Zombie Apocalypse

Chapter 1479: flaw

The night sky in April 2015 was a bit gloomy, not as clear as the 33 years of the last days.

After the D6 giant was wiped out, the fighter group evacuated, two dormitory buildings were destroyed, and hundreds of students were killed innocently.

Gu Cheng returned alone. Another soldier wanted to rescue a female student whose legs were pinched by a big rock, but was trampled to death by the violent D6 giant. The 19-year-old soldier gave him precious money. His life, soul is considered to be redeemed.

When Gu Cheng came back crying and telling the tragic situation of the students when they died, Bai Qi collapsed. He sat on the floor of the corridor with his head in his hands and said nothing. He seemed to be a dead person.

The fact is always so cruel, Bai Qi found that he couldn't carry the pot, he couldn't be responsible for so many young lives that died, he was not so valuable!

The follow-up rescue did not arrive successfully. Red Eagle said that the three remaining helicopters at the base had been transferred to other missions. The contact with Red Eagle was interrupted at about 2 in the afternoon, and it was not restored at 8 in the evening.

The female soldiers around Bai Qi kept calling out. The longer the time passed, the more discouraged people would become. Everyone had a feeling that rescue might not come.

Because of the previous bombing, almost all the nearby zombies gathered to get into the school. Now the number of zombies gathered in the entire Hanghai University dormitory area is estimated to be over 10,000. Almost all the dormitories are surrounded. Everyone leads from the first floor to the second floor. The passages are blocked, try to keep the zombies from climbing up.

The trapped cloud once again enveloped people's hearts, and the shadow of the giant made it difficult for everyone to sleep.


Qin An was staying in a dormitory with Weng Lan and Weng Die at this time.

One afternoon, the **** woman Weng Die still didn't say what she thought of. This made Qin An very depressed, so she asked Weng Lan to do work for her sister.

With the help of Weng Lan, Weng Die finally sighed.

"If this is really an illusory space, if you must find the so-called flaw here, there is only one I see, and that is your son, Qin Potian!"


Qin An didn't understand Weng Die's meaning, Weng Die sighed and continued:

"You said that you are a soul traversing, and the body does not know where it is. Then in this world, the only traverser is your son Qin Potian. He or his body is the only impurity that does not belong to this world. , Not you! Your body still belongs to this world because your soul passes through! I think the labyrinth that Qin Potian was in before and the space today should be one, which means that they combine to form a protagonist with Qin Potian as the protagonist. In the virtual space world, I want to close this space... I can only think of one way that I can try, which is to make the body of pro Potian disappear in this world... If I leave him, then this will take Qin Potian as The space of special existence...maybe closed? Your soul will probably return to the body! Of course, all of this is also hypothetical, and no one knows whether it will work.

We also assume that a powerful character created this space. Maybe he wants to focus on the strongest person trapped in this space. If there is no room for two tigers, it also applies here, but he may not be able to kill you directly. , Because some laws can only trap you, so this labyrinth world will open, and the purpose is to let you die.

Or maybe this big man wants to target everyone, not only to let you die, but also to let other people trapped in the space die. The world you describe is too mysterious for me, unless I can see it with my own eyes. Take a look, and then live there for a few years and feel it, otherwise I can only think of so much. "

Qin An was completely silly after hearing Weng Die's words.

Let Qin Potian's body disappear in this space? What do you mean? Kill him in cremation? So if Qin Potian died in this space, would he not be able to resurrect in the real space?

Oh shit! How could this be?

Qin An calmed his heart, thinking carefully about what Weng Die said, really Nima has some truth!

Yes, I can exist in this world, Weng Lan, Weng Die, Tang Yu, Qin Xiaoyan, the next door Lao Wang, Liu Tianyu can all exist, only Qin Potian is a BUG, ​​because he was not born yet in 2015! If there is a person who has not yet been born in this space, it is naturally a flaw!

There was silence in the room, and all three of them stopped talking.

