Zombie Apocalypse

Chapter 1497: Is the wind of the father

"Do you know that I am your grandfather?"

"Yes! Dad and you look alike, and Mom often tells me the story of grandpa! But you are too young, even if I know your name is Qin An, and know that Dad looks a lot like you, I can’t believe it You are my grandfather! Hey, so I will follow you to observe, am I smart? Dear uncle?"

After returning to the camp, Qin An coaxed Qin Yabei to sleep. Unexpectedly, she would say such a thing, which made Qin An once again mixed feelings.

After a while, Qin Yabei finally fell asleep tiredly. Qin An lay beside her looking at the bright moon in the sky, unable to sleep anyway.

From Yabei's mouth, Qin An learned more details.

Among the quadruplets, only Qin Sanchuan came to this space. Gale, Erhe, and Xiangming were not there.

Although Yabei's statement is not very clear, Qin An is still more certain from her narrative that the space here has indeed been carried out for 18 years, which is really a bit confusing.

My own child grew up inadvertently, and gave him such a lovely granddaughter.

Some are unacceptable, but the facts are so.

This matter cannot be judged, but I feel happy because of the birth of Yabei when I say that I am unhappy, and I am a little sorry to say that I am happy.

In any case, after dawn, go to the so-called alliance city, and go there to call Jess and Liu Tian... Now this couple of men and women who are not familiar with each other have become their own relatives. I believe Annie will cry with mixed feelings after seeing them.

At dawn, Qin An finally closed his eyes and fell asleep slowly, and when the first rays of sunlight rose in the east, he was the first to wake up.

More powers were restored, Qin An's mental power increased, so he remembered many things.

Among them was Xia Ke who shocked Qin An again! He finally knows who she is!


"How could this be? How could this be!"

Qin Xiaoyan was a little excited. When Qin An took them to rejoin the people on Bai Qi's side, she learned of Liu Tianyu's death.

The emotions in her heart are extremely complicated. Qin Xiaoyan is not as sad as it seems. She just can’t accept the fact that she has not seen you overnight and people have been separated forever. This mood will naturally take some time to resolve. After all, she and Liu Tianyu have been doing so long. Couple.

Qin An can understand this feeling, but he is not too worried. He knows that Qin Xiaoyan and Liu Tianyu's relationship is really not deep, and she should forget this man soon, and then fall into her arms.

Xia Ke still dismissed Qin An, and when Qin An offered to let people here follow him to the Alliance City, Xia Ke immediately jumped out to object.

"Why should I follow you?"

Qin An looked at the aggressive Xia Ke, suddenly didn't know what to say.

He should have hated this fierce woman, but now... hey! Why did he meet her? Qin An couldn't understand.

Just when Qin An was very depressed because the people on both sides couldn't agree, the nearby space suddenly wrinkled, and then a five-meter-high giant appeared!

"Uncle! Uncle is a space beast, let's run!"

Qin Yabei is not used to calling him Grandpa Qin An, so he is still called Uncle.

Space beast?

Qin An's heart trembled suddenly. Last night, he heard the two soldiers who watched the night say that the space beasts were very terrifying. It is estimated that they should be the means used by the space creators to kill the trapped.

Since people in this space are not limited to their abilities, the strength of the space beast must be terrifying, right? So if the Mishu people can't kill people directly, what rules and loopholes do the space beasts appear?

Everyone looked at the five-meter giant that suddenly appeared.

His appearance is a kobold.

The so-called kobold naturally grows a dog's head. It wears golden armor on its body. It holds two sledgehammers in its hands. It has short legs and a long and thick tail. It looks like it can be used as an offensive weapon.

Yabei was a child born here, and naturally understood the horror of space beasts, so she urged Qin An to run. Yabei never felt that she was a master. After all, her age was too young, and Annie had to avoid her education in danger, instead of being a hero.

However, Yabei's words did not immediately wake everyone up, or the kobold's movements were too fast!

Immediately after he appeared, he threw out a huge copper hammer, and there was an infinite chain coming out of the flesh at the place where the back of the hammer was connected to his hand.

The huge hammer head slammed in the direction of Weng Die, wrapped in the sound of the wind.

