Zombie Apocalypse

Chapter 1464: Wu Puppet

Looking at the two bowls of porridge, Gu Li and D Lu immediately frowned again.

Now there is no food and no water. They are not the immortals in the legends of the earth novels, and they are capable of bigu.

On the contrary, as senior mutants from the Star of Sword Spirit, they are actually more afraid of hunger than ordinary people.

Ordinary people who are hungry for three days are weak at most, and if they are hungry for three days, their appetite will tend to meat. After all, the sword spirit in the body is actually a cell transformed by energy, which needs to be constantly supplemented with cytokines to maintain energy. of.

"Okay, let's eat some, or else I really can't hold it. People really want to eat rabbits!" D Lu shook her body, obviously selling cuteness, but the exposed meat was not at all. Not looking cute, but ferocious and **** without limits, making Gu Li blush immediately, and the green maiden who delivered the meal immediately retreated, leaving two hungry and thirsty women facing each other.


There is a huge inner city in the center of the administrative province of Noxus, the city of black blood, named Feng!

The Wind City actually has another name that outsiders don't know, that is, many managers of the Black Blood City don't know it. It is called the Capital of Wu Puppet Heavenly Sect!

The sixth main **** has been entrenched here for many years. This is also an important reason why the gangster alliance changed its name to the city of black blood and was able to compete with Crescent City and live in harmony.

Before the death of Shirakawa Wulong's wife, Mary, is now a three-soul sword repairer. At the same time, she has also acquired the blood of the main **** and belongs to the family of martial artists.

The huge palace seemed too empty and dark. In fact, Mary was very afraid to walk into this martial arts hall, because it was always full of blood and the pressure that made people unable to breathe was never weakened.

After walking through the long corridor, I finally reached the center of the hall.

Mary squinted her eyes, but in the end she couldn't see anything. It was too dark here, and all the light was swallowed.

Suddenly, a gust of wind rushed towards his face, carrying a **** breath.

Mary trembled, but didn't avoid it, and a corpse hit her on the next second.

Mary immediately knelt down and touched tremblingly on the corpse with her hands. The strong muscles were cold into her heart, making Mary's heart gloomy.

"How many is this?"

A faint male voice sounded in the darkness.

"The eighty-second..."

"It has been 33 years since the deity came to the earth. Can you only find two resurrected bodies for me every year? And they can't bear my powerful energy at all! In the end they can only die. Mary, you tell the deity, How long will it take to have a body resurrected?"

"Respected master, the physique of the people on earth is really too weak! I have been trying my best to find it, but it is really difficult to have a match with you. I have always wanted to ask whether the organism from the Sword Spirit Star ......"


The male voice snorted coldly, and Mary hurriedly shut up.

"Okay, then I'll explain it to you. The sword spirit star was born because of the emperor, true fire and Tiange. Tiange has blood of three planets, so he can choose any gene on the three planets to be strong enough The creature resurrected, but we can’t! Because Tiange is the original energy organism of the Sword Spirit Star, he did not continue his blood after being born by real fire! Therefore, no matter how much the creature on the Sword Spirit Star has evolved and mutated Secondly, the original bloodline also evolved from the emperor and the real fire. Therefore, we can only choose the emperor’s home planet Earth creature or the real fire’s home planet Castel Avidro. Own resurrection body! Many years ago, Tiange left the star of the sword spirit and launched a battle against Castel Avidro. Now that planet has been destroyed, so the earth is our only hope! So you must Find me an earthling with powerful genes, understand? Except for Heavenly Song and Real Fire, among the nine main gods, they can only find earthlings to resurrect! Real Huo wants to be resurrected, unless she can get a caster The powerful genetic creatures of the star of Avidro! Now, do you understand? I only want people on earth! Only people on earth!"

The final tone of the male voice was a bit irritable, and Mary was so frightened that she immediately bowed her head to the ground, her eyes closed tightly.

"Yes, my master!"

It took a long time for the male voice to return to calm again.

"The Demon Race is here?"

"Yes, Xinyue, Feiyue, and Xiangyue have all sent some people. They want to use materials to exchange the sword soul fragments to nearby refugees."

