Zhan Yue

Chapter 816: Be a Zuan in the next life

Ruyi also agreed: "Okay, okay~~~"

The next moment, three big eyes looked at me together.

Gently closing the menu, I was speechless: "Don't look at me, I'm fine, but..."

"But what?" Shen Mingxuan asked.

I thought about it: "But it's best if four people can live together and have a caregiver."

Suddenly, the waiter who ordered the food chuckled and began to look at me with strange eyes, as if looking at a cheeky flower picker. My face was flushed for a while, but I didn't know how to explain it. Could it be that I was worried that the performer would appear? , Will everyone be surprised? No one believes this kind of thing.

As a result, Lin Xi relieved me: "Beauty, is there such a room?"

"You guys are really..."

The waitress looked at Lin Xi and Shen Mingxuan. Finally, she glanced at Ruyi, a look of regret flashed across her eyes, and smiled: "If you really want to live together, it’s okay. There are many types of guesthouses in our store, with a view of the lake. The theme, but also the theme of Chaoshan couples. If the four of you want to live together, there is an e-sports theme, with four dormitory-style beds and four computers. Now there is only the last one, do you want?"


Lin Xisheng was afraid that others would take the lead, and said, "Beauty, first help us fix the room, and then order food slowly, okay?"

The waiter couldn't help but smiled: "Okay, then someone will register with me and make a reservation in advance?"


Shen Mingxuan flicked his fingers: "Ali, you go!"

"Just know..."

I put down the menu, went to book the room with the waiter, and when I returned, I found the three girls excitedly, their moods were completely different from when they came, as if the mood had been completely released.


Lin Xi clenched her small fist: "Let’s say it first, no one is allowed to mention the magic moon game today. Take a good relax today. You can play any game in four rows for a while, but you can’t mention the magic moon again these days. Every day I'm playing plots and organizing guild activities, people are almost exhausted, and I must take a good time."

I nodded: "Well, just do it!"


Soon after, the food was served, a pot of firewood chicken, in addition to a pot of Taihu miscellaneous fish, a portion of hairy crabs, and a few farmer’s stir-fries. After seeing these foods, I felt afterwards with everyone. It's released, and it's all right now. I don't bother to think about those things. Today I will take a good rest here and accompany Lin Xi well.

An hour later, I was full of wine and rice. The reason why I said that I was full of wine and rice was because everyone was completely released and each drank a bottle of beer. Even a good girl like Ruyi was holding a glass of wine and laughing with us. Say cheers, and then look embarrassed without finishing a sip.

After eating, a group of people took a walk around. After the walk, they took the room key and returned to the hotel. Our room is in the center of the second floor. After opening the door, there are two upper and lower floors. The single bed is decorated very delicately, which is much better than the general dormitory environment. On the side of the bed is a sofa, coffee table, etc. for rest, while on the other side of the room are five row computers, just like an Internet cafe. The settings are the same.


Shen Mingxuan swept his eyes and smiled: "Why there are only four beds but five computers? Could it be..."

"Maybe there is a couple who can sleep together." I explained.


Shen Mingxuan looked at me speechlessly: "The other three people are still not split!"

I spread my hands: "Just get used to it."

She immediately widened her eyes: "Don't be psychologically hinting here. In any case, Lin Xi will not sleep with you tonight. I want to sleep with her arms around!"


I glanced at her: "I can't borrow one night..."

Lin Xixia flew her cheeks and waved her small fist: "What are you all talking nonsense? I sleep by myself!"

Ruyi smiled: "Um... I just saw a milk tea shop downstairs, and I started playing games with a cup of milk tea, okay?"

"Ah leave to buy." Shen Mingxuan said.

"No, let the store deliver it. There is a bell here, idiot."


Soon after, four cups of milk tea were delivered upstairs, and I closed the door of the room and opened the window. There was a breeze outside. The woodland and lake were outside the window, and the lights were a little bit bright in the distance. The environment here is not so good, even better than Grandpa Lin Xi’s. The villa environment is much better.


Lin Xi sat in front of a computer by the window, stretched her arms lazily, and said with a smile: "It would be great if I could live here every day."

"How difficult is this..."

I smiled slightly: "Just buy this store, or rent this room for a long time, and stay as long as you want."

She couldn't help smiling: "Forget it, forget it, I'll just talk about it, if you really live for a long time, I'm afraid it will be boring for a while, we will come and let it out every once in a while."

"Well, yes!" Shen Mingxuan and Gu Ruyi agreed.

I was holding my milk tea, pulling away the chair beside Lin Xi, and said, "Then you're welcome, I'm sitting next to Lin Xiaoxi."


Shen Mingxuan said speechlessly: "What do you mean... why didn't I sit in the second position."