After sleeping, Qin An's teleportation ability has recovered, so he quickly teleported to Weng Die and took her away. After jumping five meters away, Qin An turned his head, his eyes were blood red and shouted: "Tang Yu!"

Shouting can't save a life.

While the kobold hammered his left hand, he threw the right hammer in the direction where Tang Yu was standing. Tang Yu was directly smashed into flesh by a huge hammer with a diameter of one and a half meters, and died on the spot, very tragic... …

In reality, Tang Yu, who was far away in Europe, finally got rid of the nightmare that had lasted for several days. This dream was a bit weird and tangled. Tang Yu could not forget the scene where Qin An forced her on the desk... Maybe...she really needs a man too?

Hey...then next time! Next time she meets Qin An again, she will have a good chat with Qin An, if Qin An doesn't want her...she will **** him! Anyway, with the Blood Lord Sword God, Tang Yu couldn't be with other men in this life.

In the maze world, Qin An turned on his abilities and went crazy to fight the kobolds. Yabei was worried about his grandfather, so he was not running away, and began to call out the nine birds to help Qin An.

These sacred birds took a rest in the spiritual void world connected to Yabei. The damage they suffered last night has been basically recovered. Nine powerful men equivalent to the strength of the four souls participated in the battle, and the kobolds were naturally quickly killed.

But everyone was too late to be happy, the pile of broken limbs of the kobold instantly reorganized, when the monster appeared again alive, it has become a super kobold with back wings and the ability to transmit space!

The battle naturally continued. The super kobold’s body skills were more flexible, and its combat IQ was also very high. It avoided strong opponents and specifically selected those weak ordinary people to start. After a while, some female students were killed, Chen Sixu , Tan Jiali and Xu Wenqiang were not spared either, all died.

In the face of powerful and arrogant strength, and clever minds are useless, Tan Jiali can be regarded as paying off for Liu Tianyu, and Xu Wenqiang is still dreaming about the body of a female student before his death. Chen Sixu’s fate is the most sad. He wants Can't run, because he has been locked by handcuffs.

Finally, the super kobold was killed for the second time, but after his death he resurrected quickly. This time, its whole body is covered with golden battle armor. It has the ability to spit fireballs and poison from a long-range attack. Its overall combat power has been doubled several times. It is estimated that it has surpassed the average strength of the four souls, and Qin An's ability has not fully recovered. It was not its opponent. Fortunately, the fighting power of the Nine God Birds was still stable. Only Weng Die, Lao Wang, Honeysuckle, Bai Qi, Liu Tian, ​​Jess, Xia Ke, Dong Zhian, Qin Yabei were killed in the vicinity. At the time of Qin An, he finally killed the kobold again.

Qin An deeply felt the power of the space beast. In fact, he wanted to run, but he really couldn't. The kobold with teleportation ability, wings and long-range attack power can kill any escaped person without power at any time, Qin An You can only fight with the Nine Gods.

What the **** is the Space Beast? Can it be resurrected forever? And after each resurrection, he will be much stronger. It seems that he will copy some of the attacker's skills and can also adjust his defense system for the attacker!

Just when Qin An was depressed, the kobold was resurrected for the fourth time and became a kobold! After landing on four legs, the kobold still has wings and other abilities before, and naturally it has become stronger. Its strength has reached the peak of the four soul sword repair realm. It is no longer easy to win against the nine gods. Qin Anze He completely withdrew from the battle, protecting everyone from fleeing.

It's a pity that the kobold can teleport. It can always block Qin An's escape route, and on a few occasions it almost killed some people. Fortunately, the Nine God Bird arrived in time to prevent its killing and kill it!

However, luck did not come to this group of people, and the kobold quickly resurrected and transformed for the fifth time!


"The rating of a space beast is determined based on the number of mutations. A-level space beasts can be killed at once, and a B-level space beast can be killed twice, and so on. This space beast is now fifth. It is resurrected again, which means that it is at least an E-level space beast and needs to be killed at least five times to die. Of course, it may also be a higher-level space beast. I heard that an S-level appeared in the alliance camp a few days ago. Space beast! S-level refers to the space beast that has been resurrected more than ten times! Do you know what the concept is? The strength of the space beast will increase greatly every time it is resurrected, and it will surpass the demigod level after ten times! , This group of people don’t know where they came from, it’s unlucky this time! I originally thought that they had some abilities and we could get a bargain. It seems that there is no chance."

