Zhou Xiaoyun’s Happy Life

Chapter 7: Six-year-old Zhou Xiaoyun (1)

Chapter 7 Six-year-old Zhou Xiaoyun (1)

 I just lay in bed and rested for a few days, and I am almost in good health. Zhou Xiaoyun finally got permission from his parents to get out of bed and go out, and jumped up excitedly.

The clothes he wore that were too big were washed clean, but they were a bit dirty and ugly. However, every child is like this these days, so I didn’t care about him.

 The first thing Zhou Xiaoyun did was to run to the east room and look in the full-length mirror. This mirror has a lot of history. It was Zhao Yuzhen's dowry when she got married. It was mounted on the wardrobe and could reflect a person's whole body.

Zhou Xiaoyun looked at himself in the mirror carefully, it was the same as he remembered. She is not very beautiful, but she has natural white skin, double eyelids, and big eyes. Although she is thin, she is not short and is taller than girls of the same age. She recalled that when she became an adult, she was 1.7 meters tall. She was considered to be outstanding among girls, but she was too thin but not plump.

There is also the dull yellow hair on this end. Zhao Yuzhen thought it was troublesome to tie her children's hair, so she and her sister had short hair like tomboys since they were young.

 When Zhou Xiaoyun grew up, he always envied other girls' long shiny hair. He was so greedy!

 Hey, now that I have started my life again, I naturally want to live a different life. To make up for all her regrets, she decided that from today on, she would start growing her hair and become a beautiful girl with long flowing hair.

 After setting a small goal for himself, Zhou Xiaoyun took Xiaobao out to play. Erya wanted to follow him even when he was making trouble, but he had no choice but to have another follower.

  At that time, each family’s house was small, but their yards were large, and there was a large open space in front of each house.

 Children in each family who are less than eight years old rarely go to school, and very few go to kindergarten. Most of them go directly to first grade.

Primary schools basically adopt the teaching model of letting cows graze. After school, all the children are running around and playing outside, so you can always find a bunch of children gathering together to play.

There is a large open space between Zhou Xiaoyun's home and his uncle's home. Several big trees are planted on the edge, blocking a lot of the sun. The open space in the middle has long been occupied by naughty children.

 Dabao was playing a glass marbles game with several boys of the same age.

The round glass ball as big as the little finger is the favorite of the boys. A few of them get together, lie on the ground, and bounce the small ball into the thumb-sized hole a few meters away. The boy who shot into the hole was like a hero at that moment, taking away his trophy triumphantly in the envious eyes of his companions.

There is also another way to play the game. Each of the two players has a glass ball, and they have to use their own to hit the other party's ball. Whoever hits the ball first can win the other party's glass ball. This is considered the ultimate showdown by the boys.

Cousin Zhou Xiaoxia is also there. She and a few girls are doing rubber band dancing. Two of them were holding long elastic rubber bands with their legs, and the others were dancing while reciting chants like chants.

 The younger ones who have not yet gone to school are scattered in two piles, either watching or causing trouble. Most of them are the younger brothers and sisters of children who are actively playing. The adults have asked the older ones to take the younger ones out to play, but the older brothers and sisters who are excited about playing have long been thrown aside.

Zhou Xiaoyun followed Xiaobao Erya and looked closely at her younger brothers and sisters. She did not dare to leave them alone.

When I was a child, I was often beaten if I refused to take care of my younger siblings. Now I have to be a good boy and not suffer this disadvantage. Isn't it just to look after the children? You can just follow them wherever they go.

 After a while, Zhou Xiaoyun discovered that this was a complete chore.

Xiaobao is one year younger than her, so it is easier to play with Dabao and the others with a few four or five-year-old boys, but Erya, a little kid who has just learned to walk and can't speak clearly yet, is giving her a headache.

Zhou Xiaoyun helped Erya, who fell to the ground and cried loudly, for the fifth time, shook his head and sighed, what an annoying child.

 My younger sister has been a troublemaker since she was a child. She has always followed her sister to clean up the mess. She had to play with her when she was young, and teach her to do homework when she was older. As she gets older, she starts washing her clothes, socks and shoes. After entering junior high school, Zhou Xiaoyue began to grow and attracted many boys, and she had to protect her in front of her parents.

“What a careless aunt.” Zhou Xiaoyun muttered in a low voice, wiping away the tears on Erya’s face.

 After coaxing her for a while, it turned out that Erya was still crying harder and harder, with no intention of stopping. Zhou Xiaoyun completely surrendered. Taking care of his daughter Niuniu was not so tiring.

 Niuniu has been a quiet and well-behaved child since she was a child, rarely crying. Zhou Xiaoyun has always felt that she is lucky to have such a child. But now that I was six years old again, what about Niuniu? What will happen to her? Will Li Tianyu take good care of her?

Furthermore, if I were not with Li Tianyu in this life, would there still be Niu Niu?

Thinking of this, Zhou Xiaoyun was confused. What kind of confusing account is this!

But when he thought of Niu Niu, the reborn Zhou Xiaoyun could no longer control his longing and burst into tears.

Niu Niu has been following her since childhood. Now that she is gone, what should Niu Niu do?

Will Li Tianyu take care of her well?

Niuniu likes to kick the quilt when she sleeps at night. Will Li Tianyu remember to cover her with a quilt?

Niuniu loves to eat fish, will Li Tianyu cook fish for her?

Niuniu goes to kindergarten every day, will Li Tianyu pick her up and drop her off on time?

Niuniu is her daughter. Will Li Tianyu find another woman to be her stepmother?

 The most important thing is that Zhou Xiaoyun has died and returned to six years old. What about Niuniu? Will there be no more Niu Niu in the world?

Thinking of this, Zhou Xiaoyun felt as if his heart was being cut by a knife. Tears fell, and remembering that I was only a six-year-old child now, I just cried loudly.

The clever Xiaobao had already run to report to his parents, while Zhao Yuzhen was busy feeding chickens, ducks and two pigs in a yard. I heard that Da Ya and Ya Ya were crying, so they hurried over to take a look.

As soon as Zhao Yuzhen saw Erya standing there with snot and tears on her face, she began to feel distressed. She couldn't help but blame Daya for not taking care of her sister: "Daya, why did you take care of your sister? You still have the nerve to cry. Don't cry anymore." She picked up Erya. Ya started to coax him, if it wasn't for the fact that Zhou Xiaoyun's body happened to be right, he would have slapped him.

Zhou Xiaoyun sensed the warning from his mother's eyes, and felt deeply about the huge difference in treatment between himself and his sister, but he did not dare to cry anymore. After cleaning up the mood of missing Niu Niu, she and Zhao Yuzhen went home.

 (End of this chapter)

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