Zombie Apocalypse

Chapter 1528: Brain hole strikes again

The world in front of Qin An was almost abrupt, and he was suddenly in the middle of a wilderness.

This is an endless ruin, the air is full of disgusting odors, gloomy bones and rotten moldy meat can be seen everywhere in the trash, mosquitoes and vultures hovering and flying, their wings vibrating and the scream of birds Together, people's mind and body will be drawn and trembling unfreely, and the depressive breath in the chest will become more and more unbearable. The only thing in the whole picture that can make people feel better is that the Eastern round just appeared. The sunrise.

"Are you a little confused? Boy, don't be nervous, I brought you into this space, because I found someone you care about in the space."

Behind Qin An, a quiet middle-aged female voice suddenly sounded.

Qin An turned his head to look, only to see a figure standing there.

Her figure is hidden by the windbreaker, so she can't see the shape, and she wears a hat with a jumpsuit on her head, and the hat is pitch black, as if there is nothingness inside, as if the clothes are supported by the air.

Qin An stepped back cautiously, and said softly, "Who are you...?"

"Am I? Who am I? A poor man trapped in this space. My child, is your name Qin An?"

Qin An is sixty years old this year, but the mysterious person in front of him called him a child, which is really unacceptable.

and many more! Mystery man?

Qin An suddenly thought of something, and subconsciously said, "Are you the master of Xiao Ci and Xiao Qiu?"

"Well, your reaction is really fast, yes, I am the master of those two children. Their aptitudes are very good in my opinion, so I pointed them to become supernaturalists in the semi-god realm, guardian By Weng Die and Sanchuan."


Qin An was stunned, completely unable to understand the second half of the words the mysterious man said.

Is her purpose of guiding Mu Xiaoci and Li Suoqiu to let them guard Weng Die and Sanchuan?

Is this sentence only literal or does it mean something else?

"Then Senior, why did you just guide them two? If Weng Die and San Chuan were also able to become demigods, wouldn't it be more helpful to them?"

Qin An's question was very direct, mainly because he wanted to get more information from the mysterious person.

"Sanchuan has your blood, and it is difficult to help him with my strength. As for Weng Die... she doesn't need special guidance, I have better arrangements for her, boy, my The life span has come. I have lived for too long and too long, and now I have to leave, so when I leave, I plan to come and meet you. After all, we should be very close talents. When I know Weng Die and the others are trapped in the space , I also know your events and news, so in fact I have been waiting for you! The maze world encompasses all kinds of worlds, you can't understand the meaning of Warcraft, and you can't see through the maze world that was born because of it. Ah... Waiting for you is actually quite painful. For you, time may only flow for a few days, but for me, after traveling through 80,000 labyrinth worlds, it has been 10,000 years!"

Ten thousand years! ?

Qin An couldn't analyze the truth of this sentence, and couldn't figure out the cause of the matter for a while, so he didn't speak.

"Don’t guess, since I called you here, then I will naturally tell you something! This world is very complicated, far beyond your imagination, I will talk to you slowly. Don’t worry, this space world does not It is not connected with any other world, which means that when you are in this world, the time and space of other worlds are static...It is so complicated. Ten thousand years have passed here, but even a second outside Failed to walk through, and in some worlds you just stayed for a second, but 10,000 years have passed outside. Time is just a game of energy deceiving intelligent life forms, no matter what kind of life forms want to do It sets some parameters, but in the end it is just cheated by it."

When talking, the mysterious person in black was walking, Qin An hesitated and followed her behind, curiosity was all there, not to mention the words of the mysterious person were very eager to explore.

The surrounding space changed again when the two of them were walking, and they were all people walking around. When Qin An was stunned and looked down at the mysterious person, her black windbreaker jacket had disappeared, and the whole person changed into a beautiful young woman. Qin An was just I looked so scared and turned pale.

"You...who are you?"

"Haha, it seems that you have seen a picture of me, so you can recognize me at a glance? Yes, I am the person you think!"

I fuck!

Qin An was completely blinded, and suddenly felt that he was experiencing the strangest thing in his life at this time.

As we all know, Qin An's experience after the end of the world has always been extraordinary. He is likely to be the child of Qin Shihuang and an alien woman. Isn't this bizarre enough?

However, Qin An only felt that the appearance of this woman before him was even more bizarre than the mystery of his own life experience!

It is simply incomprehensible.

The beautiful woman did not rush to explain, and led Qin An to walk leisurely among the busy crowd, and finally entered a coffee shop.

"Two distinguished guests, what do you need?"

A waitress greeted them with enthusiasm and entered the shop. Qin An inadvertently opened his perspective and found that the body of the waitress was actually a metal skeleton.

"Don't worry, child, she is an artificial human, a biological organism combining genes and machinery. Now we are in the 3567 year of the earth. In this earth time and space, there is no so-called end time in 2015. It is completely normal development, but 2069. A world war broke out in 1999. The use of a large number of weapons caused the environment to deteriorate drastically. The smog spread all over the world and the ground was not suitable for human survival. Therefore, people entered the end times brought about by environmental pollution. In ten years, the population of the earth shrank to less than 800 million Now our area is the administrative province of Huaihai Ecosystem in central Asia. You see the sky is an optical image. In fact, there are ecological protection tempered glass windows at a height of 100 meters, and there is turbid haze gas outside the windows, which is toxic. Very large, exposure for ten seconds can be fatal."

"Why did you bring me here?"

"Because this time and space is relatively static to the outside, I don't want to waste time delaying your election meeting, but I need to find a suitable place to talk to you. We can't talk in the trash. Then it's obviously good here. ...Beauties, two cups of iced tea, don’t you turn on the air conditioner? I think it’s a bit hot."

