Zombie Apocalypse

Chapter 1012: The truth about the murder

In the seventh year of the last days, our family settled in Qinlan City. At that time, my eldest son Qiu Tang was 26 years old and my younger son Qiu Jin was 23 years old.

For many years, I have not left this home under immense pressure and kept the secret of Qiu Mubai. In the final analysis, the reason is my child.

Our family lives in the city of Qin Lan, and all our neighbors think we are a very happy family. Qiu Mubai is used to hiding himself. He often says that in the eyes of people around him, he is just a housewife with a comfortable life. No one knows that he is the dark king hidden in this world, before and after the end

I know he is not bragging, the facts are even more true than what he described.

So in this process, I actually never mentioned one person, that is Qiu Mubai’s father, Qiu Guangyi"

Speaking of this, Tian Yue'e paused for a while, and then continued after a long time:

"Qiu Mubai has a thousand evil thoughts, but this kind of human nature is strange. He is a filial son, an absolute filial son.

Qiu Guangyi's whole life, the old man, can only be described as a wild and lewd splendor.

His filial son often sends the abducted woman to the old man for him to enjoy, because the old man likes this bite.

The number of women this old man played with is counted in thousands, of which the young are under five and the elderly are over sixty.

Well, two years before we got married, he looked like an amiable husband, but after I learned about some secret incidents of White Wolf, he didn't have to pretend to me.

At that time, there was a basement in our house, and the old man would take the woman to the basement to play with, and I, a daughter-in-law, had to wait on the side and serve him tea and water.

Every time I protest against Qiu Mubai, he will comfort me first, and if I don't obey, he will get punches and kicks.

This was the case before the end of the world, but things changed for the better after the end of the world.

The old man may have played too much with women, so one day he finally climbed onto my bed and tasted the taste of his daughter-in-law.

In fact, there is a shocking secret that I have never told anyone. After I gave birth to my second son, Qiu Jinsheng, before the end of life, Qiu Mubai never touched me again.

He was originally a cold-blooded person and had no interest in the things in bed for men and women. Married me and allowed me to give birth to two children, but to pass on the family.

So... Actually, Qiu Jinse, and my little daughter Qiu Jinxian, are actually... the child of Qiu Guangyi"


Qin An was really shocked, he didn't expect it to be like this

He originally thought that he had seen through the human nature of the world, but he did not expect that when some human nature was exposed to him, he would still find it difficult to accept

This...why does a creature called a human do such a thing?

This is so absurd that it is no different from a beast

The woman in the dark mist was sobbing because she talked about her sadness. Such a past is probably something she doesn’t want to remember as a ghost.

"Is it surprising how long you have known Jinse and heard her life experience, would you pity her or despise her?

Hey, this child may be the only one who is different in my family.

When she was only four or five years old, Qiu Guangyi's eyes began to turn around her. I knew this old ghost could do anything, so I begged Qiu Mubai to send her daughter away.

Qiu Mubai knew what his father was like, and Qiu Jinse was his nominal daughter and real sister. Qiu Mubai didn't want to see something happen either.

Therefore, Jin Se was sent away and became a monk in a nun's nunnery in the southern suburbs of our home. Later, by chance, he met a master who knew martial arts. He had learned the arts for nearly ten years and trained in martial arts.

She didn't know all the dark things in our family, I didn't want her to know at first, but later, everything got out of my control.

My two sons, Qiu Tangsheng and Qiu Jinsheng, as well as their daughter Qiu Jinxian and his son-in-law, joined Qiu Mubai in the system of people in black. They are still acting in the last days. The merchandise trade was even more aggressive than Qiu Mubai.

That's all. One day at noon, I went to the elder son's room after taking a nap to see if he was there and persuade him to stop.

But when I entered the room, what was happening made me almost crazy.

My two daughters-in-laws are taking my three grandchildren, one granddaughter is eating hot pot, the ingredients of a table...all are human internal organs

And Li Guangyi and my son-in-law are in bed with my little daughter Qiu Jinxian...doing that kind of thing

Boy, you will never be able to appreciate my mood at that time.

The haze that had been suppressed in my heart for so many years all broke out. I ran to the bed and pulled my daughter out of the bed, and asked her why she did such a thing, but she just glanced at me coldly, and then whispered. :

Bitch, you still have me like your father-in-law, why can't I go to bed with this old man? Are you jealous?

Haha...this is what my daughter said to me is she my daughter is she?

I ran to the two daughter-in-laws again and asked them why they would take their children to eat human flesh.

The two women also looked indifferent. They said that I was old-fashioned and didn't know that many people in the aristocratic circle of human beings are cannibals.

They said I was an old antique before the end of the world, and told me to roll back to my room.

They also said, Didn’t the Qiu family sell human organs before the end of the world? Now they are doing this kind of business. They asked me in turn: Old lady, don’t you know that people in the end of the world are no longer strong? Do you need an organ transplant anymore? The organs that are being resold are actually used to feed the big people.

My three grandsons and granddaughter were rude to me. They followed their mother and drove me away together, saying they didn’t want me to disturb them eating delicious food.

Haha, boy, can you say I can’t be crazy, can I not be crazy

What kind of family is this? What kind of blood is this?

So...I, who was already crazy, sent away all the servants in the house that day.

I used a pig-killing knife to secretly kill my three grandchildren and one granddaughter, then my two daughter-in-laws and my little daughter Qiu Jinxian, and the old man Li Guangyi.

After that, I wanted to kill my son-in-law, but failed. He discovered my intention to kill him and snatched the pig knife from my hand.

The knife was originally brought by my daughter Qiu Jinse. After she returned from studying art, she went to serve as a soldier. The other day her army was on vacation and she went out to date with her comrades in arms, so she kept the knife at home.

The weapon was stolen, and I wanted to take it back, but I didn't have the strength of my son-in-law.

At this moment, Qiu Mubai appeared and asked me what happened.

I knelt on the ground and wept bitterly, roaring and telling all the secrets that I had known during the years of marrying into the Qiu family, and finally told him that I had killed all our children and Qiu Mubai's father.

Qiu Mubai's eyes were red when he heard it, and he was about to come and kill me immediately.

At this moment, Jinse appeared with a pale face and tears.

In fact, she just came back when I was roaring at Qiu Mubai, and heard what I told Qiu Mubai, she knew all the secrets and kept her word.

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