Zombie Apocalypse

Chapter 1852: Nine patients

"You repeat, how did you get to the building."

Li Xiangdong asked with a gloomy expression, his eyes swept over the group of people, and he stayed on several women for a while.

He is not a Tathagata Buddha, but he also knows the fireworks in the world, and several women are good-looking, especially Liu Xia, a pair of long legs against the sky is daunting, can this thing be used to take photos and sell money to make a fortune?

Coughing lightly, Li Xiangdong withdrew his distracted attention, and his eyes fell on Qin An. He could see that the real leader of this group was Qin An.

Qin An repeated what he said yesterday, and Li Xiangdong snorted coldly:

"Yesterday, I really ignored this question. Even if you have diving equipment, a group of people can dive for that long and distance without any training? And there are zombies everywhere, how did you come from the water covered by zombies? ?"

"I'm a master diver, and I will guide everyone to relax more naturally. As for why we can climb up, it may be because of good luck."

Qin An's tone was relaxed, without the consciousness of being interrogated.

lucky? Li Xiangdong's nose almost crooked.

At this time, soldiers came to report that all floors were closed, all personnel were under control, and no clues were found so far.

Li Xiangdong listened to the soldiers' report and was even more suspicious of people like Qin An.

Qin An saw Li Xiangdong’s doubts, and shook his head helplessly, and then said: “When I came up, I heard people say that there were several homicides. Captain Li, I think you’re right because we just arrived. Are we suspicious? This is normal, but we are really not the murderer, and to tell you a secret, I am still a master of crime. If you can trust me temporarily, maybe I can find the real murderer."

What Qin An said made Liu Xia, Xu Rantian and others by his side shocked.

They don't even understand what the situation is, and now Qin An has said that they can help others solve the case. This man is really mysterious and invisible.

Then Li Xiangdong was naturally shocked when he heard Qin An's words.

"Can you find the murderer?"

"Well, the murderer's methods are not clever. I think Company Captain Li may just be in a mess because of the sudden incident, so he couldn't find the direction. Why don't you let me investigate the scene with you and find some clues? "

"Okay, let's look at this first. The case of Deputy Chief Guo Xianzhi was killed. When my soldiers heard the shouts and arrived, they found Liu Aina and Li Guanghua living in the room, as well as the dead body of Xianzhi Guo. At present, it is judged that Vice President Guo Xianzhi died of poisoning by eating steamed buns. The poison may be cyanide, potassium, and the like. Tell me what you think about the situation here."

Li Xiangdong looked contemptuous, obviously he didn't think this man really had any abilities.

Qin An circled the room and looked at a pocket of steamed buns and a few small dishes placed on the table. After a while, he turned his head to look at Liu Aina and Li Guanghua.

"You didn't eat the buns?"

"No, although I was hungry, I ate too dry and uncomfortable in the morning, so I just ate some side dishes." Liu Aina was still wrapped in the quilt, looking very embarrassed and blushing.

"I didn't eat either. I was a little cautious in front of Dean Guo, and I just ate two bites of small dishes."

"Well, so you judge that this steamed bun is poisonous, because Dean Guo died after eating steamed buns, so did he eat side dishes?"

Li Xiangdong interrupted: "Hey, both of them have eaten the side dishes, and they are all right. What does it matter if Dean Guo eats the side dishes or not?"

"Of course there are. There are four kinds of side dishes, pickled mustard, dried radish, shredded kelp, and salted peppers. I want to know what kind of side dish President Guo ate, and which one of them did."

Li Xiangdong heard what Qin An said, frowned and thought, no longer speaking, but instead focused on the other two.

"I ate some kelp shreds and nothing else." Liu Aina spoke with a reminiscence expression on her face.

"I took a bite of mustard, and I didn't eat anything else." Li Guanghua said with certainty.

"Okay, so mustard and kelp shreds are innocent. What is suspect now is steamed buns, dried radishes and salted peppers, right?"

Liu Xia wanted to laugh beside Qin An but felt untimely. This is the first time I heard such a saying that mustard and kelp are innocent? Hey, this man is actually a bit funny, and it will be revealed inadvertently. He is not as cold as he looks.

Li Xiangdong nodded, and then said: "You are right, but is it necessary to care about such small things?"

"Of course there is. If steamed buns are poisonous, then a pot of steamed buns must be poisonous. The purpose of the poisoners is to kill many people. If it is not that steamed buns are poisonous, but one of the four small dishes is poisonous, the problem will come. I want to know, is this salty chili spicy?"

Li Guanghua preemptively said: "Spicy, very spicy! It is a kind of side dish that Dean Guo likes to eat most. Whether eating at home or in the hospital, he always prepares it. This kind of side dish is our chef Yan's specialty. Everyone who likes spicy food likes it."

"Haha, then do you and this beauty eat spicy food?"

"I don't like it." The two answered at the same time this time.

Qin An thoughtfully, smiled and looked at Li Xiangdong.

