Zombie Apocalypse

Chapter 1547: Sixteen characters

"Little devil, don't run around!"

Qin An really didn't understand this parasitic beast changed by his mother-in-law.

This guy has a very autonomous ability, it can differentiate from its own body at any time, and does not need a blood sacrifice.

And although he and it can communicate with it mentally, but it can’t use it to be as animalized as ordinary mutants. So far, the little thing has not shown any strong side, so Qin An doubts whether its strength is really justified. Reached the sword **** level.

But no matter what, this was transformed by his mother-in-law, even an idiot Qin An had to raise it!

The three sisters of Weng Lan's mother turned out to be an alien? This is even more bizarre than his own father, Qin Shihuang, and Qin Anshan does not know what a complicated mood is. He only thinks that people are really good alive, and they can always encounter surprises and frights!

When he got up early in the morning, the little demon got out of Qin An's body, and then rushed to the tent outside and ran happily. It looked no different from a normal puppy, with a simple appearance.

Qin An huffed and followed behind in boxer pants and a vest, as if he was an uncle who woke up and walked the dog early in the pre-apocalyptic era, and what he was doing was walking the dog.

The wine drink last night was quite refreshing. Qin An felt that Xia Ke's troubles would be solved in the future, and everything was said and there were no more entanglements. It was a good thing.

I rub!

Qin An, who was walking, was stunned suddenly, and then quickly rushed to the front booth.

"Boss, come here with a bowl of tofu brains and two fried dough sticks! You still have this kind of stuff here, so kind."

Qin An's favorite premature food is tofu brain and fried dough sticks. It is natural to see that they are selling here.

"Okay, 10 sword soul fragments, pay the money first."

The boss obviously didn't know Qin An, so he was afraid that unfamiliar customers would fall behind when doing business, so it is a good choice to collect the money first.

Qin An didn't hesitate, and threw 10 sword soul stone fragments directly to the boss, and then began to consider currency matters.

Nowadays, the unified currency of many forces is the sword soul fragment, the sword soul stone.

This thing has become currency, so it is very difficult to hold a large amount of it, but it will circulate around and be scattered among the crowd.

If you want to collect more Sword Soul Fragments, you must find something to replace it as currency. At least you cannot use Sword Soul Fragments as currency to store in areas where your interests are involved.

What to use Gold is not recognized by most Sword Spirit Star races. In their eyes, it is really gold like dung, and it has no value at all.

Go back to Yin Yao and Linghua to ask about it. After all, they know better about the sword spirit star, and there are more mainstream intelligent creatures on the earth than the earth.

Qin An feels that if he can become the king of the sword, the first major thing to accomplish in the future is to issue a set of currency. Those who use this currency will be protected by the authority, and they should also actively promote the currency in other forces. Exchange and use.

Only with currency in circulation can there be commerce among various countries.

With business, there will be common interests, and war will not break out easily.

The advantage of economic society is that most people value interests more, and things like war are just the last means capital will use when interests are nowhere to be found.

"Qin An! Good morning!"

Princess Linghua's voice suddenly sounded behind him. Before Qin An looked back, a pair of jade hands were already on his shoulders.

"Hey hey hey, men and women don't get married, don't move!"

"This lady just moved her hands, where can she move her feet?"

While speaking, Linghua had already sat next to Qin An.

She wore a pale blue lady's gown today, which looked classic and elegant, and what a beauty wears is always good-looking.

"Why did you run over early in the morning?"

Linghua took a deep breath, stared at Qin An, and then whispered:

"Because of the emergence of the Space Beast, people are now panicking. The father decided to continue the election of husbands tomorrow. The Shenyuan Festival has a total of nine days. In any case, people should not feel too nervous. So I am here to inform you! "

"It will be held tomorrow. You ran here early today...Are you nervous?"

Qin An took a big sip of tofu and looked at Linghua with a smile.

"I'm not nervous, why am I nervous?"

Linghua obviously couldn't speak her mind, and her face was flushed.

How could she not be nervous, this time she had already understood all the 32 members of the selection meeting, they were all powerful and perverted guys. Originally, Linghua wanted to find Dong Chen for a back door, but was rejected.

Dongchen believes that since the princess's husband-in-law is bound to the throne this time, the final battle strength cannot be reduced. How can the incompetent convince the crowd? Besides, the future Azure Sword King would have three sword gods as his wives. If he didn't have the ability, wouldn't the Azure Sword Clan really be completely reduced to the world of women?

King Dongchen is actually a very enlightened monarch. He also noticed that the current situation of male superiority and female inferiority in the ethnic group is a bit too serious. If this continues, it will usher in strong resistance from women, and the country will be unstable. It would be a bad thing to make men and women live separately like the demons.

