Zhe Tian: The Merciless Emperor

Chapter 58 The evil name suppresses the starry sky

At the seventy-first level of the human race, at this moment, there was a buzz of people, and various discussions came from the city.

"Awesome, one person slaughtered the Imperial Pass of the Holy Spirit, and even one person killed more than 30 levels. All the younger generation of the other party were cut off, and only a few crooked melons and jujubes of our generation were left. It is impossible to swallow them. Heaven and a ruthless opponent.”

"Although it has been three years since this major incident, people still talk about this massacre every day."

"The Overlord and the others are no longer able to survive. Whether it is the Overlord body or the divine body, they have all been defeated by Swallowing Heaven. Their origins have even been absorbed."

"But I seem to have heard recently that Tuntian is being hunted by the ten major families of the Dilu. I don't know what the outcome will be."

Xu Changqing spent three years and tried his best to escape.

As soon as he entered the 71st level of the human race, he heard comments, but he had disguised his appearance and no one could recognize him.

The road to Qingshi Pucheng is lined with various buildings, ranging from quaint to high-tech lofts and even villas.

In all the worlds, not only the Eternal Star Region but also the Technology Star Region.

Moreover, the emperor’s path is filled with powerful and talented people from all over the world.

I randomly found a restaurant to sit down and try the dishes deep in Dilu, but I saw a fat man eating meat and drinking heavily, with a certain paleness on his face.

"What a god! How come a good tomb was dug up just after I found it?"

Irritated, Duan De was very irritable at the moment. At the 71st level of the human race, there was a tomb from the ancient times, but he spent a lot of means to get in, and finally found that there was nothing inside.

He has even encountered this situation more than once. Even on the Imperial Road, the ancestral palaces of some major forces in the Ancient Land of Life were dug up, and their bodies were turned into powder.

"It must be the female devil." Duan De was sure that it was the woman in white.

After all, the skill of the woman in white is extremely weird. She can absorb the opponent's origin, attacks, and laws, and then use them for her own use.

Moreover, the female devil's reputation has become more and more fierce recently, and she has become ruthless.

The female devil's approach was not as radical as Wuqing's, but it was extremely domineering. When she was in the Seventh Golden City, under the spotlight, she directly killed all the Holy Spirits, and even the opponent's Great Saint Protector, who were all quasi-imperial weapons. It was shattered.

"But fortunately, the ten most powerful families in Dilu are afraid of the female devil. Now everyone has united to kill her." Duan De also breathed a sigh of relief.

The female devil is too dangerous. Not only is she powerful, she can also absorb the essence of those divine bodies. Even if the person is not dead, it is no different from being crippled.

The Overlord is an eight-forbidden figure, but because he wanted to test the strength of the female devil, he almost died tragically in the hands of the female devil. The origin of his overlord body was directly absorbed by the other party.

The hegemonic body turned into a mortal body, and even the whole person felt weak and exhausted, and could only regretfully withdraw from the imperial path.

But the Ba Ti family couldn't bear this tone, and directly sent several great saints to hunt down the female devil. Duan De even heard that there was a quasi-emperor chasing the female devil and Wu Wu.

"Both of them are enemies of the whole world. Everyone is afraid that they will go on a killing spree."

"I am also afraid that one of them will enslave the heavens and start a dark turmoil after becoming an emperor."

"Their evil reputation makes many people afraid to mention them."

Duan De was drinking and looking at everything in the restaurant. There were not many people.

Listening to everyone's discussion, he nodded subconsciously and agreed with everyone's words.

Ruthless and Heaven-Swallowing, their titles have become taboo in many places, and countless creatures are unwilling to mention or even think of these two titles.

Duan De was eating with gusto when he suddenly saw a special person and his eating speed immediately slowed down.

The man was dressed in white, sitting opposite him, leaning against the window, holding a jade cup. His silky black hair was spread around his shoulders, and the tips of his hair were swaying in the breeze.

His face is a little thin, angular, and handsome.

He exudes a cool aura, is very quiet, and his eyes are extremely deep, like the cold moon under the Nine Netherworld, which makes people feel that they dare not approach him.

Just sitting there made the people around me afraid to speak loudly.

But the more Duan De looked at it, the more he felt familiar. Although the appearance and figure were unfamiliar to him, the look in the eyes, the temperament, and even some subtle movements were all captured by Duan De.