Li Xiangdong was also contemplative. Suddenly there was a look in his eyes. He looked at Qin An and said, "That is to say, someone knows that Dean Guo likes spicy food, so in fact, this salty pepper is poisonous. His goal is only Dean Guo. Alone! I ask you two, did Dean Guo also eat this salty pepper?"

Li Guanghua and Liu Aina looked at each other, and then Liu Aina said with uncertainty: "It seems to have ate it, took a bite of chili, and then ate steamed buns, and then it was poisoned."

"Haha, that's right! Brother, what's your name? You are so smart, you are so delicate!"

Liu Xiangdong's attitude towards Qin An suddenly changed, because it was really not easy for Qin An to find clues in such a period of time. At least Liu Xiangdong was confused just now and couldn't figure it out.

"Thank you for the compliment. My name is Qin An. Then, Captain Li, things seem to be a bit eye-catching. The murderer may be aimed at Dean Guo, and he is someone who knows his food and preferences!"

"Then... the chef surnamed Yan is very suspicious? This person is called Yan Yikuan. He is honest and loyal, doesn't he look like him?"

"It doesn't matter if it looks like it doesn't matter. The company commander only needs to send someone to control him first. Since it is to solve the case, we need to find evidence. After all, I want to know that President Guo has a habit of not a few people, so the murderer may be anyone Besides, didn’t it mean that several murders happened at the same time?"

"Yes, one is my soldier Zhao Zida committing suicide, and the other is a more bizarre murder case. Nine patients were lying in the ward and were shot overnight, and all of them hit the center of the forehead. The strangest thing is, Although the situation was chaotic last night, I arranged soldiers to guard on every floor. It is impossible for them not to hear the gunshots. Nine people died in a row, or the other party used a silencer? But look at the bullet holes. Like."

"Captain Li, I don't think it makes any sense for us to guess here, so let's go and see the scene."

"Okay, come with me. Don't move anyone here. We will deal with it when we have a conclusion."

Li Xiangdong had expectations of Qin An, and led him and Liu Xia and others downstairs to the room where the nine people had died.

Qin An had known the situation of these nine people a long time ago, but after pretending to check one by one, he turned his head to Li Xiangdong:

"Captain Li thinks these people died last night?"

"Of course, nurses have rounds every day. If they died early, the nurse would know."

"Oh, where is that nurse?"

Li Xiangdong listened to Qin An’s question and called his subordinates to ask. The soldier said that the nurse was unconscious and has not yet awakened.

Qin An sighed secretly and said to Li Xiangdong: "Let's go and see that nurse first, because she is a key person."

Qin An's attitude was a bit unpredictable, and Li Xiangdong did not hesitate and took people to visit the nurse.

Qin An curled his lips when he reached the bed, put his hand on her nose, and said, "She is dead."

what! ?

Is this one wave after another? The nurse is dead?

"How could this be?"

Li Xiangdong almost roared and asked the soldiers around him.

"Company commander, we have been taking care of her. No one has ever touched her unless she died by herself." A soldier replied very aggrieved.

"Company Captain Li, don't be excited, maybe she died on her own."

Qin An took out a small bottle of powder from the nurse's pocket while talking.

"Hydrazine, this is a medium-strength antihypertensive drug with strong toxic side effects to the heart, so the average patient will not take it for a long time, but will use it in combination with other types of antihypertensive drugs. This woman is so young that she should not take such drugs, but she seems to be pregnant, so it is likely to have high blood pressure during pregnancy. For high blood pressure during pregnancy, two drugs, methyldopa and hydralazine are generally used. Together with lowering blood pressure, although it has side effects on the heart, lowering blood pressure is also the key. Instability of blood pressure can easily cause bleeding in the operating room and many other complicated conditions, which can be life-threatening. Then I think this woman was overwhelmed , Because long-term use of drugs caused certain damage to the heart, it caused myocardial infarction and died after not getting timely help. This may be an accident, but it is a pity that this incident caused us some trouble, I think Do you know anyone besides her is familiar with the nine patients in the ward? How about their attending physician?"

"The nine patients in this ward did not have an attending physician. Their attending physicians all died, and some became zombies. So we gathered these patients together, and the treatment was temporarily stopped, but this nurse was responsible. Taking care of their usual daily situation, it has been too messy recently, and no one of us knows about these patients." A life of onlookers outside the room provided information.

"Well, it doesn't matter anymore. Let's go back to the nine corpses. Since there is no evidence, the dead are actually the best evidence."

Qin An left before saying this, and a large group of people followed.

At this time, Liu Xia had some admiration for Qin An. This is too strong, is she still seeing a doctor? And the little nurse is dead, and his stomach is not bulging obviously, he can know that they are pregnant, this is a miraculous mess.

There are not a few people around who have the same ideas as Liu Xia, including Li Xiangdong.

After Qin An took the people back to the previous room, he said straightforwardly: "Captain Li, these people didn't die last night."

