Zhan Yue

Chapter 1247: Holding chicken feathers as an arrow

Holding a treasure mirror, sitting on the sky.

The leader Long Zu was beaten so that he was submerged in the Chaos World. Even if he did not die, he would definitely be hit hard and his cultivation base would be damaged. And this is not necessarily the suppressing effect of the Dragon Scaling Mirror. This treasure mirror was originally The strength is tyrannical. Once I jumped up to the sky, my divine power would be full. Even the guide, as long as it is outside the sky, can be defeated. This is why Shi Bailong let me sit on the sky.

Looking down at the mirror, my heart is full of emotions, am I a mirrored god?


"Land from."

From the outside, Lin Xi's voice came: "Did something happen in the game? Why did it go online so early."

"Well, it's all right."

"Let’s have breakfast offline."


Just above the sky and off the assembly line, breakfast was fried dough sticks, steamed buns and hot spicy soup. It was quite appetizing. After taking a few bites, Lin Xi looked up at me and said, "What about the real dragon's oath?"


I nodded: "In the early hours of the morning, the people of the wind alliance led by the clear breeze under the forest have completed this task. The blood-retaining dragon was resurrected, and the dragon’s energy soared through the sky. And this so-called sky, in fact, I passed the star eye. The firewall set up by the system for the game of Magic Moon has been breached this morning and is continuing to be patched."

Shen Mingxuan frowned slightly: "So, the golden canopy that everyone saw yesterday came from your masterpiece?"

"That's a firewall."


Gu Ruyi pursed her red lips and said, "Lu Li, is the situation very serious?"

"It's okay, the worst hasn't happened yet."

"This is troublesome."

Shen Mingxuan looked at me and said, "The Destiny Group has a strong team that has dominated the world's game industry for more than ten years. It doesn't even have a decent firewall. Do you still need to help them set it up?"


I shook my head and smiled: "The hackers faced by the Tianming Group are not ordinary hackers, but hackers from outside the earth. The previous firewall was just like a paper, and it was easy to enter. The firewall I set up yesterday is already strong enough. , Enough to resist the opponent’s attack in a short period of time, but what I didn’t expect was that the opponent had buried it in the Magic Moon’s main program. This package was the True Dragon Oath mission. Now that the True Dragon Oath mission is completed, the firewall has been breached from the inside. , The other party should be inside and outside, it will be difficult for me to deal with it."

Lin Xi frowned and said, "Can it be completely repaired?"


I solemnly said, "I can only sew and make up to minimize losses."

"Thank you, eat another bun?"

"Okay, thank you Lin Xiaoxi!"

"Slap you politely with me~~~"

"Good wife!"


The other two MMs had a black line. Shen Mingxuan turned to look at Gu Ruyi and said, "Ruyi, I can't stay in this studio anymore. I eat dog food every day and I will die."

Gu Ruyi chuckled, "Just open one eye and close one eye. You look at me as if you can't see it, don't you bother if you don't see it~~"

After I finished eating, I drank the remaining hot spicy soup in one sip, clapped my hands and said, "Okay, I continue to be busy online. Now that I have a strong sense of mission, you can also go online and practice your level."


Put on the game device, read the data, and went online in a blink of an eye. The character still stays on the sky screen. The sky screen is like a golden wall across the entire moon world, and I sit on the golden wall a hundred meters high. Where, you can walk on foot, just as if you were actually stepping on the ground.

After half an hour, no guide appeared, and the blood-retaining real dragon was lying down without much movement.

I was bored and looked up at the sky: "Is there a reward for sitting in the sky?"


System prompt: Receive player complaint!

About ten seconds later, another bell rang--


System reminder: Players [July Flowing Fire] Please note that the application for rewards for sitting in the canopy has been passed. From now on, every hour of sitting in the canopy will be rewarded: this level of experience +5%, merit +400W, dragon domain merit +10W, gold coins +5000, and there is a 25% chance of getting extra rewards after repelling the enemy!


That's it!

I lay on my back on top of the sky, the Dragon Mirror suspended above my chest, and held for a long time, there was already some kind of soul involvement with the treasure mirror, as if it had become a part of the body, even if it was not used. I can also control it with my hand. This is good, and I have released my own strength, and I can face the enemy with two daggers at any time.

After lying down for a long time, a little boring, I sat up and looked down at the world. As a result, I really looked down at the world. The sights, sounds, etc. in front of my eyes became delicate and clear. In the game, everything in the world is clearly visible and sound. The sound is in my ears.

On Fanshucheng Square, A Fei had just finished engraving an inscription equipment. The customer was a tall female swordsman. She was not very good-looking, but she was very durable and her figure was first-rate. So A Fei stared at her back. After a while, he said: "Nanmu doglegs, what do you think of this girl just now? The back looks big and round, so healthy!"

"Fuck off."

Nan Mu Keyi didn't even look at him: "If you like it, go after it, don't take Lao Tzu to be a pervert."

"Lao Tzu, this is aesthetic, it is an art, you know what a fart."

