Zombie Apocalypse

Chapter 1903: Beauty of the Three Kingdoms

The female voice fell, the door of the small temple opened, and a little beauty who surprised Qin An came out.

The girl is almost 1.7 meters tall, and she is indistinguishable from her appearance. She has the clear eyes and delicate skin of a thirteen or fourteen-year-old girl, but she has grown like a mature woman.

Her dress was also very special. She was wearing animal skins, her feet were bare-chested, her trousers were short and her legs were exposed, and her head was wearing a leopard-print cap. If she were to use an idiom to describe what she was wearing at this time, it would only be nondescript.

The girl was also taken aback when she saw Qin An, and then frowned:

"Who are you? What are you doing here?"

"Passing by."

Qin An felt that the girl was not easy to provoke, and talked fiercely.

"Passing by? I think you must be eavesdropping? And why is your body covered with blood?"

Her voice was so loud that the other two people in the ruined temple heard the voice and walked out.

The two were in their 40s or 50s, with half a hundred hair, one in tattered like a beggar, and the other dressed as a clerk, dressed in a wealthy and thirties.

After the two appeared and looked at Qin An for a while, the old beggar suddenly exclaimed.

"Ah! The little friend is so young, but he has already experienced the vicissitudes of life, with the purple light on his head, the broken feet of the mountains and rivers, the stiff body of the dragon and the tiger, I really can't see... I don't know who you are?"

"My name is Qin An, who are you? The chaos in this city has become like this, so you are not panicked at all?"

The man in his thirties laughed:

"I have lived in this Wuguan city for three years. It's nothing more than a small citizen. Although this is the boundary of Wei Gong, it is a border. Life is difficult. Most of the small people who settle here are just like me to escape the world. Even if there are foreigners. Soldiers entering the city have nothing to do with us. Why should we panic?"

Qin An narrowed his eyes slightly, knowing that the three of them felt it was not easy.

Although Zhen Ejian has been put away, there are bloodstains all over his body now. A little woman, an old beggar, a local squire sees herself but is not surprised at all. How could she be an ordinary person?

Thinking of this, Qin An smiled slightly and asked about the origins and names of the three.

The man in his thirties pondered slightly, and then said, "My name is Guo Jia!"


Guo Jia?

Qin An was stunned.

This name is like Lei Guaner. Cao Cao's first adviser was Guo Jia, who helped him complete the reunification of the North. However, it is said that Guo Jia who was next to Cao Cao died three years ago? Why would one rush out here?

Although Guo Jia is not as famous as Zhuge Liang in history, his ability is definitely not inferior to Zhuge Liang, and he is truly capable.

In the second year of Jian'an, in 197 AD, Cao Cao defeated Zhang Xiu and Yuan Shao wrote a letter to humiliate him. When Cao Cao worried that he would not have the ability to compete with Yuan Shao, Guo Jia put forward the famous "ten wins and ten loses" theory. He cited ten reasons in a row to prove that "the public has ten victories, but Shao has ten defeats." Guo Jia's analysis is very persuasive. It not only cheered up the fighting spirit of Cao's soldiers, but also helped Cao Cao draw up long-term and short-term combat goals.

In the third year of Jian'an, Liu Bei was broken by Lu Bu and he was attached to Cao Cao. The counselor Cheng Yu suggested to Cao Cao to kill Liu Bei. In order to avoid future troubles, Cao Cao asked Guo Jia’s opinion. Guo Jia believed that Liu Bei could not be killed in the name of a hero, but he could be placed under house arrest. However, Cao Cao did not accept Liu Bei’s strategy of house arrest. He was convinced by himself, but got closer to Liu Bei. This strategy was not adopted, otherwise there would be no story of the Three Kingdoms.

In September of the same year, Cao Cao sent troops to attack Lu Bu in Xuzhou. Cao Jun broke Pengcheng first, then defeated Lu Bu, and finally besieged Xiapi. Lu Bu couldn't hold on. The battle lasted for more than half a year, and Cao Cao saw that the soldiers were tired and prepared to give up. At this time, Guo Jia saw the chance of victory. He used Xiang Yu as an example to persuade Cao Cao and put forward the view that "the courageous and inexhaustible will soon be defeated when he is exhausted." Cao Cao followed Guo Jia's strategy, attacking the city while bursting the embankment to cover the Pi. Sure enough, in the same year, he conquered Xia Pi and sacked Lu Bu.

