Zombie Apocalypse

Chapter 1466: Warcraft (End of Volume)

The legend of Warcraft is not cared by the intelligent creatures on the Sword Spirit Star.

Because all the places where monsters gather are forbidden, no one will enter their territorial space, not even the sword god.

The reason why such a weird place will not be cared about is because in the history of the sword spirit star has never been a monster to attack others, even if you are passing by less than one meter away from the forbidden area, as long as your feet are not touched If you touch the edge of the forbidden area, there will be no danger.

On the contrary, if it touches the edge of the forbidden area, the situation will be completely different. In the history of the sword spirit star, there is also no one who has walked into the territory and can come out again!

The two great monsters of quagmire and space are very famous, and they have existed longer than most sword gods.

The reason why the name of the World of Warcraft is known to the world is that it came from the Mishu tribe. This mysterious race is always attached to the forbidden area of ​​World of Warcraft to survive, as if they are believers of the World of Warcraft.

Elizabeth Hidal Haili was on the way at this time. She wanted to pass through the gap between the territory of the Misty Tree tribe and the male monster tribe, and then entered the orc territory, and was turning to the city of black blood.

Haili really only met Qin An unintentionally, and then used her ability to catch Qin Yana, preparing to force Qin An at the right time to obtain the original sword **** gene.

The so-called right time is actually procrastination. Haili felt that the longer the time was, the more anxious Qin An would worry about Yana's safety, and when she appeared next to Qin An, he could not wait to agree to her condition.

The aisles between the two camp spaces is a forest belt with a distance of 500 meters in width.

The light in March does not penetrate the dense foliage, so the woods are a bit dim at this time.

Suddenly, Haili's heart beat abruptly, and the curse that the Sword God warned was so powerful that her legs trembled and she knelt directly on the ground.

This...what's wrong with this?

"Tiange Lord God!"

In his heart, the Asian Demon Sword God awoke, but Haili was no longer conscious.

An octopus-like monster walked out in the dark.

Its body is very soft and can be deformed. It uses eight tentacles to walk in the tree air. The body is occasionally super long and occasionally flat, which prevents him from getting stuck in the tree air and unable to move.

"Are you Tiange Sword God? Are you resurrected?"

The Yamo who occupied Haili's body cried out in surprise.

But the octopus-like monster didn't speak, and a melodious singing sounded in the forest.

Yamo Sword God only felt that his mental power was weakened at once, and he could no longer support his body to continue standing.

"You...what are you doing? Tiange! Are you Tiange?"

While dying, the sub-devil spirit uttered a horrified cry. The eight-clawed monster had already rushed over, wrapped Haili's body, and then led her into the territory of the Mishu tribe.


After Qin An left, Yin Yao was stunned for a while, and was finally pulled into consciousness by the discomfort of the body.


what happened? Why do you feel breathless?

Is there a danger that Qin An has just left?

Yin Yao quickly stood up and found Weng Die, and then took her back to the Longyan fighter plane, only to see a lot of children in the viewing hall.

"Maggie, their taste is a bit heavier than mine, so look at this stew chicken, should you put a spoonful of salt?"

Maggie is the younger sister of Maya, the intelligent master control system of Jiulongshan. After being developed, she is responsible for the control and execution of all dispatched ships.

At this time, Maggie appeared in the glass window kitchen with optical influence. She controlled several flying robotic arms and was making dinner for the children.

"Hi, my little young master, I swear, the taste of this chicken soup is already very strong, and it will satisfy your customers. Of course, these little guys are also my guests, and they have served as Qin An’s friends for many years, I understand What should be done."

"Okay Maggie, I'll leave it to you, anyway you have always been trusted."

The quadruplets were standing beside Qin Potian and Maggie at this time, and their saliva was about to flow out looking at the plates of delicious dishes that had been prepared. Yin Yao relaxes, as long as there is nothing wrong with the children.

I really don't know what's wrong, why does the Sword God's perception sound an alarm?

"Aunt Die? Aunt Yao? Why are you here?"

Ada Suri, who was sitting on the sofa in the viewing hall looking at the withered tree branches outside the glass floor, found the two women who had returned and talked with smiles.

"Su Li, why are you sitting here by yourself? Didn't go see Maggie cooking with them?"

"Huh, I won't go... the little fool said that the kitchen is too small to hold so many people."

Of course she wanted to go. However, she was very uncomfortable. Everyone disliked her. Su Li felt that getting angry would damage her image, so she could only sit depressed by herself.

"Okay, you are fine, Weng Die, you look at them here, I go out to see, I always think something is wrong!"

"What is going to happen? Qin An?"

Weng Die felt Yin Yao's uncomfortable mood. This kind of situation is really rare. There are really too few things that make Yin Yao feel uneasy. Could it be said that there is another huge alien army that will pass through like the demons?

"Qin An just left, saying that he was looking for Weng Lan. He felt that I could protect the children, so he left with confidence."

"Ah...I finally went to find my sister?" Weng Die was shocked.

"Well, without telling you first, you can take care of the children in the Longyan fighter plane, and I will go out and go around."

After Yin Yao left, he checked the camp for a long time, and there was nothing unusual.

Then she let her consciousness enter the soul of each clone, and looked at the situation in various places within hundreds of kilometers, and nothing special happened.


"Ah...Where is this?"

Haili finally woke up.