Outside Fanshucheng, in a dense forest of advanced leveling grounds, Qing Deng is dressed in superb equipment, holding a mountain and sea level Changming sword, and behind him is a beautiful woman who sacrifices to the light. He smiled and said, "Xiaoya, we are here today. Practice in the woods, level 220 wild bear, I can kill it easily, you have more experience, I will introduce 4-6 in a while, you can **** me up."

The girl was confused: "Huh? Didn't you say that you should bring Qingshuang and Qinghe to practice together? Why are we two?"

"Hey, the two of them have something to do temporarily. They have gone out. This morning we can only practice with the two of us. The efficiency is definitely beyond your expectations. After all, it is a mountain and sea level weapon training, trust me."

The girl smiled and nodded: "Well, let's practice all morning to see how efficient it is."

"By the way, when will you start school? I didn't know before. So you went to school at Shanghai Jiaotong University. Tsk, high-achieving students, amazing. Schools like Shanghai Jiaotong University can't pass the exam even if you give me a little more brain."

The girl chuckled.

I'm slanderous, and you can't pass the exam if you give you more light and a pig's brain.


In the territory of the Eight Desolate City, there is a canyon leveling ground.

After seven consecutive victories in the dawn of purgatory, a huge stone man crashed down. This is a mountain and sea level boss, directly exploding gold coins on the ground. In addition, it seems that there are several prehistoric-level equipment, and all the charms are drawn on paper. When I picked it up, I was a little disappointed: "There is no mountain and sea level. They are all red and orange equipment. It seems that luck is still average."

The longevity art in charge of fighting monsters has been half-blooded, and while constantly giving himself Holy Light, frowned: "It is strange to say that the total number of players and combat power in the Eight Desolate City are not much worse than that of Fanshu City, but the mountains and seas of the players in the two cities Level and Guixu level equipment is completely disproportionate. There are many more people. Is it really that Fanshucheng is the capital city, gathering the luck of a country?"

"Not so mysterious, right?"

Purgatory Shuguang laughed and said: "It's just that Lin Xi and Lu Li have shipped too many goods, especially Lu Li, who is covered in golden equipment, and has high combat power and charm. The chances with NPC are also first-class, a virtuous circle, he It's normal to produce the best equipment over there."

"I heard that Fenglian has completed the mission of the True Dragon Oath, which has triggered a series of changes on the sky."

Xue Jing frowned and said, "There seems to be a battle between Fenglian and Yilu!"

"not necessarily."

The Dawn of Purgatory looked up at the sky, and said, "Things are far from simple. The appearance of the sky and the gleaming light on the sky are mostly due to a fight with gods. People from Fenglinshan Mountain said that Lu Li flew directly. I went up to the sky curtain, I don't know what I'm doing, and then there is a fairy voice on the sky curtain, and I don't know whether it is true or false."

Longevity Jue frowned: "It seems that the peak strength of our myth has really been greatly reduced by Yilu and Fenglian."

"Not necessarily."

The Dawn of Purgatory carried the bow, and smiled: "Practice your level well. I don't want the ones that are gone. Focusing on the moment, we can do as much as the myth can do."



Dragon Claw Mountain.

A large group of people from Fenglin Mountain did not leave immediately after completing the True Dragon Oath mission, but stayed on the top of the mountain, eating the rich experience and merit points on the top of the mountain, even Feng Canghai, Martian River and others It's all here too.

"How is the situation under the forest?" Martian River asked.

"Just over the phone, I have been rescued in the hospital."

Feng Canghai frowned and said in a low voice: "The whole body has a comminuted bone fracture, and the spine is almost crushed."

"Who moved the hand?"

Martian River is a wise man: "Couldn't it be... really Lu Li, right?"

Feng Canghai didn't say a word, but just smiled.

Not far away, Shan Bulao looked at the canopy, frowning and said: "He just sat on the canopy in July?"


Lin Songyan held the fire dragon shield in his hand, and said in a deep voice, "It seems that the true blood-retaining dragon wants to be truly enriched and full of flesh and blood, and become a true dragon living in the world. It's a bit difficult for UU to read www.uukanshu.com. , Boss Feng, do you know the inside story?"

"a little bit."

Feng Canghai said: "When I had a dialogue with the true blood of the dragon, I learned that because it is a true dragon, once it is born, it will start in the ascension state, but the true dragon needs to ascend once when it descends. The so-called ascension is to break through the sky. Going to the sky, but now that Lu Li sits in the sky, he will definitely not let the blood-remaining dragon break through the sky as he wishes. Every time the blood-remaining dragon tries to break through the sky, he will be severely injured and it takes a long time to warm up. Physical and physical."


A young knight frowned and said, "Isn't his current behavior in July Liuhuo public revenge? He said that he was sitting in the sky, because he was afraid that our **** dragon would rise successfully and help Fenglin Volcano to fight back against Yilu."


Another female marksman also carried the bow and said coldly: "Holding chicken feathers as an arrow, did we Fenglian give him the face of July?"


Looking down on the world, I can’t help but laugh, come, come, your uncle Liu Huo in July will come to give you a little face!

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