Zhan Yue

Chapter 1488: 3 Glory Order

"July Flowing Fire..."

Lin Shaoyou didn't dare to lift it up, falling down, maintaining a level with us, looking at me with a complicated expression, and said: "I don't know what is the cause of Dragon Domain coming to our Eternal Life Palace this time?"

"Don't dare to mention anything."

I shook my head and said: "After the Lishan War, the world has changed drastically, and Senior Sister Yun has also risen and left. Now I am in charge of the Dragon Realm, which is known as the Holy Land of the World. Wouldn't you just plan to entertain our group of distinguished guests from afar here at the mountain gate?"

Lin Shaoyou glanced at the gate that had been turned into powder, and said with a wry smile: "Then...Is there anyone in the main hall, please?"

"Please lead the way."

"it is good."

Lin Shaoyou’s imperial sword rose, and I stepped on the breeze with my hands behind my back. I was a master of Taoism, and at any rate, I was also a quasi-god, so I took Sura and Sylvia along with Lin Shaoyou to Changsheng. The main mountain of the temple.


Compared with the last time, the Hall of Longevity has been renovated. The scale and luxury are far better than before. The gorgeous stone steps from the gate to the main hall are paved with thousands of steps. You can see a gate from the tip of the iceberg. The foundation, in terms of strength, today's Palace of Longevity may not be the best in the world, but in terms of foundation, it may still be the first.

Floating into the main hall.

In the main hall, in addition to the longevity sword immortal forest Shaoyou, there are left and right guardians, hall masters of each hall, etc., in addition, there is a group of worship, among which the left and right guardians are in the middle stage of the quasi-shen realm, and the elders of the halls are the early stage of the quasi-shen realm. , The chief worship and the second worship are also in the early stage of the quasi-sacred realm. In other words, in a longevity hall, there are nearly ten quasi-sacred realms. Although they are all paper, it shows how deep the foundation is.

Stepping into the main hall, my eyes drifted away from the elders, protectors, and worshippers, and I could see their cultivation base almost at a glance. The quasi-divine mid-stage foundations of the two protectors were not solid, and they looked like they were shaking. The cultivation bases of a few hall masters are completely paperless, and a few of the quasi-divine realms are completely supported by heavenly materials and earthly treasures and spiritual stones, and they are crumbling. When I got old, I finally rushed to the realm through years of "eating and drinking".

Regarding the strength on paper, the strength of the Palace of Eternal Life is not limited to that of the Dragon Realm, but when it comes to fighting, the Fire Demon Queen’s one person and one sword are already more than enough to clean them up, so that when Sura looked at this group of quasi-divine realms, There was a look of "junk" in his eyes, and that kind of disdain and contempt was not concealed.


The few of us were arranged in several "noble" positions very close to Lin Shaowei. After sitting down, I coughed and motioned Sura not to hide her gaze like this. Sura chuckled and stopped looking at the other person. Just watch the nose and the heart.

Lin Shaoyou also coughed in embarrassment: "The Lord of the Dragon Region has come from afar this time. I don't know what is going on."

"Come to commend your school." I said.


An elder guarding the law was surprised and said: "Dare to ask...what is the main reward of the Dragon Realm for our Eternal Palace?"

"Recognize what you are about to do."

I got up and walked to the middle of the main hall. I raised my foot to "peng", and a scene of the battle of Lishan reappeared, and the scene of sword formations and sword madness reappeared in front of me, saying: "The battle of Lishan, my Xuanyuan Empire IV Yue Beng destroyed a mountain, and millions of soldiers were killed in battle. The mentor Shih underneath sank to death. His best friend Shiratori was forced to kill the enemy and soar. Senior Sister Yun broke through the border and killed Linhai one by one, one by one, I think you all Although hiding far away in the sea of ​​chaos, you should be familiar with every detail of this earth-shattering battle in the north, right?"

Lin Shaoyou frowned: "Indeed, Lord Yunyue, Shisheng, and the Four Northern Mountains are stationed at Beiyue in the world. This battle can be described as earth-shattering and eternally written in history, but what does this have to do with awarding our Eternal Palace?"

"It's a big deal, Senior Lin."

I held up a finger and said with a smile: "Now, Senior Sister Yun has become a sword immortal in the ascended realm and looks down on the world. Of course, as a junior, I must take charge of the Dragon Realm. I can’t let her down. The alien demon army did not cease in the true sense. The Wendao traitor Fan Yi sealed himself a sacred one, and traveled through the boundary walls to find the ghost emperor Qin Shi in the depths of purgatory. With the offensive, coupled with the surviving Throne Swordsmith Han Ying, the situation in the entire north is not optimistic at all. The Thrones of the Alien Demon Legion may still ask Jianli Mountain or even the sword dragon domain at any time."

An elder frowned and said: "It is true, the world is not at peace."

