Zombie Apocalypse

Chapter 1648: The pain of memory return

Seeing Weng Lan's nervousness, Qin An naturally did not delay. He freely let Pudu sentient beings and Yanhuo body fuse to form a mixed ability. After displaying Weng Lan, the invisible flame burned inside her body, because Pudu The protection of sentient beings leaves the body without damage, and also burns all the parasite eggs and the parasite body into ashes.

Now Qin An already possesses the ability to fuse abilities at will, just like a sword breaking eight wastes, high-energy hail, and the fusion ability can display new abilities and have stronger attack effects.

In fact, Qin An himself is now releasing a super variety of supernatural abilities. There are hundreds of living bodies in his necrosphere. Each time Qin An uses a living body to reach the super **** level, he will also obtain the ability of that living body before his death. It is said that Qin An can use the ability to release the ability if it is divided into a thousand ways. He is omnipotent. The only difference is that the attacks released by these abilities are different in strength. Sword God Those skills can naturally reach the Sword God level, but ordinary ones can't.

Then this kind of healing fire is very powerful, and although the other two have some abilities, it is still difficult to compete with Qin An's supernatural realm.

Taled and Hanni's face changed drastically at the same time, and they felt that the mutant beast in their bodies had died and disappeared!

The flames that the healing fire burned in the body tended to be invisible, so Talid didn't know why he and Hanni's parasitic beast died suddenly. He just knows that there is absolutely nothing wrong with this, because his ability has been reduced and he has become a normal superpower.

"Hanni, this person is a bit weird! Hurry up!"

Talid's voice fell, and two huge sea beasts in the water jumped out and swallowed them directly into their abdomen, before beginning to change their appearance.

Qin An had discovered two sea beasts long ago and knew their origins.

Bobit insects have an amazing body shape and are found in warm waters around the world before the end of the world. As early as the 19th century, oceanographers have recognized that they are the longest polychaetes. Many. Hairy species mainly live on the seabed and have links. The average length of Bobit insects is about 1 meter, but the longest record can reach 3 meters. The feeding organs of Bobit insects are very complex, called "pharynx", which can turn from the inside to the outside. It has a sharp lower jaw at its end. Once the prey is caught, the Bobit insect can often cut it into two parts at lightning speed. After catching the prey, the Bobitworm immediately hid in its own cave to feed. Bobitus uses five antennae to detect passing prey and uses supramuscular mouthparts called pharyngeal cavity to capture them. Bobit insects are very aggressive, their super fast speed and super attack ability can tear fish in half instantly. This may be the most pleasant ending for the prey. If they are only bitten at first, they will be dragged into the Bobit insect cave and suffer nightmarish torture.

Two variants of Bobit insects have been discovered, one of which is called Bobit meat. The insect is non-attack and edible. It is a more delicious thing in the deep sea. Some Jiulongshan nobles like to eat this kind of meat, so they are willing It costs a lot of money to buy, so the merchants of the end times will venture to the sea to catch this sea beast.

The other one is the dangerous species, named Bobit Gyrus!

This sea beast has a body length of 100 meters and a body thickness of 4 meters. Today, it often appears in levels between 20 and 25.

In fact, the original sea beasts and the earth mutant species on land would not evolve so fast, but after they swallowed the sword spirit star mutant species, they could absorb the sword soul fragments in their bodies to evolve quickly, and then quickly complete multiple mutations, becoming Advanced mutant beasts, this is a more powerful ability than sword repairers, sword repairers want to improve their mutation level can only through continuous physical and mental exercises, and then wait for the chance to change. Therefore, the existence of more than 200-level mutations like Qin An is already very impressive among mutants, but the existence of more than 200-level mutations among mutant beasts occasionally appears.

When the two sea beasts swallowed Taled and Hanni, the two giant worms changed into a biological form with a human structure. They still looked like giant worms, except that two rows of human arms and The palm of the hand makes the huge monster look like a centipede, and their heads have also become the appearance of Talid and Hanni. The huge heads are covered with blood and yellow liquid, making people look terrifying.

Because their bodies were too huge, they set off a monstrous wave when they went out to sea. Qin An hurriedly hugged Weng Lan and flew up while controlling his boat so that it would not sink to the bottom of the sea.

When Qin An got up, he didn’t want to be polite. One arm took Weng Lan into his arms, and the other hand turned into a huge transparent ball again, enclosing the two giant beasts that rushed into it. The flames were released from the transparent ball, and Talid and Hannie were dead after ten seconds! Their strength is actually pretty good, but it's a pity that the person they are facing is Qin An.

at this time,

Weng Lan's spirit was a little excited. Her memory originally stayed when she met Qin Angang for half a year, so the current situation was a bit extraordinary for her. The consciousness that had just lived in the last few months was constantly stimulated.

The huge waves, the sky and the sea, the starry sky reflected, a possibly beloved man hugged her and stepped up on the waves. He stretched out his hand and waved a fire that had burnt the bones of the two huge monsters.

