Zombie Apocalypse

Chapter 1469: Goodbye pharaoh

The dizzy Qin An lost consciousness for a while, and when he woke up again, the room was completely dark and the power went out.

After moving his hands and feet, everything returned to normal, as if he had never been hurt.

"Are you awake?" Xia Ke's voice rang in Qin An's ears.

Qin An sat up and saw the outline of a human figure sideways, knowing that it was the policewoman.

It's strange, I always feel that this person has been seen by myself, but I just can't remember.

Forget it, it's all virtual anyway, as long as he escapes, then the people here should have nothing to do with him?

Qin An stood up, fumbled around in the room, and finally found a place on the wall for the safety axe and took it out and held it in his hand.

Then Qin An walked directly to the door, hesitated and said: "I want to go out, do you want to follow?"

"Get out? Are you crazy?" Dong Zhian's voice was a little excited, he was trapped all afternoon, and he was already a little irritable.

"Don't you hear the roar of the monsters outside? We can't get out!"

Qin An was very calm at this time. Although he couldn't use supernatural powers because of certain laws and powers, not all his memories had disappeared.

This is a man who has experienced countless killings in the last days. Even without any abilities, as long as he calms down, he still has strong fighting skills and abilities, especially for killing zombies.

"I will give you 5 seconds to prepare. Either rush out with me, or you will close the door and wait for death after I leave. Anyway, you are...not important to me."

"You...what's the matter with you? We saved you, and you can't leave! We are here waiting for rescue, I believe..."

Qin An sneered at what Xia Ke said.

He is really an incurable angel heart terminally ill patient. He knows that it is a fake, so why care about them?

As a result, the five-number statement was invalidated, and Qin An directly opened the door and rushed out.

"Damn it!"

Dong Zhian shouted angrily, going up to close the door.

Xia Ke rushed to the door first, and then saw the outside scene with the two men who followed, and was completely shocked!

Moonlight shot into the room, dozens of soulless bodies were wandering. Before they could react, Qin An used an axe to chop down six. Then a group of madman-like living corpses came around, and it was useless for Qin An to dodge quickly. Time killed many more, and then dashed out a way to escape, very fast.

"He... he has good skills... we will follow, and can't let him run away by himself!"

Xia Ke left the changing room while talking, and followed Qin An.

Dong Zhian and Jiang Wei had no choice but to make the most difficult choice in an instant. In the end, they could only choose to follow blindly and follow along.

In this way, when the four people rushed to the street, only Qin An was calm, and the other three were all dumbfounded.

The whole street was empty, only the sound of guns in the distance was constantly ringing, proving that the world was not lonely.

It seems that the army has taken action. It is a pity that the use of heavy weapons makes them the target of the zombies in the city. Eventually the defensive positions established by the army will be destroyed. After a large number of soldiers are infected, counterattacking civilians is exactly what can be seen everywhere in the early end of the world. tragedy.

So what should I do now?

Qin An hesitated for a while standing on the street, and then ran to his home. Although he ignored the three of Xia Ke, he did not stop them from following.

After returning to the community, it was a little calm. What surprised Qin An was that some people were still lighting their lights. It seemed that the wires here had not been damaged, so the electricity was still supplied.

Ah, it really is different from the world in his own time and space, so he can't predict what will happen in the future.

When he got downstairs, Qin An entered the unit and got on the elevator. The other three still followed closely. Qin An didn't speak, and let the elevator go directly to the floor of his house. When he opened the door of the two floors with the key, Weng Lan cried. Pounced out of it.

"Husband! What's the matter? I can't get through if I call you! The people outside are crazy. Fortunately, I came back early, otherwise I might never see you again... Who are they?"

Seeing Weng Lan with a panic expression, Qin An was stunned for a moment.

The light in the room was on, and the curtains were all closed at this time. It seemed that I was afraid of the light leaking.

Qin An hadn't waited to think too much, because immediately he saw the woman standing behind Weng Lan.

"Tang Yu? Why are you here?"

"I... I passed by here after get off work, and then many people bite people madly. I was scared... So I ran to your house to hide."

Tang Yu's gaze was a little vacant. After Qin An left her office, Tang Yu remained uneasy. The reason why she came here was only to have a talk with Qin An, after all, they had already had a relationship.

Then what happened later is the truth. Tang Yu was indeed afraid of going upstairs because of the riot, and then met with Weng Lan and waited for Qin An's return together.

Qin An smiled. Everyone around him is performing so hard, is he the only one who can't participate in the show? Obviously they are all people in the illusory world.

"Haha... Zhen Nima fucks!"

Qin An exploded angrily, and then sat down on the sofa a little decadently, not knowing what to do.

Weng Lan obviously couldn't understand Qin An's reaction, but because of the presence of outsiders, she felt it was difficult to say too much, so she could only sit next to Qin An and comforted: "Husband...you...don't worry, I think everything will pass. of."

