Zhan Yue

Chapter 841: Seamless

"Ant! Die to me!"

In the air, the lord slammed with a punch, wrapped in a strong blood, and the target was pointed at Zhang Lingyue. He could also see that Zhang Lingyue was the "eye" that launched the inscription arrow array. As long as Zhang Lingyue was killed, the inscription pattern could be eliminated naturally. The threat of arrow formation.

However, at the moment when the lord’s punch was blown, there was a "pop", amidst the brilliance of the shadow thunder and lightning, I had already appeared in front of the lord with the brilliance of the shadow, a single dagger flashed past, the magic The robbery + gouge, the dual control skills fell together, but the demon robbery was not triggered, but the gouge made the lord of the country into a coma, and the whole person kept throwing his fist and fell to the ground.


A glorious figure passed by, it was Lin Xi. The archangel's sword was full of the power of the blade storm, blooming in the sky, and the downward pressure blasted out the blade storm, directly engulfing the body of the lord and flew out. !


As Zhang Ling vomited blood, he still stood up: "Mingwen Arrow!"

In all directions, a group of soldiers from the Shenyong Camp launched inscription arrows, and the arrows shot away.

"You dare to wait?!"

The Lord's body was surging with endless **** waves, and instantly opened a field, his eyes were proud and angry, and said: "You wait for the ants, dare to deceive the immortal realm?"

I just use one hand to fish in troubled waters!

The one who is deceiving is your immortal realm!

In the next second, under the cover of muddy waters, the Lord was unable to activate any skills and powers. In the sound of "pupupupu", dozens of inscribed arrows shot into his body together, and then burst out. A series of explosions of inscription patterns exploded the Lord’s splendid robe to pieces, but underneath the robe was a rhythm of blood gas, which seemed to be a kind of body protection gas, passive skill, not affected by fish in troubled waters, and protected. The lord of the country will not be shot by the inscribed arrow!


In uncontrollable anger, the lord suddenly stood up and wanted to jump out of the scope of the fish in troubled waters. This jump was just his physical strength, not a release skill.

At the moment when the lord jumped up, I suddenly swept away without thinking about it, my body volleyed, and thunder and lightning burst out all over my body. The two daggers raised high, looking down at him like this. With a thought, a figure rushed out. My body, transformed into the figure of an ancient famous general, holding a war sword in hand, handsome and handsome, smiled at the moment the sword was swung: "Ha, finally it's my turn to go on!"


A ray of sword light fell from the sky without any doubt, it was a magic sword swallowing sky stunt!


Where did the Lord of the Wild Kingdom know that there are so many tricks in me, and he was directly swallowed by a magic knife and plunged into the unsightly environment of fishing in troubled waters again.

"What are you waiting for!?"

With a roar, Zhang Ling directly opened the bow, and led a group of soldiers from the Shenyong Camp to fire the second round of inscription arrows. Amid the "crack", the lord again encountered an indiscriminate bombardment of the inscription arrows. , The brilliance of the explosion of countless inscription arrows bloomed in the clouds and fog of fish in troubled waters, so that when fish in troubled waters disappeared, the passive protective gas on the Lord’s body had been blown to pieces, and even his chest was blown out. The big wound in the mouth of the bowl shows deep bones.

"You ants!"

He trembled all over, with an unspeakable look on his face. As an immortal king, he was supposed to be a powerful existence that ruled the world, but now he will be beaten by a group of ordinary men whose strength is far inferior to that of the immortal state, and a group of elders in the army. This appearance is simply a shame in life for this country lord.

But the moment his hands had just enveloped the **** brilliance, he suddenly made a soft "chirp", and his body was motionless again. He had been stunned by Lin Xi's white deer horn skills, and he passed by immediately before hitting the angel. The wisps of frost and frost froze the powerful immortal realm king instantly, and it was the ice seal.

"What are you waiting for, archery!"

Lin Xi galloped out with the sword, reminding the NPC to keep attacking.

At the moment when Zhang Lingyue and others opened the bow, Lin Xi raised his long sword, pointed towards the direction of the Lord and the city, and directly activated the special effect of the Archangel Sword-Archangel Storm!


Strands of golden storms volleyed down in the air and began to wreak havoc. The 500-yard kill range was really terrifying. It looked like a legendary forbidden curse was induced. It looked like a group of NPCs and a group of deer players. The brawl was stunned. In fact, this stunt is a bit wasteful to use here. If it were used in a team battle between a deer and Fenglin volcano, it is estimated that Feng Canghai and Martian River will burst into tears, right?

It doesn't matter, there will be opportunities in the future!

In the sound of the breaking wind, a series of inscribed arrows exploded close to the body, so that when the Lord of the Wild Kingdom escaped from the imprisonment of the ice and slash, only 36% of the blood bar remained. The lord’s emperor style?

Come again!

The more suddenly Zhang Ling drew out an inscribed arrow, his whole body gushed out, and he shouted in a low voice: "Brothers, let's do another inscribed arrow array, solve him!"

At the next moment, countless inscription arrows flew out, which seemed to be a tacit relationship. The more Zhang Ling shot an arrow, everyone shot an arrow, and the arrows with almost the same time triggered the combination of the inscribed arrow array. The power of law, with Zhang Lingyue's arrow as the fuse, rapidly extended countless lightning bolts, forming a large net of inscribed arrows, and then fell from the sky to the embarrassed Lord of the Wild Kingdom.

