Zhou Xiaoyun’s Happy Life

Chapter 49: Chef of the Zhou family

Chapter 49 The Zhou family’s chef

Zhou Guoqiang went to the county town again and bought a large scale and a small scale. The big ones are reserved for collecting pigs, and the small ones are reserved for selling pork.

 When everything was ready, Zhou Guoqiang and Zhao Yuzhen started to get busy.

Zhou Guoqiang rode a tricycle around the village, looking for anyone who wanted to sell pigs.

He is a pig-killer. He knows which pigs are good enough to sell, and rarely misses the mark. What he gave was cash, which was much fairer than the pig dealer's scale, so anyone who had pigs to sell was happy to sell them to him.

After Zhou Guoqiang dragged the pig home on a tricycle, he started doing his old job: killing pigs.

 When the market comes, take the pork to the market and sell it.

Zhou Xiaoyun found a piece of cardboard and wrote the words "The best pork, the lowest price" with a calligraphy pen, and stuck the sign on the bridle of the tricycle. People coming and going were surprised to see such a sign, and it attracted a lot of business to Zhou Guoqiang.

 There are some scattered pork sellers in the market, but few have long-term stalls like Zhou Guoqiang’s. Zhou Guoqiang thought that when he first started doing business, he would rather make less money but gain a good reputation, so he deliberately lowered the price. Moreover, the scales were always high and never short of a pound or a pound, which made the neighbors who bought the goods all satisfied and said that Zhou Guoqiang was very kind in doing business.

People who heard about it would also look for his stall to buy meat. Soon, his pork stall became the best business in the market due to its low price.

Zhao Yuzhen would come with Zhou Guoqiang to take care of the business every time she went to the market. Naturally, she took Xiaobao and Erya with her, doing business while taking care of the children.

At that time, every pig was raised to more than 100 kilograms and then sold. After removing the internal organs, fur, etc., a pig only had a few dozen kilograms of meat. Basically, every episode could sell the same amount of meat.

 Later, people from the same village would go to Zhou Guoqiang’s house to buy meat when there were guests at home. Later, people from neighboring villages began to come to Zhou Guoqiang’s house to buy meat. Even if there is no market, you can still sell some pork in one day. Zhou Guoqiang was originally worried that the pork would go bad if it was left unsold for a long time. This was completely unnecessary worry.

 After a lot of back and forth, Zhou Guoqiang’s pork selling business finally got on track.

 One kilogram of meat can earn one or two cents, and if dozens of kilograms of meat are sold out, you can earn at least a few yuan. In addition, pigs are full of treasures. Pork liver, pork loin, pork blood, pork belly and intestines can be sold for anything. It can be seen from the increasingly bright corners of Zhou Guoqiang and Zhao Yuzhen's lips that the income is very satisfying.

At night, the wooden box containing money contained half a box full of bits and pieces, and Zhao Yuzhen happily counted the money. But there are too many changes of one dime and two dimes, and it will become confusing after a while.

Zhou Xiaoyun volunteered to come over to help. She sorted the items of one dime into a pile, followed by the items of two dimes, five cents, one yuan, two yuan, and five yuan. After a while, she calculated the total in the cash box: Thirty-three yuan and four cents.

  If you exclude the cost, you can earn nearly ten yuan at a market. This is a figure that Zhao Yuzhen never dared to think about before. Zhao Yuzhen's hands were shaking a little when counting the money.

About a month later, Zhou Guoqiang returned the two hundred yuan to Zhou Fang.

At this rate, the family will be able to build a house in less than a year, Zhao Yuzhen thought happily. Thinking of the beautiful prospect, Zhao Yuzhen's eyes narrowed as she smiled.

 The life at home has changed as a result, and this change first occurred at the dining table.

Zhao Yuzhen was busy and sometimes couldn't take care of cooking, so Zhou Xiaoyun started to make a simple dinner. Zhao Yuzhen was originally worried that such a young child would never know how to cook, but later she felt relieved when she saw that Zhou Xiaoyun directed Dabao to cook the fire and the rice he cooked tasted very good, so she felt relieved. It later evolved into three meals a day, and Zhou Xiaoyun was responsible for most of them.

Zhou Xiaoyun was very good at cooking in her previous life. Having said that, no matter who has been a housewife for seven or eight years, she will be good at cooking. Besides, the one in the family is very picky about food. Zhou Xiaoyun's improvement in cooking skills can also be attributed to her ex-husband's pickyness.

 Ever since Zhou Xiaoyun started cooking, Xiaobao was the happiest.

Pork is sold to make money, so you can’t eat it every time, but you can always eat some leftover pork belly every once in a while. Zhou Xiaoyun used some soy sauce to cook the pork belly till it turned red. When he took a bite, his mouth was filled with oil. Even if Xiaobao doesn't like meat, he could eat a few big pieces.

 Usually when the meat is sold out, there will always be some big bones left. Zhou Xiaoyun took some of these bones and put them in a pot to make a thick bone soup, which he used to cook vegetables and make salty porridge.

Xiaobao has a small appetite and refuses to eat, but when he saw that his sister used bone broth and some cabbage to make salty rice porridge, it was so hot and fragrant that he worked up his appetite and was able to eat two bowls.

 Xiaobao's thin arms began to gain some flesh, which made Zhou Xiaoyun very happy. Bone soup is very effective in replenishing calcium, much better than drinking oral liquid. If Xiaobao is weak, drinking more can also enhance his resistance.

Zhou Xiaoyun took great pains to let Xiaobao eat more, and deliberately cooked meals that suit Xiaobao's appetite. Seeing Xiaobao's appetite getting bigger and bigger and his body getting stronger, Zhou Xiaoyun couldn't be happier.

Even Zhou Xiaoyun himself has gained a lot of weight. His skin, which was originally a little yellow, has become more rosy and no longer looks shriveled. Sure enough, eating better and more nutritious will make a difference!

 Zhao Yuzhen, in addition to taking care of her children and doing housework every day, she and her husband also have to go to the market to sell meat. They are very busy inside and outside. With Zhou Xiaoyun as a capable assistant to help with the cooking, the burden suddenly became much lighter. Zhao Yuzhen likes to be proud of herself and always praises her daughter when she meets everyone.

When Zhou Xiaoyun heard Zhao Yuzhen mention the words "my eldest daughter...", he ran away and was filled with shame. If you want to praise, you have to wait for others to praise you. How can you praise your own family members? It would be strange if others don't laugh behind your back.

However, his mother's praise at least showed that his status in her mother's mind has been improved. Zhou Xiaoyun was very pleased to think of this. What child doesn’t want to be loved, cared for, and praised by his parents?

 (End of this chapter)

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