Zombie Apocalypse

Chapter 1484: Third space

Qin An was a little surprised. He and Bai Qi, Gu Cheng easily caught up with the lizard monster on the sixth floor and blocked it in a dormitory.

I don't know if his eyes are blurred, Qin An actually read a frightened expression from the monster's face.

Needless to say, the three men shot directly, and the bullets went into their bodies, and the monsters let out a stern roar. In the end, they moved a few times and didn't react. They were actually killed!

All three of them are a little confused, so they died?

Qin An learned something from this.

The body of the Mishu people should be very fragile, and its power lies in its manipulation of space.

They can't easily kill people directly in space, even to kill space summoning creatures.

Some spaces may not exist forever, or else the Orcs in front of them will not be so anxious to kill people and become weak afterwards!

"Dead?" Bai Qi said.

"Bang bang bang!" Gu Cheng fired a few more shots at the monster's head, then stepped forward to check.

"There is no breath, it should be dead, but what is it..."

Before Gu Cheng's words were finished, a burst of white light suddenly rose, fascinated people's eyes and blocked all sight.

Qin An felt that his body was floating upwards, but after a few seconds of cute coins, Qin An realized that he should be in the water!

The turbulent water roll kept Qin An's body spinning at high speed. Just when he felt that he was about to suffocate, the water roll suddenly disappeared. Qin An was dragged by buoyancy to the surface, seeing the clear blue sky and the endless horizon. The vast sea!

It's beautiful, it's like a seascape in the center of the Pacific Ocean, without a trace of human breath, it's completely magnificent and natural.

Qin An was stunned for a while, and finally he could hear the sound.

In the surging waves, people nearby were calling for help. Qin An concentrated his attention and found that his super vision had recovered!

This is certainly good news, but the bad news is that they should have fallen into the third space now!

After turning around in the water, Qin An found that two women, Tang Yu and Weng Die, were swimming hand in hand in the water. The others were naturally nearby.

Swim quickly over, Qin An put his arms around the waists of the two of them and let them float.

"Are you okay?" Qin An shouted with all his strength.

"Changed the space? You killed the space creator?" Tang Yu said.

"We won't die, he can't just drown us like this, this must not conform to some of his rules!" Weng Die was a little excited.

Qin An agrees with Weng Die's statement that these people may not be drowned, but there is no way to keep floating in the sea!

Just as Qin An was puzzled, a huge square wooden block suddenly emerged from the sea, and a dozen people were lifted up by the wooden block!

This wooden block is ten meters long and three meters high. It looks like an ordinary wooden block, but no one knows what material it is.

When it appeared, people nearby immediately swam over there, and then tried hard to climb up.

It's a pity that the height of the wood block protruding from the sea level is almost one meter, and no one can go up.

Bai Qi was the person who was pushed up by the wooden block, and now he was lying on his head and looking around.

"Gu Cheng! Liu Tian! Save people and push the students up!"

As special forces, they are all amphibians, and swimming is also a profession for them.

The two were originally helping those who are not very good at swimming. After hearing Bai Qi's cry, they acted immediately and brought all the people who fell into the water to the wooden block, and then cooperated with Bai Qi and the people above to rescue more. Into the water.

A few minutes later, there were dozens of people on the wooden block, and the draught of the wooden block became deeper, and the length of exposure to the sea level was less than 30 centimeters. Some students who were good at swimming were able to climb up.

When more people got on the wooden block, the wooden block completely entered the water. In the end, there were more than 70 people on it. The wooden block would sink into the water and there was no room for more people to go up. .

There are dozens of people who can only hold the blocks of wood and soak them in the water, while more people still can only float in the sea water.

With the facts in front of us, it is impossible for everyone to be rescued. Others who cannot be rescued may be drowned.

Qin An still held the two women in the water at this time.

Weng Die's skin appeared whiter, and the sea was a bit cold, and Qin An could feel the bodies of the two women trembling.

"It will die! This is a choice! The choice given by the creator of the space! Everyone here has the possibility to live as long as they get on the big wooden block! But the wooden block can't carry so many people, so the space The creators are exploiting loopholes in the law. People die is not directly caused by it. This is just a choice, a trade-off between us people!"

Qin An heard Weng Die's words without much emotion in his heart, and was very calm.

He found that not only had his super vision recovered, but his physical strength seemed to have recovered a lot, at least to the level of an ordinary mutant, so he could not feel the coldness of the sea.

The environment of each space and its own state are changing, and the mysterious trees in each space also have different attack methods. This is because the space environment is different, and the laws of space are also different!

So where are the Mishu people in this space?

Qin An turned on super vision to look around, and finally saw a mermaid on the seabed 20 kilometers away from here!