In addition, his soul was extremely terrifying, so he concluded that the man must be someone he knew.

"The female devil's temperament is simply cold and domineering, while the ruthless temperament is cold, domineering and reserved, and she is very quiet. He is somewhat similar to the man opposite."

Duan De recalled it carefully, but found that Qing Qing looked a bit similar to that man.

If nothing unexpected happens, it will take several years to return from the Holy Spirit Emperor Road.

Three years have passed since Xu Changqing massacred the Holy Spirit Emperor. These three years were enough for him to return to the Human Empire.

The more he thought about it, the more shocked he became. Duan De's eyes slowly began to enlarge, his pupils began to shrink, and the meat on the chopsticks became loose.

I was extremely shocked and thought to myself: "Is it really him? He came back without any trouble. What does the guide of the Holy Spirit Ancient Road do for food?"

I went and slaughtered people for a while and then came back. Nothing happened. I could sit across from him and drink and eat meat quietly.

Xu Changqing naturally knew that Duan De was observing him, but he didn't bother to pay attention. This fat man was hard to find, and he didn't even show up often. Not many people knew him, so he didn't need to disguise himself.

"Two women have been born recently, both of them are extremely powerful. One of them is suspected of having an affair with Qing Wu, and the other woman is crowned the most beautiful woman in the starry sky."

"It's strange to say that in this life, four powerful women appeared at the same time. Innate Dao Fei, Tian Youqing, and the most beautiful woman in the starry sky, Gu Yan."

"There is also a female swordsman who is suspected of having an affair with Qing Wu, and there is also the terrifying existence of Tuntian."

During the time when Xu Changqing was away, someone else emerged, and there were two of them at once.

"I don't have many resources left. I have to explore the secret realm of the 80th level. I think I will be rich in harvest." Xu Changqing thought this way. Although he still had many magic medicines and other things, they were of no use to him.

At his current state, few treasures would be useful to him.

After Xu Changqing finished eating, he left the restaurant and went out alone. He went directly to the city lord's palace. After entering, he found the receptionist and asked him to open a passage.

The guide opened the passage with a smile, and encouraged: "Qing Wu, it's up to you to suppress the heavens in this life, and a great emperor will definitely appear in the human race!"

Today's era seems to be the era of the human race. Since the emergence of the ancient times, there have been several great emperors of the human race.

However, they knew that the starry sky was not safe. According to various records, in the past era, there had been dark turmoil and the emergence of the great emperor of the human race.

Their guides had known Tuntian and Qingqing for a long time, so they knew that as long as they didn't provoke them, they would be fine. Once they provoked them, there would be a risk of annihilation of the clan.

"Fozi and several other young strong men are inside. I believe you have never met or fought against each other." The old voice of the guide reached Xu Changqing's ears.

Xu Changqing has never fought against those strong human beings. After all, in his eyes, these people are not serious enemies and he doesn't want to waste that time.

Only the ruthless emperor is his opponent!

It's not that he is arrogant, but that he has a clear understanding of himself.

While the lead envoy sketched out inexplicable runes in the open space of the city lord's mansion, he kept chatting with Xu Changqing, but he was the one talking and Xu Changqing did not respond.


Soon, a huge explosion sounded in the city. All the creatures looked up and found a big hole in the sky. There was a bright avenue running through the entrance of the hole. It was unknown where it led.

After seeing the entrance to the cave opened, the guide gasped slightly, his face turned pale, and he complained a few times, "If you don't open it before the specified time, you have to pay some price to create a passage. I don't want to spend so much on natural materials and earthly treasures. Heartbroken."

"I lost most of my strength to open the channel. It's not a loss. I recovered quickly."

It can be seen that this guide loves money very much.

Xu Changqing stepped onto the passage.

The guide seemed to have thought of something, and spoke hesitantly, "Qingqing, according to reliable information, the Holy Lord of the Emperor Burial Star and the Piaomiao Holy Land has embarked on the Imperial Road. I heard that he is here to find you."

As soon as these words came out, Xu Changqing paused for a moment, and then kept walking forward without responding or speaking.

"Didn't you say that we have to wait half a month before starting? Why are we starting the trial now?" Many younger generations are confused.

Suddenly, everyone saw ripples oscillating out, a white figure suddenly appeared, and finally disappeared. The moment the passage opened, the man entered.

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