Zhan Yue

Chapter 818: Who is it for me?

I was speechless for a night. Although the four people lived in the same room, the most was to listen to each other's breathing and talk to each other about trivial things. Until they were tired, no one dared to arrogate.


The next morning, I woke up early and bought breakfast on the way back to the studio.

After staying outside for a night, everyone was quite refreshed, and their moods were completely different, especially Shen Mingxuan and Ruyi, chatting all the way and chatting endlessly.

After breakfast, we went online, and it's time for the four "important people" of us to continue to maintain Yilu's overall situation online.


My character appeared in the dragon realm. He repaired the equipment at the supply point next to the grocery stall, bought some potions, and then went straight to Dragon Valley to see how the senior sister’s injuries were going.

There was silence in the Dragon Valley, except for the rustle of wind blowing leaves and the dull and low roar of dragons in the distant sky.

On the altar in front of Shi Bailong, strands of light rain hung from the sky, bathing on a figure, and that figure was Jing Yunyue who was injured. At this moment, she quietly knelt down on the stone slab. The snow-white dress and silk were spread out on the stone slab, like a fairy, but the face was still quite ugly, and when I looked at her, there was a very hollow feeling for no reason.

"Master Shi Bailong."

I stepped forward, frowned, and said, "What's wrong with Senior Sister, how do I feel...it seems a little different."

"Her soul is incomplete."


I was shocked: "How could this be?"

"I oversighted."

Shi Bailong’s voice was extremely far away. It was clearly crawling tens of meters in front of me, but the voice seemed to be coming from a long distance, saying: "That leader...very unusual, his one The attack actually broke up part of Yunyue's soul. In your words, Yunyue's spiritual power and soul power have been severely damaged, and even Dao marks have been produced."

As he said, Shi Bailong lightly waved his front paws and said, "You have the magical power of ten-pointed fire wheel eyes, so you should be able to see the truth."

As soon as its front paws passed by, in the sound of "sizzling", Senior Sister Yun's body trembled slightly, and the mark on the center of her eyebrows opened slowly, and I opened the ten-pointed fire wheel in my right eye to look. When I entered, I suddenly felt like I was wrapped in flames, and my whole person was plunged into a world of surging life force.

"This is the fire of Yunyue's life. Don't be afraid. She is close to you, and the fire of her life will not hurt you. Concentrate your strength and use your fairy eyes to see Yunyue's avenue."


In the next second, the fire of life around me seemed to recognize me, and gradually became calm and gentle, clustered around me, and under the eyes of the Shifang Hot Wheel, I could see through the layers The fire of life finally saw a golden figure standing in the depths of Senior Sister Yun's life force. That should be her "Tao".

She seemed to be trembling slightly, and she seemed to be like a cub encountering a natural enemy. She was afraid of something. Just on the chest of the golden figure, a trace of a crack was very obvious, and it was slowly spreading, about to swallow everything.

"Do you see it?"

Shi Bailong's voice came from his ear: "Her Dao marks are extending."

"I saw it."

I closed my eyes, and instantly the spirit **** withdrew from Senior Sister Yun’s life world, as if pressing a large stone in my heart, looking at Senior Sister Yun’s calm and beautiful face, I would never have thought that this mighty senior sister would actually He would fall into this situation, took a deep breath, and looked at Shi Bailong: "Master Shi Bailong, what should I do?"

Shi Bailong opened his eyes leisurely, a pair of eyes filled with deep light, and said: "The spirit of Yunyue has fallen into a gap between heaven and earth. Only the Supreme Gem can open this gap. It just so happens that I can feel it. There is a supreme gem hidden in your body. Using this gem, I will guide you to that gap."

"Is it this one?"

I took out the Storm Gem from the package, but I didn't expect it to come in handy so soon.


Shi Bailong's voice was indifferent: "This is a supreme gem of the law of storms. It contains infinite power. When it can open the gap between the world and the earth, this gem is extremely valuable. Are you really willing to?"

I gave a wry smile: "Senior sister can be saved, a gem is nothing."

"Not bad."

Shi Bailong looked at me: "Yunyue didn't misunderstand you, then go and be mentally prepared. You will be accompanied by bad luck in the gap between the world and the earth. Maybe you will never go back. Find a powerful companion. With your strength alone, I am afraid it will be difficult to accomplish this important task."

"What do I need to do?"

"Just enter the gap between heaven and earth, break the restriction of the gap, and Fang Yunyue's soul will come out, and her soul can naturally find a way back."


In the next second, a bell rang in my ears, and the long-lost starry sky mission came again——


System reminder: You have accepted the main quest [Heaven and Earth Gaps] (Starry Sky)!

