Zhan Yue

Chapter 1251: Integration degree 84%

After that, every day was nothing more than sitting in the sky, returning to the human world to practice the level, or receiving the petition rewards accumulated for many days in the Flowing Fire Corps. The days were extremely moist, and the level was also rising. Almost ascending to level 228, and still leading the national server rankings. As for Star Alliance and Fenglian, basically there is no major action. Above the sky, the blood-retaining dragon tries to break through the sky about twice a day, but all They were all beaten back by Zhen Longjing, and there was no much suspense.

  One day, online time period.


  A message from Wang Lu from Kda Base: "Lu Li, all the drone equipment on our side has been received, so we plan to conduct a weeding operation. You can arrange time for it."

  "What specific action and when?" I asked.

  "Are our calls safe?" she asked.

  I snapped my fingers immediately: "Star Eye, the call is encrypted."

  A few seconds later, Stareye replied: "Encryption is successful."

"All right."

  I looked at Wang Lu in the dialog box, and said, “Did we get any noise here?”


Wang Lu nodded and smiled: "We have been sending people to make public and unannounced visits these days, and finally found some clues. We have determined the address of a factory with a high probability of being a Transcendent Plan from Pingwang. Boss Tie ordered not to say anything and wait for you. Let’s act together when they are in the past, and let them be served in a pot in the past!"

   "Plain, it's a little far away." I killed the monsters and smiled and said, "Okay, when is it time to confirm?"

   "Tomorrow at eight o'clock in the evening, you will arrive at the base before seven o'clock, otherwise the time may be too late."

   "I see, let everyone be careful, after all, the Transcendent Project organization now has Level 3 predators, which is very deadly."

   "Well, everyone will try to protect themselves first."


"what's happenin?"

  Lin Xi shook back a level 232 mountain and sea level monster, and asked with a smile: "What happened to Kda?"


  I nodded: "But time is not in a hurry, it will not affect us, continue leveling!"

  "Don’t hold the red deer rushing into the city, anyway, there should be no pk today. I will use it all for a while. Ruyi and Mingxuan are all rushing to level 220. I really need these 20 red deer rushing into the city."


Soon after, under the shadow of the transformation, I yelled, stepped on the flying sword, and was full of detached sword intent. The golden figure of countless fierce horses and stags surging in the woods, killing and injuring the dense monsters in front of me on a large scale. , For a time, the experience value white light flocked to everyone, and the experience bar soared. There is nothing in the world better than the red deer rushing through the city to level up.

  Just practice until ten o'clock.


  Suddenly one, from Wang Lu: "Come to the base, hurry!"

  It’s also a voice message. No video popped up this time. I immediately retreated with the double-edged blade subconsciously, and quickly said: "Lin Xi, something happened to the base. I'll go over and you continue!"

"be careful!"

"rest assured!"

  Directly to the original underground line, I rose into the air the moment I took off my helmet, and Zhou Yang confided in a deep voice, "Star Eye, something happened to the base, send me over, fast!"

With a "swish", the picture of the KDA base has appeared on the watch. Several saboteurs are covered in flames, have smashed through the KDA's shield door, and drove straight in. In addition, many executors also followed furiously. , Quite a bit of a fox and tiger's might, the next second, a shuttle energy halo appeared under his feet, and his body suddenly rose to the sky. The next second he stepped out of the shuttle space and he appeared next to Wang Lu.

"Concentrated fire!"

Not far away, Tie Hanyi and Yu Yi led a group of combatants with guns, and they shot straight at the executors and saboteurs rushing forward. The bullets were dense, and the entire Kda base had been reduced to a battlefield before the opponent approached. , Use weapons as much as possible to cause harm to them. This is the admonishment of the KDA base. Even though everyone is a cultivator, there is no reason to lose money in the battle. Kda is equipped with the most advanced light weapons in China, so it’s wasted if you don’t use it.

   "Lu Li, join the battle!" Tie Hanyi shouted.


I slid in one step and took out a single-handgun from the weapon library embedded in the wall. The magazine was filled with special bullets, which could cause certain damage to the executors and saboteurs, so I took one step. Earlier, he fought side by side with Wang Lu, firing continuously "bang-bang-bang", exploding the heads of two executors, and at the same time piercing the arm of a saboteur, but the form of the headset is a second-level form after all. , The injured saboteur let out a fierce roar, leaped forward, breaking the wind with his fist, and hitting it like this.

   "Looking for death?"

I smiled slightly, and my figure suddenly rotated. I opened my left hand and pulled out the saber Xiaobai from the void. The blade passed by, and the golden power of Yangyan Peak + the power of mountains and seas converged into a shining golden sword energy." With a sneer, the saboteur was divided into two, and his death was quite ugly, with internal organs and brain-pulp scattered all over the place.