There are countless other deeds, and Qin An doesn't know all of them, but he knows that Guo Jia is great.

But can a dead person be resurrected? Maybe the Guo Jia in front of me just has the same name?

Before Qin An was surprised, the old beggar also introduced himself.

"Old man Zuo Ci."

I fuck!

Qin An's eyes were almost staring, and he didn't expect to encounter this person!

Zuo Ci is the master of the legendary "Tai Chi Immortal Weng"!

In the myth, the Jade Emperor Tongming Palace has four gods, which are the four great masters of Taoism: Zhang Daoling, Sa Shoujian, Xu Jingyang, and Ge Xuan.

So this Ge Xuan is Tai Chi Immortal Weng, Zuo Ci is Ge Xuan's master, naturally extraordinary.

It is said that he had traveled around and played a lot of princes. Even Cao Cao wanted to kill Zuo Ci, but he never managed to do it.

He also said that Zuo Ci is good at spells, can drive away ghosts and control gods, and is very bullish. I didn't expect to meet him.

What made Qin An even more unbelievable, this little girl's name was actually called Mi Yue...

The Queen Mother Miyue of the Great Qin Empire is the grandmother of Qin Shihuang's grandfather, that is, the grandmother of Gaozu. Can you pass through Nima?

Even if the four of them know their names, Guo Jia warmly invites Qin An to visit his home.

Qin An wouldn't refuse, and talked to them while walking. He didn't get much information about Zuo Ci and Guo Jia, but he knew the origin of Miyue.

Her hometown is quite far away from here. It is called Nanzhong. Qin'an is a little bit miserable. It is estimated that it should be in Sichuan, where Yunnan and Guizhou meet.

She belongs to a minority group and seems to be a descendant of the Zhu Rong clan, and there are eight surnames in the Zhu Rong clan: Ji, Dong, Peng, Tu, Yan, Cao, Zhu and Mi.

Zuo Ci traveled around the world. He arrived in Nanzhong two years ago and ran into a pack of wolves in the mountains. He was rescued by this little girl named Miyue.

This girl is not simple, she has high martial arts, and she can fly with her skill. She shuttles faster than monkeys in that mountain and forest.

She heard that Zuo Ci was traveling the world, so she secretly left home and followed Zuo Ci around Sichuan, and finally arrived at this place.

Miyue was only fourteen years ago, which means she was already very assertive when she was twelve two years ago, and this kind of personality was deliberate.

However, this is also related to the background of the times. The ethnic minorities in the South are still in a stage of uncivilization, far less than the number of humans living in the North, and the theoretical knowledge of hundreds of scholars has not been popularized with the people. As a girl who has never gone to school, Wild temperament is also normal.

When Qin An learns the information, will he send it out immediately?

The descendants of the Zhu Rong clan are so beautiful with their flying knives. Could this be Mrs. Zhu Rong who appeared in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms?

This is a character in the novel. It hasn't appeared in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, or is it just a coincidence?

Qin An feels a bit big, knowing that he can't think of the answer to this question anyway, unless he meets Meng Huo in a few years and sees if there is a Mrs. Zhu Rong beside him.

The four of them walked a few boxes, Zuo Ci and Guo Jia's expressions were not calm, only Mi Yue looked cute and did not respond.

"Brilliant man, what happened? At the beginning, it was rumored that there were enemy troops outside the pass. Could this city have been captured?"

"Yeah, why are there dead bodies everywhere? And the death is so miserable! No, let's hurry up, my wife and children's home!"

Guo Jia ran away while he was talking.

Qin An was very speechless. The two men were still chattering in the temple, but they didn't know anything.

In this way, he followed Guo Jia all the way to his home. It was an ordinary farmhouse, surrounded by many small courtyards. It was a large residential area, so this small courtyard looked very inconspicuous.

Guo Jia's face has always been pale, because he encountered more dead bodies and some zombies along the way.

