Zhan Yue

Chapter 892: Your Majesty 1


Unexpectedly the wind did not hear, he gently arched his hand at the Silver Dragon Queen, and said, "Excuse me, what kind of conditions and time are needed?"

Sylvia had a pair of dragon eyes with a holy silver brilliance, and her extremely proud figure could not even be covered by her armor. She just stepped forward and stood shoulder to shoulder with Senior Sister Yun, saying, "Soon, I will break through the dragon clan. Shackled by his life, he finally awakened the original forbidden curse of the silver dragon clan—absolute gravity. If it goes well, once the pioneer Valen hits my absolute gravity, he will not be able to continue flying and breaking through. We can have enough Time and space will kill him, but the problem is that absolute gravity requires time to cast spells and a distance of 100 meters. I'm worried that if I can't enter this distance, I will fail!"

Xuanyuanying frowned: "Who of you...is there any way to get Pioneer Valen to the ground?"

The corner of Senior Sister Yun's mouth moved, but she did not speak. Obviously she has the ability to slap Pioneer Valen to the ground, but I am afraid that Sturram the Indestructible will not give her such an opportunity. From the attitude of Senior Sister Yun It seems that Stuurem's strength is much stronger than that of the pioneers, and is about the same level as Senior Sister Yun, which is quite a terrifying level.

Facing Xuanyuanying's inquiry, the officials were helpless.

The veteran Guan Yang held a blood-stained sword in his hand and looked at the sand table in silence. The veteran’s advantage lies in his respectability, bravery in battle, and extraordinary command in battle, but if he is against a powerful emperor like Wallen the pioneer, it would appear A little bit weak.

The giant Ding Gong Yiping frowned and remained silent.

Fu Yu Gong Mu Tiancheng looked at the sand table and played with a piece of jade with one hand.

The lord of the temple, the knight commander of the Knights Templar, and the knight of light Si Konghai had a long aura, pressing the hilt of the sword, just standing in front of the sand table, and also did not speak.

Duke Shanhai, who is also the leader of the Yanshen Legion, Nangong, was also frowning at this time.

Even these bigwigs stopped talking, let alone the leaders of the rest of the local legions. Those people's cultivation bases didn't even step into the immortal realm, so naturally they didn't have the qualifications to speak.

The reason for this group of people being silent is very simple. This time they are facing the legendary master of the pioneer forest, Pioneer Valen, a powerful quasi-divine king! Pioneer Valen’s strength has been witnessed by all. As long as he is willing, he can easily kill the immortal king in seconds, and the group of bigwigs in front of him are all national pillars. Who would be willing to be the pioneers when the empire is flourishing. Kind of demon **** has been seconded? It's too worthless to die.

After all, everything still has to fall on the player.

I stepped forward and said, "Your Majesty, since everyone has no way, I can only think of a way that is not a way."


Xuanyuanying looked at me fiercely: "July Liuhuo, let's talk, what can you do?"

"Showing the enemy's weakness and triggering killing."

I looked at the somewhat dazed Xuanyuanying, and said, "If the immortal king of the human race goes to war, Pioneer Valen will definitely adopt a tactical approach and leave after killing. There will be no curse for Sylvia. Time, but what if it’s a group of weak people? Pioneer Valen is born with a very heavy heart to kill, and he has already revealed it in the battles of the Far East. He will not kill adventurers and the human army once there is a chance. I will give up."

The wind frowned and frowned: "You mean... are you going to be bait?"


I nodded: "After a while, I will lead a group of adventurers or a human army to directly highlight our array. Sylvia puts on a cloak and follows me, looking for opportunities to cast the forbidden spell at any time. Senior Sister Yun is in the air to prepare. Intercept the indestructible, if it goes well, our battle will leave the head of Pioneer Valen behind!"

"Or not……"

Xuanyuanying hesitated on his face: "It's too dangerous, if you also... wouldn't it be..."

I couldn't help but warm up, saying that the emperor's imperial skills, but Xuanyuanying's expression at this time was clear and really worried about me, if it were acting, it would be too realistic, no matter what, I believe it!

"it does not matter."

I shook my head: "Your Majesty, let me go. I will bring my team of adventurers to attract the attention of Pioneer Valen. Once Sylvia's absolute gravity is successfully performed, please send a good soldier. "


Xuanyuan Ying said: "In July Liuhuo, your Liuhuo Legion has already lost too much before. I can't let the Liuhuo Legion go into battle anymore. So let's choose a Legion from the Imperial Legion and draw 100,000 elites from it. Go out with you. In this battle, no matter how much the price is paid, we will also destroy the demon of Pioneer Valen!"

As he said, the emperor took a fancy to the officials: "Aiqing, who is willing to help the July Liuhuo?"

For a while, everyone was silent.

Fu Yu Gong Mu Tiancheng frowned, and said with a smile: "I think, but unfortunately, my personal soldiers only have a strength of less than 20,000 troops, which is not up to your Majesty's requirements."

