Zombie Apocalypse

Chapter 1944: Qin An's mistake

For Qin An, killing Zhang Kaitai was only a momentary matter.

The two armies are facing each other, Qin An will not consider Zhang Kaitai, father, mother, brothers and sisters.

I would never think that Zhang Kaitai was just a weak scholar.

I don't know that Zhang Kaitai is good, even the ants are reluctant to kill.

At this moment, Zhang Kaitai was just a small enemy soldier, and Qin An could let him go home without letting go as long as the sword fell.

"Don't kill me! Don't kill me! Please don't kill me!"

At the most critical moment, Zhang Kaitai chose the most correct method. His ordinary doctor knelt on the ground and kept kowtow, inadvertently avoiding Qin An's sword edge and Qin An's hostility.

Hmph, what's the point of killing an opponent who is as timid as a mouse?

Qin An didn't feel soft, but because he had already taken a step forward when he sat down on his horse, what Qin An killed was another hapless guy standing next to Zhang Kaitai. After that, the horse continued to move forward and continue to fight.

From Qin An's perspective, Zhang Kaitai was still a negligible enemy soldier. It didn't matter if he didn't kill him. Qin An had been killing people anyway.

This siege battle lasted about an hour.

In the end, the North Han Army lost a thousand, and Xu Huang fleeed with 2,000 people in desperation, encumbering almost 1,000 recruits.

Because all the young men in the city became recruits, in the end there were only women except the old and the weak.

The North Han Army today is different from nine months ago.

Under the training of the Qin’an system, even the mountain savages can chant a few ABCs and occasionally chant some famous epigrams. They are already well-trained soldiers, so there has been no wanton and insulting cases of robbing women.

However, the Northern Han Army also had their own rules, so those women who reached the marriageable age were gathered together, and when the army arrived, the singles in the army could participate in the marriage campaign.

The so-called marriage is actually being selected, and these captured women must select men from the Northern Han army to marry them whether they want to.

If there is no such treatment, then it is considered to have military pay and faith. Men are afraid that they are unwilling to follow Qin An to fight hard in the north. Since they have to pay the price of blood, who will come back if there is no temptation? It might as well live in peace and stability in the north.

Qin An did not stop, but left five hundred people to guard Beiping City, and then led the remaining people out of the city and went straight to Guangyang and the valley.

At the same time, another 5,000 people from the Northern Han Army had arrived, and these were all elite soldiers in armor.

After the two Han soldiers merged into one place, Qin An became more confident, and quickly took the two cities at noon on the second day and stopped in the north of Wei Jing.

Afterwards, a large number of North Han troops drove over, and random re-mails were also delivered to the three cities.

This is regarded as Qin An attacking the northern warehouse of Wei Jing. The walls of the three cities must be heightened and reinforced, and the fortifications must rest.

When Qin An captured the three northern cities of Wei Jing, the battle on the Liaodong grassland also turned white-hot.

Li Guangbei divided his troops into nine battles to attack all the castles in the pavilion. Li Guangbei's son-in-law and Li Xiangnan's husband Ai Le took advantage of the chaos and led the troops to harass everywhere, but the ultimate goal was to rely on the cottage.

It is not easy to get in. When Aile reached the foot of the Wuming Mountain, he was surrounded by only twenty-three people.

Aile is an out-and-out little white face, who looks like those beautiful boys in Korean dramas.

He has a shiny silver head, a pair of seductive eyes, two thick black eyebrows, a tall nose, and other **** facial features.

Ai Le's each is not tall, at 1.73 meters, and looks a little slender because of his better body. The appearance of a white shirt riding on a horse with a spear in hand makes people feel angry and good after seeing it.

In the dense forest, short and curious, he raised his head and looked up the mountain.

"Well, you sent me to this underground. I'll go on the road below. Thousands of people raided with me. It is not easy to take over only you people to survive!"

"General Ai, it is the duty of the young ones to send you here. Since my brothers are all dead, let us walk this last part of the road together. We are not afraid of death!"

At this moment, death has become indifferent.

All the original fears have become bloody, and the **** comes from fighting all the way and from the departure of comrades all the way.

Ai Le shook his head. He knew that even if these people rushed up the mountain with him, it would be futile. They had no effect, and the next part of the road was to go on their own.

The task Li Guangbei gave him was to kill Zhang Liao. Only by killing him could he comfort all the dead soldiers' spirits in the sky.

Raising his hand to pick up the wine gourd from the horse, Ai Le drank stubbornly, and then rushed up to the mountain pavilion!


After relocating the three cities of Beiping County, all the 50,000 follow-up troops led by Qin An have gathered. This time it is the Fourth Army. In addition to Li Guangbei and Qin An, there are also Qin Jia and another Qin Lang.

Qin Jia sadly added Li Guangbei as a follow-up army, while Qin Lang followed the army of the Qin An army through the boundary of Liaodong and marched towards Bohai County. The final destination was Yecheng.

The battle between the two armies was a very three-dimensional matter. Qin An had just finished the defense of the Three Cities, and Xu Huang got the support of Cao Yuanjun and fought back.