Qin An didn't make a move. This Miyue was too powerful. Not only was she good at using flying knives, but her flying knives were not hidden weapons, but a weapon that Qin An had never said before.

There are a total of nine flying knives, and each one is linked by a very thin one-meter-long gold wire, which means that the nine flying knives are linked together to a total length of eight meters.

Miyue threw the first flying knife, followed by a string of flying knives. A straight stabbing could hurt people; Miyue held the last flying knife in her hand, and could control the eight flying knives while swinging. Kill the enemies along the way; connect the first flying knife when closing the knife to form a circle. Miyue always carries a long spear behind her back. She can control the flying knife circle with the long spear, and then use the long spear and the flying knife together Go kill the enemy; there are four inverted hooks at the tip of this spear, which can ensure that the knife circle will not fly away.

This weapon is called the Nine Dao Yuanyue Spear, it is very domineering, and a group of zombies are not talking about Miyue's body.

Qin An felt that Mi Yue's combat ability seemed to be much stronger than that of Zhang Yun.

If you don't apply Zhen Ejian, I guess it would be hard to fight her!

This Nima really hurts. Is a little girl so powerful? But I have never heard of this person's name in the History of the Three Kingdoms!

Qin An was depressed and understood for a while.

This is 211 AD, which is almost 1800 years away from the so-called modern era. Whether it is the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, or the official history of the Eastern Han Dynasty, there will always be some omissions in the records. You must know that during the period of the Three Kingdoms, the Warring States period, the perennial war weapon system will naturally develop very strong, and it is normal for some masters to have some special cold weapons, not to mention that Miyue is still a minority.

At this time, Guo Jia had rushed into the yard and met his wife.

This woman once again made Qin An feel that history is indeed a lie.

So beautiful!

The beauty of this woman even surpassed Qin An's consciousness of the first beauty, Linghua of the Qingjian clan, but in terms of temperament, she was even worse than the demon!

That is to say, at least Sun Xiaomei, Tang Yu's level of beauty is not in the same class compared to this woman, Mi Yue looks more delicate than her, but Mi Yue has no femininity on her body, she still feels like a little girl. .

"Dong Yu, are you okay?"

"Husband, I was really scared to death just now. There is a lot of noise outside. I locked the gate of the courtyard and I didn't dare to go out! You said you want to talk to the Daoist chief. Why did you go out early in the morning and then return?"

Ha ha! ~

This woman's name is Dong Yu, an unheard name, and another one missed by history. Why hasn't she been selected as one of the great beauties?

Think about it, as long as any woman who can stay in the history has one or several powerful men around her, there should be many people at the level of Dong Yu, but there is no one that can make them write a page in history. That's a strong man.

After the old Dao Zuo Ci entered the yard, he began to take out his various objects for fortune-telling. Even if this guy is very powerful, he still has some cute coins in the face of unknown creatures such as zombies. Qin An doesn’t understand him after he counts. Exclaimed and shook his head, Zuo Ci ah Zuo Ci, but that's all.

"Help! Help!"

A female voice sounded outside the staff, some of them hoarse.

Without waiting for Qin An's actions, Mi Yue had already rushed out with the gun and the nine-knife round moon spear, seeming a little excited.

Qin An saw that the two men in the courtyard didn't have time to take care of him, so he slowly paced out to watch with Mi Yue.

I saw a woman holding a child at the end of the alley. She was twenty-five and sixteen years old. She might be even more than one meter tall. She had slender legs and a hip waist and hips. His facial features were better than TM Dong Yu. , Really shameful.

The most embarrassing thing is this woman's disheveled clothes, probably because she met a zombie, her clothes were torn in many places, there should be no blood on her body, she should have no hands, which is luck. She was holding a baby in her arms, and she was completely dressed as a civilian woman.

After a while, a group of zombies appeared at the end of the alley. Mi Yue asked the woman to run over, and then screamed and rushed towards the zombies, very brave.

When she rushed to Qin An's side, the woman stumbled on the stone and almost fell. Qin An hurriedly stepped forward to support her.

"Langjun save me!"

Lang Jun? This may be what women call strange men during this period, and Qin An naturally wouldn't think too much.