This powerful, turbulent background of this turbulent situation made her deeply feel the turbulent situation of the last days, if it were in the past, even if she dreamed, she would not have encountered such a situation.

Perhaps because of being so excited, Weng Lan felt that her head was dizzy and she was out of control.

What's wrong?

The dazzling world in front of her was intertwined, blurring his vision and chaosing Weng Lan's mind.

Gradually, the door of memory that she blocked deep in her heart opened, and the past events were unfolding before her eyes one by one. ......

"You look so good!"

That was what Qin An said when she met her for the first time. She thought that the man in front of the talent market was a disciple, but in the next year, this man who was supposed to be a big carrot in Weng Lan's heart She moved her with simple actions like a fool.

At the moment of marriage, she signed the marriage certificate with her sister's name, because she thought Qin An was a simple man, so since he had known a woman named Li Ying for more than a year, Weng Lan did not seem to change.

In fact, Weng Lan didn't expect much to marry. She even regretted it the moment she got married.

She felt that she was too sloppy, and she really entrusted herself to such an ordinary man because she wanted a family.

Although he felt very good for her, although she felt that she could be sure that he was a good person, she really didn't understand Qin An.

What Weng Lan didn't expect was that she was really happy after marriage, and the happiness exceeded her expectations.

For a woman with temperament, quality, and intelligence, material life is not her pursuit, because she has the ability to work, even if a man does nothing, she can support her family.

Although she possesses this ability, Weng Lan is not the type of strong woman. She is even a small woman. She likes the life of a small family. The purpose of her career and work is just to support her family. She never thought about doing a career, even if she Have this ability and this background. After all, Weng Lan’s sister is very rich. Her stepfather was originally a businessman. Later, Weng Die also embarked on the road of business and made a lot of money.

In short, money cannot make her happy. The warmth of the family and the love of her husband are what she values.

Qin An met her request.

There are many simple things about this man that moved her.

The two were very busy with work during the year of their wedding, and basically had no time to cook at home.

But Qin An suggested that no matter how busy you are, you must have dinner together, at least three days a week, and if you don't have time to do it, you can eat it in the small shop at the gate of the community.

Therefore, Weng Lan at that time was always eager to leave work. After get off work, they would go to their favorite halal noodle restaurant for dinner together.

The beef ramen at halal noodle shops is the cheapest, usually only eight yuan a bowl, most of which are noodles and hot, only one or two beef. If you add a poached egg, it costs ten dollars.

He and Qin An bought a house as soon as they got married, and Weng Lan had to pay down the down payment and repay the loan. Qin An's work was used to cover the living expenses of the two people on weekdays.

Weng Lan feels that both of them are still young and in good health, so there is no such high demand in eating and drinking. Although she likes to eat poached eggs, she still does not add eggs when eating beef noodles because she thinks saving is A habit is a kind of financial management. Eating less eggs will not kill you. If you eat one egg less a day for a month, half of the electricity bill is left. This is the foundation of financial management.

Then Qin An suddenly said one day that he liked to eat poached eggs, so every time they ate beef noodles, they would add eggs, because Qin An said that if Weng Lan didn't eat it, he would not eat it.

This was originally a trivial matter, and Weng Lan and Qin An were married for two years and didn't care too much.

Two years later, Weng Lan went to the hospital for a physical examination and met a neighbor doctor in the same community.

After the examination, the doctor smiled and said to Weng Lan:

"Hey, Weng Lan, I have to say sorry for something."

"what's up?"

Weng Lan was a little surprised.

"About the evaluation of your husband...In our community, Qin Xiaoyan likes to tell others about your family. Qin Xiaoyan said that you are a senior white-collar worker, and your husband is a dick, and you are not worthy of you. He also said that you bought your house with money, and said that your husband is a soft food. Hey, as the so-called preconceptions, I have always been prejudiced against Qin An for this reason... But something happened recently It changed my view of your husband."

"what's up?"