The gene-robot synthesis beauty smiled slightly and said: "The last few days are the energy control phase, so many electrical appliances have been required to be unavailable. If the guests need, I can turn on the acceleration mode to cool you physically."

The woman stepped aside to sit on the sofa and waved her hand: "That's not necessary. Although you are a robot, the artificial emotional system makes you no different from ordinary humans, so I don't want to be disturbed."

"Okay! But I can actually turn on the hearing system."

"No, beautiful girl, I know you are very kind, and I respect you very much. I am a robot human rights supporter! So I will not let you turn off any physical functions just to protect your privacy."

The beauty of the robot seemed very moved when she heard the woman say so, she nodded and left, quickly brought two cups of ice tea, and then flashed back and disappeared.

"Haha, politics still exists in this world. Whether these super artificial intelligences should have human rights has always been a topic that people care about in political contests. I have an identity here as a member of Congress, so I know some things. I used to There have been many identities, so don’t wonder why I appear to you alive like this."

Qin An nodded slightly, took a sip of iced tea but did not speak, just want to hear the woman continue.

The woman seemed to know what Qin An meant, so after a little thought, she spoke:

"Well... where do you start? Do you know the origin of the Sword Spirit Star?"


"Oh, that's great! It will be easier for me to say this. The time and space point where the Sword Spirit Star is located is a super energy group. Please be sure to pay attention to the word'super', because this concept is infinite. In theory, such a large energy aggregate can make the concept disappear, that is to say, in this energy aggregate, there is no time, space, power, speed, friction, sound, transmission... all There is no matter or behavior, just because the energy is so huge, everything that can be produced is chewed up.

But there are always things that cannot be described, nor can they be explained with theoretical or scientific words.

This should not contain any behavior, but it has a hint of wisdom, that is to say, the super energy aggregate has become a creature!

Haha, one day after not knowing how long it had existed, a spaceship approached the super energy aggregate where the Sword Spirit Star was before it formed.

Ever since, that trace of wisdom entered Qi Rou's body, merged with the fetus in her abdomen, and was finally given birth by Qi Rou.

When the child was born, the stability of the energy aggregate was disintegrated, and huge sword spirit stars and stars appeared in space.

King Qin became the first sword body because he was the father of space.

As the mother of space, Qi Rou became the second sword body, and the body of the soul of the super energy aggregate became the third sword body Tiange. The soul of the super energy aggregate was divided into seven, and they were trapped in their own world. .

I call these seven souls the ancestor of the seven beasts!

They are the ancestor of beasts, monsters, divine beasts, ancient beasts, flame beasts, curse beasts, and magic beasts!

The ancestor of magic beasts created the behemoths of the law, but the behemoths of the law are not the strongest law, because above them there are magic beasts that have almost never appeared in the continent of the sword spirit star!

The ancestor of the cursed beast created the spell card. I can perceive some of your experiences, so I know that you may have seen the cursed beast, right? He is very powerful, but it is not the body of the real curse beast, because it cannot create god-level curse cards.

There is a shadow from Qi Rou in the ideology of the ancestor of the flame beast, so it creates a sword spirit, so that many creatures of the sword spirit star can benefit.

The ancestor of the ancient beast has a shadow from the King of Qin in its consciousness, so it created the undead. In fact, King Qin is the biggest bug in this space. The primitive form of his life form is too simple. If it is not because of Qi Rou, because of Tiange, because A super energy aggregate, he could not have obtained such a powerful ability, let alone live forever, he should have been a dead person long ago! Therefore, the ancient beasts also created undead creatures, and the curse was King Qin.

The ancestors of the beasts, the ancestors of the monsters, and the ancestors of the beasts have more super energy aggregate primitive soul imprints in their soul imprints, so their existence is closer to nature, and they are creatures that should really exist on the star of sword spirit. They have created many sacred beasts, monsters, monsters, and many strange alien races like the sword spirit clan beasts.

In short, the ancestors of the seven beasts are very powerful, because they are the true representatives of the original energy of the sword spirit star, and even the sword **** is at a loss when facing them!

Speaking of this, do you feel strange? Since the ancestor of the seven beasts is so powerful, why is there no specific legend and definition of them in the history of the sword spirit star? Haha, don't be surprised, let me explain to you slowly.

Now, you and I are trapped in the maze world composed of Warcraft.

The two monsters of quagmire and space are very powerful, this is beyond doubt, but...the main energy provider of this maze world is actually not them! But me! "

Qin An didn't bother to think about shock at all, because what he was experiencing was not something he could digest after thinking or being shocked, so Qin An directly said, "Well, keep talking."

After finishing speaking, he still seemed to take a sip of tea indifferent, but his face was always green, green and blue, and there was a pale purple and black in the blue.

The beautiful young woman smiled slightly, as if she was satisfied with Qin An's performance, she also took a sip of tea before she said.

"You are calm, maybe because you were scared? This story has just begun, so don't worry.

So let's start from my birth. At that time, I didn't have any fixed form. My world was infinitely large and full of emptiness. After staying in the space for a long time, I became lonely. I am not a mentally handicapped person, because I can see the outside world. I know that some people are being born and some are dying. I long to be with them. Together, but can't get out of their own world.

In this way, I started to imagine and swim in my imaginary world.

Ah, then I slowly discovered that no matter where I go to any imaginary world, I still cannot escape the fate of being trapped.

Gradually I finally understood that I couldn't escape because I was the ancestor of one of the seven beasts! I have the powerful energy of a super energy aggregate, my thought can become a world, and all my worlds are my prison! When my fantasy is more abundant, when my world is bigger, I am finally lost, lost in the crevices of many worlds, unable to escape, can only reincarnate, and even cannot control the labyrinth, and become a being. Poor worm of maze control!


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