instantly transforming into a spear!

After ten thousand years in the novel world, people also like cold weapons, because most people have become supernaturalists, with strong physical strength and abnormal athletic ability. In close combat, cold weapons can often burst out stronger than shooting weapons. Fighting power.

After the spear was in his hand, Ai Le screamed, and the gun quickly pierced out. With the full strength of the shot, Ai Le's brows instantly wrinkled. His previous injuries had not fully recovered, and he felt a little pain in his internal organs.

However, the power of this gun was still very large, and the speed was still very fast. When the gun was pierced, the tip of the gun had been blurred, as if a dozen gun tips had appeared, and it pierced all over the body of the Seventh Stage Qi Ling Yue Beast.

Perhaps it was because I felt the power of Ai Le's gun body. The Seven-Rank Qiling Moon Beast did not resist, and its body suddenly turned into a cloud of smoke. Ai Le's spear stabbed its head but the smoke couldn't stop it from moving forward. This made Ai Le Quickly sink into the smoke package.


Ai Le yelled in pain, knelt on the ground with his hands holding his head, closed his eyes for a while and then opened them again, their eyes were blood red.

Qi Hao shook his head and sighed. It seems that this person is still not strong enough. Facing the Seven-Rank Qi Spirit Moon Beast, he can't escape the result of being infested with his mind. If he doesn't make a move again, there may be no chance!

Thinking of this, Qi Hao quickly pushed away Qin Yue, who was still in front of him, and quickly ran towards the cloud of smoke. When he reached it, he opened his mouth and sprayed out the blood that had been in his mouth.

After the smog hit the blood, it moved for a while, and then it escaped from Ai Le and reappeared as the body of the seventh stage Qi Ling moon beast. It glared at Qi Hao and let out a roar. Qi Hao hurriedly turned around and ran out of the cave. Moon beast chased.

Running to the entrance of the cave, there was already the river outside. Qi Hao quickly jumped into the water. The Qi-Rank Qiling Moon Beast was not afraid of the water, and followed it.

In the cave, Qin Yue was stunned for a while, and finally figured out what Qi Hao was doing.

Just now when his body had been injured on his pad, a mouthful of blood was poured in but instead of vomiting it out, he held it in his mouth.

The seventh-rank strange spirit moon beast has the characteristic of being mad when encountering blood, so Qi Hao kept this blood to vomit the seventh-rank strange spirit moon beast, and then led him away.

There are quite a few. Everyone has never seen the Seventh Stage Qi Ling Yue Beast. They have read some records of this thing from books. How could Qi Hao think of using blood to lead it away?

However, such an approach is by no means the best way. Qi Hao is so weak, he is simply dying to attract the Seventh Stage Qi Ling Yue Beast!

What the **** is he doing, this **** man? Is he really stupid enough to go to death in order to save people...or would he rather save himself and die?

The two statements seem to be the same, but in fact they are different. If it is the latter, then Qin Yue doesn't know what to do, because she suddenly encountered such a man who was willing to die for herself, how could her emotions be resolved?

Without thinking about it anymore, Qin Yue moved the arm of her hand to reset the out of touch, and then quickly rushed out of the cave to chase the Seven-Rank Qi Spirit Moon Beast.

Inside the cave, Aile escaped from the smoke ball and was panting heavily.

It's terrible. Just now, his consciousness seemed to be swallowed. If it were in the world of novels, this situation might not happen, but in the world of Three Kingdoms, his ability was compressed a lot, and he couldn't resist such mental power. attack.

After resting for a while, Ai Le only frowned slightly, thinking about the experience just now, it was really weird, there will be some vacant places in this world, where did they come from?

After a long rest, Ai Le finally relieved completely, and looked around Zhang Liao and his concubine.

The beautiful woman named Qin Yue had already healed them, so now she seemed to breathe smoothly and her face was normal.

This kind of medical skill is really amazing, and I didn't see how she treated it, just got a few needles.

What exactly is a spiritual doctor?

Ai Le didn't understand, and after a short rest, he pulled some vines from the cave, bound Zhang Liao and the two, and then carried them away.

There is a river outside Shandong, and there is a cliff 100 meters along the river. The three of them should have fallen from there before drifting to this cave.

After Aile figured out the direction, he took two people into the water to swim, and looked around to see that the three people and the Seventh-Rank Qiling Moon Beast were gone, and he didn't know if they could escape its tracking.

Ai Le Qihao was very impressed. He had just been wrapped in black smoke and his five senses had not been closed, so he knew that Qi Hao vomited blood into a mist and saved him.

Forget it, now I'll go back to the round with my father-in-law first to see how the Battle of Kaoshanting is going. If I have a chance, I will find a way to repay this favor.

Ai Le wanted to swim farther in this way, and there was no shadow of Qi Hao and the others in the water. This made Ai Le worried but also hoped that it would be best for them to escape.

When he reached the bottom of the cliff, Aile looked up. Although the mountain was steep, it should be no problem to climb it with his own effort, but it was a little troublesome to carry two people on his back.

At this moment, a shout suddenly came from the top of the cliff.

"Aile! Aile!"

