Zhan Yue

Chapter 1434: Home



Lin Xi’s car and I entered the garage ahead of time, followed by ALFY’s sports car. Soon after, my father and sister’s cars also entered the garage, and there was also a truck carrying various living supplies that also entered the garage. I While checking whether the exterior wall of the entire villa is solid, he ordered Star Eye: "Scan the insulation system and try to maintain it in the best condition."

"Yes, Skywalker!"

Fortunately, the extremely cold weather was taken into consideration when this villa was built. The heat preservation was quite good, and underfloor heating was installed. I just don’t know if it can really provide heating at the moment of disaster.

Everyone was in the living room, somewhat silent.



A figure appeared out of thin air, with wisps of glow flowing around her body, like a tall fairy, dressed in a armor, and even had a cloak behind her. It was the Emperor Fenglei Lingyuan.

"It seems that you have already heard the news."


I nodded, disregarding everyone's surprised gaze, and said, "Has Feng Lei also got the news?"

"Yes it is."

She frowned and said: "Our high priest has fortuned about what is about to happen in the future not long ago, so I will come here to inform you that the next space collision is coming soon, and the enemy will bring endless blizzards and cold winds. You must be fully prepared."

"Where is the Fenglei Clan?" I asked, "I will welcome this storm as well, right?"

"Yes it is."

She nodded and said: "Our two worlds have collided and merged together, so this time we will endure the second collision together. I hope we can all get through it safely and go."

She turned to leave.

"Ling Kite!"

I frowned and said: "The Fenglei clan needs it, and I will pass, but I must take care of my home first."

Lingyuan turned and smiled: "Well, it's enough to have you."

With that, she stepped out one step at a time, turning into a ray of rainbow light and rushing to the sky.


I sighed, turned around and saw everyone with amazed faces, so there was nothing to say, and I said, "The female emperor of the Fenglei clan, Lingyuan, just know me."

Everyone was relieved, only A Fei looked at Ling Yuan's back with hot eyes. This cold, beautiful and generous woman was really not ordinary high in lethality to the scumbag.

"Land from."

Father stepped forward: "We just waited like this? How long will this disaster... last?"

"have no idea for now."

I shook my head: "Dad, don't worry, at least everyone here is safe. Just stay at home. If the temperature is too cold, we will squeeze in a room to survive the severe cold. Our Suzhou is the point of collision. One, so the temperature will be quite low. The lowest outdoor temperature can reach fifty degrees below the order, which is already a temperature that the human body can hardly adapt. Everyone prepares clothes and the collision will start in about an hour and a half."


My sister frowned and said, "We are all here, how about you?"

"I can't be here..."

I gave a wry smile and said, "What you have to face is only snow and extremely low temperatures. I also have to face the creatures that bring the cold. In short, don't worry, I will be fine."




A call came from the watch. After I stretched out my hand, Wang Lu’s bust holographic image was on the top of the watch, and she frowned, “Lu Li, the sky above East Taihu Lake in Suzhou is the collision point. We plan to act now. Come here. Come with us, or?"

"It's not going to pass."

I shook my head: "You and Qin Feng will take everyone there. Pay attention to the cold. After the collision begins, I will go straight to meet everyone. Everyone should be careful. We currently don’t know anything about life in another world. , Star Eye can't detect it either."


Turn off communications.

I glanced at everyone: "Don't stand up like this, find a place to sit down? Can you watch TV?"


My sister turned on the TV, and I turned on the air conditioner to cool it.

"Also blow the air conditioner?" A Fei glared at me.

"How else?"

I stared at him: "Now in the dog days, aren't you hot?"

A Fei was sad, and his voice became much lower: "Ali, you want to come back safe and sound..."

He simply said in a single sentence, Lin Xi, Shen Mingxuan, Gu Ruyi, and sister's eyes were red, but my nose was sour, and said: "It's okay, it's a god-transmitting realm anyway, the whole plane is the strongest, don't you Worrying, since everyone is okay, one by one will confirm whether your best friend is ready for the winter. If you are not ready, we will use resources here."


Everyone sat down one by one, Lin Xi, Shen Mingxuan and others contacted their college classmates, girlfriends and the like, and I sat down and started dialing the phone with my watch at the same time, clearing the lamp, card girl, killing the world, moonlight firefly, Nanmu Keyi , Yanshi does not attack, troubled times Fengxian and a group of people contacted one by one.

"Clear the lights."

"Lu Li?" Qing Deng was surprised: "Why did you call me suddenly?"

"How are the preparations? Are winter clothes, food, heating, etc. in place?"

"Well, I just came up with a bag of rice from downstairs, it's okay."

"it is good."

Calorie was also surprised when he got on the phone: "What's wrong, Ali?"

The same words: "How are the preparations? Are winter clothes, food, heating, etc. in place?"