"Oh? What is the curse? His soul power has been restored to its peak? Why do you want to continue to make sword repairers? No, his followers are here, strength He is already very powerful, and he shouldn't need the Sword Soul Fragment so much. Could it be that he was injured?... Has New Moon City made any major moves recently?"

"Master, before the double moons came, Crescent City launched a super weapon and destroyed the blue tower capital of Gul'dan hundreds of kilometers away from us."

"Huh? Killed the Gul'dan? Why did he do this?"

"This...we don't know the specifics yet."

"Trash! Check it out! Also, the people who came to the Demon Race said that they want to do business on our territory, but we have to keep 30% of the sword soul fragments in exchange for it! I am in the city of black blood. The news is estimated to be known to the curse, so if they disagree, just let their Lord God come to me!"


Mary really didn't have any extra words, she was so afraid of herself as the main god.

After a long time, the male voice said again.

"Are there any trends in the Black Gold Empire?"

"Return to the master, they seem to want to start with Jiulong Liancheng!"

"Send more people, I want to keep abreast of their affairs! Originally, I was entrenched in the Destiny Sect, but the **** ghost and the woman joined forces to expel me. I must repay this grudge!"

"Don't worry, Master, I will take care of this. But the woman you mentioned, is she really a sword god?"

"Well, the sword **** from the undead clan...it's nothing. It used to be suppressed by the emperor, so only forty-nine sword gods appeared on the star of the sword spirit. Now on the earth, forty-nine swords When the gods fall together, some powerful cultivators can naturally break through and become new sword gods. If my induction is not wrong, the Linghua princess of the Blue Sword clan should also reach the level of the sword god. So **** During the Lunar New Year, you arrange for some people to participate in Princess Linghua’s husband selection ceremony. I think the Mozu will also do it, and even several other gods will send people as long as they know the news. Hmph, one has just gathered The fresh sword **** of the godhead must still be naive in emotion, so if this kind of moment can draw her into our camp, then we will have an advantage in terms of strength from now on! It is a pity that my faithful believers of martial arts do not Knowing when will it be possible to pass through in large quantities from the Sword Spirit Star, now it has been preempted by the Demon Race, it is really a headache!

Mary couldn't figure out the Lord's will, so she could only say nothing in the end.

"Okay, you go! I have to do everything I confessed to you so that you can become the next master of the city of black blood. Your competitors are simply idiots. You don't need to tell them my existence. I Will help you get rid of those people at the last moment!"


Mary was overjoyed and dared not stay afterwards, quickly retreated and left the Wu Puppet Hall.


At night, it is not peaceful.

People whose biological clocks have been disrupted don't know what time it is, in short, most of them are not sleepy or sleepy.

In the territories of the Eastern tribes, sturdy men are drinking, or hugging his wife. Under the illumination of three bright moons, in the crowd of other tribes, they vigorously use the ground as a quilt, doing the act of passing on the family, and don’t care. The wind is blowing around.

The camp of the Lu Ye people is very quiet. The characters of the Lu Ye people are not as bold as the Eastern people. They admire traditions. When it is dark, they mostly choose to sleep on the ground, whether they can sleep or not.

In this camp, only a few people have the right to live in tents. There is no alternative, and supplies are in short supply.

At this time, D Lu and Gu Li were both tied up, with objects in their mouths, which made them unable to make a sound.

Supper was naturally passive, mixed with ability cooling potions, and they could not use any abilities for at least two days.

This kind of medicine that is so effective for mutants is not available on the Sword Spirit Star, but it is now flooding the earth.

Muguda was holding a large hip flask in his hand, drinking and talking.

"Haha, we Eastern people like to drink the most, so we barely brought out anything when we fled, but there is a lot of this wine. Two Sword Masters, would you like to drink?"

While talking, Mu Guda walked up to the two women, naturally what he got was two pairs of glaring eyes.