Outside the room, Qin Potian stood in front of the door blankly. The door had just been pushed through a small gap. Qin Potian was just going to find his father to have fun, but he heard Weng Die's words.

Do you have to disappear before you leave?

Brows furrowed, Qin Potian frowned and turned to leave.

Now the entire dormitory is out of power, there is no light, and the corridors are very dim.

Ah...so tangled, how can I help Dad?

He really racked his brains without paying attention.

The atmosphere was extremely depressed. Everyone in the room on the third floor did not speak, only the roar of the zombies downstairs from time to time rang into the corridor, making everyone's heart more and more dull.

Qin Potian kept walking back and forth in the corridor, and finally reached the fourth, fifth, and sixth floors...

He found that there were people in many dormitories on the upper floors, but they were all closed their doors, apparently also trapped waiting for rescue.

The fighting during the day scared these female students, so they are not sleeping now. Qin Potian can hear the whispers behind every door when he walks on the floor, and he can't hear clearly what the people inside are saying. .

Qin Potian is a very upright child, his heart most resembles Qin An, and the difference from Qin An is that he is more of a virgin, and he doesn't have the majestic temperament that his father can show at critical moments.

It can only be said that he is too young, has not experienced social infiltration, and does not understand the intrigue between people, so he is very simple.

Death is not a terrible thing for this kid. After thinking about it, he felt that if he died, it would end all this and bring his father back to reality, which is also a good thing.

Death is heavy and Taishan, and there are whispering feathers, so if you want to choose death, what kind of method is needed?

Qin Potian continued to think, and then walked from upstairs to downstairs. When he reached the second floor, he opened the window and saw the piled zombies outside. His heart suddenly became clear.

In the past, I always wanted to leave Tianju and run around to kill monsters, but my family opposed it.

Now he is no one to care about, and the monster is right in front of him, maybe... maybe he can kill him?

While thinking in his heart, Qin Potian had no fear at all. He looked at the zombies below coldly for a while, and finally made up his mind, raised his foot on the window sill, and then leaped down from the second floor!

The small body smashed into the group of zombies, and the zombies felt the fresh smell of flesh and began to become crazy.

Qin Potian was like a knight walking in a quagmire, and he didn't care about being bitten or scratched.

He shook his fist vigorously among the zombies, gritting his teeth and making no sound.

If it is an ordinary person, it may have been swallowed by zombies, but Qin Potian is not an ordinary person. He is a child with super power genes. No matter how many zombies are gathered around him, he can always crush them with his fists, and then it will be difficult. The speed of rushing forward is not slow, and there is really an aura of God blocking killing people or blocking Buddha.

Qin Potian felt that his head was dizzy and his body ached.

He just has power, but his body is not made of iron. Once those zombies bite him, he will not let go until Qin Potian rushes forward by himself, and the zombies that bit him cannot be clamped because of being crowded by other zombies. Moving forward, Qin Potian finally tore off a piece of meat.

A zombie tore off a piece. After Qin Potian didn't know how far he had gone, his body had become incomplete. He was bitten by the zombie and lost hundreds of pieces of meat!

ow! It really hurts! It has never hurt so much!

The heroic Qin Potian suddenly felt scared!

A sense of loneliness, fear, and grievance surged into my heart at the same time.

He regretted it, he wanted to go back to find his father, aunt, and some mothers!

But he couldn't go back, he didn't have the strength to turn around, he could only continue to sprint forward among the corpses, until the last trace of strength was exhausted and he fainted!

All the zombies rushed forward, they finally obtained delicious food, and began to happily devour the body of Qin Potian.

Qin Potian was still crying in his coma, and the painful feeling had hurt his soul, making him feel unhappy even in a coma, and he shed tears.

At this time, the flesh on his body was almost swallowed, and the muscles on his face were also bitten off, revealing the skull.

Is this the final outcome? He is almost gone, so can this space disappear after he is gone? Can Dad return to the real world?

Qin Potian thought about such a question in his subconscious mind, but no one could give the answer!