Ai Le looked up in the water, and saw that it was not someone else but his wife Li Xiangnan.

Ai Le's temperament is actually a little cold, but now seeing Li Xiangnan is a little emotional, he almost lost his life this time in the battle, and almost lost his temperament by the monster in the cave, it can be regarded as a reincarnation.

Hey, it's nice to be alive!

Ai Le raised his head and waved his hand to it.

"Husband, wait, I will pull you up!"

There was a rope on Li Xiangnan's right away. She went out to find Ai Le and had recorded various situations, so she brought a lot of things.

Taking the rope to the edge of the cliff and putting it down, Ai Le carried two people with one hand and slowly climbed up the rope.

"Husband! You scared me to death! I blame Li Guangbei. He was sent you to do such a dangerous task. See if I go back and ask him to settle the account!"

Li Xiangnan had already plunged into Ai Le's arms while speaking.

Ai Le was stunned, then smiling gently, put the two people on his back on the ground, hugged Li Xiangnan with both hands, and gave her an affectionate kiss.

This kiss is a bit strange to Li Xiangnan. Her husband, who has never had a cold personality, would still kiss so hot.

When the kiss ended, Li Xiangnan was silly, but Ai Le's face was slightly red.

"What's wrong? My kiss is poisonous?"

"No...husband, you..."

Li Xiangnan was finally shy, his face flushed, and his eyes flickered.

This kind of Li Xiangnan Ai Le is not common. They respect each other like guests. In Ai Le's eyes, Li Xiangnan is a sensible and good woman, but she doesn't know that she also has such a small woman.

It seems that I was a little too cold before, and I need to cherish it a lot in the future. Shouldn't I express and give if I love you?

The young couple have been married for many years. Although they love each other, they don't know the couple really until this moment. They both feel very happy at the same time, and they have truly achieved the singing and singing.

They intimated for a while, and then left the shore, and when they returned to the pavilion, the Northern Han army had already won a big victory.

This is of course due to Ai Le’s contribution to destroying the enemy’s command system, but also because of the strength of the North Han Army. Although the Wei Army is supported by Shu, it is better than the North Han Army trained by Qin’an in terms of equipment and individual quality. It's a lot worse, and it's normal to be defeated like a mountain.

The finishing work lasted for two days. On the third day, Li Guangbei Army and Qin An finally met in Beiping County and informed each other of the current situation. Soon after, the marshals of the other two armies, Qin Lang and Qin Jia, also gathered in Beiping County. Celebrating the victory of the first battle, and formulating the establishment of a good recipe mechanism in the north of Wei Jing. The crisis of corpse wolves has not subsided. They are numerous and running around. Qin An’s plan is to suspend the northward advance and spend a few days to completely remove all the corpses. The wolf cleared up before moving on.

For this reason, Qin An mobilized a large number of transversal abilities to form a small team, and the plan to capture the wolf completely started.

At the celebration banquet, Qin An and many of his descendants ate and drank, no longer the embarrassment at the beginning.

The so-called embarrassment is because many of these children and grandchildren are older than Qin An, which makes Qin An feel very weird, but after getting along for a long time, everyone becomes acquaintances and naturally gets used to it.

Li Guangbei had been educated by his wife and daughter for several days because of the action of dispatching Ai Le to deal with Zhang Liao. Now he finally has a chance, so he won't be quiet. He beat up Ai Le in front of Qin An.

"Hahaha, father, ancestor, my son-in-law is really amazing. As an advanced mutant, he has the strength of the sword **** in the future world. Now he is still so strong in the Three Kingdoms World! That patron is Zhang Liao. The center is heavily guarded, so don’t let this kid break it. I have the ability!"

Qin Jiaojiao is Qin Lang's daughter, and Li Guangbei should be called Grandpa Qin An. He simply called the ancestor.

Qin Lang looked like a biased young man, he was very old-fashioned, and he didn't like to talk at ordinary times, so he was very suitable for him.

He only smiled and shook his head after listening to Li Guangbei's words. He trusted his son-in-law's military talents, but sending his grandson-in-law to perform the task alone was dangerous enough, and he could never praise him.

Qin An just smiled and thought of going with Qin Lang.

Ai Le saw that everyone was silent and could only speak to his father-in-law to ease the embarrassment.

"No, it's mainly luck this time, otherwise the mission won't be completed."

Aile told everyone about the fall off the cliff, and also mentioned Qi Hao, Qin Yue, and Lu Kai.

Qin Jia frowned slightly, and said: "A translator from another world? Didn't he travel from the future of the novel world?"

Ai Le said: "It should not be, I communicate with them relatively little."

Qin Jia thought about it sadly and said: "The name Qin Yue has two people in the genealogy of the descendants of the Qin family, but they are not relatively powerful supernaturalists, so I didn't let them pass through, and they will still live in the future world. I don't know if this Qin Yue is a child of my Qin family."

Qin An sat on the guard and Chen Si said for a while: "No matter what, since the person named Qi Hao has long lived Ai Le's life, and Qin Yue is also a good girl, then we should pay attention to it. They will take it, just hope that they will not be harmed by that seventh-level strange spirit moon beast!"

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