"I didn't die last night? How could that be possible? The nurse will check it every day."

"Yes, the nurses will check every day. People died this morning. It should be what happened last night. But these people really didn't die yesterday. They have been dead for at least a few days. , It’s not difficult to judge. There are so many doctors here. You can come and check it. You can judge from her blood, the degree of cortex shedding, the color of the fundus, the blockage of the nostrils, the softness of the muscles and so on. These nine people didn't die last night! So there won't be any gunshots last night."

"Ah? How could this be?" Li Dongfeng was a little dizzy.

At this time, dozens of people had been onlookers outside the door. Hearing what Qin An said, three doctors immediately came in. After a detailed examination of the body, they agreed with Qin An's statement that the minimum time for these people to die is estimated to be more than 48 hours.

"Perhaps they died longer, but their bodies are well preserved and there is no odor. I think the place where they were before should be a place for corpses, perhaps a hospital morgue? There should be a backup power supply, right? In other words, somebody actually dropped the nine patients in this ward last night and replaced them with the corpses from the morgue. The purpose, I think, was to create panic."

"Then...why do they have bullet holes on their foreheads?" Li Xiangdong couldn't understand.

"Report to the company commander, I may be able to explain this matter."

A soldier came in from outside the door.

"Oh? You just talk about it."

"Mr. Qin is right. These people may really come from the morgue. On the day of the doomsday outbreak, the morgue became a hard-hit area, and many corpses came back to life. Zhao Zida and I were ordered to clean up the zombies and kill them. Many died, including zombies and dead people. Those dead people are more terrifying than zombies. We thought they were dead, but suddenly they would jump up and become zombies and attack us. There were more killings, and we were still competing with marksmanship. , See who can get a headshot with a single shot, so... if these nine corpses were dead at that time, they were probably killed by me and Zhao Zida."

Qin An's eyes lit up and he asked the soldier, "Is Zhao Zida the one who jumped off the building?"

"En, yes."

"What a coincidence? So why did he jump off the building? If there is no mental disorder, it must be too much mental pressure. You used a gun to head the zombies. Has an accident happened?"

The reason why Qin An asked such a question was because he found that the soldier's eyes were a little panic when he spoke.

After listening to Qin An's question, the soldier's face turned pale, and Li Xiangdong also noticed his abnormality.

"If you have something to say, don't hesitate and cover up, this is not the soldier I brought out!"

"Zhao Zida... one shot hit a living person that day, and she died after a shot headshot. We all saw it clearly at the time, and she asked us for help. I put down the one who beat her behind Zombie, but Zida didn't control his aiming posture, and accidentally went off and killed that person..."

"So he has been guilty until he ended his life today. It seems that this is also an accident. At least this is the best reason. No matter what, let this matter go. What I want to say is, The nine corpses appeared to have been transported from the morgue, and the original nine patients were transported away. This is a big action, which should have happened during the chaos last night. The zombies outside The nest is formed, everyone’s attention is attracted, but this murderer secretly did this. It seems that the chef named Yan Yikuan often enters and exits the morgue, right?"

"Yes, because there is a lot of food over there, the whole building is out of power, only a few freezers and the cabinets where the corpses are stored are still working, and the backup power supply is not broken." The soldier replied, and Li Xiangdong's eyes were already staring. Go round.

"Huh, it seems that this chef has a big problem. Vice President Guo and the deaths of people here are all involved with him! Go, call him, I want...no, let Brother Qin interrogate him! Interrogation." Li Xiangdong now completely admires Qin An.

It's only a while now, and the seemingly messy things will become clear at once.

Dean Guo was poisoned, nine corpses, Zhao Zida's suicide, and the sudden death of a nurse are almost all already well-known. Most of the murderers are inextricably linked with Yan Yikuan.

Qin An raised his head, squinted his eyes, and looked at Yan Yikuan through the wall. At this time, he was taken by the soldiers to a separate room to guard.

Yan Yikuan's expression is very natural, just the kind of nervousness and fear.

Qin An has a powerful ability to recognize facial expressions. He looked at Yan Yikuan for a long time, until the people sent by Li Xiangdongxin took him out of the room and walked here.

What is going on here? Why doesn't Yan Yikuan feel like a problem? His expression was so natural, it was the panic caused by an uninformed person being suddenly controlled. Could it be that his guess was wrong? Isn’t the chef the real murderer?

Zhao Zida jumped off the building, the little nurse was scared to death, and the deputy dean was killed. Is there really no connection between the four cases of nine bodies? Is everything really just a coincidence? Have you neglected anything? All speculations are inferred from Yan Yikuan as the murderer, but he is not a murderer by marrying him, and whoever is for what purpose will get nine corpses from the morgue, and who is deliberately trying to kill the vice yard. Prophet Chang Guo?

With these questions, Qin An hurriedly turned on the monitoring capability to check the entire building. He really missed a problem. If someone replaced nine patients with nine corpses last night, where are the nine patients now?

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