Zhou Xiaoyun’s Happy Life

Chapter 63: uncle got married

Chapter 63 Uncle is getting married

The Zhou brothers and sisters have been looking forward to this good day on the tenth day of November for a long time. This day is a good day for their uncle Zhao Gang to get married. Of course, the whole family must come together for such a big event.

Dabao and Zhou Xiaoyun each asked the teacher for a day off. Dabao was taken to his uncle's house by Zhao Yuzhen the night before to help him press the bed.

  The new bed in the new house must be pressed by a boy. This is a rural custom. Zhao Gang immediately thought of his nephew Dabao. It seems unreasonable for a child who is too old to press the bed, and is afraid of bedwetting if he is too young. A child around ten years old like Dabao is the best choice.

Dabao has been excited for many days since he knew he had to help his uncle press the bed at home.

You should know that there are delicious food everywhere in the new house for the sake of happiness. The children who are in bed can rummage unscrupulously and put them into their pockets that night. Who doesn't like this kind of beauty?

Xiaobao was so envious when he saw his mother and brother leaving one night early that he wanted to go too, but was scolded by Zhao Yuzhen. Xiaobao's mouth was full of tears and he was about to shed tears.

Dabao behaved like an older brother and generously said that he would give half of the delicious food he found to Xiaobao, which made Xiaobao smile a little.

Erya was used to sleeping with her mother, but when she saw Zhao Yuzhen taking Dabao away, she refused to follow her. Zhao Yuzhen thought about it and took Erya with her. Otherwise, Zhou Guoqiang wouldn't be able to take his three children with him the next day, so he might as well take Dabao and Erya to his parents' house to sleep one night.

On the morning of the tenth day of November, Zhou Xiaoyun got up early and fed the chickens and ducks. He also tidied up Xiaobao and combed two braids for himself. After Zhou Guoqiang finished feeding the pigs, he locked the door and set off to his uncle's house.

 Zhao Gang's wedding was the top priority of the Zhao family. The daughters of the Zhao family came back to help, and the yard seemed crowded with relatives inside and outside. It’s even more lively when there are children running around in and out of the yard.

Dabao saw Xiaobao and Zhou Xiaoyun with sharp eyes, and came over to greet them from afar. True to his word, he took out a lot of candies and pastries and stuffed them into Xiaobao. Xiaobao smiled happily and started talking to his "brother" very affectionately.

Dabao also specially left some for his sister Zhou Xiaoyun. He has not forgotten how kind his sister is to him.

 Zhou Xiaoyun's pockets were stuffed full of treasures, and his heart felt warm.

 Having a delicious meal at noon, the most anticipated thing in the afternoon was the arrival of the bride. There were no cars at that time, so it was uncle Zhao Gang who drove the brand-new walking tractor to pick up the bride.

 The walking tractor was bought at the request of the woman. Not only does it make the bride look better when she gets married, but the most important thing is that after the marriage, she can drive the tractor to haul bricks for others and earn money. Zhao Gang's family finally collected enough money to buy the car.

 The tractor has a big word "hi" written on it, and a pile of furniture on the tractor is the woman's dowry. The villagers who were watching all commented that the woman’s dowry was really large, and they heard people praise the grandma’s beaming face as being very radiant.

A bunch of children gathered around the car to see the bride. The bride was wearing a red dress, red shoes, makeup on her face, and a red flower on her hair. She was full of joy. Seeing the children surrounding them, the bride’s face changed. It must be redder than the clothes.

Zhao Gang is a person who is in high spirits during happy events, and the feeling of being the groom's official is different.

The not-so-tall man actually looked a bit arrogant when he raised his head and chest. He scattered a lot of candies to the children and led the bride into the new house while the children were robbing them.

The new house has the word "happiness" written in red everywhere, and the furniture such as wardrobes, cupboards and dressers from the car have already been carried into the house by relatives who came from home. The new house looked very brand-new and stylish, and a bunch of young men in their twenties crowded in to see the bride.

Zhou Xiaoyun was also crowded in the new house. She didn't have a deep impression of this aunt in her previous life, except that she was relatively small and delicate. Now it seems that her face is quite beautiful, and her beauty is even more beautiful against the backdrop of the red wedding dress.

Most of the young men watching the fun were bachelors and couldn't move their eyes away from the beautiful bride, which made the groom Zhao Gang both happy and proud.

 After dinner, the real drama of making trouble for the bride officially started. At that time, no one bothered the father and the bridesmaids when they were getting married, it was the bride who was always there.

 At this time, you can see the personality of the bride. If you are shy, you will half-heartedly comply with the request. Although you are more shy, you will be able to get over it before the room is delivered at twelve o'clock.

If you are more aggressive and ignore the request of the troublemaker, it will actually make the troublemaker more interested. If you have to make trouble after twelve o'clock and delay the delivery of the room, the host family will have nothing to do.

So no matter how difficult it is for the bride, she has to get through this. One moment she lights cigarettes for this and that one, and the next she has to perform some intimate show with the groom. A bunch of people, old and young, men and women, are gathered around. Watching the excitement in the new house.

It didn't stop until about 11:30 when the room was ready to be delivered. A pair of red chopsticks were thrown in through the crack of the window, the long whip was lit, and the two elders of the family clicked on the red paper twisted into strips and started talking. Auspicious words: one scatters chestnuts, two throws dates, and three…the other one is responsible for saying "good", that is, everything should be said "good".

 When everything is finished, the newlyweds enter the bridal chamber and all the relatives leave and go home.

Zhao Yuzhen and Zhou Guoqiang each took their two children and rushed home overnight. With such a large family, there was no place to sleep and they had to go home.

On the road, the youngest Erya was tired and sleepy from running around all day long and fell asleep on the bridle of the car.

Zhou Guoqiang did not dare to ride too fast because of her. It was really midnight when he arrived home so slowly.

 (End of this chapter)

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