This mermaid is the only creature in the sea that Qin An can see, so if she is the creator of the space mentioned by Mengdie, if she is a member of the Lost Tree tribe, there is no way to deal with her! Because she is now under the sea at a depth of 10,000 meters!

"Don't come up! Don't come up!"

A somewhat excited shout interrupted Qin An’s thoughts. He looked sideways at the wooden block. It swayed in the ocean waves and was not stable. Some people would slide down the water to make a gap in the wooden block, and people in the water would be in the gap. After appearing, they immediately climbed up to occupy the position. At the beginning, everyone just wanted to **** the vacancy, but as time went on, these people who were threatened by death became a bit crazy and began to actively fight for and pull, and no one could control the situation!

Human nature is really fragile. How many people can be righteous in the face of death?

The first people to go up have also rescued people underwater, but now most people have no good thoughts in their hearts. Everyone's only purpose is to stay on the square, because only in this way can they survive.

Qin An's water is very good. He has also experienced several times of wandering in the sea. So now, although his physical strength is a little weaker, he can still carry Tang Yuweng butterfly on the surface of the sea. Moreover, these two women are still watery, and they are also watery. Not bad.

However, there are not many people like them. Most people in the neighborhood have average water quality, and some people are not at all.

Those who can't know the water finally sink slowly and finally die by drowning. After a fierce struggle, the ones who know the water now have no strength, so they need a stopping point, which makes the competition for wood blocks more intense!

"Hurry up and save her!"

Weng Die suddenly yelled beside Qin An, and then left Qin An to swim forward.

Qin An hurriedly followed Tang Yu with Tang Yu. After a while, Weng Die got Lao Wang’s daughter-in-law honeysuckle from the sea. Tang Yu immediately went to help. The two women dragged the honeysuckle to the side of the block. Let her hold on to the edge of the wooden block.

"Haha, you are really smart! It seems that I have really seen my identity... Yes, I am the creator of the world before, Qin Potian was stretched away from other dimensions, which broke me The law of energy, my original world has disappeared, and I have become extremely weak, do you want to save me in order to survive? Haha, but now I have no powers like you, and the lost tree tribe will not accept it. I am so weak, none of us can escape, we will all die! Haha!"

Qin An has been following Weng Die Tang Yu, and after hearing Honeysuckle's words, he was shocked and asked: "What did you say? Is she the creator of the first dimension?"

Weng Die and Tang Yu are now sinking and floating in the sea, having to struggle hard because of the crowds around them, so neither can answer Qin An's question.

Honeysuckle is protected by Tang Yu and Weng Die, so it is the most stable. She looked at Qin An with a smile and said: "The trapped, these two girls are right. Before that, I was indeed the creator of the first space. I murdered. It took honeysuckle, and replaced it with her appearance. For a long time, the average **** tree tribe can only actively kill one person in their own natal space, otherwise they will become infinitely weak. This is just when you can kill The reason for the death of the big lizard is because she took the initiative to kill two people! Every member of the Mystic Tree tribe has a natal space, and losing space will lose any abilities. My last change is honeysuckle, so I will only I can live as a honeysuckle, and can no longer be a member of the Mishu tribe."

At the end, the tone of honeysuckle was a bit lonely.

Qin An was ecstatic at this time.

"You mean, Qin Potian was rescued?"

"Yes, he didn't die. One hand tore through the space and saved the dying Qin Potian. This is the problem. Your previous analysis is actually wrong. There is no flaw in my space except me. As long as you find and kill me, the space will disappear! I really don’t understand, where did that hand come from? Even the Sword God can’t break through the natal space opened by the Lost Tree tribe with the force of Warcraft, why? Can with only one hand? Is her mental power strong enough to blend the space?"

Qin An is really happy, he doesn't care who owns that hand, as long as Qin Potian is saved, as long as he is still alive, father and son will have the possibility of seeing him!

"Your name is Qin An? Now that I have been exposed, let's talk about the conditions?" Honeysuckle suddenly spoke.

"Do you think I have time to listen to your conditions at this time?"

"Of course there is, because my conditions are very simple. You guarantee that I am alive. How about I guarantee that the people who come out of the first dimension with me will not disappear out of thin air?"

"Don't you have no abilities? What does your life and death have to do with them?"

"Hey, you are not as smart as the two girls. Tell you the conclusion of their previous analysis. Everyone who comes with me is actually in the same fate relationship with me. As long as I live, they can follow me anywhere, and as long as I If they die, they will disappear with me, can you understand?"

Qin An was taken aback for a moment, and looked sideways at the two women beside him.

Could it be that they can finally return to the real world with themselves? Then there are two Tang Yu in the real world? Two Yin Yao?

(Thank you book friends for your support to Panda this month, thank you.)

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