Zhan Yue

Chapter 1412: Shanhaixianlu

"What a good baby?"

I came here in one swoop.

A Fei opened his hand, holding a small golden bottle in his hand, and said with a smile: "Just see for yourself!"

I took it all in my head, and clicked on one of the attributes, and couldn't help being stunned.

Shanhaixianlu: The holy water bred by the spirit of the mountain and sea. After use, the durability of the whole body equipment can be increased to 100

The other is a light golden bottle.

Mountain water fairy dew: holy water bred by the spirit of mountains and water, after use, the durability of the whole body equipment can be increased by 50

"Niu × no?"

A Fei rubbed his hands and said with a smile: "Tell you, this may be the only one on the market. With these treasures, you don't have to look back when you go into the abyss. Just brush infinitely near the bottom."

"Where did it come from?"

I was at a loss: "A good thing is a good thing, but it must be quite expensive, right?"

"It's okay."

A Fei scratched his head and said, "I have an old customer with seals and inscriptions. Just two days ago, he explored with his friend a map called the Forbidden Land Devil's Lair. After dropping, there is a chance to explode this kind of mountain and sea fairy dew, the little boss refreshes every 6 hours, these people squat on the fairy grass in place, and gather so much together. When I show me the illustrated book, I took it in one fell swoop! "

"The price is not low, right?" I asked with a smile.

"It's okay."

A Fei looked calm and breezy: "I promised to seal him 100 pieces of level 10 inscription equipment. The cost is a little bit, but it is definitely worth it to exchange for these fairy dew, especially the mountain and sea fairy dew. You can get close to the equipment. Use it when it's all broken, and it will instantly rejuvenate. This feeling is definitely not said. The effect is not good, but your return to the market level equipment is always durable, and it is actually quite easy to use."

"Well, thanks!"

I put away these mountain sea celestial dew and mountain daffodil dew, and said: "It is indeed a great help!"

A Fei said: "How many layers do you plan to mix?"

"Level 355 monster level, go as deep as you can."


He gave a thumbs up: "As expected to be my good brother to August Weiyang, July Liuhuo!"

I rolled my eyes: "I'm more famous than your August Weiyang..."

"Fuck you uncle, I can't pretend that I've done something amazing?"

"All right, August is not young, the name moves the world, Niu X!" I gave a thumbs up.

"It's pretty much the same."

He akimbo his hips, looking like Laozi is No. 1 in the world, Nan Mu Keyi pinched his nose without seeing it, and smiled: "Boss, I have shipped a little more of my level 10 life potion, do you want it?"

"No more, you use it yourself, or sell it, and I will look for you when I am out of stock."


At this time, players have been continuously teleporting from the teleportation array in the city to the Beiyue realm. Just at the foot of the Beiyue Luming Mountain, the empire has set up a new teleportation array, from there to the abyss in the open forest sea. It was only ten minutes away, very close, so he repaired his equipment first, and then sent it directly.

Luming Mountain.

Hunting and hunting in the cold wind, the pale golden Yuanjiao cloak that was blowing behind me flew gently. The moment I appeared outside the teleportation formation, the veteran Guan Yang clasped his fists on the top of the mountain and smiled, and then I smiled in his direction. Turn around and head to the abyss.

Along the way, there are all players in the national server.

This abyss map is a gift to national server players. It is definitely the top map at this stage, and may even be the top map in the future. Because it is too comprehensive, a large map contains 99 small maps, so national server players meet the conditions. Almost all of them are here. This map is really too big. The abyss has a radius of hundreds of miles and has a total of 99 floors. How many people can accommodate it. It is estimated that even the eternal secrets of other leveling maps in the national service will be empty within this week.

The road is full of players in teams, with a small number of at least 510 people, and a large number of hundreds of people. A team is clustered together, and Lin Xi also took Shen Mingxuan, Gu Ruyi, Calories, and Gu Xiaoman to form a team. There are only five members in the female heaven group, and the efficiency of leveling is maximized. It shouldn't be a problem to have Lin Xi sitting in front of it. You can brush up before the 45th floor, and it's hard to say afterwards.

I didn't fly over with the wind, I just walked on foot, accompany Lin Xi and the others.

Ten minutes later, the abyss arrived.

You can’t feel the vastness of this map until you reach the abyss. When you come to the abyss, one step forward is nothingness, as if you are standing on the edge of a cliff. In front of you, wisps of lightning are attracted by the abyss and fall into it. It is very spectacular, standing in front of you, you can't see the flat ground on the opposite side at all, it's too far.


A golden boundary wall is looming around the abyss, and the time has not yet arrived, so the map is currently sealed, but I can go straight to the sky, and when I get down, I can go directly into the sky. The problem is not big, but it will inevitably lead to public anger. What can you advanced in July? So, even if I was one of the triggers of this map, I still waited for the map to open.