Nangongyi, Sikonghai, Qingyuantu, Qiu Baizhan and others all stood in place and said nothing.

In the end, Li Tianhua, Governor of Northern Liang Province and Pojun Hou, stood up, pressed the handle of the saber, and said solemnly: "Since Master Liuhuo in July is willing to try his life, there is nothing to be afraid of. All the cavalry, archers, and heavy infantry of the Zuo Camp of the Northern Liang Army will be handed over, under the command of Master Liuhuo in July!"


My heart shook, and there was a chill for no reason. I had already inquired about when I was fighting the Minotaur. The Northern Liang Army in Li Tianhua's hands was divided into left and right battalions. Liangxing province guards the border, while Zuoying is formed by a broken up army. The so-called Zuoying cavalry, archers and infantry are actually the Tianqi Camp, Shenyong Camp and Iron Infantry Camp of the Silver Frost Legion. what!

When I looked at Li Tianhua again, my eyes had already despised him a little bit. Whatever one of the twelve empires, what a generation of famous generals, is nothing more than a villain who can count on everything.


I looked at him and suddenly smiled and said, "I think the combat effectiveness of Youying is stronger. Can I take command of Youying in Northern Liang Province?"


A stern look passed by Li Tianhua's eyes, and he smiled slightly and said: "Youying is still on the battlefield to resist the Minotaur. I am afraid it will be difficult to get off for a while. The mission that Master Liuhuo has to perform is quite urgent. I am afraid that there is not so much time. I'm going to mobilize the right battalion. Besides, the transfer of the Northern Liang Army is a big deal, which may affect the changes in the entire battle situation. Please think twice."


Not far away, the exquisite and translucent person in white clothes who did not hear the wind, heard Li Tianhua's words and couldn't help but sneered, then put on a warm smile, and said: "If this is the case, Master Liuhuo, July Liuhuo, Zuoying should be Zuoying."


I nodded: "But your Majesty, it is okay for me to lead Zuoying the Northern Liang province to expedition to Pioneer Valen, but I have a request."

Xuanyuan should nod his head: "Say."

"I want the entire Zuoying in the Northern Liang Province, no one can fall. In addition, after I led Zuoying to attack in this battle, if I can really win and can punish Pioneer Valen, please enlighten Brigadier General. All the troops in the Zuoying camp are divided and commanded by me, and join my Floating Regiment."


Li Tianhua looked shocked: "July Liuhuo, do you want to seize my military power?"

I looked at him coldly: “It’s okay if you don’t cherish this army, but I will cherish it, and it’s not a seizure of military power. It’s just that the property has returned to the original owner. It means you don’t understand, but your majesty. I must understand."

As a result, Xuanyuanying showed a rare awkward expression: "Understand, if you understand, just do as you said."


Li Tianhua wanted to argue, but Xuanyuanying's attitude seemed to be quite determined. When the king said, how dare he refute anything, Li Tianhua had to bow his head and said: "The minister abides by the order!"


Out of a big account.

I was still riding on Wu Hazhen, holding the Zuoying Tiger Talisman from Li Tianhua, and behind me was Queen Sylvia. She put on a gray cloak, covering her beautiful face and rugged figure. Get up, riding a gray-white war horse, the whole person looks ordinary, just following me so closely, it looks like a servant on the battlefield.

"After a while, I order people to rush to kill, and you will always hide behind me. When the time is right, you will shoot." I said.


She nodded lightly, revealing a pair of beautiful eyes under the cloak, and said with a smile: "You guy, just like Master Yunyue said, you have a pair of gentian, and you really are not afraid of death."

"It's not that I'm not afraid, I just have to do it."

I took a deep breath: "Let's go, come with me to take over the old department."



In the Northern Liang Army Corps camp, a group of exhausted and wounded Zuoying soldiers are everywhere~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Obviously, in the battle against the Minotaur, this group of leftying soldiers is actually the real main force. As for Li Tianhua's own subordinates were probably only sent to the front line not long ago, so who would not think about themselves?

When Sylvia and I stepped into the camp, a group of left-wing soldiers stood up one after another. Everyone looked at me dumbfounded. There is no doubt that they recognized me at first sight. They all came together in a tacit understanding, and they stood together in a flash, densely packed, countless pairs of eyes looked over, with fiery heat.

"Brothers, I have suffered."

I just said a few words, but they all burst into tears in an instant.

They were abandoned under the plot. After the Silver Frost Legion was broken up, they joined the Northern Liang Legion, but who would treat them as human beings? Moreover, the legendary Pojun Hou Li Tianhua was one of the few famous generals of the twelve princes. He used his soldiers like gods, but after all, he still used the people of Zuoying as cannon fodder.

However, these iron-blooded men just filled their eyes with tears, but no one cried out about their experience. I couldn't help but feel the pride in my chest. This is the iron-blooded soldier, and this is the main force in destroying the kingdom of gold and the kingdom of sea. The Silver Frost Legion!

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