I glanced at her: "Because I have already discussed with Lin Xiaoxi, she is on the order, I am jungler, and Ueno Link does not understand it, little girl, huh, I don’t understand you as a rookie..."

"Who said I don't understand! Isn't it the Ueno linkage, one death and one gift!"

Shen Mingxuan straightened his chest out in anger, and suddenly the swollen 34C felt like a rip. I looked a little dumbfounded, turned my head hurriedly, and said, "I'll know it in a while."


Shen Mingxuan pursed his lips and said: "Then assign it, let's just match normally, Lin Xi is on the laner, Ali is the jungler, Ruyi plays the mage, you are ready to go to the mid laner, I will play Sagittarius in the bottom lane, and will not match To whom, let's directly let him assist."


I laughed and said, "First of all, I will not go down, resist pressure, brother..."

Shen Mingxuan shook his small fist fiercely: "If you dare not come, I will hammer you to death!"


Soon after, I booted up and went online. I didn’t do anything tonight. I took three girls to play the low-end matching round of LOL. I have to say that the vitality of this game is super tenacious. When WZRY came out, everyone said that the League of Legends wanted It’s cool. As a result, the number of people online is still the first. Then when the chicken comes out, they say that they want to be cold. As a result, they will be the first online PC game soon. There is no way, easy to start, easy to operate, team cooperation, etc., these are destined For a while, this game won’t be cold anymore.

Log in to your account and go online!

"Ionia gather!"

I also became a little excited, and smiled: "I will lead everyone to glory and victory! By the way, do you have a number?"


Lin Xi smiled and said, "I'm not afraid of you making a joke. Ming Xuan and Ruyi and I played LOL for the entire junior year. We didn't play much until we were a little stressed when we graduated from the senior year.

"That's good."

I looked at my ID and said, "I want to be a Zuan in the next life."


Lin Xi's expression was not very good, and she glanced at me: "You guy, who the **** were you before?"


I smiled awkwardly: "Forget it, let me add you guys, what are your names?"

Lin Xi: "My name is Lin Xiaoxi."

Shen Mingxuan: "My name is Shen Xiaoxuan."

I was taken aback and tilted my head to look at Ruyi: "So Ruyi will take care of Xiaoyi?"

Ruyi Limao smiled: "The answer is correct, add me!"


I added their friends one by one, then formed a team and started the four-person matchmaking mode. For a while, everyone was quite nervous. Lin Xi even pursed her lips and said, "It's been a long time since I played. Don't blame me if you have scammed."

Shen Mingxuan smiled and said: "Me too, don't blame me if you cheat."

Ruyi whispered: "I haven't played for a long time, and I don't feel it. My mid laner is almost a must."

I am sad.

At this moment, with a "dang", we entered the game, and everyone's tension disappeared. Because the selection had already begun, Lin Xi looked at me and said, "That... how do we play?"

I took a look at everyone’s ranks and they didn’t have any. It’s really been a long time since I played, but Lin Xi’s winning rate is super high, and the match winning rate is as high as 60%+. I know that it is not weak at first glance, so he said in a deep voice: "We must match. It's a low-end game, so let's just come to a big early stage lineup and knock the opponent down directly in the early stage and it's done."

Shen Mingxuan tilted his head: "Brother, then you are talking about the early stage!"

I smiled smugly: "Lin Xi has directly placed Pan Sen on the order. This version has a relatively strong repressive power. I am a blind jungler. Will Ruyi play Demon Fairy? If so, I will direct Demon Fairy."

Gu Ruyi locked directly: "Yes!"

Shen Mingxuan was anxious: "What about me, what about me, brother?"

"You policewoman, the captain will save your life."


Immediately, I confirmed the position of the blind monk's jungler, and then typed with the fifth person in the team on the public screen——

Me: Brother, the four of us match up. Which nanny will assist you, okay?

Chris closes the door: Bring her sister in four rows?

Me: Yes, please give some face, brother!

Chris closes: Yes, but if you introduce one of the girls to me, I want to add her to WeChat.

Me: Don't... it's all mine.

Chris closes: Brother from Zuan, do you want to play the game, or do you want to be on line?

Me: Whatever you want, you can choose.

Chris closes: OK~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I'm Garen jungle, you guys do whatever you like.



"This is over..." When the other party confirmed that Galen was playing wild and took punishment, Lin Xi's pretty face was full of despair: "Is the first game sent directly?"

"not necessarily."

I shook my head: "Let him just do it casually, we will play normally, Shen Mingxuan will go down the road to resist the pressure, I will go down when I have a chance."

"Then what do you do, he eats half of the resources in the wild area, how do you grow?" Gu Ruyi looked at me worriedly.

"It's okay, I'll eat the other side, you'll be done waiting for my R flash roundabout kick to kill people."

"Believe in your evil."

Lin Xi chuckled and began to play the game seriously.

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