Zhan Yue

Chapter 954: Peerless battle

Latest URL: noon.

"Land from."

Outside, Lin Xi gently tapped my helmet with the back of her finger, and said, "Are you sure you can't come out to eat? Auntie burned your favorite braised mandarin fish at noon today~~~"

I was speechless for a while. Sitting on the wall of the Great Wall of Swordsmanship, huge sword auras like sharp blades were rushing toward my face, so while urging the shadows to contend and absorb the essence of it, I smiled and said, "It's no more. It’s really impossible to go offline. When I get off the line, my chances are gone. Lin Xiaoxi, you can help me eat it. Remember to eat clean. Mandarin fish is so expensive, so don’t waste it."

"rest assured!"

Shen Mingxuan's voice came from the side: "Even the fish bones helped you squeeze it~~~"

I laughed: "Then you are careful about the cocker spaniel."

"Huh, crow's mouth~~~"

So, while I was practicing in the game, there was the sound of intertwining dishes and chopsticks in the reality on the side. Three big beauties were eating delicious food, but I could only live in the bare and bare head of the Great Wall of Kendo. There was a gale like a knife, so I could only mutter in my heart again and again, "The sword's edge comes from sharpening, and the plum blossom comes from the bitter cold" to comfort me, but it's useless, I still feel hungry, so I can only think that I am one. A master at the peak of Yangyan, a great sage who wants to cultivate immortals one step further, how can he not be able to withstand the temptation of gourmet food like this?

Fortunately, the three of them ate fast, and it was over in a while.


"What should I do in the afternoon, right?"

On the side, Lin Xi sat next to me and helped me cover the blanket, and said, “I’m going to take the main team to open up the wilderness in the afternoon to kill the ink flame earth dragon and fight the giant dragon. In one morning, the Promise Guild had three giant dragon strikes in the open forest, but we have a total of no more than ten people with dragon strike skills, plus Lu Li."

"Do not worry!"

Shen Mingxuan said: "You lead the team to play books. I will release the construction tasks here. I am the deputy leader and have the management authority of the resident. Basically, I can handle all tasks, large and small, and I can fight and love to fight in the guild. You take all the people like Qingdeng, Kamei, and Slaughter Fanchen, and leave them to me if you like to do tasks, such as Qingshuang and Haotian. You don’t need too much, you can do S-level. The task is enough, so as not to have any accidents."


Lin Xi smiled and said, "The task of building the territory is left to you."

At this time, Gu Ruyi’s voice came not far away: “In this case, I will go to mount the Sealing Stone. I will bring the wizard group and another main group over, Fenglinshan Mountain and Prague’s people. I should not dare to do it lightly."


Lin Xi said: "What about it? My main group is very close to you. Send a message to you in ten minutes. If you want to, you just need to stand on the map and let the people below go to meditate."

I coughed and said, "What...what kind of mount are we Yilu now?"

"The purple horse, a legendary mount, what's the matter?" Lin Xi asked with a smile.

"Only legendary?"

I grinned: "It's a bit spicy, look back and see if there is a better one... To be honest, the legendary mount is not worthy of our deer, don't you?"

"I think so." Lin Xi said with a smile: "But high-level mounts are hard to come by. Legendary mounts are now the top class in batches. You think there are my white deer and your black horses everywhere in the world. Is this kind of mountain and sea-level boss mount? How can there be such a good thing, you can only bring it out and let everyone use it first, otherwise there will be a gap between the mount and others will be more behind."

"Well, I'll talk about the mount later, I'll look for it."

"Well, you practice first, you..."



At the moment when Lin Xi, Shen Mingxuan, Gu Ruyi and others went online, seven or eight consecutive giant sword auras of at least tens of feet high surged outside the city wall, and immediately locked me as the target of attack, "chichichi" broke. Coming out of nothing, this is quite a deadly thing. A slightly weaker person may be cut to pieces directly, while a stronger person may be severely damaged by this invisible sword energy to the spiritual ruins and ruin the main road. .


The glory of the Shadow Lingxu skyrocketed, drumming with its own heritage to resist the invasion of the sword energy into the body. The next moment, seven or eight huge sword auras "swisheswa" came into my body, turning the river and the sea above the Shadow Lingxu. When he got up, the sea of ​​Qi rose for a while, violently contending with the sword Qi invading his body, and in a blink of an eye he was sweating profusely.

I don't know how many times the sword qi has invaded, but it can be successfully resolved every time, and this time is absolutely no exception!

In the end, in nearly three minutes, the inner world was calm again, and several murderous sword auras disappeared in the sky above the Lingxu, and there were a few more traces of sword axe chisel in the Lingxu. Dao wandered between the mountains of Lingxu like a white dragon with pure white sword energy. At this time, it was already more and more.


