Zombie Apocalypse

Chapter 1084: Jagged Peng Kai

Peng Kai pulled the trigger and fired at the place where the soul boy was standing outside the pothole. Then he slid the muzzle and shot the pothole for a week.

So now he has completed the first thing, which is to warn the team camp.

Peng Kai knew that even if the bullet he fired shot into the body of the soul boy of the last days, it would not cause much damage to it, but at least it should be able to interfere with him.

He stood up very swiftly, and with one hand assisted the ground to directly turn out a 1-3 metre hole, surrounded by weapons, but these did not completely hinder the end-time soul boy.

The hearing of the supernatural person is far better than that of ordinary people, which means that the soul boy of the end times can judge his position based on the sound of his actions.

Sure enough, he almost just reached the ground when a cold wind swept over.

The effect of the fog makes him unable to see the surroundings clearly. In fact, he does not need to see clearly, because all he has to do is to last for fifteen seconds, then after fifteen seconds, the soul boy will be an ordinary person.

Lie down directly on the ground, Peng Kai rolled for a while, using himself as a bait to attract the goal of the apocalyptic soul boy, led him away from the cave, and helped Shu Jie in the pit create time to escape. This was the first time he planned to complete. Two things.

Rolling out for a full seven or eight meters, it was about to leave the range of the mist, and at this time, the time was only like eight or nine seconds.

Peng Kai's thinking moved quickly with the rolling of his body.

Now he can only roll away. This is the fastest way to escape, but can he really avoid the attack of the dark boy in the last days?

Peng Kai had reached the limit and could hardly escape any faster.

At this moment, he suddenly felt a cold in his legs, followed by pain, then severe pain and his body quickly weakened.

Damn, he didn't run away, his legs were cut off by the apocalyptic spirit boy who was chasing him while rolling.

Shujie, did that girl jump to

Peng Kai's heart was beating violently.

He has been with Shu Jie for more than ten days, and he has had a lot of contact, so he understands this woman.

She is not the one who will escape, which means that the escape opportunities she created for her may be wasted

Now that he has reached his limit, the third thing he can do is only one chance

But when the mental power is too concentrated, but the pain is too strong, the human potential will burst and break through the limit.

After Peng Kan broke his leg and continued to roll forward, he finally escaped from the scope of the fog. The soul boy of the last days also carried a knife and chased out from the fog

Right now, Peng Kai knows that he has only one chance

He suddenly stopped his rolling body, and then he didn't have to work hard, using his short legs to quickly support the ground...

OMG it hurts. There is still blood in the short legs. It doesn't take much effort. Peng Kai felt that he was going to pass out in a coma.

But the strong willpower made him persevere. Seeing that the dark boy of the end times had arrived in front of him, Peng Kai exhausted all his body strength and directly threw himself on the body of the end times soul boy, and then held him tightly with one hand. House wrapped

But Peng Kai's other hand stretched out directly into the mist.

Completed three things in fifteen seconds. Peng Kai trapped the eschatological soul boy with his body. It was about to lose its power. Even if it would kill itself in an instant, he could completely control it. Yes, because Peng Kai knew that even if he died, he would definitely let the dead men cling to the soul boy in the last days.

So, is she coming back?

Will she chase out of the mist

Kill the soul boy in the last days, and then give yourself a small reward by the way. Will this happen?


Peng Kai screamed in his heart, but he didn't let himself scream.

The soul boy in the last days had already taken out the sword, and the tip of the sword was inserted from his waist across his abdomen. It is estimated that his intestines should have been cut by the blade.

He could not survive, and Peng Kai felt that his consciousness was slowly dissipating in an instant.

But he still persisted, insisting on extending his free hand, facing the direction of the mist.

Finally, a Qianying rushed out of the fog, holding a small laser gun in her hand, it was Shu Jie who had no choice to escape and chase him.

Peng Kai laughed. He wanted to laugh, but he couldn't laugh because he had almost used up his strength.

"Peng Kai"

Shu Jie roared, and the scene she saw made her tremble all over, fearing that she would never forget it in her lifetime

Peng Kai's legs had been broken from his knees. He almost used a body that was much larger than the soul boy of the last days to cover the whole body of the soul boy in the last days, making it immobile.

Seeing Peng Kai stretching his hand in his direction and seeing the smile on Peng Kan’s pale face, Shu Jiefei rushed forward, holding Peng Kai’s arm in one hand, and pointing the laser gun in the other hand. The temple of the soul boy, then pulled the trigger

A blue line silently penetrated the brain of the soul boy of the end times, leaving a fist-sized hole in his skull.

Peng Kai's eyes were fixed on Shu Jie's chest at this time. This woman turned out to be the mother of three children, no matter how majestic and full there was.

But should a woman sag without dying after giving birth, why is her so strong?

He was dying, he and Shu Jie successfully killed a dark man, he also successfully completed his three plans, it is time to get some rewards.

Peng Kai exhausted his last strength and broke free from the hand Shu Jie was holding his arm, and then slammed his hand on Shu Jie's chest, kneading vigorously.

"Mom's goods are real at a fair price...better than...better than I thought"

Peng Kai's voice was subtle and unreasonable, and Shu Jie, who had taken his body from the soul boy of the last days and hugged him, heard it completely.

At this moment, Shu Jie finally realized that it was Peng Kai who pulled her into her arms in the cave and escaped the deadly blow when the doomsday spirit boy just appeared. After that, Peng Kai released the tc virus suppression aerosol bomb, and then took the doomsday spirit boy. Attracted away, it was better than the fifteen-second period of onset of drug effects, which allowed him to successfully kill the soul boy of the end times.

Did this wretched man who has been smirking at her save her by sacrificing himself?

Su Jie was moved suddenly, and this moved her to tears, causing her to ignore Peng Kai's hand that had been holding her chest, even though her chest was so painful that she had been caught.

"Peng Kai, how are you talking?"

Shu Jie shouted excitedly.

Peng Kai's forehead was already full of cold sweat, his lips were bloodless, and there were obvious black circles under his eyes. This was all caused by excessive ejection.

But Peng Kai still had a smile on his face. He was already unable to make a sound, so he could only tell Shu Jie with his mouth.


Shu Jie didn't notice Peng Kai's movements at all, she was just caring about Peng Kai's life and death.

Peng Kai's last touch of consciousness is regret

It’s really helpless. He just said, why get some women to serve as soldiers who hesitated at critical moments. It is impossible for the killed apocalyptic spirit boy to appear alone, which means that its partner will soon Come, if Shu Jie doesn’t let herself go to escape, she probably won’t be able to escape.

Forget it, he can't manage that much, because he knows that he has run out of oil and is about to die.

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