Quest content: Use the gem of the storm to enter the space gap under the guidance of Shi Bailong, pass the repeated tests in the space gap, and finally enter the depths of the gap, break the restriction, and release part of Jing Yunyue's imprisoned soul. After completing the task , You will get exceptionally rich rewards, and the mission can share up to one more player.


Carrying the double-edged blade, of course I know how difficult this task is. I raised my head and glanced at Shi Bailong, and said, "Master Shi Bailong, you should know the pros and cons of the starry sky mission. Can I really not do it alone? If I invite others to join, I'm afraid it will put them in a situation where they will never recover. How can I bear it?"

Shi Bailong looked at me silently, and after a while, he said: "My child, your heart is sincere, which makes me very pleased. Don't worry, although I will not leave the Dragon Realm, part of my power can also extend to heaven and earth. If there are gaps, I will do my best to ensure that you avoid crises. You can rest assured of this."

"Got it."

With a wave of my hand, the scroll of returning to the city was crushed, and the body had returned to Winter Sun City.

In the early morning, there is still a wisp of morning mist in Dongyang City. Under the sun's dispersal, players are woven together. I walk on the street, my mind is not here at all, and my whole person is lost in despair. Who should I find to complete this difficult task together? Star mission? Lin Xi? I don't want to, I can't put her into danger, Shen Mingxuan and Ruyi can't do it either. As for others, Haotian, Calories, Slaughter Mortal Chen, Yueliuying, do they have a clear conscience when they are in danger?

Yu Xin He An.

On the oblique side of the Great Church, under the big banyan tree, Lin Xi, Shen Mingxuan, Gu Ruyi, and Xiao Qian were packing up their packages. Just as I was wandering in the square in despair, Xiao Qian said: "Huh? Isn't that Lu Li? What are you doing? It’s like losing my soul..."


Lin Xi looked at me and suddenly felt abnormal. She turned over and rode on the white deer and galloped forward, with the archangel sword hanging from her waist. When she came in front of her, she lowered her body and looked at me with beautiful eyes, and smiled softly. Ask: "What's the matter?"

"Huh? Lin Xi..."

I just woke up from my cranky thinking and said with a smile: "It's okay, it's just thinking about something."

"Huh, that's it."

She snorted softly, with doubts in her eyes, and said, "Can't you tell me what the **** is going on?"

"It's really okay!"

I patted Bai Lu's forehead, and said with a smile: "Hurry up and take Ruyi and Shen Mingxuan to practice, there is nothing to do with you here."


Lin Xixiu frowned, turned over and slid off Bai Lu's back, holding Bai Lu, looking at me very seriously, and said: "Did you encounter trouble? I have never seen you show such an expression. It is very troublesome. Great, isn’t it? If you don’t want to tell me, I won’t force you, and I won’t tell you what will happen in the future.”

"Lin Xi!"

I increased my voice a little bit: "Don't be so capricious. I've never seen you look so capricious. Are you obedient? Even if you really encounter trouble, I can solve it. You level up, be good."

"I'm not good."

She pushed the hilt with a "knock" thumb, and suddenly the archangel sword came out of its sheath, revealing a flickering cold light, and said: "If you don't say anything, I'll be rough!"


I couldn't help but sigh, "This matter can tell you, but it has nothing to do with you."

"Hmm, let's talk about it."

So, I directly showed her the starry sky mission content in the gap between heaven and earth. For an instant, Lin Xi was shocked and bit her silver teeth: "Jing...Jing Yunyue's soul was broken up?"


I responded softly and said: "Shi Bailong told me that because I can't enter the gap between heaven and earth alone to save people, I still need to find a helper, but you also know that the vortex will be opened automatically after the starry sky mission is over. It's extremely dangerous, and I can't let you take the risk."

"Do you feel at ease by letting others take risks?"

Lin Xi's eyes turned red in an instant, she turned away from looking at me, and tears flowed down her cheeks.

"Lin Xi..."

I instantly softened my heart~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and said: "Don't do this...I can't help it either."

"I know."

She quickly wiped away her tears, turned to look at me, her big eyes were reddish, and said: "Knowing that you are not that kind of person, I don't want to let others take risks for you, but you should also know that I don't want to see you walking into the whirlpool. , Jing Yunyue’s soul is gone, you will definitely save it. Apart from me, who can be more suitable to be by your side, you are worried about me, but do you know that I am also worried about you?”

"Lin Xi..."

I frowned, feeling mixed.


She patted my shoulder armor with her feet, and smiled: "Take me, I am now equipped with mountain and sea level + prehistoric level equipment, and even Bailu has just evolved to a mountain and sea level mount. Now the entire national service except you Besides, who can be stronger than me? So, is it not justified for NO2 to help NO1?"

She paused: "And, I don't just want to help you, but I also want to see you come back safe and sound."

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