On a small mound one kilometer away from Qin An and their location, Mu Xiaoci was playing with his hair that had reached his back waist in a bored manner, while Li Suoqiu was watching and talking with a telescope.

"Ah...Sister! We came out to be a scout this morning. You are also energetic, and you still want to watch people fight. Are you sleepy? I didn't sleep well last night. Sleepy and tired!"

"He's gone so you have insomnia?"

"Why, I'm just worried about our little Beibei, and I don't know where the child went."

"There's nothing to worry about, her few birds...Huh! How many birds does our Beibei have?"

"Are there eight or nine? I don't know, anyway, there are several, the little ones are very cute!"

"Have your husband told you that Beibei's bird can be made bigger?"

"Hmm... I have said it? I'm not sure about this."

"In the fight over there, nine big birds are playing the leading role and fighting against space beasts! How do I feel that the nine birds look familiar? It's like an enlarged version of the little bird next to our Beibei!"

"What?! Show me quickly, Beibei won't be here anymore!"

Mu Xiaoci jumped to Li Suoqiu's side, grabbed the binoculars to watch, and then jumped wildly!

"Yeah, yeah! It looks like Beibei's birds, and they are also nine! Sister, let's go and see!"

When Mu Xiaoci's voice fell, people were already moving forward at extremely fast speeds, and instantly crossed a kilometer distance to meet the fifth stage super kobold. I don't know when there was a large black iron rod in his hand. This is Mu Xiaoci's sword is called the Black Demon!

As soon as the black demon came out, the nearby space immediately wrinkled, and the forward super kobold was trapped in the wrinkled space and could not move forward, even though it roared and screamed, it failed to rush out of the space cage after a long time!

Just this hand has proved that Mu Xiaoxi's strength is already at the semi-god level, as long as she can successfully gather the sword spirit, she can become a **** in one fell swoop!

"Mother Xiaoci! Mother Suoqiu! Why are you here!"

At this moment Li Suoqiu also ran over, saw Qin Yabei in the grass, and hurriedly stepped forward and hugged him in his arms.

"My little ancestor, baby, why did you come here? Last night, your father heard that you were missing, so he rushed back overnight to find you! Your little naughty bag came to the frontline military camp, look at your father Go back without spanking you."

While speaking, Li Suoqiu glanced at the crowd with unfriendly eyes, and was stunned when he saw Qin An.

what? This man looks like his husband!

Qin An was also looking at Li Suoqiu and Mu Xiaoci at this time.

His eyes were blood red, his face was a little pale, and his breathing was very solemn. The reason for this was all because of the sigh of relief in his heart. Weng Lan died because he was not by his side. Now Tang Yu died again because of his strength. weak!

Even if the two women are both spatial creatures, Qin An can't bear it. It's just that his city is already deep now, and he thinks that the real Tang Yu should still be in the sky, maybe he has already arrived in Europe, so he didn't show up. It's too strong.

And who are these two beautiful women who suddenly appeared? They seem to be very young, sixteen or seventeen? Why did Yabe call them mother?

"Xiao Ci, kill her!"

Li Suoqiu seems to be more mature than Mu Xiaoci, mainly referring to the shape of his face. Both of them have the taste of Westerners. They both have a height of 1.7 meters. They are long and long, while Li Suoqiu has a Western taste. Heavier, because her eyes are brown.

Speaking of this, I want to mention Qin Yabei. This child looks close to the East, but he also has a little Western taste. This is the recessive gene.

First of all, Yabei's father, Qin Sanchuan, is absolutely Chinese. And Yabei’s mother, Annie, has a little British descent. This means that Jace’s grandmother is actually British, but Jace’s father married a Chinese, so Jace can hardly be seen as a mixed-race child, so Annie’s mother Liu Tian is also Chinese, so Annie can’t She was a mixed-race child, and when he arrived at Qin Yabei, he finally brought out the British genes of his grandmother, so Qin An felt that she was a mixed-race child when she first treated her.

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