Zhan Yue

Chapter 1446: At that time only Tao was commonplace

At about 12 o'clock, the preparatory work in the game was finally finished. A command group and a small group were created. There were nearly a thousand people in the large group, and 500+ leaders of the T Guild on the national server were all in the small group. There are only leaders above T2, chatting with dozens of people, and then it is agreed that everyone must have dinner before 11 o'clock the next day and go online to prepare.


When it was offline, A Fei suggested that everyone secretly eat Chaoshan hot pot, because Lingyuan sent too much fresh beef, and it was wasted if you didn't eat it.

Everyone's attitudes were quite hesitant. Lin Xi, Shen Mingxuan, Gu Ruyi and her sister wanted to eat but didn't dare to eat. If you eat too much, you will get fat. Don't eat. Don't you look at me and A Fei enjoying eating? In the end, Shen Mingxuan decided to pinch his nose to eat a little bit less, and was unanimously seconded by several girls.

Therefore, when A Fei hot pot was boiling the meat, a group of people stretched out their chopsticks. Except for the old man who went to bed early and got up early to go to bed, the rest were there, and there was no shortage of them.

In fact, the facilities at home are quite complete. The gymnasium and the main building are connected by the basement, and you can go to exercise at any time. There are treadmills and other equipment there, as well as table tennis, tennis, badminton and other places. So A Fei comforted everyone. After that, just go for exercise, so everyone eats more.

In fact, I have watched everybody's sports over there a few times. A Fei and I played a round of billiards, Lin Xi played badminton with my sister, and Shen Mingxuan and Gu Ruyi played table tennis. When Shen Mingxuan and Ruyi were replaced by two players. In sportswear, when fast moving in front of the table to catch and fight, the picture of 34C jumping up and down is actually quite pleasing.

Full of flexibility, fascinating.


After eating the supper, tidying up a bit, and then coaxing Lin Xi to sleep, I stepped out and reached the crack in the space above East Taihu Lake.

The cold wind hunts and hunts, but I am under the protection of the qi in the realm of transformation, and I don’t feel the slightest cold. It doesn’t matter if I feel it. The body of the realm of transformation is tempered by the strongest sun, even if it doesn’t. Luck is also enough to resist the severe cold of minus 70 degrees without any problems, and behind him is a people's army guarding the cracks day and night.

I was silent, just standing in front of the crack, feeling the instability of the spatial structure, the tearing sensation "hissing", this crack is terrible, ordinary drones can't fly through, so far I was the only one who had been to that extremely cold planet, the home planet of the Star Alliance, and the others did not dare to overstep it.

Endless cold is blowing in, and on the other side of the crack, the cold current of the extremely cold planet is invading all the time, keeping the earth's low temperature of minus 60 degrees.

The earth has persisted for more than half a month. The food and various daily necessities we reserve are being consumed violently. In the long run, even if the food can be eaten by the people of the whole country for half a year, the daily necessities will only rely on inventory when the production is completely stopped. If it is not consumed enough, various problems will continue to surface soon.

We, China, are already uniquely excellent in dealing with severe cold, and are thriving on a global scale. Local governments organize their own human and material resources to meet the needs of residents, so that the huge population can eat at home without going out. There is clean drinking water, which is unimaginable in foreign countries.

The United States, the world's most powerful country, has become more and more in shortage of supplies with the arrival of the cold winter. Many residents took to the streets with guns, smashed supermarkets, and robbed resources. The police and the people faced off in the streets wearing thick winter clothes. Even the government sent troops to shoot at each other with members of the Rifle Association. The government was unable to provide resources. The people’s urgent need for supplies became increasingly acute. The governors of some states even outsourced food delivery to companies that made money in disasters. The final result was extremely poor. In the United States, there were many people starving to death, and the number was not a minority.

Europe, the gathering place of developed countries, is almost the same as the United States.

As for some underdeveloped developing countries, they are even more bleak. The whole of India has become a mess, and Africa and South America have also suffered heavy losses, especially in Africa, where 70% of the population has been frozen to death, and the governments of various countries are nearly paralyzed. At this time, the international community cannot rush to help. Under the extreme cold temperature, everyone cannot deliver supplies. Airplanes and trains are already out of service. They can't help but can only help themselves.


Looking at the picture of the Star Alliance’s parent star on the other side of the crack, I breathed a sigh of relief, full of helplessness, and then turned on the watch, entered the game communication system, and found that my friends across the mountains and seas were still online. , So he called directly, and after a few rings, the other party connected, and the sky rose could see the picture behind me, which was the extremely cold planet behind the crack.


She was taken aback: "Are you out of the game?"


I nodded and smiled: "Do you see the cracks behind me? The source of evil."


She said softly: "The end of the world is just around the corner, isn't it? Just a few hours ago, a few hooligans wanted to smash open the door of my house and were blasted away by my father with a gun."

"It's not as serious as you are."