"Your husband, eating fried eggs will cause gastrointestinal reactions, which can be regarded as a symptom of allergies, which can cause indigestion and bloating. For the past two years, he has been here to eat with vitamins. A few dollars are very cheap. Because eating this vitamin can promote digestion. These are what I heard from a colleague the other day. That colleague and Qin An seem to be good friends, so they know some things about Qin An. More than two years ago, Qin An Just after buying a house with you, you went to eat beef noodles. You said you didn’t like fried eggs. Qin An knew that you lied, because in the year he pursued you, he didn’t just go to your house to deliver food and water. Occasionally he would go around your company to secretly inquire about your preferences, so he knew that you actually like to eat fried eggs, and you like it very much. At that time, Qin An realized that the reason you didn't want to eat fried eggs was to save money, so he Begin to actively say that he likes to eat fried eggs, mainly to let you eat, because he knows that as long as he says he likes you, he will not bear it. This is what he thinks of you. As long as you like him, he won’t think of eating beef noodles with an egg. It’s a waste. It’s a trivial matter, but when I think about it, Qin An treats you very carefully. My doctor friend is called Wang Xi, that is, the doctor friend Qin An knows and told me many things between you. This Wang Xi was robbed once, and Qin An got rid of the two robbers, so they became friends. Wang Xi had a gratitude to Qin An and felt that Qin An was a good person, so they became A good friend, Wang Xi is also willing to learn about Qin An. You pay a lot of down payment for your house, which is basically yours. It is impossible for Qin An to be without any psychological pressure, but he never shows any pressure in front of you. He is now learning the ability to unlock locks, saying that he is going to set up a part-time shop in the future, and give Pepe a key to unlock the lock so that he can do two jobs. Qin An said this is called the dumb bird to fly first, since he has no ability to make a lot of money, then Just fly first and make a little money..."

After talking with the female doctor, Weng Lan suddenly realized that she still didn't know her man, but this man seemed to be cuter than she thought.

Therefore, Weng Lan began to chat with her friends in Qin'an frequently, talk to her neighbors about her husband, and let her know more about Qin'an and like Qin'an through other people's comments.

Feeling the sea breeze, hearing the sound of the sea, and hearing the beating of her heart at the same time, Weng Lan felt that tears were constantly flowing downward.

Why, why does she cry like this, why does she feel so heartache? Painful...

The scene in front of me suddenly flashed rapidly, the picture of happiness disappeared, and the feeling of **** descended.

It's cold! Why is it so cold?

Suddenly, Qin An saw himself in the merger!

OMG! She was actually frozen, a graceful body was under the tight black clothes, and the belly...why was it bulging?

correct! correct! She is pregnant and has four children!

She remembered the pain when giving birth, and the pain of giving birth!

Oh my God, it turns out that she has gone through so much, and finally lost the baby.


Her child!

How could she lose her child?

I had already felt the tears on my face, but now it seems that every cell in the body is crying.

The memory that had been forgotten by her suddenly deepened and then deepened deeply.

She was kidnapped by the gangster, **** in the car, and looked at the gangster city.

She watched the third child being thrown into the river with her own eyes, while the eldest, second and little daughter had long been missing.

She should yell out, but her mouth is blocked. She is a smart woman. Even then, she understands her situation and feels that perhaps she will not be able to see the children in her life.

Thinking of this result, Weng Lan was frightened, and she began to resist desperately, trying to escape the car.

A group of gangsters obviously had no patience. They punched and kicked Weng Lan, who resisted strongly, and she fainted to death.

She lost her child and suffered ever since. She wanted to escape, but she was unable to escape.

There seemed to be no guards around her when she left the prison, but she still couldn't escape, because she would encounter terrible monsters when she left the city.

There were a few times when she almost died in the mouth of a monster while escaping, she was rescued by the supernatural being.

Only then did she know that the shackles that had imprisoned her hadn't been unraveled. Someone was watching her quietly and she couldn't escape.

More painful memories made her nerves paralyzed, and she finally fainted.

But even in a coma, her consciousness did not disappear, because it was too painful, and this pain accompanied her for several years.

She is always dizzy. She feels painful when she thinks of her children, and her heart is blank when she does not think of children.

Occasionally, she would think of that man--

It's really only occasionally, because she thinks that man may just be extravagant for her. She can't even take care of his children. How can she stand in front of him?

Time passed, and a few years later, her eyes were half blind, she couldn't see anything at night, and everything she saw during the day was vague.

Sometimes Weng Lan would think of her past and the comforting and plain happiness she spent with Qin An.

In fact, she didn't feel very happy at that time, just at ease.

At that time, he began to think about the past, the beauty and plainness that passed away!

The scene around him changed again, and the man actually appeared. He stood outside the window, looking at her affectionately, but she didn't think of him because of her amnesia.

Oh my God, she actually met Qin An again in a state of amnesia, and saw her children again.

Ah, Weng Lan felt that her soul was trembling, as if she had got goosebumps. She could still see him and the children? This is simply a miracle!

Thinking of the cuteness of the children over the past few days, thinking of Qin An's care for her, Weng Lan's tears seemed to become sweeter, so she wanted to plunge into the man's arms and let him hug herself tightly.


Suddenly behind the man, Weng Die, Yin Yao, and Linghua appeared.

Weng Lan was silly and silly.

If she loses her memory, then Qin An doesn't care no matter how many women she has, because he still doesn't understand her own heart.

But if there is a memory, she is the real Weng Lan, and Qin An is her favorite man.

none of them!

So she can't make herself one of Qin An's, because her love is selfish!

She loves Qin An, if Qin An is really with other women, she will bless her.

But she couldn't stay with Qin An anymore. Her deep love for Qin An prevented her from seeing other women appearing beside Qin An! She can't do it!

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