But now he actually cares about who this woman is.

"What's the name of the little lady?"

I've heard of Qin An being called such by his married wife, so he is a little bit embarrassed when he learns it, how does it feel as if he is teasing others.

"Lang Jun, my name is Feng Niang, and I am the concubine of Zhong Lang General Zhang Xi! I was at home today, but a group of lunatics suddenly rushed into the house just before they saw people, and the guards were bitten by them. Become frantic and unscrupulous, some of the guards who were familiar with it turned out to be as if they didn’t know me, and even tore my clothes. Fortunately, I ran fast and brought the child here! Lang Jun, we must save the concubine and this Poor boy!"

Qin An was dumbfounded. This turned out to be Zhang Yun's concubine. Then the child in this woman's arms belonged to Zhang Yun's family?

I really don't know what to say, Qin An doesn't even know how to think.

"Hey, hey, come and help!"

Suddenly, Mi Yue's shout came.

Qin An looked up and saw that the little girl was already surrounded by zombies. This was nothing. The most important thing was that among these zombies, there were D6 jumping zombies!

How did this jumping zombie come from? Could it be a genetic mutation? The rapid evolution from ordinary zombies to D6 is a very common thing in the late end of the world.

Although Miyue is powerful and the weapon is new, the damage of this weapon is not enough to break the defense of the D6 zombie's body, so she retreats as she fights, and there are other ordinary zombies behind her back, which is already in a mess.

Qin An didn't bother to pay attention to this peerless beauty, who was also missed by history, and took out Zhen Ejian from the space ring to move forward quickly.

He didn't want to watch Mi Yue being bitten or scratched by zombies. It had nothing to do with her hue and love, but men always liked beautiful things.

Several times with the sword, more than a dozen zombies were chopped up, Qin An reached behind Mi Yue and stretched out his hand to pull her into his arms.

Fortunately, Qin An arrived in time, otherwise the little girl might have been caught by a claw of D6 jumping zombie.

Miyue turned her head to see Qin An stunned, frowned and said, "Why are you?"

"Little sister, aren't you asking me to come and help?"

"I thought that old way was following me."

"You mean Zuo Ci? Is he good at fighting?"

"It used to be a waste, but recently he did know some spells."


Zuo Ci shouldn't be considered a military commander. Could it be that he was also changed by the energy of spatial rebalance?

While talking and thinking with Mi Yue, Qin An stepped back while killing a dozen other zombies approaching nearby.

"Ah? Where did your sword come from? I didn't see you holding the sword just now... it seems to be very sharp. I saw that many people were cut to death by corpses along the way. From the hands of one person, could it be said that all the people here were killed by you before?"

"Little sister, you talk a lot."

Qin An continued to hold Mi Yue's waist and led her back, D6 zombie finally chased her.

"Be careful, this monster is very powerful..."

Miyue hadn’t finished her words, but a cold light flashed in front of her. The huge humanoid monster with a height of more than three meters was cut off. He didn’t even see what was going on. He didn’t remember until she reacted. It was Qin An's sword that passed before his eyes!

What a fast sword speed! And why is this sword so sharp? She didn't hurt him even if she used the monster before.

After Qin An killed D6, he killed the remaining dozen zombies, and finally solved all the troubles. He looked at the empty box in private and listened to several hundred meters in the vicinity with his ears, except for himself. There should be no living people outside, and no zombies.

"Well, killing monsters is over."

Qin An let go of Mi Yue and turned back to the courtyard. When he passed the gate, he saw Feng Niang shivering while holding the child.

This is how to do ah? I am the enemy of the child in Feng Niang's arms...

Forget it, don’t care about him. After contacting Guo Jia Zuoci, if they are useful to you, then you can go. If they are useless to you, then just leave, and never see this Feng Niang and Feng Niang again. The baby in her arms is good. Even if she is a cold-hearted person, she really does not have the courage to kill a baby in her arms.

When Feng Niang saw Qin An and Mi Yue coming over, she was about to kneel and kowtow. Qin An dodges in a hurry, but didn't stop her. Now he doesn't even touch this woman, so stay away...

(A new month is here, I beg for a monthly pass!)

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