Zhan Yue

Chapter 1281: Old enemy visiting

"True Young Lord!"

I stood quietly on the head of the city, holding my fists and saluting.

He turned to look at me, his eyes fell on the flashing Xiaoyao King badge, and he couldn't help smiling: "July Liuhuo, is the king sealed?"

"Yes it is."

I know very well the timing of Guan Yang’s death and martyrdom, so Weiwei explained: “After the old man’s martyrdom, His Majesty was also seriously injured and fell into a state of exhaustion. He wanted me and Fengxiang to assist the new emperor. Xuanyuanli, so the emperor named me a Xiaoyao King, but during a recent war, the army of the Xuanyuan Empire southward encountered the main force of the alien demon army, and was defeated for a while, and the raining public Mu Tiancheng died, and the wind phase was pressed on the Wenqiu Mountain. , And this time I curtailed your soul, grandpa, just to enchant you as the righteous **** of the empire Beiyue. I don’t know what is going on with the grandpa’s will?"

"Emperor Feng Beiyue?"


He looked awe-inspiring: "When the empire is in distress, this Beiyue Zhengshen can be regarded as the gateway to the north of the empire? Who is the enemy?"

"Alien Demon Legion."

"Got it."

The old man sighed faintly: "In this case, Guan Yang, with a broken body, is willing to serve the empire again. In July, the fire will flow, and the rain will cover him..."

"The Lord Fuyu sealed Nanyue, echoing the old man from north to south, and guarding the portal of my human race together."

"So good."

I nodded and smiled: "In this case, Uncle Lin, take the soul of the Grand Duke together, and Duke Fu Yu also has a companion."


Lin Fengnian swept his sleeves and put Guan Yang's soul into his sleeves without any suspense. I could faintly hear Mu Tiancheng's voice coming from his sleeves: "Oh, Master Guan Yang, long time no see That's it!"

The two recounted the past, I would not listen. I just handed over to Lin Fengnian, and smiled: "The souls of the two princes have also been taken care of by Master Lin. I will be fine for the time being. I will wait until the imperial emperor appoints Nan Bei Shanjun. At that time, I would naturally come to Master Lin."

"Well, go!"

Lin Fengnian took the lead to leave.

I stood on the wall of the Dragon Region and looked up at the snow and countless stars beyond the heavy snow. The sky above was already riddled with holes. The blood-remaining dragon overlooked the world, and the claws and tail of the dragon were constantly on the sky. New breaches were made in the top pats, while Star Eye was diligent in repairing. Numerous spiritual energy on the earth lifted off one by one, happily repairing those damaged places.


After everything is done, you can go to Haidilao with everyone.


When I took off the helmet, Lin Xi, Shen Mingxuan, and Gu Ruyi had been dressed beautifully and waited for a long time. When I got up, Lin Xi stepped forward to help me straighten the collar, and said with a smile: "Although I said It’s a night owl going out, but it’s still necessary to be dressed neatly, or how can you pick up your sister when you go out?"

My mind trembled: "I already have you, do you think I can still see other girls?"


The corners of her mouth were raised slightly, while Shen Mingxuan and Gu Ruyi held their foreheads aside, not wanting to care about the two of us.

When I went downstairs, I still drove the car and drove everyone along. I quickly arrived at the square. When I went upstairs, I saw Afei Haidilao waving his hand in front of Haidilao Gate: "Here, here~~~ I have already ordered the food, you guys have come even better."

I led Lin Xi to the door. A Fei nodded and bowed like a waiter. He watched Shen Mingxuan pass by and said, "Ah, Miss Shen's skirt is a little short, so wonderful!"

Shen Mingxuan looked disgusted.

Then when Gu Ruyi walked by, A Fei tilted his head to look at her long legs, and said, "Ruyi's legs are long, long, straight and white. It would be nice if the skirt could be as short as Shen Mingxuan. "

Gu Ruyi walked a few steps quickly, pulling my sleeve with a cry for help.

"Converge a little bit, lewd-thief..."

I glanced at A Fei and said, "Go, go to dinner, which table? Lead the way!"


At present, A Fei’s attitude has always been very good, even better than Haidilao’s waiters. When leading the way, he did not forget to ask for warmth. He escorted Shen Mingxuan and Gu Ruyi all the way to our table. After sitting down, he leaned by Gu Ruyi’s side. He smiled and said: "Ruyi Ruyi, I heard that a rich second generation from Hangzhou is chasing you in the guild recently?"

Gu Ruyi blushed pretty: "What do you think?"

"Then I will definitely chase it!"

A Fei patted his thigh: "Who is our wish, the top three big beauties in the national clothes, with straight faces and long legs..."

He glanced at the towering chest of Ruyi, swallowed, and said: "Anyway, he has a good figure and a beautiful face, plus a good temper. Whoever doesn't like you is a hell, but the rich second generation I think you should think about it again. Now, don't agree to that kid lightly. That kid is usually sloppy. He is a good pick-up girl. If you agree to him, you will really jump into the mud pit and the orb will be dusted. There is really no need for that."