Not far away, there were people with a deer, as well as people from Fenglinhuoshan, Wuji and other guilds. All of them were excited and eager to try. But looking at me and Lin Xi, many guild players had them in their eyes. Dread, our lineup here is really terrifying, and the ranking of the abyss version, they must not be able to compete, so many people definitely want to wait for the top group of people to go into the abyss after they enter the abyss. Up.

"I found a problem."

Gu Ruyi held Gu Yu's scepter and said with a smile: "Our whole team... seems to be the harem of Emperor Liuhuo!"

Although everyone hid the titles such as queen and noble concubine one after another, they tacitly took the benefits every day.

Lin Xi chuckles: "Well, it seems to be."

I touched my nose: "Just to get the salary, don't think about it. Our law only supports monogamy."

"You are so beautiful."

The corner of Kamei's mouth raised: "Could it be that we are going to post it upside down as a concubine!"


Gu Xiaoman stood up Su Feng, pursed his lips and smiled: "I have to express a little more anyway."

"Say a fart..." I said.

"A vulgar person..." Kamei smiled.

Lin Xi rode on the white deer, too lazy to say anything to them, just looked at the abyss, and said: "The first floor is right in front of our eyes, it's very wide, so I just jump right down?"

"If there is no entrance, you should just jump straight down."

I also looked around: "But don't use too much force. If you jump out of the edge, you'll fall to death. It's best to climb down the edge."


Soon after, at 12 o'clock in the evening, the mission started!


System announcement: The abyss has been opened, good luck to the brave!

At this moment, there was a roar of war drums in the distance. It was the army of the alien demon territory that entered the open forest sea. Sure enough, there was no plan to let the people brush this map well. The alien demon army came. When I opened it When the ten-pointed fire wheel was opened to look far away, a large number of alien demons had already appeared in the northern part of the open forest.

Fortunately, we have already been prepared.

"Zhang Lingyue."

The direct heartfelt call for the leader of the Flowing Fire Corps.

"Subordinates are here!"

Although Zhang Lingyue is the head of the three men, he still regards himself as one of my direct subordinates. It seems that he has been like this for his entire life, even no matter how high he climbs.

"According to my order, the Flowing Fire Legion, the Templar Knights, the Blazing Legion, the Council Army, and the Flame God Legion will all go out to fight against the alien army and keep them out of the abyss."

"Yes, subordinates obey!"

It is not just them, but also the players. The players on the abyss ground will also intervene in this battle to guard the abyss, and I look back to the south and say in my heart: "Wind?"


"Yeah." I nodded: "I will go down to the abyss in a while, and the above matters will be left to Fengxiang. In short, we must guard the abyss. As for the sword, we still use the landscape to crush the alien demon army. It depends on Feng Xiang's choice."

"Got it."

The wind does not hear the elegant smile: "I follow my orders."

It's a bit like Xiyue Mountain Monarch and Liuhuo Great Emperor are talking.

So, I jumped up and stepped into the abyss, but at the moment my body was suspended in the air, I felt a strong suction from the abyss, and the power of the immortal realm that could travel against the wind instantly disappeared. The whole person was instantly pulled to the top of the floor by a suction force, and at the same time a ringtone came from my ear~www.wuxiaspot.com~drops! "

System reminder: Please note that flying skills are forbidden on this map, and you can only enter the next level from the entrance of the previous level!

Can't fly!

I knew it clearly, I could only walk by layer by layer, so I floated and then took a step back, disappeared from the group of abyss armored men in front of me, turned on the skill in white clothes, and then opened the map. The map on the first floor is very large, and there is no display to go. The entrance of the next floor is estimated to be looking for, and the level 281 monsters on the first floor are completely despised by me, so look for it, go directly to the 75th floor and go to the place where I should go to level up!


In the air, a number of figures fell onto the ring of the abyss. Some landed with their feet, some landed with their buttocks, and some landed with their faces, and some even rushed down on the ground, taking the parabola. Falling, unexpectedly surpassed the edge of the ring road, and straight down into the depths of the abyss, his voice came from the wind: "Fuck the trough...I'm going to fuck!!!"

I carried my double-edged blades at full speed, and flew like electricity on the ground. The small map in front of me kept flashing. The red dots were monsters and the green dots were players. About two minutes after I rushed out, Someone shouted in front: "Someone found the entrance to the second floor over there!"

When I scanned my eyes, there was a small black dot on the minimap, which was the entrance. It flew by in the invisible state. I saw that it was a dark hole with a staircase down below, so I took a leap. Skimmed down, passed the long stairs, and became the first players to enter the second-level map. After that, they did not hesitate to continue galloping on the second-level ring road, looking for the next entrance!

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