Zhan Yue

Chapter 803: Real strong enemy

When the setting sun went down, the soldiers of the Dragon Realm came out of the city in mighty force.

In the air, I was still riding on the Frost Fei Peng, overlooking the array of Dragon Realm soldiers on the earth, and said, "This is how many days have we left the Dragon Realm? Sylvia?"

The silver dragon queen stood aside in a graceful figure, and said, "It's about... the sixth day, right?"

"Except for the 3,000 troops who stayed behind at Yuebei Pass, we only have less than 85,000 Dragon Realm Warriors." I frowned: "In just six days, our Dragon Realm Warriors have passed. Ten thousand."

"What's the matter, are you soft-hearted?" she asked with a smile.

I couldn’t help laughing at myself: “Senior Sister handed over one hundred thousand Dragon Realm Warriors to me. Although she didn’t say it clearly, I also know that these Dragon Realm Warriors are the hearts and souls of Dragon Realm. If I lose them If it's gone, I'm afraid that Longyu will not know when it will go if it wants to save these assets."

"You are scared." She smiled leisurely.

"Who is not afraid?"

I looked at the bleak land in the distance, and said: "This is already the hinterland of the Centaur tribe. It is said that the Centaur tribe can be all soldiers. Once our Dragon Territory A soldier regiment is surrounded, it definitely did not rush out. Possibility, here, every step I take will feel like walking on thin ice."

"It doesn't matter, you just do your best."

Sylvia smiled indifferently: "You have to believe in yourself. It is precisely because of your ability that Yunyue will give you this burden. If... I mean, if this hundred thousand dragon domain champion is Yulin Mu, or if Lockheed is the commander, do you think they can break through Yuebei Pass with only ten thousand losses? I don’t think it will work. Even if Lanche and I are the commander, it’s no good. In the Dragon Realm, only You are the real commander of the army. You see farther and deeper than we do. You are the junior of Master Yunyue and the commander of the three armies of Master Yunyue!"

I was startled, and then smiled awkwardly: "If you can say that, I feel a little more comforted in my heart."


All the way to the west, more than 80,000 Dragon Realm champions galloped on the barren grassland.

On the big map, we are getting closer and closer to the location of the Avalon Forest. This forest is like a gem inlaid between the Centaur tribe and the land of aliens. It is located in a vast mountain forest. It is worthy of a woodland spirit. The former homeland, but now the Avalon Forest has been deserted and is under the jurisdiction of the centaur tribe army.

"Sylvia, take me over to check the situation on the battlefield?"

I lightly patted the Frost Feipeng under my hip and said, "Feipeng's speed is too slow, or you are faster. I need to check the battlefield first, and then decide how to cut into the Avalon battlefield."

She whispered silently, and then her body swelled and instantly transformed into a silver dragon state, while I leaped gently, put away the Frost Fei Peng, landed on Sylvia's body, and grabbed the pointed tip of her back. The silver dragon scale said: "Let's go, let's go!"

Suddenly, Sylvia made a long hiss, and her body accelerated suddenly, turning into a silver light that penetrated the space, and went straight to the distant battlefield. In less than three minutes, she appeared on a battlefield filled with gunpowder and fire. , It was the south of the Avalon Forest. At this time, this battlefield was completely shrouded in war.


On the ground, a gun was spitting out fire, constantly attacking the woodland ahead. These guns are the heavy weapons of the centaur tribe. Although their power is far inferior to the heavy artillery of the human race, they can still cause terrible suppression effects. On the opposite side of the artillery bombardment, one by one, riding a war horse, charged forward in the woodland. They were a group of woodland elves cavalry. They were wearing only leather armor and holding long bows, and they kept rushing forward. Shoot an arrow to turn over the centaur warrior in front.

But the artillery was ruthless, and accompanied by loud noises, the woodland elf cavalry were overturned to the ground, all flesh and blood.

"In an hour, defeat them for me!"

A centaur general in golden armor roared loudly.

At this moment, a group of giant dragons surpassed the mountains and attacked directly at low altitude. Amidst the roars of dragons resounding through the sky, the "huhuhu" pillars of fire swept across the battlefield, smelting the powerful artillery one by one. .


Someone yelled: "Shoot me these flying insects!"

Suddenly, a group of centaur warriors lurking in the forest rushed out. The sound of horses shook the world. They jumped up one by one, their sturdy physique glowing in a terrifying arc under the moonlight, just like that. The volley "pupupupu" projected spears, and the clanging sound of the spears falling on the dragon scales was endless, but there was also a huge dragon that was directly shot through the abdomen by more than a dozen spears, and suddenly wailed. , Just fell into the woodland, overwhelming dozens of big trees during the roll.