I gave this slightly younger middle-aged elder a thumbs up and said, "I understand people, so, for me to regain the reputation of Longyu, I must train a group of young rookies and make them become monks in the world. The mainstay of the generation, but everyone knows that a good young monk was piled up with spirit stones and treasures. We are poor and white in the Dragon Realm. How can there be so many rare and exotic treasures, this is not... I have my right arm When I came to the Hall of Longevity, I hope Senior Lin can donate to the Dragon Region and donate all the spiritual stones and magic weapons in the treasury of the Hall of Longevity. It can be regarded as a contribution to the human race, Senior Lin What do you think?"


Lin Shaoyou's face changed drastically, and said, "The Lord of the Dragon Region wants us to take out something from the Palace of Longevity?"

"Not a little bit."

I shook my head and said, "I hope it is more than 80%."


The chief worship old man abruptly got up, smashed the table on the side with a palm, and said angrily: "What do you want to do in the Dragon Region? Are you hitting our Eternal Palace to fight the autumn wind?"

"It's rude..."

I slapped my mouth: "Sura, please sit down with this consecrated man."


Sura raised his hand and drew the sword, and the sword was done in one go. Suddenly a white light struck the head of the chief priest, forcing him to sit down suddenly, otherwise his head would be gone, and he knew very well that the scope of the sword was very small. , The lethality was very sufficient, it was a piece of cake to smash the spiritual ruins of his quasi-divine stage early stage.

"No one has any objections now, right?"

I looked around for a week and said with a smile: "When our Dragon Region and the alien demon army battled against Lishan, you all sat and enjoyed the success. You did not take the sword and the sword of the nine thrones but sat and enjoyed the aura of this half of the country. After eating so much, shouldn't you vomit? Does it come out at one point? Back then, Senior Sister Yun didn't bother to care about you people who were muffled and eaten up. Now that I am the Lord of the Dragon Region, I have time to clean up one by one."

When I said this, Sura gently slid the flame sword to the ground, and there was a "knock" sound. A ray of flame waved from the ground like ripples, and the whole hall was in an incomparable weight for the next moment. The majestic kendo ban is under the ban. This is the ban on the quasi-shenzhen pinnacle swordsman who once served as the throne, and it has been banned by the kendo that was instructed by Senior Sister Yun. Its deterrence can be imagined. He wants to kill anyone in the longevity hall. , It was just a matter of Su La's thoughts.

In the post-throne era, although Sura is not a throne, his strength is already better than the throne, which makes people like it!


As soon as I changed the conversation, I revealed a bright smile, and said: "We are not intimidating the Palace of Longevity to hand over the treasure. In principle, this is a goodwill visit to the Palace of Longevity. Token, there are not many tokens of this kind in the world. If Senior Lin is willing to take out 80% of the longevity hall, this extraordinary token will belong to the longevity hall."

With that said, I solemnly stepped forward with a pure gold token, and offered the token with a respectful attitude. I saw that there were two lines of words on this majestic token——

Defend the common people!

A glorious!



Lin Shaoyou took a breath, his eyes more complicated.

I smiled and said, "This token is called the Glory Order of the Three Realms. My Dragon Realm family is unique. As long as Senior Lin Dio presses his head, the world’s first Glory Order of the Three Realms will be in the Palace of Longevity. This is something else. Things that the sects admire are not enviable."


Lin Shaoyou gritted his teeth: "With this small token, do we need to show up 80% of the longevity hall?"

"if not?"

I tilted my head and gestured to my neck with a knife: "Leave you the head of the Lord of the Dragon Region?"


Sylvia's eyes shrank, and the sacred silver dragon breath soared, and a silver dragon shadow soared in Sura’s flame kendo prohibition. Under the pressure of the mighty dragon, everyone’s hearts trembled, double Oppression is no longer what these people in front of us can bear.

"Our time is precious."

Sylvia sneered coldly: "Our Lord of the Dragon Region is so condescending and condescending to persuade and send the Three Realms Glory Order. I hope you don't know what is good or bad in the Palace of Eternal Life!"


The corners of Sura’s mouth lightly raised, and she carried the flame sword on the incense shoulders, like a beautiful ruffian: "Actually, after razing the Hall of Eternal Life, it’s not a problem to find it slowly. Magical artifacts are hard to damage."

I laughed: "You two pay attention to your attitude! It's rude, how did you talk to my Senior Sword Immortal?"

As I said, I gently raised my hand, and strands of golden cuneiform writing flowed under my feet~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and said: "Everyone, get me up!"

Some people are oppressed because of my domain, some are evil spirits, and some are frightened. All of them stand up in silence, and everyone in the whole hall assumes a standing posture.

I raised my voice: "Donated 80% of the treasures in the treasury to Longyu, and received a glorious order from the Three Realms, the world’s most precious treasure. From then on, it is praised and admired by the world. This is a good thing. If you are willing to agree to this, you can sit there. It's down."

Everyone look at me, I look at you, only a few people sit down.

Behind my hands, I walked to the entrance of the main hall and looked at the mountain gate turned into powder in the distance, and said lightly: "Sura, Sylvia, I counted to ten. Those who haven't sat down yet are cut off!"





Just after counting to 2, Surah said: "Don't count, you have all sat down."

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