Zhan Yue

Chapter 1469: Invincible

  The gods are in hand, and luck is in the body, blessing to the soul.

"This sword..."

The body of the demon ancestor trembled violently, and his eyes stared at the heavens, and said: "What a strong breath of ancient gods...How did you get it?"

"You can control it?" I raised an eyebrow.


The demon ancestor laughed, twisted his huge body, and said with a smile: "Little baby, the tone is not small after practicing for a few years. What do you think it can be if you get a lost sword in the world? What about the luck left to you? Just relying on your quasi-divine realm, can you control the majestic luck left by Shi Shen? Just relying on your mortal body, you can perform 10% of this divine sword Is it powerful?"

He twisted his body and said viciously: "Don't you think you can beat me?"

"Who knows!"

I smiled slightly, and my body slowly rose, and strands of golden air fortune continued to flow from between the sky and the earth, as if plating the Five Sacred suit with a layer of gold, and the majestic power in the body was awakened one by one. At this moment, There is a clear mind in my mind, I know exactly what level I can achieve and how to use the power in my body.

So, raising the heavens of the divine sword, smiled and said: "Today, I will replace the stone master and patrol the endless sea with my sword!"

Unheard of the wind, he stroked his palm and smiled: "If this is the case, I'll just watch."

"court death!"

The demon ancestor suddenly shook his whole body, opened his blood basin and opened his mouth, and filled the sky with his majestic and evil spirit.

The body of the gods!

I activated my five-sacred suit magical skills again, and a ray of golden light fell from the sky, and the whole person's potential instantly seemed to be unlocked. All kinds of magical powers flashed one by one, and the body was full of unimaginable magical powers, at least I already possessed them. The general real power of the quasi-god, and at this time, the body is wrapped in the sky, and its strength is almost equal to the quasi-god, holding the heavens, the avenue is one, and is in the plot deduction, so, at this time Strength, I am afraid that it can already be ascended shoulder to shoulder!

More importantly, the gods and the heavens are relics of the gods, and they have a natural overwhelming effect on the demon race like the demon ancestor!


A sword smashed out, directly splitting the evil spirit that the demon ancestor exhaled in two, and his body swept forward, wrapped in sword light all over his body, and the second sword struck the demon ancestor's head heavily.

"Little baby is looking for death!"

The demon ancestor roared, full of evil spirits flowing wantonly, and there was a mark of life in his eyebrows that instantly opened, turning into a **** bone spur and shooting out, the void buzzing and trembling, this blow was definitely not simple.

But what can it be?

With a sword cut out, the heavens wrapped in the sound of the sky, and directly chopped the bone spurs into powder. Then the body swept forward, and strands of golden cuneiform characters wrapped the feet, and the power of the whole body was stamped on it fiercely. On the forehead of the demon ancestor.


In the loud noise, the huge body of the demon ancestor fell backwards, accompanied by a sob, it seemed that he didn't even think that he would lose so quickly. He obviously suppressed a realm, but he was completely suppressed by me in strength. At the moment when the demon ancestor’s huge body fell into the endless sea with a stomping force, I was already on the sea, and the heavens of the divine swords cut three swords in succession, and each ray of sword light was wrapped in the sound of the sky, "哧哧哧"The scales and thick cortex of the demon ancestor's body were scratched, red blood was splashed, and the three injuries were deeply visible in the bones.

"On this point?"

I couldn't help laughing: "If you want to bring the Yaozu to rebel, you have to pay a price!"

As he said, holding swords in both hands, a sword fell!

The entire endless sea trembled because of this sword. The sea water was forced back by the sword energy. The sword light hit the demon ancestor’s forehead heavily, and only a "click" sound was heard. It seemed that the skull was broken, and there was even a strand. The brain-burst out, but the demon ancestor is the ancestor of the demon clan, and the demon clan itself is a race with tyrannical physical strength. After eating this deadly sword, the demon ancestor was only severely injured. Divine realm, but not dead.

"I remember this account!"

The demon ancestor's body snaked, turning into a stream of light and sprinting across the seabed.

I lifted my sword and rushed out, and the energy around my body flowed, driving away all the water, and then chasing the demon ancestor to kill. As long as the demon ancestor can be killed in this battle, the crisis of the endless sea can be resolved, and the human race is possible. There are still thousands of years to live well, if you can't kill it, then it will be a disaster afterwards.

"Twelve Protectors!"

While galloping in the sea, the demon ancestor roared, "Don't do it yet?!"

On the surface of the sea, heads are exposed, all of them are a group of deep-cultivation fire scorpions, and their eyes are full of murderous intent, their bodies snaking and rushing, and in a blink of an eye they turn into twelve human figures, some of them holding hands. Long swords, some carrying warhammers, and some holding halberds in both hands, were wrapped in the evil spirits of the demon clan, separated from the sea, like an arrow from the string.


I couldn’t help laughing, turning around and swiping a sword, and suddenly the body of a guardian was directly split in half, and the blood was instantly stained with red sea water. In the next second, the body moved laterally to avoid the flying arrows of a demon guardian, and At the same time, the sword light swept out, and the two demon guardians who had attacked immediately were cut directly in the waist, followed by five fingers.

