Zhou Xiaoyun’s Happy Life

Chapter 14: A day at my aunt's house (2)

Chapter 14 A day at my aunt’s house (2)

 At noon, uncle Wu Youde came back.

My uncle drove a covered tricycle, and there were a few wooden boards placed in the tricycle for people to sit on. The car was so noisy that it could be heard two miles away.

This kind of tricycle is equivalent to the later bus.

Wu Youde was very happy to see his second brother-in-law and his family coming. He carried two kilograms of meat from the car and asked Zhou Fang to go roast the meat and ask for a drink with Zhou's father.

Zhou Fang put two kilos of pork, which was more fat than lean, and filled two large bowls with it. Zhou Fang also picked a few cucumbers from his own vegetable patch, pickled them, and scrambled a few eggs. This is the highest level that rural people use to entertain guests.

Father Zhou and Wu Youde started drinking liquor, one cup for you and one cup for me. It was very lively. Zhou Fang greeted a group of children to eat meat and put the fat and oily pork into Dabao and Xiaobao's bowls.

Dabao buried his head in eating so much that his mouth was full of oil. Xiaobao was picky and only liked lean meat but refused to eat fat meat. He bit off the fat meat and wanted to put it in his brother's bowl.

Zhou Xiaoyun immediately stopped him: "Xiaobao, don't be picky about food. Eating more fat meat is good for your health. If you eat this fat meat, you won't get sick."

The last sentence was obviously meant to coax a child, but it frightened five-year-old Xiaobao. Xiaobao hesitated for a long time between eating fatty meat and getting an injection when he was sick. The embarrassment was no less difficult than when the national leaders made the important decision of reform and opening up. Feeling.

Finally, I closed my eyes and stuffed a chopstick of fat meat into my mouth, swallowing it without chewing more.

"Xiaobao, you see fat meat is nutritious, good for the body and delicious. Do you know that you need to eat it in the future? Only by eating more fat meat can you grow into a strong man." Zhou Xiaoyun lost no time in educating Xiaobao.

Under Zhou Xiaoyun's brainwashing, Xiaobao began to feel that fat meat was not as unpalatable as he imagined, and he ate a lot of it. From then on, the concept that what her sister said was right was imprinted in Xiaobao's mind, and she has been living under Zhou Xiaoyun's "power".

Of course this is a later story. Back to the present moment, Zhou Fang could not help but notice this scene.

 Zhou Fang was shocked when she saw Zhou Xiaoyun, who was educating her younger brother seriously, and said to her sister-in-law: "Second sister-in-law, Da Ya is such a capable girl. You see, at such a young age, she still knows how to tell Xiao Bao not to be picky about food."

At this time, Zhao Yuzhen also noticed that Xiaobao was eating the fat and lean meat that Xiaobao had not picked up. She was also surprised that Xiaobao was willing to listen to Daya's words.

Although Xiaobao is young, he is as stubborn as Dabao and very stubborn. I sometimes say that he is very naughty, and even though he says yes, he won't eat anything he doesn't want to eat.

Out of the four children, Xiaobao is the pickiest eater. He doesn’t eat fatty meat, fish, onions and garlic. There is no one who really likes to eat. Physical weakness is not unrelated to diet.

Zhao Yuzhen was very happy after hearing Zhou Fang's praise, but she had to pretend to be humble on the surface: "Don't praise her. My Daya is honest and obedient at home, but she is not as eloquent as your Xiaomei."

Eh, even Erya could see the smug look on his face. Zhou Xiaoyun smiled sullenly in his heart, lowered his head and just focused on eating.

Zhou Fang can't tell that, but she also likes Daya who is sensible and capable, and look at her silly Xiaomei. Normally, he looks pretty good, but compared with the upright and well-spoken Da Ya, he is far behind.

“Second sister-in-law, don’t be so modest here. I’ve seen it today. Needless to say, your Dabao and Xiaobao, Daya is also a worry-free child. You have hope in the future.”

These words spoke to Zhao Yuzhen's heart: "Auntie, I'm not afraid to tell you jokes. My family has four more children. Your second brother and I are also worried about how we can feed so many children. But looking back Thinking about it again, no matter how hard we endure these few years when our children grow up, it will be worth it.”

Poor parents in the world, Zhou Xiaoyun's eyes were a little moist.

She has always felt that Dabao is the elder brother and the eldest child in the family and deserves the most love from his parents. Xiaobao is a weak boy and the parents care the most. Although Erya is a girl, she is the youngest in the family and is the most favored. She has received the least care since she was a child.

 So as she grew up, her relationship with her brothers and sisters at home was never particularly close, and she gradually became estranged from her parents. Now that I think about it, there are no parents who don’t love their children. Although it seems that he pays less attention to her, it doesn't mean that he doesn't love her!

Zhou Fang was chatting with Zhao Yuzhen about the children, and Zhao Yuzhen also mentioned that Da Ya was about to enter the first grade.

Zhou Fang was surprised when she heard this, and was even more surprised when she heard that this was actually requested by Da Ya herself. My impression of Daya became better and better, and I began to consider whether my daughter Xiaomei should also enroll in school with Daya.

Xiaomei, who smiled heartlessly, naturally had no idea what her mother was thinking, nor did she know that her fate would change like Zhou Xiaoyun.

Zhou Xiaoyun did not expect at that time that his early start to school would affect so many people around him, such as Haizi and Xiaomei. If her new life changed her own life trajectory, how could it not also change the lives of those around her? A butterfly flapping its wings can cause a sea breeze to blow in Hokkaido. How many lives will it affect?

Who knows now? Wait patiently for Zhou Xiaoyun to grow up!

 (End of this chapter)

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