Zhou Xiaoyun’s Happy Life

Chapter 44: Dabao after being beaten

Chapter 44 Dabao after being beaten

Zhou Xiaoyun, who was writing, saw Dabao coming in crying with tears and runny nose. He couldn't help but be shocked and asked quickly: "Brother, why are you crying?"

Dabao wiped his tears in grievance: "I was slapped by my mother."

"Mom, slap you?" It's unlikely. Zhao Yuzhen has always doted on Dabao. After all, he is the first child and a boy. He is both the eldest son and the eldest grandson of the family. She even scolded him, let alone doing anything. Can't bear to part with it. Half of Dabao's temper was caused by her spoiling him. To say that Zhou Guoqiang was the one who beat her is pretty much the same: "Why did mom beat you? Did you do anything wrong today?"

Dabao screamed that he was wronged and told his sister what happened in detail: "I was watching TV at my uncle's house tonight, and the aunt who was watching a good movie insisted on turning off the TV and wouldn't let us watch it. I begged I asked my aunt to let us watch TV for a while, but she disagreed and turned off the TV and sent me home. I told my mother when I got home. My mother said that I would not go to her house to watch TV again. If I refused, my mother would beat me. A slap in the face."

After thinking about it, Dabao listened to what he said to Zhou Xiaoyun again, and finally said: "Daya, what did I say wrong? That's right. We don't have TV at home, so I had to go to my aunt's house to watch it. It's true. Why did my mother hit me?"

Looking at the fingerprints on Dabao's face, Zhou Xiaoyun thought to himself that her mother was really angry. This slap was hard enough. I guess it's not all because of Dabao's anger. It's Auntie's attitude that makes her mother angry. Poor Dabao becomes a punching bag.

“Brother, please stop crying. My mother must have regretted hitting you now, and she feels so distressed over there.” Zhou Xiaoyun advised Dabao softly.

"Really? Will mom regret hitting me?" Dabao was dubious.

Dabao’s face no longer hurt as much as before, and he stopped crying. Half of him cried because the beating hurt, but the other half was because his mother, who had always loved him, suddenly changed her attitude and took action, which slightly hurt Dabao's fragile heart. If it were Zhou Guoqiang's hand, he would have been worried.

Zhou Xiaoyun nodded vigorously to strengthen his credibility, and then diverted Dabao's attention: "Brother, I encountered a math problem that I can't solve. You are already in the second grade and you must know it. Come and teach me."

 The innocent Dabao was deceived and saw that his sister was asking a word question. Dabao felt proud that his sister with good grades actually asked him for advice. He pretended to cough and asked Zhou Xiaoyun about the topic.

Zhou Xiaoyun cooperated very well and became an inquiring student. After finishing this question, he pointed out several other questions for Dabao to talk about. In the satisfaction of being a teacher, Dabao forgot about the unpleasantness just now. The "admiration" in Zhou Xiaoyun's eyes made Dabao feel happy.

Zhou Xiaoyun's prediction was very accurate, and Zhao Yuzhen was feeling upset about hitting Dabao.

 She gave birth to Dabao soon after marrying Zhou Guoqiang. Dabao’s grandfather was still alive at that time. He was very happy to see the birth of his first grandson. He personally named Dabao Zhou Zhiliang, which means “determined to become a pillar of talent”.

The eldest son, who got married first, gave birth to his daughter Zhou Xiaoxia, and it was not until two years later that he had his son Zhou Zhihai. During these two years, Dabao earned Zhao Yuzhen a lot of face.

 At that time, the idea of ​​​​preferring boys over girls was deeply ingrained in people's minds. Rural people even regarded giving birth to a boy to carry on the family line as a top priority. If there was no boy in the family, people would look down on them.

 Later, children were born one after another. The palms of the hands were fleshy and the backs of the hands were also fleshy. There was no one who didn’t love my children, regardless of gender. But Dabao's weight in Zhao Yuzhen's heart is definitely heavier.

Dabao is a naughty boy who makes people worry. Zhao Yuzhen scolded her but didn’t take it seriously. Whose boy is not naughty? Do you still look like a boy if you are not naughty?

 Zhou Guoqiang would hit Dabao when his temper got angry, but she always protected him. She had never really been willing to hit Dabao, and this was the first time she had hit him so hard today.

Zhao Yuzhen was so sad that Zhou Guoqiang, who came home, was very surprised and asked why.

Zhao Yuzhen explained everything about the cause and effect, and then complained to her husband: "His dad, I'm not angry with anyone else, I'm just angry with my sister-in-law. His uncle is a craftsman, and he makes a lot of money doing carpentry work." With little money, she has always lived a good life in the village. She built a tile-roofed house early, but now we still have a thatched house to build a tile-roofed house. I don’t know if she has to wait until the Year of the Monkey. Now her family has bought a TV, and the children feel strange about watching TV. Run home. How much is the electricity bill worth? Can Shen Huafeng chase Dabao back just to save the electricity bill? The more I think about it, the more angry I get. If I couldn’t afford a TV, I would go to my aunt’s house to watch it. After hearing this, I couldn’t help but feel angry and slapped Dabao.”

Zhou Guoqiang felt quite uncomfortable after hearing this. Among the three brothers, the eldest brother is a carpenter with a good craftsmanship and a shrewd mind and can make money. The third brother is an educated person who eats public food and carries an iron rice bowl and earns a high salary. The younger sister married a good son-in-law who has the ability to drive a tricycle to take guests. Very good too.

Only I have no future. I can only feed and clothe my family by farming and raising some chickens, ducks and pigs. Killing pigs for others is not a stable job in my spare time. Sometimes I can't meet a family for ten and a half months.

 It is difficult to earn enough money to support the family and support four children. How can I build a house with tiles, let alone buy a TV set.

 (End of this chapter)

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