She opened her eyes hard and saw the endless black swamp. A huge tentacle stretched out from the swamp and wrapped around her waist, so that she could only struggle but could not escape.


An extremely weak voice rose from Hai Li's heart.

"Yamo, what is going on?"

"It's Tiange!"

"The third main god? What is he doing?"

"He caught us and handed us to the Mishu tribe, and then the Mishu tribe sent us into the forbidden area of ​​Warcraft...We will be treated as tribute and eventually swallowed by Warcraft..."

"Damn! How do you escape?"

"We can’t escape, we should have been targeted by the Heavenly Sword God a long time ago, and the two big beasts of quagmire and space will gather together. It is probably not because of the accident of the double moon disaster. All of these are Heavenly Songs. Arranged, he wants the beast to absorb my magic power, and then completely demonize it! Once the beast is demonized, it will be active and aggressive!... Tiange represents the main **** of destruction, this is the trap he created, and the two are caused by me. The demonized monsters will start their killing mode... form a powerful space magnetic field... There was once a monster riot event on the Sword Spirit Star. At that time, there were only 22 sword gods, and we ran out of everything. Energy only killed the rioting monsters... Ah... Tiange made the move, what the **** was he doing? Don... don't let the curse also be trapped in the forbidden area of ​​monsters. If we two get together, yes If the monster can be completely demonized, it will be... a real disaster..."

At the end, Yamo's voice became weaker and weaker, and finally silent.

Haili also fainted again after Yamo's voice disappeared. They couldn't control themselves, and the life force was absorbed by the monster.


"Qin An! Qin An!"

Catalina ran in a panic in the camp, calling Qin An's name.

Yin Yao had just returned from a round of inspections and saw the panicked Catalina hurried forward.

"Katerina? What happened?"

"No more! No more! All gone?"

"What do you mean? You speak slowly?"

Catalina took a hard breath for a while, then grabbed Yin Yao's hand and shouted: "There were many people building houses over there just now... I, Annie, Benita, we are all helping!"

"Well, I went to your side just now, what happened?"

"Everyone! Everyone disappeared! Like Yana disappeared!"

"Disappeared? How is it possible?"

Yin Yao was shocked and took Catalina to the housing construction area. There were two to three hundred people just now, some were building houses, and some were moving soil and filling pits, but now they are in a mess. No one is here...

why? Without any power fluctuations, who is capable of teleporting these people away?

"What should I do? Anne, Benita, they all disappeared! Children! Where are the children?"

Catalina's tone suddenly became higher.

Yin Yao was stunned, and then quickly pulled Catalina back to the Longyan fighter plane, only to see that there was no one here, only the optical image of Maggie was standing in the kitchen.

"Where are the people? Where are the people?" Yin Yao asked in shock.

"I'm looking for them, and suddenly they disappeared out of thin air..."

The Longyan fighter was launched into the air, the big screen was turned on, and Maggie began to broadcast pictures from other places.

"It's not just us here, other alien camps are also experiencing successive disappearances... Yin Yao, the woman behind you..."

Yin Yao hurriedly turned her head, Katerina, who had followed her before, was gone.

"This...what's wrong?"

Yin Yao felt sweat gushing out of his forehead, ran to the big screen and looked up, only to see that the people in Nuoda's camp were gradually disappearing, and those who had not disappeared were all in panic!

Yin Yao wanted to scream depressed, but before she could make any response, she only felt that she had lost consciousness when her eyes went dark.

Maggie looked at the deserted Longyan fighter plane, and after a long time there was no response. As a super intelligent system, she was already a smart life form, so she would be shocked and speechless.


Qin An had just flown 30 kilometers and reached the airspace of the elves.

He didn't fly fast, he didn't want to make himself look too hasty, he was dreaming about his state of mind when he saw Weng Lan.


The following suddenly became confused.

Qin An flew downwards to start the exploration of the ability to glean spiritual consciousness.

Missing? How could suddenly disappear with so many people? Just like Yana!

This is how the same thing?

Qin An was a little dazed, and activated the enhanced ability to glimpse the sky, expanding the scope of exploration to the earthly camp.

Oh my God, there is also a disappearance over there!

Qin An stopped, then turned around hurriedly, wanting to fly back to the camp to find out.

And the next moment, he just felt dizzy, and then lost consciousness.

Qin An's body suddenly disappeared in the air!

(Summary of this volume, the next volume "Maze World" opens!

Panda has been trying hard to think about the plot, not only filling in the previous holes, but also not wanting to make the story seem unsightly. These days, I feel a little bit and plan to integrate more contradictions on the basis of the previous story. Then burst out a readable storyline, allowing readers to continue to support the apocalyptic city.

The 15th to the 19th is the double monthly ticket list.

Pandas don't want so much now. As long as you can make me into the top 20 pandas, you will be grateful, because the top 20 have bonuses.

Now there is a monthly pass of 440 for 1,000 yuan, twice the usual amount!

This is the time to fight for supporters. In these days of double monthly pass, as long as someone swipes, it will exceed those who don't.

Panda hopes to have the support of his elder brother who hasn't made any pocket money.

The readers who have already supported Panda are not asking. After all, you are already very supportive. Although I know that I beg you to hope more, but Panda is not willing to always let you who support me pay pandas.

That's it, four days to see if there are some changes to the monthly ticket list, double the monthly ticket list, waiting for your help! )

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