After breathing a sigh of relief, I immediately blessed my soul and came!

In the next second, earth-shaking changes in the inner world, the Shadow Spirit Ruins instantly skyrocketed more than three times, and the entire Heart Lake seemed to be stretched more than three times in an instant, and the Shadow Ling Ruins became even more extraordinary, and it was inside. Over the world, the number of swaying soul stars once again increased. When I counted them, they actually doubled. The previous 200 soul stars are now as many as 400!

The 400 soul stars floating up and down and swaying above the inner world are connected with invisible brilliance. Sitting on the wall for a time, I feel a sense of comfort that I have never had before. This feeling is really too comfortable. It comes from the feeling of fullness from the depths of the soul. The increase of soul stars means the enhancement of soul power.

It was only four hours or less, and the training on the Great Wall of Swordsmanship was already very effective. The increase in the strength of the soul means how deep the cultivation foundation can be in the future. It is obvious that Master Xiao Chen asked me to come here. The purpose is precisely because of this, the original practice in the game looks very mysterious, but if measured by the number of soul stars, it is very specific.

A burst of beauty in my heart.

400 soul stars, um... still not enough, if my soul stars can be so many that Sura, the Queen of the Fire Demon, can't break into my heart lake at will, that would be truly strong!

Keep practicing!


It was seven o'clock in the evening in a blink of an eye.

Lin Xi, Shen Mingxuan, and Gu Ruyi ate outside, but I continued to fight on the Great Wall of Kendo hungry. It’s strange to say that although I was still absorbing and refining sword energy in the next few hours, my heart was also Constantly filling, but still feels a lot worse, the distance from 600 soul stars is not even a star or a half.

Is there something wrong with the practice?

Just when I was so puzzled, Xiao Chen’s voice came from my heart: "Don’t be anxious, just get a good sense of sword qi. The opportunity on the Great Wall of Kendo is aimed at your knowledge and understanding of the Dao. It doesn't depend on the number of soul stars. Shadow Shura's soul power is already very strong. Remember to make progress gradually and don't be too eager for quick success. The power of soul stars does not represent everything."

"I know Master."

I nodded: "The disciple has been taught!"

So he continued to sit cross-legged and accepted the baptism of sword qi on the Great Wall of Kendo.

I don’t know how long it has passed. Lin Xi, Shen Mingxuan, and Ruyi have already bid farewell to sleep. Too hungry, as well as full of energy, always maintaining a very focused state in cultivating.

It's just that there has been no breakthrough, which makes people a little anxious. My time on the Great Wall of Kendo is running out. There will be five or six hours at most. Will it just pass by? That would be too salty.

Although Master said that we should not rush for quick success, I am a player after all, and it is almost impossible to achieve real non-eager quick success.


late at night.


In the distance, there was a huge roar suddenly, and I hurriedly opened the eyes of the Shifang Steamer. After seeing through the wind and snow, I suddenly saw dense monsters, wild beasts and rusty spots appearing in the northern jungle. A deceased man covered with scaly weapons and bones, right in the depths of the jungle, a huge figure is slowly walking up, it seems to be a huge old ape, almost the same height as the Great Wall of Kendo, in the next second, it suddenly jumped into the sky. He got up, his body turned into the appearance of a middle-aged man in black holding a long sword, the blade pointed straight, and he laughed: "Demon race, ghost race, this kendo great wall has blocked us for too long, let me attack , To break through the Great Wall of Kendo, the southern world is where we truly belong!"

Monster Siege! ?

My heart froze, and just in between, the Shadow Ruins "suddenly" throbbed, only to feel the dense and powerful aura appearing behind me, just when I looked back, I found that there were a lot of human figures hanging. Stopped above the Great Wall of Swordsmanship, there are old and young, men and women, all of them are full of sword spirit, and there are even old men stepping on flying swords in the air~www.wuxiaspot.com~Xianfeng Daogu.

They seemed to be unable to see my existence. Only a young man with a flying sword on his feet glanced at me and said, "A foreign practitioner? Be careful, don't be buried in the stomachs of the monsters and ghosts, hehehe ~~~"

I frowned, did not move, still sitting on the wall.

In front of me, countless flying kendo practitioners are fighting against the dense and overwhelming army of monsters outside the city. This kind of picture is simply more peerless than the stone master against the southern monsters!

Is this my chance? Witnessing a shocking war in another world?


In the air, the sword energy was crushing vertically and horizontally. This time I felt that I was really out of breath. The cultivators on the Great Wall of Swordsmanship were all sword cultivators, and each of them was full of sword intent, and I was just the first day. Those who come to the Great Wall of Swordsmanship, in their eyes, my Swordsmanship is like a younger brother, even I have never held a sword!

That being the case, let's not add a block to everyone, and watch this stunning battle!

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