"In the past? Can't make it! Weng Lan, let me ask you, is there a malignant tumor in your head?"

"Malignant tumor? No, husband, what's wrong with you? I'm healthy."

"Haha! That's why I said all this is false. In my world, you went to the United States because of illness. The last days broke out for 33 years. I have never seen you again, you know? ?"

"...You, what are you talking about?"

Weng Lan's face was pale and could not understand Qin An at all. The other people in the room were also pale, and the atmosphere was very tense now, and Qin An's performance like this made people a little bit creepy.

At this moment, two people walked through the door, it was Qin Xiaoyan and Liu Tianyu.

Qin Xiaoyan had obviously cried, her eyes were blood red.

After Liu Tianyu came in, he pointed at Qin An and roared.

"My grass, mud, horse Qin An, why did you go to my house in the morning? Bullying my wife? Are you used to it?"

The appearance of the couple made the tense atmosphere more intense. Everyone in the room was dead and there was no reaction.

At this moment, the old Wang next door ran in with his wife honeysuckle and son Wang Suo.

"Fuck me! Are you all here? Did you watch the news? That group of guys...that group of biting guys are officially named zombies! This is the end of the world, the end of the world is here! I just gave a Friends from the government called and they said that Hanghai City was going to be blocked! Let’s run? Ah? Let’s run together and take care of each other! What are you doing in a daze? Let’s run?"

Qin An swept across the group of people standing in his living room with mocking eyes, and finally looked at Weng Lan, who was looking horrified beside him.

"Weng Lan! What should I do? Do you know me? Do you know what I have experienced?"

Weng Lan slowly raised her hand and touched Qin An's face.

"Qin An, I don't know what you have gone through! But I know that the couple you have been with for seven years is real. You are so good to me, so love me! Just as I love you! So no matter what happens to you, I will I will not be separated from you! No matter what you are going through, I am willing to stay with you!"

Weng Lan realized that her husband seemed to have a mental problem. She was a little scared in her heart, but she could only choose to comfort her.

Qin An shook his head, stood up with some pity, and then seemed to be talking to himself, as if he was telling Weng Lan about his experiences.

"You went to the United States, let your twin sister Li Ying accompany me, impersonating you!

I'm an idiot, I didn't realize that my wife had been dropped.

After the apocalypse broke out, you came back to see me for the last time. You are about to die from brain cancer, so you have to go to the United States for surgery! This is your only chance!

And I, thinking you betrayed our marriage and vows, so I stayed at home alone for three months, like a dead person. "

While talking, Qin An had already walked to Lao Wang's side, and suddenly grabbed him by the collar and pulled him to Liu Tianyu and Qin Xiaoyan.

Qin Xiaoyan felt that Qin An was a bit scary at this time, so she hurriedly hid behind Liu Tianyu.

There was a strange smile on Qin An's face. He first glanced at Qin Xiaoyan, then at Liu Tianyu.

"After being trapped for three months, you have no food, begging to me, but how can I care about you? Our relationship is not good at all! Later, the old Wang became a zombie, just when you planned to go out to find food At the time! You! Liu Tianyu was killed and eaten by the old Wang alive!"

While speaking, Qin An dragged the dumbfounded Liu Tianyu aside, and then pulled Qin Xiaoyan in front of him.

"The surname is Qin! You...what are you doing?"

Qin An's eyes became gentle, and he said softly:

"At that time, you were terrified and knocked on my door desperately, and my heart was soft and I let you in! At the beginning of the last days, only you were with me. We are all wounded. We use our sins to dispel loneliness. ! In the end, you became my woman and we were in that room for the first time!"

"You...you nonsense! You are crazy! Li Ying, your husband is crazy! Husband, come and save me!"

Liu Tianyu finally reacted and rushed forward to beat Qin An.

Qin An raised a foot and kicked Liu Tianyu directly to the ground, and then pulled Qin Xiaoyan down in front of him with greater strength, looked into her eyes and said:

"When you were six years old, you used to cook your hairpin in a pot and eat it!

You received your first love letter at the age of twelve!

You experienced the first big aunt in your life at the age of thirteen!

You and Liu Tianyu are not in free love, but he got your body when he got you drunk!

You don’t actually love your husband, but you don’t know how to escape the life now!

You hate me so you keep calling me Fatty Qin secretly!

There is a faint birthmark under your left chest!

The most sensitive part of your body is actually not your earlobe but your fingers!

The most unbearable thing for you is to clasp your fingers with a man when you are in bed, it will make you fly into the sky! And this has always been your little secret, never told anyone! Even Liu Tianyu doesn't know!

Qin Xiaoyan, am I right?

Tell you, in the next 33 years, you will become my woman! You love my love and you can’t give up, you know? what! "

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