Among the centaur crowd, someone shouted and laughed: "I shot and killed another dragon, hahahaha, the legendary dragon is no more than that. You can join the dragon meat for breakfast tomorrow, brothers, follow me, Get rid of this giant dragon and dig the flesh to get the scales!"

For a time, densely packed centaur warriors rushed over like an ant, and a battle axe struck the struggling dragon, but the moment the dragon's head was raised, wisps of dragon blood splashed and the wound was rapidly drawn. Big, and was dismembered not long after.


Sylvia trembled all over, and silver brilliance appeared on the scales, and she was already in a state of anger.


I knelt on her back on one knee, stroked the scales under my feet, and said: "Be calm and not restless, we will have a chance for revenge, but not now, you must calm down."


A few seconds later, Sylvia recovered her calm and said, "What are we doing now?"

I overlooked the battlefield and confirmed that the northern position was basically guarded by woodland elves, while the dragon army led by Senior Sister Yun played the role of fire suppression and attack, while the southern battlefield was completely occupied by centaur tribes. The camp continued for dozens of miles, so he said: "Queen, we are flying to the south. I want to see how much troops the centaur has put in Avalon and how they are deployed."


As Sylvia turned around in the air, I followed her and flew towards the south. I saw that under the moonlight, the centaur attacking phalanx lined up neatly on the southern plain, and one phalanx was ten thousand. There are hundreds of square formations in the eye. These centaur warriors are covered in armor, and they are not ordinary elites with bright swords in their hands.

Even, I have no doubt that if my more than 80,000 Dragon Realm Warriors rushed directly into the crowd, it would be like a male lion rushing into a hyena group, and would eventually be gnawed away to bones.

"Warlord, thunder, rapids, heart of fire, Xiahe..."

Sylvia muttered one by one, saying: "The five top legions of the Centaur tribe are all here. Whatever the main force is to go to Shimaguan, it is all a lie. Their real main force is still in Ava. Long Forest, is this determined to destroy the Woodland Elves and the Dragon Realm?"

"It turns out to be a top legion, no wonder it looks so elite..."

I frowned and said, "These five legions, we have no absolute chance of winning any one of them."

"Yes it is."

Sylvia said: "Each legion has a strength of 20W to 50W. With our seventy to eighty thousand cavalry, it is only to die if they rushed past. Besides, they also have artillery. I really don’t know how the woodland elves are affected by the current situation. The line of defense has not been breached."

"Fly south again."

I looked at the south again, and saw that in the darkness, carriages drove from the south to the battlefield in the north, and the carriages were piled with various equipment, food and other materials.

"The South has their material warehouse."

I smiled slightly: "Fly over and take a look. If we can take over the material warehouse, there is no doubt that we can gain a lot of initiative for the battlefield."


Shifang Hot Wheel now saw granaries and weapons depots appearing in the field of vision. This is a huge material depot, guarded by a legion of about 100,000 people. The legion is arched and protected in front of the depot. The granaries in the material warehouse are connected together ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ once they are ignited, they can spread to each other. This is good news.

Soon after, the confirmation was completed. Under Shifang Hot Wheel, there was no way to hide the details of the other party’s material storage and army garrison. In addition, even the opponent's patrol team could see it clearly, so he immediately said, "Go back. , Ready to lead everyone to raid the material warehouse!"



late at night.

The sound of horseshoes suddenly sounded in the south of the centaur position. More than 80,000 dragons directly attacked the opponent's defenders. Together with the auxiliary attack of the dragon knights, the opponent's 100,000 defenders were chaotic. After being dashed against the dragon imperial barrier by the dragon domain champion, the birds and beasts dispersed in a blink of an eye.

"The north gate broke in, after burning all the supplies, rush out from the south gate!"

After my order, a group of soldiers with torches rushed in and set fires everywhere. The dragon knights in the air drove the dragon to spit fire everywhere. Suddenly, the entire supply warehouse turned into a sea of ​​fire, about ten minutes. Later, the dragon knight opened the restriction of the south gate with a sword, and suddenly a group of people broke through and crisscrossed the southern plain.

Behind him, the flames reflected the sky.

The supply warehouse is gone, and the supplies of the Centaur army will probably become a problem next. Unless they can get the supplies out of thin air from the sky, it will definitely not last long.

"Someone is chasing me."

Sylvia said: "It seems to be... the legendary Thunder Legion!"

"Regardless of them, go! We don't need to pester them!"


As a result, I kept going round and round in the southwest, and after getting rid of the thundering legion, more than 80,000 Dragon Territory cavalry crisscrossed the southern plains. In the east, the sky began to pale, and another half-day was approaching, but it also made people’s hearts more and more intense. The weight of the centaur, the combat power shown by the centaur is too strong, even the Dragon Region can't compete head-on.

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