"Okay, okay, since you don’t want to drink it, then I can only enjoy it by myself! I have long heard that the relationship between the savage human race and the sky beast race is good, as if they are a race, now it seems to be true! I don’t understand Now, a human race and an orc race, how can there be an indissoluble bond? Master Dlu, you and tell me, do people of your race like to be other people’s mounts and be rided under them? Isn’t that Does it mean that you have a special tendency? Ah, look at your curvy chest, it's so beautiful! It's open enough, we Oriental women usually wear clothes, but after you transform, you go back and forth naked Walk around, don’t you be afraid of flying in from below? Haha! Originally, I was going to attack Master Gulistan, but now I can kill two birds with one stone, what a good thing!"

Mu Guda slowly stretched out his hand, about to touch D Lu's chest.

At this moment, Gulistan finally pushed out the object stuck in his mouth with his tongue.

"Muguda! How can you do this to us? I want to see your King Dahab, I want to sue you!"

Mu Guda quickly picked up a ball of cloth and stuffed it into Gu Li's mouth again.

"Haha, naive woman, accuse me? After tonight, you will become corpses. No one knows the cause of your death. Do you think King Dahab will fight for the two foreign women in such a situation to investigate the murderer? ?Stop dreaming!"

With a grin on his face, Mu Guda took out a pair of scissors from his body.

"Since your sisters are all naked now waiting to be asked and asked by me, my respected Great Sword Saint Gulisti, are you still dressed so neatly, is it impolite?"

While talking, Mu Guda moved the scissors, moving back and forth on Gulistan's leg, and cut the pair of pants she was wearing into pieces after a dozen strokes.

Gu Li's legs were also tied, so she couldn't make much resistance at all, she could only use force back and forth aimlessly.

In a short while, Gu Li was already sweating, but she still could only see her pair of smooth thighs, slowly exposed.

This is an experience never before.

Among the Lvye tribe, Gu Li is also regarded as the proud girl of heaven. Everyone respects her. She is loved and spoiled, so she doesn't understand the sinister heart.

The aristocratic woman who has lived for thousands of years in the Luye tribe is not that complicated, because her life is the same, but it takes many years for the appearance of the person who is waiting for the destiny in that boring temple.

Therefore, the women of the green field nobles are even more naive than women who have only lived for a few decades and have never seen the world, because they have had a long period of time in the life stage of being separated from the group, which makes their thinking immature.

Therefore, Gu Li was scared, she crawled terribly after encountering this kind of incident that would be indecent!

D Lu tried to turn her body.

As a good sister, she knows Guli better than herself.

The Celestial Beasts and the Green Wild tribe have been friendly for generations, and every Green Wild tribe will have a Celestial Beast member who will accompany him throughout his life.

D Lu knows exactly how important chastity is to the noble woman in the green field.

Therefore, she stepped forward, turned her body to face Muguda, and met with her eyes.

Mu Guda looked at D Lu's eyes, frowning and reminiscing before his eyes lit up.

"You mean, let me not touch Master Gulistan, but do it on you?"

D Lu nodded vigorously and straightened her naked chest undaunted.


In the distance, Qin An is sitting on the ground with a big collapsed tree on his back. People are restoring their houses. This time they are rich in materials. Everyone thinks that they may live here for a while, so when they built the houses, they invited them More professional workers, let them design well, and try to make everyone more comfortable.

Qin An's attention was not by his side, but instead turned on his super strength, watching what was happening in the camp of Guli.

Hey, this D Lu is obviously not a virgin. As an intelligent creature like the orc, she must enter the estrus period for a certain period of time every year, and then find a strong partner to temporarily bond and continue her offspring.

After pregnancy, the women of the Celestial Orcs will not let the father of the child stay with them, nor will they maintain the marriage relationship.

They will give birth to their children alone, and then give them to the father of the children when they are full moon, and let them raise them.

Next year, when the estrus comes again, they will look for new targets to dispel the impulses in their blood.

This is just how a species lives after natural selection.

In the eyes of the people of the earth, perhaps orc women are debauched and depraved, because they can dedicate their bodies anytime and anywhere.

And in Qin An's eyes at this moment, the woman named D Lu is noble and pure, like the snow lotus blooming in the mud!

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