This is a vast black ocean. When Ada Suri woke up, she was lying in a small boat, and Caitlin was the only one who accompanied her in this boat.

It's really scary here. The sea is black and the sky is gray. There are no other tones in the world except black and gray.

Ada Suri was a little scared, she wanted to communicate with Caitlin, but she didn't talk to her at all, but she closed her eyes and seemed to be asleep, and she could only be a lunatic on the boat.

"Is there anyone? Is there anyone here?"

"Damn it! I should jump into the water to take a bath, but why is the river as black as ink?"

"Who will save us!"

"Little smelly boy, where are you? Qin Potian!"

"Hi... your name is Caitlin? Are you really not talking to me?"

"If we can't escape this black sea, we will starve to death!"

"You said there will be sharks in this sea?"


Perhaps Ada Suri was too noisy, and Caitlin finally opened her eyes.

A faint breath of life made Caitlin frowned slightly.

Qin Potian has the power to break through the magnetic field of space, and Caitlin also has the power to feel the weak souls of other dimensions, otherwise she would not be the strongest brain!

Holding on to the bedboard and deepening her hand into the black water, Caitlin concentrated her mental power and sensed the tortured soul. She wanted to open a channel to pull it out of the abyss, but she didn't know how to do it.

not good! The vitality of the soul is getting weaker and weaker! Are you going to die?

Caitlin didn't know why she was so upset.

She prides herself on seeing through the world, but she doesn't know each other!

After being locked up for so many years, she has never been nervous to contend with that cursed sword god, what's wrong now? It's like losing some important person.

Caitlin’s heartbeat speeds up because of emotional tension, and the blood slowly boils in her body. The brain cells in the brain begin to divide and grow at a high speed and then die. In this process, huge energy is produced and destroyed, and Caitlin’s mental power becomes extreme. powerful! The shackles of the space can no longer fully control her, so the nearby air began to wave and fold, the space was slowly twisting, and the waves were rolling violently.

Finally, Caitlin reached out of the space and grabbed the other hand, and then pulled out the handle and its owner with all her strength, and dragged it onto the boat!

"Oh my God!"

On one side, Ada Suli was terrified, because it was not a person who was pulled up, but a skeleton with almost no muscles. Su Li even saw the internal organs in his skeleton that were still tumbling and jumping, and the crowded inside. The intestines coming out, this...this is also terrible!

Caitlin was still calm, she just hugged the skeleton into her arms, soothing his soul like a mother.

"Don't be afraid of Su Li, this is the man after us..."

"Huh?" Su Li doesn't understand what Caitlin is talking about. Who is this little skeleton? She didn't want him to become her own man!

At this time, Caitlin actually didn't know who the owner of this skeleton was, she just got an insight through the algorithm of things. What Caitlin cares about now is that he is not dead, and that he should be able to recover to his original condition. That's enough!

"who are you?"

Skeleton could still speak.

"I am your savior, Caitlin!"

"This name is not good, you look good, I seem to have seen you, can I call you beautiful?"

Caitlin frowned Zou's eyebrows and said: "This name is strange, but it doesn't matter, I accept it, as long as you like it, it's a code name anyway."

"I knew I would go to **** before I died. This must be the Yama Temple. Are you the Yama King?"

"You're not dead yet, kid!"

"If your surname is Yan, then call it Yan Damei!"

The voice is getting weaker and weaker, and the skull has no strength to continue talking.

"Hey, what is your name?"

"I am... I am Qin Potian! I am Qin An's son! My mother's name is Liu Ru..."

Ada Suri stunned for a while and rushed forward, tears streaming out.

"Oh my God! Caitlin, what can I do! He is Qin Potian! Save him quickly, we must save him!"

"Don't worry, he can't die. Don't forget that he is a superpower. There shouldn't be any restrictions on superpowers in this space, so he will recover as before. It's just a matter of time... Also, don't call me Caitlin again. Didn’t you hear that he named me? Yan Dame!"

"This... this name is scumbag! But sister, is he really okay?"


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