I looked at her and frowned: "Tell me when you are in danger again. I can help. Call me directly in the game and it will be automatically transferred."


She didn't know why, but she believed very much, and said: "Your Chinese theater is about to usher in a decisive battle?"


I smiled and said, "This is also the reason why I am looking for you. The Chinese theater has a decisive battle, and the US server, European server, and Japanese and Korean servers should not be idle. I have limited energy and can only control the battle on the Chinese theater , 12 hours later, your US server, European server, and Japanese and Korean servers will also launch an attack on the Alien Demon Territory. We should be happy if we succeed in any way. If the Chinese theater wins, the Alien Demon Territory will definitely suffer. When it comes to a fatal blow, if you win, you will be able to smash the death altar and the sea of ​​heroic spirits and hit Huanglong directly."

"Got it."

Sky Rose smiled slightly: "Actually, I'm already making arrangements. Don't worry, it's not just us. The world's major servers are watching you in the Chinese theater. The moment your Beiyue Lishan battle begins, our players all over the world are also counterattacking. It will begin. In this battle, we will never let the Chinese theater fight alone."

"it is good!"

I nodded, feeling a little warm in my heart, and said, "You have to take care of yourself. When I have the opportunity to go to the United States, I will invite you to eat local Chinese food."

"Well, then I look forward to it first."

Turning off the communicator, I stretched my arm, the decisive battle in the game is imminent, then I also... take a good rest?

So, letting go of all the obstacles, one stepped back to my room, wrapped in a quilt, and slept beautifully. Even though I don’t need to rest physically, I actually need to rest mentally. It’s a general rule. Too much, too tired to live, it seems that I have been burdened too much from the moment I stepped into the world of Lunar Moon.

The protagonist?

Or the strongest protagonist, but it must also be the most tiring protagonist.


When I woke up, it was already ten o'clock the next day.

After washing and going downstairs, Lin Xi was already preparing lunch with her sister. Of course, she couldn't make Chaoshan hot pot every day. So at noon, she ate steak. The steak cooked by Fenglei Beiyuan yak tasted quite good, and her sister’s craftsmanship was very good. So everyone had a good meal.


A Fei frowned while cutting the steak, "I really want to go for a walk. In the past, when it snowed in Suzhou, everyone could jump. The snow can exceed five centimeters, and that’s not going to go to the sky? Now it’s good, it’s half a meter of snow. , But can't get out."

I glanced at him: "Don't think about so many things, now they collapse when they go out, and they turn into popsicles in a few minutes. Now the real-time outdoor temperature is minus 67 degrees, can you hold it?"

"I can't hold it." He said angrily: "However, Chaoshan hot pot has a lot of food, and occasionally I want to change the taste. It would be nice to have a pot of Haidilao, damn...I miss Haidilao's pig brains too much."

"Let's talk about it after the decisive battle in the game."

I frowned: "Although Haidilao is closed, it is not completely closed. Then I will find a way to get a set of Haidilao's takeaway, and we will eat it at home."


The speaker was Shen Mingxuan, and she looked forward to it more than A Fei: "That would be great."

"Slutty cat." I said speechlessly.

Shen Mingxuan smiled: "Actually, Ali, I am not greedy for Haidilao. I just want my life to return to normal. How good we were at that time. What do I want to eat when I go offline~www.wuxiaspot.com~ drove there. Haidilao was only twenty minutes away. At that time, we only said that it was commonplace at that time. Now... even going out is an extravagant hope."

I nodded: "Forbearance, life will be restored, but it will take a while."



Satiate and drink.

Dad and sister went to the conference hall upstairs to have a video holographic conference, while the rest of us gathered together in the living room on the second floor and went online. Still, Lin Xi, Shen Mingxuan, and Gu Ruyi and I each had a sofa. As for A Fei wanted to be with us, but Shen Mingxuan was rushed back to the room and went online. Shen Mingxuan's reasons were quite good. What if A Fei's slutty scumbag gets off the assembly line and touches Ruyi's big white legs secretly? I thought it made sense, so I gave A Fei a kick, then turned around and touched Lin Xi's leg.

Go online, ready for a decisive battle!


The characters appeared in Fanshu City. At this time, a brigade was pulling out from the city and sent to Lishan. It was the imperial army formed after I became the Emperor Liuhuo. It has a total strength of 20W and is responsible for the safety of the capital. Now the war is imminent, so there is only one. Thousands of people stayed in the imperial capital, and all the others went to the decisive battlefield!

Lin Xi, Shen Mingxuan, A Fei and others went online one after another, and many people from Yilu also appeared in the square, ready to set off.



When everyone was preparing for the battle, the earth trembled suddenly, and then, a blood-red sword light came from the north, severely smashing on the mountain weather in the northern boundary of Lishan Mountain.

Do you do it in advance?

Don’t you have to wait until the 12 o’clock version opens?

Don't talk about martial ethics? !

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