Zhan Yue

Chapter 1424: This one will ask you if you are afraid

"Vitality bomb, already obtained!"

In the next second, a light flashed in my skill column, showing a new skill icon. It was an image of a figure holding a huge ball of light in both hands, which was in line with my intentions. So with one move of both hands, he said to the star's eye: "Next, you can improve my attributes and skills, or use terrain changes to protect my integrity. In short, don't let me die."

"Yes, Skywalker!"

In the skill bar, the skill icons keep flashing, almost all of them have been upgraded to the extreme of skill power. Of course, it is only in the abyss map. After going out, everything will disappear. These changes must be erased.

"Yo, what is this going to do?"

Lin Lu sat on a pine branch with a light body and smiled: "Tsk tsk, let me have a look, what will the strongest God Transformation Realm in the world do to me, a weak woman in the middle of ten thousand years?"

I frowned and moved my hands towards the sky to start the energy-storing process of the vitality bomb. I spent 5000r and sent a full-server announcement. In the next second, the bell reverberated over the map.


System Announcement (players shouting in July Liuhuo): Brothers and sisters who are still in the abyss map in the national service! I am at the bottom of the 99th floor of the abyss to clear the final level, but the strength of the boss is too strong, I need your help, now, please leave the battle immediately, find a safe place, and then raise your hands to divide your strengths My point, I will defeat the boss in the shortest time, close this abyss map, and let everyone go home!


In the guild channel, everyone was shocked, and A Fei said, "How come this propaganda setting sounds so familiar?"

Qing Deng hugs his arms: "Childhood memories!"

Lin Xi suspiciously: "Lu Li?"

"Everyone, do it!" I said directly.


Lin Xi immediately said in a deep voice in the guild channel: "Everyone, do what they are, and quickly get out of the fight, then raise both hands and divide their strengths to Lu Li!"

Immediately, Lin Xi sent a system announcement to help——


System announcement (player Lin Xi shouts): Please help Lu Li! What he said just now is true. At present, the strategy of the abyss map has reached the most critical moment. Please be sure to get out of the battle immediately, raise your hands, and use each of us to help Lu Li together. He will take everyone through the difficulties!

Originally, my call seemed a bit nonsensical, making it difficult to distinguish between true and false. After all, this fact is so bizarre that it is difficult to convince all players, as if it was the first person in the national service to start a conversation with everyone in July. It’s the same as a joke, but with Lin Xi’s shouts, it’s different. After all, Lin Xi is a deer who clearly has your lord. The legendary "Goddess Lin Xi" does not laugh and talk, but he does not look like a joke, Lin Xi said The credibility of the words is obviously better than mine.

Soon, the leader-level players who are still online in the national server have paid out of their pockets and issued system announcements to support my request.


System Announcement (Players will shout first in troubled times): Please do it together! Exit the battle, raise your hands, and help July Liuhuo, let him know that he is not alone!


System Announcement (Player Yanshi does not attack and shout): Brothers! Lu Li did not fight for himself, but for all of us. He needs our help now. We raise our hands and don't lose anything. Why don't those of us who enjoy our achievements have any reason not to help?


System announcement (player Feng Canghai shouts): Please help all Fenglian people, get out of the battle, raise your hands, and support the July Flowing Fire!


System Announcement (Player's Prophecy of Purgatory Dawn): Please help all myths, get out of the battle, raise your hands, and support the July Flowing Fire!


System announcement (player Baili Ruofeng shouts): Please help all famous families, get out of the battle, raise your hands, and support the July Flowing Fire!


System announcement (player Penghao people shouting): Please help all the dragon riders, get out of the battle, raise your hands, and support the July Flowing Fire!


System Announcement (Players Floating Wanren shouts): Please help all the sharp people, get out of the battle, raise your hands, and support the July Flowing Fire!


System Announcement (players shouting at Dawn Cinder): Please help all those who have broken dawn, get out of the battle, raise your hands, and support the July Flowing Fire!

In a blink of an eye, countless tiny bits of white light came from the upper level of the abyss. The total number of players who entered the abyss in the national service was close to 100 million. At this time, at least half of the players were still online. Each of these 50 million people had a little vitality. I want to know what a huge amount of energy.


Just above my hands, a sphere the size of an electric light bulb quickly condenses, and as more and more light spots converge from the upper level, the sphere is getting bigger and bigger, and in a blink of an eye it will be the size of a round table. This sphere was some distance away from me. It stayed on the 98th floor of the abyss. It was almost invisible from the 99th floor, so Lin Lu didn't notice it at all.

"Abyss Flame Demon, what are you waiting for? Kill him!" Lin Lu ordered.

The Abyssal Flame Demon roared and handed both fists together. With a "peng", the dozens of stone forests in front of me were all shattered, and then both fists shot out flames and punches, hitting the white that I had already strengthened heavily. The dragon wall and the mountain are in the shape, but a punch is not enough to smash it, the abyss flame demon roars, and actually condenses the whole body and bumps it.