"You-dare to do so!"

The lord roared and roared, it was a kind of anger that originated from the bottom of his heart, a sense of shame that the emperor was desecrated by ants, but he had nothing to do. Everything here speaks with strength, and the strength of the opponent is stronger than himself. Later, the so-called emperor and the so-called dignity of the strong were completely unworthy. In the next second, the lord rose into the air again, but this time did not break free from the inscription pattern arrow array, countless arrows seemed to fall into The whirlpool was like a whirlpool, and the "swishwwww" spiral shot away, and finally landed on the Lord one by one.

As a result, the lord of the country hovered in the air like a hedgehog, and then the inscription arrow array raged and exploded!

Within a few seconds, the powerful immortal king disappeared, replaced by debris and debris falling from the sky, not even a whole piece of flesh, just like that, it was blown to the bones under hundreds of inscribed arrows. No existence, it turned into dust between heaven and earth, but he was already very strong, consuming at least a thousand inscribed arrows, it was worth his death...


Everyone fell silent.

What everyone in Yilu is silent is that the strong appearance of the NPC army is a bit outrageous. I originally thought there would be some adventures, such as the arrival of Jing Yunyue and Sylvia in the Dragon Region to help us kill the powerful immortal kingdom. The master, or the player, used the human sea tactics to pile up the immortal kingdom master after thousands of deaths and injuries, but it turned out that it was not, but two simple inscription arrow formations, plus the auxiliary control and attack of Lin Xi and me. In this way, an immortal state master was destroyed.

The surprise of everyone in the Silver Frost Legion is that Lin Xi and I are not too strong, but we dare to take the initiative to ask Zhang Lingyue and others to destroy the lord in this intense battle. In fact, if there were no Lin Xi and I If the Lord’s strong control and suppression, I am afraid that once the lord of the country rages, the loss of the Silver Frost Legion is definitely not small. Maybe Zhang Ling will die in battle, and even Wang Shuang who is planning to attack may be killed. That kind of result may not be the case. The Silver Frost Legion can accept it.


Wang Shuangce immediately moved forward, holding a bright iron spear in his hand, with surprise in his eyes: "Unexpectedly, he would have died like this..."

"how is it?"

I laughed: "My role is not small, right?"

"It's not so small."

Wang Shuang looked at us with a solemn expression, and said, "The cooperation between you and your younger siblings is perfect, let your brother be convinced!"

Lin Xi played with the sword of the archangel, her cheeks flushed, pretending that she didn't hear anything.

I looked at the direction of the capital, and said: "Order an all-out attack on the city. Once the lord dies, their resistance should not be so fierce."


Lin Xi also turned around: "If you want to use your experience and merit, you can directly borrow the NPC's siege tower to go up to the city wall and go in. It's your own ability to use it."

"Leader, we are waiting for your words!"

Clear the lights, calories, Haotian, Slaughter Fanchen and others immediately led a deer crowd rushing away, a group of people is like a wolf pack seeing a flock of sheep, and they have lost their face.

I laughed, swipe it, I don’t care anymore, anyway, I’m the commander of the Silver Frost Legion, and my reward for this mission is definitely not bad. Maybe I don’t do anything from start to finish. It may be the reward first.


Soon after, the capital city was smashed up and down, and with Yilu joining, the whole scene became even more out of control. Perhaps because of the grief and anger of the country’s master’s death in battle, or the fear caused by the destruction of the country and the city, the defenders in the city resisted. It was so fierce that the people of Yilu could brush up for a while, and after a few minutes, Lin Xi couldn't help it, and rushed into the city to collect points with everyone.

I was beside Wang Shuang and Zhang Lingyue, and smiled: "Zhang Lingyue!"

"grown ups!"

Zhang Lingyue clasped his fists and smiled: "Thank you, my lord, for your life-saving grace just now!"

"What are you polite."

I waved my hand and said with a smile: "The inscription pattern arrow array is quite good, but it seems that your consumption is too great."

"Yes it is."

Zhang Lingyue gritted his teeth and said: "The subordinates have just stepped into the middle of the hole virtual realm. Two consecutive use of the inscription pattern arrow array has exhausted the true energy in the body, and it is a bit reluctant."

"Just now?"

Wang Shuang laughed, and said: "You have entered the middle stage of the Void Hollow Realm at a young age~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This is a realm that is unattainable by the world. The commander has cultivated to middle age, and it is only just now. It’s the latter stage of the Cave Void Realm. You post first, what can you complain about?"


My eyes lit up and I smiled: "Zhang Lingyue, I didn't expect you to be a cultivator!"

The more Zhang Ling smiled, "It's just... a little talent."

"Don't be humble."

I turned around and said to Wang Shuang, "Brother Wang Shuang, I will enter the city soon. Let Zhang Ling choose the cultivation resources in the city first. His realm will become stronger and the entire Shen Gong camp will change along with it. Strong, the Sacred Bow Camp is stronger, and our Silver Frost Legion will naturally be stronger!"

"Okay, I have this intention, just do it!"

"Thank you two adults!"

Zhang Lingyue looked flattered, but he was really happy.

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