Zhou Xiaoyun’s Happy Life

Chapter 41: happy moments

Chapter 41 Happy Moments

 With all the eating and drinking, the days seemed to pass very quickly, and it was already the fifteenth day of the first lunar month in the blink of an eye.

Dabao’s parents sighed, lamenting that the beautiful days are always so short, why did school start again before we had enough fun?

Xiaobao and Erya's New Year's money has already been handed over to the public in full. Zhao Yuzhen's reason is, "You are still young and don't know how to use money, so you should keep it with your mother."

Dabao’s New Year’s money was half spent, and most of it was spent on matching whips. When he handed over the remaining New Year's money, he glanced at his sister Zhou Xiaoyun and thought to himself that Da Ya would not dare to use any of it.

 When he knew that Zhou Xiaoyun had used all the money to buy things that he thought were of no use, his eyes widened.

It turns out that the honest sister is a master of using money quietly. What's amazing is that her parents didn't even scold her. On the other hand, I only used half of it, so why should he be scolded?

Dabao felt a little unconvinced: "Mom, I only used half of it, and you've been scolding me for a long time. Daya has spent all the money, why don't you scold her?"

Zhao Yuzhen rolled her eyes at Dabao angrily: "Using money is different from using money. If you spend your money on things like that and whip it around, you can't eat it and can't put it in your hands, it has no use at all. It's just a waste of money." Money. Your sister is a good student who is motivated and hard-working. The things she bought are for practicing calligraphy. As your third aunt said, it is a good thing for children to want to practice calligraphy. Parents should support and cultivate them, and she will give them back. I brought a lot of newspapers back to your sister to practice calligraphy. Are you embarrassed to compete with her?"

Zhao Yuzhen couldn't quite understand what Song Mingli said when she praised her daughter, but Zhao Yuzhen firmly remembered the words "easy to learn, progressive, diligent and hardworking".

Zhao Yuzhen felt indescribable satisfaction for her daughter to be praised so much by Song Mingli, who had always had a high vision. Her family was not as good as other families in everything. Except for having more children, there was nothing better than her brothers' family. Zhou Xiaoyun was fiercely competitive. This tone. This gave Zhao Yuzhen a rare feeling of pride among Shen Huafeng, Zhou Fang and Song Mingli.

 So, don’t say that Zhou Xiaoyun spent all the New Year’s money on “useful” things, even if he spent some more money, Zhao Yuzhen would not blame him.

 Poor Dabao kicked the iron plate, touched his nose and went to the side to reflect. The main content of his reflection is: Why is it that everything Daya does is good, but he gets scolded for everything he does?

Within a minute of reflection, Dabao was attracted by the children playing "siege" not far away.

Use sharp stones to draw long traces on the ground. The two large rectangles are the "castle", surrounded by some not wide walkways, and there are several large semicircles at the corners.

The children were divided into two groups and stayed in their respective "castles". Some on each side stayed at home to defend the city, while others went out to attack the city. The road to attack the city is very narrow, so you have to prevent the opponent from attacking at any time. Once you are pushed and step on the line, you will be "dead" and you will have to exit the game. Therefore, the game is extremely intense and interesting, and children are constantly being pushed unexpectedly.

 Fortunately, even in winter, I was wearing a thick cotton-padded jacket and it didn’t hurt me to fall down. I got up to cheer for the remaining people on my side.

From the open space, shouts of "Be careful that someone is pushing you from behind" and "Run to attack the city" kept coming. Some people even became hoarse from shouting and didn't realize it, and everyone's face was red with excitement.

The siege game can be played at any time of the year. There is no limit on the number of people, regardless of gender. Of course, more people are more lively and fun. Dabao likes to play this game that relies on speed, dexterity and violence to win. He rushed over early to join the side with fewer people. .

The side with fewer people was almost losing. There were only three children left, and two of them were women. They were "defending the city." Five or six of the opponents who came to "attack the city" rushed in one after another. They were about to be attacked. Came in.

With the addition of Dabao, the situation immediately changed. Dabao stood alone at the intersection and struggled to resist the attack. The two small men in front were knocked to the ground by Dabao's force.

 The partners next to him applauded and cheered for Dabao. Dabao found a sense of accomplishment and used all his strength to fight against the people in front of him. In the end, he actually won, and the children cheered.

Zhou Xiaoyun also likes to play this kind of game, and those who are eager to try it should also participate.

Dabao was afraid that his sister would suffer a loss, so he told his sister: "Daya, come here with me and run behind me. I will protect you, so don't be afraid."

To be honest, Dabao has always been very kind to her. No matter how many shortcomings he has, he is still a good brother who loves and protects his sister. Zhou Xiaoyun felt moved in his heart, raised his voice and agreed to Dabao and walked next to Dabao.

The children playing together are all children from the same village who are familiar with each other. Zhou Zhihai and Zhou Xiaoxia are also among them. Feng Tiezhu and Wang Jingjing are also on the side of Dabao Zhou Xiaoyun. There is a difference of one or two people on both sides. No one cares about it. Everyone just goes to his place and continues to play. stand up.

Dabao is the main person in the "siege". With his height, strength and long legs, there are few opponents who can run long distances. In a short time, he ran to the opponent's siege road.

However, the rest of the team here couldn't. Wang Jingjing and Zhou Xiaoxia were pushed over the line early. Zhou Zhihai "sacrificed" honorably even after holding on for two more minutes. Feng Tiezhu ran too slowly, but the good thing was that others couldn't push him. .

Zhou Xiaoyun is the most cunning. He stays firmly in the semicircular "safety fortress". According to the rules of the game, as long as he runs into such a "fortress" and does not leave, he will not be attacked and will be absolutely safe.

 She ran from one "fortress" to another while the other person was not paying attention, never stopping to give the other person a chance to push her. After a while, she and Dabao were actually together.

Dabao ordered softly: "Daya, there are four people in the other side's city. The one with three women must not be very strong. I will come and attack in a while. You just push me forward from behind. Do you hear me?"

 Dabao is the real authority in playing games, so Zhou Xiaoyun agreed. Following Dabao's strategy, the two brothers and sisters attacked each other's castle in one go.

yeah! The victorious side cheered.

Zhou Xiaoyun’s face was red and sweaty, and he jumped up, finding the simple joy of his childhood that he had not seen for a long time.

 (End of this chapter)

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