But Dongchen is also a green sword man after all. He wants to change the social atmosphere and disadvantages, which does not mean that he wants to completely deny the status of a man. Therefore, even if the future king of the Qingjian tribe is a foreigner, even if the Qingjian tribe develops into A race of multi-ethnic fusion, Dongchen does not want women to be in power, at least men must have the weight and status of speaking.

So what kind of king can control the three female sword gods?

Dongchen believes that the prerequisite is that this person must be strong and at least have the power to fight the three female sword gods.

In fact, Dong Chen was really wasting his efforts in doing this. People Weng Die and Yin Yao came to Qin An, and Ling Hua also had a sense of belonging.

Therefore, no matter who the final winner is, as long as it is not Qin An, he will definitely not be the husband-in-law of the three women.

Therefore, this is actually a scheduled game long ago.

"It's good if you don't be nervous, Linghua, you don't need to be nervous, as I said, I will definitely win the throne of Qingjian, and for this I will also do my best."

"But the 32 candidates do have some background...I don't think you can beat them all."

"I didn't want to beat them either..."

"Huh?" Linghua stunned slightly, but didn't understand what Qin An meant.

"Isn’t this battle a life-and-death battle? I have sixteen words for you to help me spread it out: those who follow me prosper, those who oppose me die, those who kneel down live, and those who do not kneel die! No matter who I am, I just walk in After the arena, the only chance to survive is to kneel and surrender to me, or else you will have to die!"

"You...what are you talking about? These sixteen words are too arrogant, right?"

"This is not arrogant. I think this should be the attitude of a king. Will a real king do things with others at will? The answer is no. Therefore, people who fight with me for the throne, I cannot let them live. Otherwise, how do I make your people respect me as a foreigner? So this game is not a fight for me, but a hunt! Thirty-two candidates I know them better than you, don’t forget , I have super hearing, and any speech within a hundred kilometers can’t escape my ears! So I know how powerful they are, and it makes sense because they are powerful. In ancient times, the army in some places would kill before going out. Chicken slaughter the sheep with blood to open the way, and sitting on the Green Sword King is only the first step in my journey. I don’t mind using the blood of my opponent to write a **** and romantic opening to this story! Linghua, once she is successful, her bones will die, then How can a king in troubled times be a good kind? When I really don’t want to be a wild crane or a little man again, maybe in the near future, there will be bones piled up into mountains under my feet. . I’m bored with the days of the last days, so I will take the initiative to do something to smooth out the heretics and unearth the ghosts and monsters hiding behind them. This is my ambition many years ago, but it has never been realized. Linghua, I also want to thank you for giving me this opportunity to make it possible for me to realize my ideals. People should always have ideals, right?"

Qin An's remarks didn't have much momentum, because he kept chewing fried dough sticks in his mouth, just as if he was reading a script at random.

Linghua didn't think Qin An was talking about it, because from the man's tone and eyes, Linghua saw a trace of determination.

"Do you want to rule the world?"

"No, I just want to make the world peaceful!"

"Okay, if you have such ambitions, Linghua is willing to accompany you on the journey of **** seals and kill all the people!"

"Haha, are you a confession?"

"So what?"

"Oh, when I didn't ask!"

Qin An drank the tofu brain, took the fried dough stick and turned around and ran.

Linghua was stunned for a while in her seat, then she stood up and stomped her feet with anger, only to feel that Qin An really hates him more and more, and more and more...makes her hard to give up.


Fleeing Linghua's sight, Qin An was still a little embarrassed.

When he came to participate in the election meeting, he didn't have any goals. He just wanted to retaliate against Linghua, and at the same time promote the cooperation between the alliance forces and the Qingjian tribe.

Now it’s different. Qin An has a clear idea. He wants to take over the Qingjian clan kingship, then form an integrated national alliance, unify the many forces in the Americas, kill the demons of Crescent City, and then return to China to kill with Guo Sihai. As for the two powers of Black Gold and Tianyin, as for the European side...Qin An felt that Tang Yu and other women took Tianju to the past, maybe it will not be peaceful, right?

The pace of the world war is getting closer and closer, yet he is still trapped in the labyrinth world. Qin An's mood is depressed, but he just tries not to mind too much, but how can he really be happy?

Little Mo was tired of playing, and ran back into Qin An's body.

Qin An was walking forward when suddenly a figure appeared beside him out of thin air.

It was a pretty loli with a short stature, dressed in red, with a delicate appearance, holding a pair of knives, and two braids on her head...

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