This feeling of full strength is so cool!


With a glimpse of his figure, while passing by a demon guardian, sword light flashed across his neck. This demon guardian was wrapped in evil spirits and roared endlessly. After rushing out, he didn't notice it until his head. Slowly rolled off his neck, only to realize that he had been beheaded by the Divine Sword.

"Into the water!"

An older guardian let out a low growl: "Launch a raid in the water!"

Suddenly, the remaining seven demon clan guardians all turned into fire light and poured into the sea. These fire dragons were born near the water, and in the endless sea like fish in water, their figures turned into flowing fireworks in the depths of the sea, wrapped in monstrous killing intent. .

"that's it?"

I laughed, and at the moment when the seven streams of light rushed in, I suddenly concentrated all the power of the mountains and seas on the blade, and slashed a sword against the sea water in front of me, and shouted in a low voice, "It will evaporate all to me! "


The sword light skyrocketed, and the sea water in the entire sea area instantly turned into water vapor, and the seven guardians hidden in the sea water were all evaporated by the scorching sword gas, and their scales, skin, and bones were all turned into fly ash, almost in the blink of an eye. The twelve guardians under the seat of the demon ancestor had already become history, all turned into ashes under the sword.

The Divine Sword Heavens are too fierce!

Although the real battlefield of this sword is actually on the wall of heaven, as long as it enters the category of the wall of heaven, the heavens of the divine sword are said to be invincible, and in the human world, the power of the divine swords of the heavens is overwhelmed by the material world. It can only exert 20-30% of the power, but Rao is already quite powerful, suppressing the monster race in the endless sea, it is not a big problem!


In the distance, a number of monster race figures rose up, and some were no longer flood dragons, but some monster races such as flame crabs and flame octopuses, all transformed into humans, holding weapons in their hands, and stepping on the sea to kill them. .

I frowned, raised my sword and killed it. The demon ancestor ran too fast and was nowhere to be seen. In that case, I gave his little brothers a good lesson.

A sword swept across, and all the monsters on the sea surface turned into a pile of broken limbs. With the scorching sword air of the heavens sword, the sea suddenly smelled of grilled seafood.

"July Flowing Fire!"

In the distance, a middle-aged man with slippery skin emerged from the water with his bare hands and coldly said: "Do you really think that the endless sea is your home? Raise a magic sword to kill the endless sea? I see you. The avenue is not wanted anymore, it has been contaminated with so much killing and cause and effect, do you still have a chance to get to that point in your life, and the avenue soars?"

"How about it?"

I walked swiftly on the surface of the sea and smiled: "Should you let your bloodthirsty monster race into the territories of the human race?"


He suddenly raised his fists, and suddenly there were two huge waves around him. Together I encircled me in the middle. It felt apocalyptic, but in fact my realm at this time was given by luck, swords of heaven, and the body of gods. I was able to hold it up, and my vision was much higher. I knew at a glance that these two waves were inadequate for embroidered pillows, so I didn't care about it at all, and a sword blasted the middle-aged man.


It was just a sword. His body was directly divided into two, turning into a salmon cut in the middle. The round and round looks very delicious. Unfortunately, he was chased by a few strands of sword energy just after falling into the water. It burned to fly ashes, and there was no way to sashimi.

"Who else?"

I walked on the sea with my sword. I walked step by step on the endless sea, and said loudly: "I am patrolling with a sword on behalf of the stone master in July. Who else of you demon clan who refuses to accept, just surface, UU reading www.uukanshu. com, I don’t hesitate to take out my swords. If I am convinced of my swordsmanship, I will hibernate on the bottom of the sea and stay honestly!"


In the distance, another group of monsters came out of the water, and there were even flame foxes with six tails. They turned into extremely sweet girls and killed them with a long whip, but after one sword, they were divided into two. Now, the death looks ugly at all.

In this way, I patrolled the endless sea with swords. For nearly four minutes, I almost kept the sword falling in my hand. I never stopped. I don’t know how many monsters died under the sword. I killed myself. His hands were a little soft, and on the cliff behind him, sitting cross-legged without the wind, his expression relaxed and timid, he even took out a pot of wine and drank a sip, and said with a smile: "After this big killing, the Yaozu probably Can you be honest again for hundreds of years?"

I smiled slightly. The demon clan who dared to provoke in front of me had been killed, so I flew back to the cliff with a sword light, and sat on the cliff with the wind, and said in my heart: "It's over, take it. I will have a period of weakness for an hour, and if someone criticizes it, I will have to leave it to you to solve it."

Feng Buwen is like a proud scholar on the list, patted his chest and smiled: "Anyway, the demon ancestor has been cut to death by you, and the rest is a group of people who are not enough to see. I Feng Buwen is here now-invincible!"

I looked down at the heavens of the Divine Sword, and strands of fortune in the endless sea seemed to be tempering the sword to make it sharper.


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