The corners of Gu Ruyi's mouth raised lightly, without speaking.

Lin Xi glanced at A Fei: "Jah Fei, the person who is not necessary is you. Whoever Ruyi associates with, Shen Mingxuan and I will naturally check her out. As for you... I don't have any peace of mind at all, save it."

"Brother sister, you are too wronged."

A Fei looked aggrieved: "I just treat Ruyi as my sister. I really don't have that layer of thought. Even if I have it, I must be regarded by Ruyi..."

Ruyi nodded: "Well, you are too carefree, I really don't like it."

A Fei held his chest: "This sword is enough to make the passionate man pierce his heart~~~"

I didn't even look at him, just lightly placed my hand on the slender snow legs under Lin Xi's short skirt. As a result, Lin Xi blushed pretty and slapped it off with a slap, and whispered, "So many people, pay attention. point!"


I was sitting in distress, feeling that what my wife was saying was extremely true.


After a while, the dishes are served and the night nutrition is started.

After Lin Xi put a piece of luncheon meat for me, he asked, "The people in Yinfu seem to say that you disappeared from Venqiu Mountain, so what are you doing? It always feels... you seem to have some plans, don't you?"


I nodded: "It's necessary. The whole national service background story before me looks absolutely wasteful. It won't work if I don't integrate it properly. The next time I fight again, I won't be able to fight. I have passed the printing service, and the layout of the alien demon army has become more and more obvious. It is for our national service. If we don't have a corresponding strategy, most of the country will be destroyed."

"Is it really going to destroy the country?"

A Fei frowned and said, "Is this game so awesome? The player was wiped out by the monster army?"


I nodded: "When Magic Moon was launched, there was a slogan that was infinite possibilities. Players are just a part of the game plot. If you really keep holding the attitude of'I am a player, the whole system serves me' , You may be the first to destroy the alien army. The performance before the national service is too strong. The two evildoers of the shadow of death Lin Hai and Fan Yi must have seen us unhappy for a long time. The layout of the alien army is so simple. Far across the East China Sea, a main force came straight behind, and then separated the relationship between the human kingdoms, and finally moved north and south, eating up the territory of the entire Xuanyuan Empire in one go."

Lin Xixiu frowned: "According to the current situation, this possibility is very high. The battlefield dominance shown by Lin Hai and Fan Yi is really too strong. Even if the national service is not destroyed, it is estimated that the Bahuang City and Fanshu City It can't be defended either. In the end, the only ones that can be defended are the Northern Wilderness and Northern Liang provinces that are closer to the Dragon Region. Other provinces will be cool."

"Fan Book City will also be captured?"

A Fei was shocked: "Fuck me, the big temple is also cold, where will I sit to serve the people in the future?"

"Have a sense of crisis?"

I laughed and said, "You just have to engrave the inscription, and to improve the attributes for the national server players, it can be considered as a contribution to the next war."

"Well, business!"


Lin Xi looked at me and smiled and asked, "Why don't you go through the robbery for the second time? Isn't it enough to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger on Venqiu Mountain?"

"Enough is enough, I will go to cross the robbery early tomorrow morning!"

I said solemnly: "By the way, Lin Xi, you can help me take care of the tribulation gem matter. My set of 200-level equipment soars to 240-level and requires a lot of tribulation gems.

"As much as I want, I still have a lot of it."

I calculated a little: "It takes 52 yuan in total, and I have 19 yuan. How much can you have?"

"Then don't worry about it."

She chuckled and said, "I have saved more than 100 yuan in these three months, and I will bring it to you tomorrow morning."


I shaved a large tuft of snowflake beef, and then rolled it up with public chopsticks, and delivered it all to Lin Xi's material dish, and said with a smile: "Lin Xi, you really have lost a lot of weight, eat more, and quickly grow the meat back. "


Lin Xi did not dislike my slightly rough craftsmanship, so she ate it with such small bites. She is indeed slightly thinner now, and she looks better when she was three months ago. The peak appearance suppresses all the female players in the entire national server. There is no suspense.

A Fei looked at us with a slight sorrow in his heart, and said pitifully: "Ruyi~www.wuxiaspot.com~ or I will also scald some dishes for you, I really have enough dog food here."

Ruyi shook his head: "No, I can blanch food myself, please take away the chopsticks, thank you."

This straight daughter made A Fei sad.


Eat and drink, go home and sleep.

The moonlight is like water, and cicadas scream.

Lying on the bed, I can clearly feel that my body’s need for “sleep” is not so strong anymore. I have not slept all day and night, and I didn’t feel sleepy. On the contrary, when I was lying on the bed, my body was so The power of the divine realm is flowing like a trickle, still like the previous practice of Yang Yanjin. After running the power of the whole body for a while, I feel that everything around it has slowed down, the perception power has increased sharply, and the surrounding objects are placed. , The cicadas cried outside, and even that cicada made the most fierce noise on the tree at the moment, they could actually sense one by one.

Suddenly, at a certain moment, there seemed to be a burst of abnormal energy outside, and then it condensed into a figure, just hovering in the air outside the window.

Lian Yin!

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