Everyone was not affected at all. Tie Hanyi, Wang Lu, Yu Yi and other kda members, as well as dozens of kda fighters, just stood in place and kept shooting opponents, especially those with the first-level form of execution. It was like being sent to death. He was shot in the middle of the run and was riddled with holes, his body froze, and when he fell, he was already shattered.

I changed hands directly. This time I switched to shooting with my left hand and holding the sword with my right hand. I was ready to go into another battle at any time. After all, I had too much contact with the extraordinary organization under the Star Alliance. This group of people never fight unprepared battles. Today Since it is here, it is impossible to just send a group of executors and saboteurs to die. Their real purpose is nothing more than that I can come, and then set up a situation to kill me. After all, for the Star Alliance, the real threat to the Star Alliance is probably only at present. Me.

   "Star Eye."

  While shooting, I turned to my watch and said, "Take over the defense system of the base. I want to know the location of the predators, hurry up."

   "Yes, Skywalker!"

At the next moment, all the computers in the base were taken over by the stareye, which was a breeze. On the holographic imaging platform next to it, a series of clearly marked target positions and movements appeared. Among them, the executor was marked as an "s-level target" and destroyed. Those who are "ss-level targets", the strongest predators currently appearing are marked as "sss-level targets", and the targets are red.

  In the space structure on the upper level of the base, three big blood-red dots are moving fast, all marking sss-level targets, and the predators are here!

   "Be careful!"

With a chill in my heart, I subconsciously threw away the short spear, swept across with a palm, Yang Yanjin confided, pushing Wang Lu, Yu Yi and others back nearly ten meters, and in the next moment, the ceiling burst instantly. Then a figure rolled to the ground, wearing the uniform of a KDA staff member, with his hands open and condensed into sharp claws, looking at me gloomily, and sneered: "Tsk, good perception, it will definitely make up for it if you eat it!"

  Speaking, he bumped into him, very fast!

My body suddenly sank, and the moment I lifted my left hand, as many as the triple sun armor shield was condensed, but under the impact of the opponent, the first double sun armor instantly shattered, and the second began to crack, making me an instant It is understood that the same three-level form, the strength between different predators is also somewhat different, and the one in front of them is definitely stronger than the last two.


When he hit, his body ricketed and began to change into the appearance of a predator, neither human nor ghost, his body continued to rush forward, and he laughed and said: "I am a predator with 84% fusion. Or, do you think it’s still the weak chicken with a degree of fusion not exceeding 50% last time? Let you know that Lao Tzu’s name is Lu Bin, the land’s Lu, Wen Zhibin’s Bin’s Bin!"

I can’t laugh or cry. The predators, saboteurs, and executors created by transcendent organizations are essentially humans. They are just the product of human mutation and strengthening. Therefore, the strength and physique can be completely changed, but the human nature has not changed. People who used to be street gangsters and wine shop regulars, once they have gained extraordinary power, they will naturally float, and they must know who I am, the pinnacle of mankind, and a super rich second-generation, silent What's the point of killing me? If you don't say a few words, it's too much.


The sound of the wind broke, and this predator suddenly smashed my third Double Ninth Flame Armor with a punch. At the same time, his body swiftly, like an iron whip-like tail, pierced through the air. If this blow is really successful, even if it is I am afraid that the peak of Yangyan will be cut directly in the middle. This is definitely not a joke, so I immediately decided, a force of mountains and seas penetrated into the long sword, cut out with a sword, and hit the opponent's tail, unexpectedly produced a line Not a small shock wave.

  When his figure flickered, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com opponent's second killer move, his right fist was wrapped in a dark air current, and he opened it with a fierce tiger digging his heart.

  My figure was suffocated, and I urgently took a second breath, the breath quickly transformed into Yang Yanjin in the body, and my left fist was handed out and collided with the other's punch.


  The power is suppressed!

The body paused, and then he fell and flew out, hitting the wall behind him heavily, but as soon as he flew out, his right hand shot out three swords in succession, the sword qi went straight to the opponent’s vital point, and forced this predator. I can only swing my arms and tail to disperse the sword qi in a hurry. Similarly, I can’t take the opponent’s attack when the Sun Flame Armor is broken, and the other side can’t take my sword qi in a weak position. Be divided into two.


In the ceiling, two big holes were cracked again, and two more predators fell from the sky, and both were wearing the clothes of the KDA base staff. They may have sneaked in early. After landing, the two immediately squatted on the ground, and they grew behind them. Long tail, rickety body, scaly armor and greasy skin appeared on the surface of the body, and the mouth opened like a lizard, just like this, the soldiers came in two directions, one from the left and the other from the right.

  "Kill Ouyang Luli first!"

  One of the predators solemnly said: "Kill him and you're done!"

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