After dusk, Qin An once again personally led a large army of three thousand troops to fight north. After a hundred miles, 800 people were destroyed, but the number of enemies was already over 10,000.

By a small river with a high embankment, Qin An let the troops rest and rebelled.

Erpang has been good since he was a child. After taking a break, he didn't care about the cold weather, so he went straight to the river for a bath.

"Master, do you want to come down and wash? It smells like meat, it smells uncomfortable!"

"I'm used to it. Anyway, I want to kill. It doesn't matter if I wash it or not."

Qin An was sitting by the river and smoking a cigarette. His body was more dirty than Er Fat. There was no way. He has been killing since yesterday and will continue to kill.

After taking a bath, Er Fat climbed ashore and walked around Qin'an without clothes.

This kid is not young and well developed. He has been able to marry a wife and go home to play, but he is still a child in temperament.

"Grandpa, when do you think we can call Jingzhou?"

"Quickly, Wei Guo can't fight us."

"Then if Zhuge Liang is defeated and the history of novel timing is rewritten, will our mission be over?"


"Then how does Grandpa plan to rewrite history?"

"You kid, grandpa will call grandpa later, do you want me to get rid of it?"

"Why! Talk or talk, how does Grandpa plan to write history?"

"I...I just want to let those who died come back to life, and then completely ask this end of the world. As for how the world will write in the future, I don't think much about it! Maybe it will bring everything back to peace and normal order. Go up."

"Grandpa, I can't see through you adults."

Er Pang himself found clean gauze while battering the wound and talking.

"Where can I not see through?"

"Why do you have to fight back and forth? Actually, many people have adapted to life in the world today. Only the members of the Qin family can't think of it. They have been fighting with the emperor for many years. Except for us, they have done so. Slaves are already used to being slaves, and those who are used to kneeling are used to kneeling. Since they don't care about being a cow or a horse or a dog or a slave, why do you say that our Qin family has to fight against the emperor? "

"Hey, it's naturally because of me, I am the protagonist of the novel, and my existence can affect that world, so many people don't want me to live because they are afraid. As for you, since it's my blood, you have to have this responsibility , Don’t grandma’s grandmothers stay with us in the world of the undead?"

"Of course! I want to see my relatives, grandma, Qiu Jinse."

"Yeah, you think I think too, but the emperor didn't let us get close to the original text of "A Dangerous City". Do you want to play it?"

Er fat thought for a while, nodded and said: "Then you want to fight! They can't find North, and can't find teeth!"

"Haha! Isn't it? So, I just want to fight! If you hit Jingzhou, you will win."

"So Zhuge Liang's formation is really powerful?"

"It shouldn't be that good, but God Emperor, Tiange, Qin Yang and many others are good."

"Then don't be afraid, we also have many amazing people in our family!"

"En, so Grandpa would like to thank you all for being able to enter the Three Kingdoms world and rewrite the story of the novel world with me!"

Qin An's words were of course from the sincerity. Without these children of the Qin family, he might not have been able to go south so quickly.

After chatting with the grandson Xiaozhong for a while, Qin An's mood became good. At this time, a food soldier brought the meal, and the two ate casually for a while. Soldiers came to report and Xia Na arrived.

Qin An was really surprised. She left Xiana to look after Liu Xie in Liaodong. Why did she come?

She got up to greet her, Xiaanna soon rode a big horse to the front of the camp.

"Hey, I'm afraid you are too surprised, so I was the first to let people come here to report. You can run so far, I have been looking for a long time before I found you.

Qin An frowned slightly, his eyes straightened as he watched Xianna jump off the horse.

This summer, Na is a little different. She still wears light makeup on her face. This makeup is not beautiful, but it reveals the taste of women.

Bright red lips and light green eyeliner have modified the skin that looks fair.

Xiaanna's clothes were also different, she was light red, not tight but somewhat revealing.

It's not that there is a lot of flesh exposed, but she can see her belly pocket when she moves.

The belly pocket is tight, and the two hills it propped up are very eye-catching.

Xia Xana is a mature woman. It's not too much to have such a figure, but she has never been publicized? How could this be?

"Hey, look dumbfounded? Why don't you speak? Is my dress good-looking?"

"Very good, who can do it for you?"

"Shui Bingyue!"

Qin An's face was finally covered in black lines, no wonder he looked so feminine, it turned out to be that prostitute.

She comes from Fengchen and naturally knows how to dress up to attract men the most. Qin An only put Xiaanna down for less than two days. This Shui Bingyue was only with Xiaanna for less than two days, so she actually gave Xiaanna to Has it been remodeled?

Qin An suddenly had some bad feelings.

"Why did you come here long ago, where is Liu Xie?"

"Qin Fang has gone, so I gave him the task of guarding Liu Xie, and I came to find you by myself."

Qin Fang is also the sixth grandson of Qin An. He is more than a thousand years old. He is a handsome man, but he is too tight, so he is suitable as a defender, not a later attacker.

But giving Liu Xie to him was foolproof, definitely more reliable than Xana.

"You came here by yourself?"

