Zhou Xiaoyun’s Happy Life

Chapter 67: Zhou's tile-roofed house (2)

Chapter 67 The Zhou family built a tiled house (2)

Fang Wenchao was wondering why Zhou Xiaoyun rarely came to practice the accordion and disappeared as soon as school was over.

After a few days, the situation was still the same. He couldn't help but ask Zhou Xiaoyun after class: "Zhou Xiaoyun, what are you busy with right now? Why don't you come to my place to practice the piano?"

As soon as Zhou Xiaoyun saw Fang Wenchao waving towards him, he knew what he would ask, and quickly explained: "Teacher Fang, we are building a tile house. I want to go home early every day to help the family, so I didn't go to your place to practice piano. I promise to make up for all the missed practice time in the future.”

Fang Wenchao suddenly understood and nodded in approval: "So that's it. It's right for you to go home and help your parents do something. Come and practice the piano when you are no longer busy. However, you can't practice this instrument all the time. It doesn't matter if you practice like this. result."

Zhou Xiaoyun looked at Fang Wenchao gratefully.

This is the first person he has ever met in his life who is so kind to him. He is not a close relative of her, he is just a teacher. However, his concern for her over the past year is still vivid in Zhou Xiaoyun's mind. one of the most important people.

 She said sincerely: "Thank you, Teacher Fang! I will definitely live up to your expectations!"

 What can make a teacher feel more comfortable than a child’s eyes full of trust and love?

 Fang Wenchao smiled and said goodbye to Zhou Xiaoyun.

Zhou Xiaoyun jogged all the way home when she heard someone calling her from behind. When she turned around, she saw that it was Sun Min, her classmate.

Sun Min is the shortest girl in the class, nicknamed "Little Boy". She is a little shorter than Wu Mei, and she usually plays well with Zhou Xiaoyun. Her father is a bricklayer and is currently working at Zhou Xiaoyun's house.

Sun Min wanted to go with Zhou Xiaoyun, but when she saw Zhou Xiaoyun's figure from a distance, she called out to her.

Zhou Xiaoyun invited Sun Min to his home for dinner: "Little one," everyone likes to call this nickname: "You can come to my house for lunch, your dad is there anyway!"

Sun Min loves to play with Zhou Xiaoyun the most, so she happily agreed. The two of them talked and laughed all the way to Zhou Xiaoyun's house.

The house has been built to half a person's height, and several people are busy. Sun Min saw her father building a wall with sharp eyes, and shouted loudly: "Dad!"

Sun Min’s father, Sun Chengwu, was a little surprised when he heard his daughter’s voice: “Minmin, why didn’t you go home and come here?” Sun Min was speechless and didn’t know what to say.

Zhou Xiaoyun smiled and came to Sun Min's rescue: "Uncle Sun, I asked her to come to my house for lunch."

Sun Min glanced at Zhou Xiaoyun gratefully.

After hearing this, Sun Chengwu could not say anything more to his daughter, so he waved his hand for her to go and play by himself.

 We had dinner together in the kitchen at noon. There were many people sitting at the table and it was a bit crowded. Sun Chengwu said to Zhao Yuzhen with some embarrassment: "My Minmin is here to cause trouble for you today."

Zhao Yuzhen said with a smile on her face: "As you can see, Sun Min and our Da Ya are classmates and have been playing very well. It's not too late for us to be happy when she comes!"

Sun Chengwu was originally afraid that his family would have objections when his children came to have lunch, but when he saw Zhao Yuzhen say this, his face looked much better: "Our family Minmin often mentions your family's eldest daughter. Her grades are so good because the squad leader went to the county competition and won a prize." It’s really amazing to win a prize. I often see Da Ya helping you with housework these days, this kid is really capable!”

Hearing others praise her children as a mother's greatest pride, Zhao Yuzhen's chatter box opened up again: "Brother Sun, your words speak to my heart. Normally, mothers shouldn't praise their children like this, but our family is big. She is really sensible, obedient and considerate. She comes back every day to help boil water and cook, and now she washes all the clothes in the house. She has become the master of the family!"

 At the end, Zhao Yuzhen looked gloomy.

Sometimes when she sees little Zhou Xiaoyun busy doing everything like an adult, she feels happy, comforted and unspeakably sad. Such a family makes children mature and capable. In fact, who doesn’t want their children to be like this? A little princess being pampered?

 Let’s not talk about the distance, let’s take Xiaoxia from the boss’s family as an example. She is three years older than her eldest daughter, so at home she only has clothes to wear and food to eat. She dresses beautifully every day like a little flower, but as for Da Ya, except for the good clothes she bought for the competition last time, she usually wears Xiaoxia's old clothes.

Thinking of this, Zhao Yuzhen felt sad.

Zhou Xiaoyun was sensitively aware of Zhao Yuzhen's thoughts, and felt warm in his heart. If we say the biggest change after her rebirth, it is that her relationship with her parents has become much deeper.

In the past, she always complained that her poor parents did not give her a good childhood, that her parents did not pay enough attention to her, that her parents did not make money, and that she did not have a good life. As a result, she became more and more estranged from her parents when she became an adult, and her relationship with her brothers and sisters was also very difficult. light.

 Over the past two years since she returned to the age of six, she has re-examined her parents through the eyes of an adult, and she has discovered that her parents love every child, including her.

Zhou Guoqiang favored her the most, spoke to her the most kindly, and rarely refused Zhou Xiaoyun's requests. Zhao Yuzhen was proud of her before and after everyone.

 The deepest knot in Zhou Xiaoyun's heart was quietly resolved.

 It turns out that her parents love her so much.

Sun Chengwu comforted Zhao Yuzhen with a few words: "The child should be happy like this. We are all from rural areas. The kitchen under the hall is the best for girls who are more energetic and capable, and they are not coquettish young ladies from the city. I think my family is smart." Min can learn more from your family."

Zhao Yuzhen hurriedly praised Sun Min.

 The adults complimented each other, and Zhou Xiaoyun and Sun Min were enjoying themselves eating and chatting at the corner of the table.

After this, Sun Min also became a frequent guest at the Zhou family's dinner table.

 (End of this chapter)

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