There was a loud noise, and I was directly knocked into the air. This time I suffered internal injuries and vomited blood.

"Star Eye, modify the cooling time of the life potion to 0 seconds!"

"Yes, Skywalker!"

I immediately set up the automatic medicine-drinking system. When the blood volume is lower than 50, I will automatically drink a bottle of level 10 life medicine. Fortunately, Nanmu Keyi gave enough, 200 bottles, which should be enough. Used it, if it weren't for these, the vitality bomb would definitely not work, and without the vitality bomb, I would probably be bombarded and killed.

Nanmu Keyi probably didn't know that his 200 bottles of life potions would actually save the entire national costume invisibly.

Go on, raise my arms and lift them into the air. Only when I raise my arms can I continue to absorb the vitality of everyone and gather vitality bombs, otherwise the process will stop.

"Fuck off!"

The body of the Abyssal Flame Demon is no longer that huge, but it looks more fierce and evil. The phantom leg swept across directly, blasting me out, stumbling on the rock wall, rolling to the ground, and the little one on the side Jiu couldn't control it at all, and the strengthened Flame Demon slapped him with less than 5 blood. At this time, Xiao Jiu was no longer suitable for fighting, so he took back the Eudemons space.

"Ouyang Luli, what are you still struggling to support?"

Lin Lu looked at me and sneered: "The blood of the Abyssal Flame Demon has returned to more than 50. Don't you think you still have a chance now?"

"Why not?"

I raised my hand again, continuously condensing vitality bullets, and sneered: "Lin Lu, you guides are high above, how can you understand the unyielding will of mankind?"

"Neither fart."

She waved her hand and said with a smile: "Abyss Flame Demon, kill him at the fastest speed."


The Abyssal Flame Demon screamed, and a huge flame punched directly on my face door, dissipating the energy of a white dragon wall, and then hit the front with a knee, turning my whole body into the sky, and immediately A flying kick in the air suddenly rolled out of my body against the ground. When my eyes were swept across, the vitality bullet in the air was already huge, covering half of the sky, a azure blue.

"You only have this ability?"

The Abyssal Flame Demon stepped forward and stepped on my forehead, making a smashing gesture, but with a "gudong" sound, a bottle of full-level life potion was poured down, and the whole server was the first person, although it was singled out. But you are a strengthened return to the market-level boss, but he wants to kill me, who drink unlimited blood bottles, it seems that it is not so easy.

"Fuck off!"

Seeing that the Abyssal Flame Demon couldn't crush his head, he kicked and spit out a saliva at me: "Bah, rubbish!"


Lin Lu held the staff and fell to the ground, seeming to see that I had reached the limit, but I still got up swayingly, holding both hands to gather vitality.

"Still insisting?"

Lin Lu sneered: "You are so stubborn, do you want your sister to fall in love with you? Yes, as long as you are willing to join the Star Alliance, I am willing to be your wife!"

"Just you, also worthy?" I smiled lightly.


Lin Lu lowered her head, and finally saw the huge blue ball in the sky from the reflection of the deep spit of the Abyssal Flame Demon, and her pupils suddenly shrank sharply: "That's...what's that?"

History ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is always so similar!

I slowly got up and lifted my hands. It was only a little bit before I could finish the condensation of the vitality bullet, otherwise I always felt that I was still close to the fire, and I couldn't get rid of the abyssal flame demon in a second.

"Ouyang Luli!"

Lin Lu's expression was no longer graceful. On the contrary, she became a bit sullen and roared: "Why don't you cry so much when you don't see the coffin? What good is it for you to destroy our Star Alliance again and again?"


I continue to gather defense skills such as the white dragon wall and the shape of the mountain, and smiled: "No more mermaid, I only have this little pursuit. If you can't let me die by the Star Alliance, I will die willingly, right? Fuck you Damn Star Alliance, if you want to die, you die first!"

"court death!"

Lin Lu roared, but she didn't seem to have the "hands-on" on this map, and she still let the Abyssal Flame Demon attack.

As a result, I flew everywhere in the 99th floor of the abyss, my bones were broken, and my flesh and blood were blurred, but every time I was able to regenerate in place with the sound of the "gudong" of the 10th-level life potion that restores 55 qi and blood. Continue to gather vitality bombs.

Two minutes later, when I looked up, the vitality bomb had reached the size of a small 98-story map. If an offensive was launched, it could completely cover the entire 99th floor, and there was no room for evasion. As for my master, I am in harmony with the vitality bomb. Without any harm, the Abyssal Balrog is about to suffer.


With a sudden wave of one hand, the whole vitality bomb blasted into the 99th floor map.


Lin Lu sneered, took a step back, her body turned into data into the rock wall, and fled.

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