"Well, just myself."

"Then why are you not in Peiping County Town?"

"I want to see you, can't wait."

Qin An felt even more frightened when Xianna said so.


The reason why Xiaanna came to Qin An was naturally because of Shui Bingyue.

The two became masters and servants. Xiaanna didn't like Shui Bingyue at first, but she discovered that Shui Bingyue was a strange woman during contact.

Why is it weird? There are several male guards around Xiana. Shui Bingyue actually put them all to sleep overnight. After the most exaggerated, these men can still get along peacefully, and when Shui Bingyue is mentioned They are all sentimental and highly appreciated.

How can such a gangster woman become a favorite of men?

Xiaanna was too curious, so in the dead of night, she found Shui Bingyue and had an in-depth conversation.

In the beginning, Xiaanna interrogated Shui Bingyue, and she changed the topic as she talked, and turned into Shui Bingyue to explore the relationship between Xia Bingyue and Qi Hao.

Xiaanna didn't know why it was like this, as if Shui Bingyue was born with such a likable ability.

"What, he said he wants to take you to see the world?"

"Well, he said that the world is very big, and the earth is round. At the far north of the earth, far away from us, there is a bear with white hair all over! He said that it is a land of ice and snow, the whole continent It is several times larger than the grassland, just as the sun is closer to us, where it will melt and become an ocean! He also said that he would take me to see the whale, which is the largest animal in the world. A whale is worth dozens of houses. Even bigger! He also said to take me to Africa to see black people. Those people are different from us. They were all black when they were born, which is very strange!"

"My girl, you...I really convinced you!"

Shui Bingyue was a little frustrated.

"You don’t even understand what a woman needs! The so-called world may be as peculiar as he said. After all, we are all staying at home and the furthest place is not far, let alone the world. At the end, the Dongwu and Chuanshu who have heard about it a long time ago don’t know why they look like! I’m a little better than you because the so-called sea has seen and seen a fish as big as a house in the sea. I don’t know if it is a whale But all of this actually doesn’t matter. A woman’s life is nothing more than a man to survive! I lost my body when I was twelve, and I was very resistant at first, but then I got used to it and found out that it’s nothing wrong. That’s right. The gentleman preached that women should clean themselves and love themselves. I know all these things, and I think many women in time also know this truth! But they may not have thought that clean body and self-love are originally contradictory. How can you put it together?"


"Yeah! This woman can only live well if she has a man who is indomitable and indomitable, but it is not common for a man who is indomitable and indomitable. If you casually follow an Achamo, you can only live in the dark in that life. So those clean Women in the body can’t love themselves, they don’t even have the right to choose, how can they love themselves? So I want to open up, I would rather choose more, I would rather let myself become an unclean body, but my heart is pure, I Love every man I’ve experienced. I can’t find someone who stands up to the ground, so I’ll find a group of men to help me hold up the sky! So I’ve been seated, so I’m having a good life, no matter where I go, someone loves me , Read me! I am not anyone’s wife, or anyone’s concubine, but I know men better than any woman, because I have experienced enough!"

"You...what are you talking nonsense?"

Xiaanna was really frightened, the thought of Shui Bingyue was even more crazy than that of Tang Yu and other women.

There are several lunatics in every era.

If Shui Bingyue is put in the modern era, she is just a green tea bitch, but in the Three Kingdoms era, her thinking is crazy, crazy and scary, even Xia Na is scared, thinking Shui Bingyue It is an ominous thing.

Shui Bingyue saw Xia Na's emotions a little bit, and slowly closed her mouth, after which there was a calm smile on her face.

"Girl, I said this just to make you understand a truth. The so-called world has nothing to do with you. The man next to you is what you should grasp. Over time, your relationship has always been like this, and you want to get closer. , That would be difficult!"

At this point, Shui Bingyue shut up and left.

Xiaanna could not fall asleep after tossing around all night, thinking about what Shui Bingyue said.

No matter how crazy she is, how nonsense she is, but her last sentence is right.

Having been around Qin An for such a time, Xianna originally thought that she was in love with this man, and she later heard the word love from Tang Yu and slowly understood it. Since she was in love, she should have more emotions, but Xiana found that the longer she stayed beside Qin An, the more this emotion of love disappeared.

Because Qin An didn't give her any hope, so she lost her original impulse and passion.

The two words impulse and passion did not exist in that era, but what Xanah understood in her concept of mind and consciousness was exactly this.

After a night of deliberation, Xiana finally made a decision. She found Shui Bingyue and told her that she was going to Qin An.

Shui Bingyue, a Xiaannana who was resuscitated, quickly took out some of her daily clothes and supplies to dress Xiaanna.

Xiaanna actually didn't think so much, she was just going to Zhao Qin'an to talk about her feelings, but when Shui Bingyue dressed Xiaanna, she instilled many skills such as how to seduce men and how to make men. Like, in the final analysis, the ultimate thing is to find a way to climb into a man's bed, because only then can men and women see each other without any barriers and frankly meet.

Qin An never thought that a little Shui Bingyue would bring any storms to him, so he was wrong, wrong...

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