Calorie smiled and said, "I just got home ten minutes ago, and I asked my dad to buy a lot of supplies from the convenience store downstairs in advance. Don't worry, how is your place?"

She still warms her heart, and she knows to care about us.

"We are okay. I took Lin Xi and the others home, and A Fei is here with us, it's okay."

"That's good."

After Slaughter Fanchen got on the phone, he knew what was going on: "I'm fine here. I'm in the inn. The doors and windows are closed tightly. There are a lot of things to scoff. How about you in the back kitchen?"

"Lin Xi and I are both good here, as long as you are fine."

"Is it that serious this time?"

"Well, it will be very serious. You should prepare more thick clothes."

"I see, take care, Xiao Qi!"


Yueliuying's voice trembled after receiving the call: "Brother Xiaoqi, this time...we will be fine, will we?"

"Well, Liu Ying, how are you preparing, winter clothes and food, etc.?"

"I'm in the school. Our school is under the same management. We arrange for everyone to live in the same dormitory. It should...should be okay?"


I nodded: "Call me if you have a problem, I'll find a way for you."

"it is good!"

Afterwards, Nanmu Keyi answered the phone: "Boss, how is your place?"

"It's okay, how are you preparing Nanmu, are you ready for winter clothes and food?"

"It's all fine, boss, are you okay over there? Take good care of Lin Xi and the others..."

"It's okay, you should also pay attention. Now start to release the water. The more water you store at home, the better, because once the weather gets too cold, the water pipes will definitely freeze."

"Okay, I got the boss!"


The watch was connected to the game data. I saw that everyone in the guild chat channel was caring for each other, and even some people who were outside the guild took them home directly, so as not to be alone without relying on it. In the guild, everyone was helping each other. As the deputy leader, I made a top announcement, saying: "Brothers and sisters of Yilu, I am Lu Li. This disaster came very suddenly, but it is by no means an extinction disaster. As long as everyone is fully prepared, We will definitely be able to get through. Everyone in Yilu pays attention. During this time, the highest order of our guild is, everyone must take care of yourself, prepare food, winter clothes, water, especially water. Please pay attention to it. , Now start to use the tap to store water, take out all the things that can store water at home, once the temperature drops, the water pipes will be frozen, and there may be power and water cuts. Everyone must prepare psychologically. Now It is 3:10 in the afternoon, and the cooling will start at 4:20 in the afternoon. It may be dark at that time. Don’t panic. Our world will surely usher in dawn again. I’m Lu Li, and I’m with Lin Xi. Let’s wait for a reunion with everyone after this disaster!"

In the guild, many people cried.

Especially the female players who usually have a good relationship with each other can't cry.


In the living room, it was quiet.

My sister brought an iron basin with a lot of charcoal next to it. Once the weather is really too cold and the power is cut off, I’m afraid I can only use this physical method to keep warm.

Lin Xi and I were sitting on the sofa side by side. She gently shook my hand, her palm trembling slightly, obviously a little nervous. Shen Mingxuan, Gu Ruyi, and A Fei helped her sister busy preparing everything, and a group of domestic servants, bodyguards, etc. They were all dismissed by their father. If they can really get through the difficulties and come back, even if there is something really wrong, I still hope they can be with their families.

"If you burn charcoal for heating, pay attention to ventilation."

I frowned: "Otherwise, carbon monoxide poisoning is easy. Also, is the power reserve at home ready?"


The sister said: "It's in the room next to the living room."

"That's good. Everyone keeps the communication normal. If something happens, please contact me. I can come back in time."


Soon, I looked at the time and said, "The impact time is about to come. Don't be too nervous, I'll go over and take a look."

"be careful!"

Lin Xi shook my hand tightly.


I looked back and smiled: "Dad, sister, Lin Xi, Ming Xuan, Ruyi, and A Fei, I'll take a look."


At the moment when we all nodded together~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I stepped out, my body was already outside, still wearing a shirt and a coat, in fact, the amount of clothing has meaning for me as a realm of gods. It's not too big, there is a layer of God-Transforming Realm gas on the surface of the body that maintains the temperature, and it won't freeze me no matter how cold the weather is.


At this time, the whole city was empty.

Everyone was resettled nearby. There was no one on the street. Only some police cars and official vehicles were still running to maintain the order and supplies of the entire city.

In the next second, his body turned into a rainbow, and he flew at full speed on the earth, reaching the sky above East Taihu Lake in less than three seconds.

A helicopter hovered in the air. On the lake not far away, there stood a group of strong men in the Yangyan realm, including Wang Lu, Qin Feng, Haotian and others.

I stepped forward and looked up.

The sky is being torn apart, and the blizzard is carrying a violent wind. The temperature has suddenly dropped to an unimaginable point. Visible to the naked eye, the rippling Taihu Lake under our feet has directly begun to freeze!

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